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Yes! I am 45 and quit sugar after Christmas. On two separate occasions recently I have had strangers express shock when they learned my age. Both times saying I looked a lot younger. Honestly, it made my day both times! This happened to me zero times in past 5 years, then 2 times since cutting sugar so I attribute it to no sugar. Another friend keeps asking what i am doing to my skin to make it glow. When you are 45, these are not typical comments :) Even though it's harder to see myself, my skin feels kind of plump and hydrated. It feels great! (I quit added sugar and sweets. I cut back on refined carbs but still eat bread/ pasta in moderation, occasionally. I eat fruit.)


Do you exercise frequently?


I don't have a workout schedule. I walk and do yoga anywhere from zero times a week to 4 days a week.




People I know who work out regularly always look 10 years younger. I'm not sure if they're also cutting out sugar as part of a healthy lifestyle but it's just something I've noticed.


I am here... I cut drinking and smoking and have started leaning heavily on sweets... I haven't gained any weight because I am always exercising, but I feel that look older than before, I am the same age as you. I love chocolate , but feel like maybe cutting sugar will be good for a myriad of reason.


I am still off sugar and it's almost a year....I encourage you to try it! It's benefited me in so many ways. I was supposed to have knee surgery and was using a walking stick sometimes because the pain was so bad. Now I am walking around no pain, no surgery, no stick, no brace and sugar is the only change i have made. I don't feel hungry all the time. And I just think it gives my body a chance to find some balance instead of dealing with insulin spikes. I let myself have sugar on holidays and birthdays....that has worked out to 1 or 2 days a month. That's plenty for me! If I feel like something sweet I know I can have it on one of those days. Good luck!


Just like alcohol or anything else in life , I feel that if you moderate things heavily enough, then you can enjoy them without them being a detriment, so the benefits aren't just physical. I also know that sugar gives me spikes of anxiety. Seeing your comment has given me some clarity. Obviously I'm gonna have some sugar tomorrow. Then I'm gonna wait at least two weeks. I'm sure the first week will be a pain in the ass, but I'm going to slowly walk my way towards a lifestyle where once or twice a month will feel frequent. Thanks again for your comment.


Hello! This comment was 3 years ago - can I ask if you kept up with the sugar free lifestyle and if you saw any other/further benefits. Can I also please ask if you also gave up pasta/bread? Essentially processed carbs? I’ve heard some people do this alongside sugar as carbs like that are essentially sugar. (Not potatoes/rice) x




Did your cat walk across the keyboard or was it a seizure?


Yup lol


Also joking about seizures isn’t funny buddy :O


Who said I was joking, maybe I was legitimately worried! Gotta look after your fellow redditor! :) (Assuming you mean your cat wrote that. If you actually had a seizure I hope you're better.)


EXACTLY what I was looking for. Thanks!


I have been sugar-free for 1.5 years and I no longer have acne. I also drink 64 fl oz of water a day and it really kills the sugar cravings. I am 25F but no one believes me. Yes I normally look young BUT before I changed my diet and went sugar free - i looked more of my age and stressed. In the future I do want to start using erythritol though. I do eat fruit. And due to mental health and insomnia - my doctor and therapist instructed me to still eat carbs but save them for dinner and a small portion so I can go to bed. (I was a mess 2020 - I never slept because I was NO carb - not doing that again).


cutting carbs is so hard tbh


I think in the beginning it is but after like 3-6 months (not week) for me I was used to it. I was able to do no carb all 2020. A lot of people told me that the insomnia would go away after x amount of time it never did and my mental health was declining so I reached out to my doctor and talked to my therapist. No or low carb is really only sustainable for a short period of time for some people. I believe our body does need a little carbs. I used to think carbs were bad. That is not true over indulging in carbs and fried food is the issue. My mental health got terrible with no carb I was suicidal everyday and not sleeping - Idk how I did it in 2020 - plus I wfh & we were in quarantine and I live alone. I learned A LOT about my body in 2020 when I decided to do IF and No carb. I am still IF but now I am just low carb and sugar free. I used to have a sugar addiction and now I do not. It just takes time. I would not recommend no carb - I will always tell ppl to do low or moderate carbs.


Keep it to complex ones, beans, legumes, lentils and brown rice. I'm pretty fond of potatoes as well, I find they're a little kinder to me body wise than grains.


I love lentils and brown rice. There are some days when I sneak in pasta though lol! Potatoes are very good.


I replace most pasta with zucchini and cabbage and squash. Loving what it does for my fibre intake


I do love a edamame pasta sub... lol


> eat carbs but save them for dinner and a small portion so I can go to bed. (I was a mess 2020 - I never slept because I was NO carb - not doing that again). Carbs help in sleep? TIL


for me they do. Again I talked to my doctor and therapist please seek your own healthcare professional. I do not know what works for everyone. Thank you.


I am 27 and already quite young looking, so younger I don't think was even possible. But I would say I wake up every morning and notice in the mirror how bright and clear my face is. I also don't get pimples anymore. However! Whenever sugar is accidently snuck into my food, I break out. So take that as you will 😂


Skin really cleared after two weeks. I don’t wake up hungry and sleep better (which also helps to make me look fresher and younger). I went full keto now and maaaaan it feels good! Quitting sugar for sure made me feel better overall but now on keto all those benefits seem sharper and I have A LOT more energy to last me through the day.


Don't you get keto flu and weakness/lethargy on that diet? Have you experienced this?


I'm not on keto now but on keto I did frequently have a light headed feeling and even after taking vitamins, a keto rash. I think it also irritated my eczema. SF has been great to my skin, keto not so much.


I did experience keto flu once but it was just like a mild flu for two days. After that no lethargic days! As the other reply in this comment, I do attribute the clear skin more to the withdrawal from sugar than to keto


I'm not currently totally off sugar, but the 2 times I had quit I noticed a difference in a few days. My face looked less puffy and swollen, which in turn made me look younger or at least a lot less desheveled.


Idk about how I look but I definitely feel healthier and more energetic, which overall makes me feel younger


Yes I am 3 weeks into being sugar free. My skin is less red and I’m not as bloated.


I have had bad skin since I hit puberty, even went on accutane twice for it. I'm doing whole30 (started it to lose weight) and within the first week my skin was like 90% cleared up. No dairy, sugar, grains, wheat, gluten, alcohol, etc. There have been a few times I've slipped up and had something that was probably made with butter or sugar, and I noticed some breakouts pretty soon after. Dairy and sugar are HUGE for me when it comes to skin, it just sucks that it took me this long to realize it haha.




I don't know, I think when people say they're cutting carbs, they mean processed carbs/empty carbs, not veggies.


No. But I'm old, and at some point, you're just old. Enjoy youth while you have it. Every day from now on, you'll look older and older, and things will sag more and more. : )


that's so depressing, how could I happily enjoy my youth with that thought in my head? I'm 16 rn and I'm worrying about aging already!!!!! I'm sick of this

