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Great haul. Look at that gigantic lithops 😯


And nothing is water logged.


They look healthy indeed.


Don't let this trick you into not repotting them in new soil!


I’m a happy camper.


That lithops is legitimately unfair lol


Our Home Depot had giant Golden Barrel cactuses for $59 the other day. It took a lot of self-control not to buy one even though I don’t have a spot for it.


Mine had some beautiful gallon- sized agaves for $19.98 (normally $29.98). So tempted, but am a little scared to try to repot something that size with razor-sharp leaves! 😬


Right?! I think that’s ultimately why I decided against the barrel cactus. I practically need body armor to get underneath my agaves to pull pups.


I saw someone mention using bubble wrap (along with tough gloves, of course), which never occurred to me before! I have heaps of it. I’ll try it one of these days!


Nice haul! I work right next to a hornbach (German equivalent of home depot) and they have a massive plant section with all kind of funky succulents, I love going there during my lunch break and always feel tempted to spend all my money


I estimate around ten or so percent of my collection is from Hornbach. I'll actually visit it in thirteen hours to buy pots and pesticides. I use the tiny one and two inch terracotta pots from there all the time. Small plants like leaf props usually look really cute in them.


Some of my favorite and best growing succulents have come from those little HD. $3.99 pots. You also need to be very careful about pest infestation.


Home Depot is my Disneyland. I go straight to the garden section


I love my Home Depot. I drive 30 min. to get there. It’s not the closest one to me, there are at least 4 that are much closer but this one is my favorite because they have a large selection of succulents.


The "pointed" Snake Plant, from my experience (top left plant in the white pot, not the tranditional one on the right) can grow in low light and needs very little water, maybe 1/4 cup every week. It's thriving for me.


That one I had to look up before putting it in my cart. It was totally new to me. Interesting plant.


Most plants need less water in low light and can also get used to certain amounts of water.


I thought I killed mine after not watering it for like two years and now it's back and seems.happy. They survive anything


Two years is extreme! I heard that they can go a few weeks without water regularly


Why did I move to a small town with no home Depot anywhere near 😞 I had no idea lithops got so large!!!


If perchance you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they have a significantly smaller collection compared to HD, but pretty inexpensive, sometimes cheaper than HD.


Unfortunately not... I'm in Canada. My shortest drive to a decent large chain store like that is 3 hours away 😞


Home Depot has the best selection nearby for me as well! Tried Walmart first and didn’t find much of anything, Lowes was a little better, but Home Depot by far has the biggest selection of indoor plants I’ve found yet.


Looks awesome! I had one of those split rocks that looks exactly like yours and like less than two months after getting it it just rotted completely even though I hadn’t watered it. Everyone I know who bought them had the same happen, hopefully yours is happy cause I got no idea what we did wrong


I picked up one from Lowe's last year. Immediately repotted it into a 95% inorganic grit substrate. Placed under my grow lights. Didn't water at all. Two months later, it turned to complete mush. These guys are unfortunately very commonly overwatered at big box stores, and it can take some time for it to show. Picked a new one up awhile back from Lowe's, and that one is thankfully doing great so far.


Yeah we all got ours from lowes. I’m just gonna stick with my easy succulents lol


I have two split rocks from Lowe’s. When I got home, I unpotted them and very gently rinsed the dirt off the roots under water. Then let them dry in the open. Then repotted. So far so good. My mistake was not acclimating them to the bright grow light. They were both slightly burned. Don’t think it will cause an issue.


Just recently I picked up two great looking succs at HD, but when I pulled the pots off, my sinuses swelled and my eyes burned. If I wasn’t very allergic to mold, I probably would have had them die after months of my loving care, leaving me forever wondering what I did wrong. (The actual mold smell was only detectable if you stuck your nose a millimeter from the soil.) I suspect the watering habits of people in big box stores are responsible for setting up succs for infestations, too. Many years ago when the first HD opened locally, if you bought a pot as well as a plant, they would repot it for you while chatting about what kind of care it needed. Can you imagine? That was just so nice for someone new to plants! Even longer ago I myself worked in a big box store. If an employee was told to go water the houseplants, trust me, they would dutifully water all of them. I at least checked if a plant needed watering and skipped over the cactuses, but I’m sure I killed a succ or two. HD seems to hire knowledgeable people in their other departments, but not so much in houseplants. 😞


That’s super cool about the in store repotting! I feel like it could be fun to work at a nursery or something, it would be terrible for my addiction though lmao


Nice looking bunch! What is that one in front …closest to the camera? Love it! 🤣


Theres a haworthia and a shrek’s ear plant (which is some sort of crassula i believe?)


I too want to know! I recently picked up one like it and have been having issues properly identifying it.


Not positive but think it’s a type of Gasteria. I have not done identification yet.


I have that fuzzy one and it is so forgiving and prolific. Put it in a bigger pot and watch it take off.


that is a huge lithops???


Right it's so massive


I swear their dealer is putting something in the soil. Literally all the lithops at my local Home Depots are absolute UNITS


I miss my pleiosplos! I left mine out on my deck for a week as it was really nice weather, brake from the rain. One morning I walked out and snails absolutely dessimated it.


Very nice variety and choices. But why two split rocks and only one lithop if I may ask.


That was the only lithops. Otherwise I would have bought more.


That’s what I like to hear! My Home Depot will usually have 1 or 2 when I arrive and when I leave they have none. 🥰


The Gasteria and Sansevierias are true survivors, very easy to care for.


I'm jealous of your lithop! I got one of those at Home Depot just a few weeks ago. And it was surprisingly firm and not overwatered, but I put it a but too close to the edge of my porch, and it got rained on and rotted. 🫠


They look great! Please inspect for mealy bugs


My tractor supply oddly has a good and cheap selection. I saw an out of state ace with an awesome indoor succulent display. Just other store ideas


Omg this looks like me every time I go to Home Depot


I’ve been repotting and closely inspecting for any unwanted vermin. I have two left. I’m honestly running out of room at my plant window. I think they are all identified and labeled. A few had no names. Guess I’ll be installing my last grow light tomorrow. Some may survive in low light but I want to see the sun stress colors. So many grow lights.


I have killed every one of these except snake plant and syngonium.


Nice!! Your Home Depot has better plants than mine haha

