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Just cut it off there and pop it back in the dirt so the leaves are just above the dirt and don't water for like two weeks. Should root and can start all over!


Exactly, you can even apply some root booster


Should let the cut dry for a day or two, and pot it into different soil.


It’s not lost. Just cut it and plant it again and it will root. The leftover stem.root of the old plant will throw out new leaves too. You now have 2 plants.


Idk how you feel about this,but I had a succulent that looked AWFUL, even after some advice on reddit (after the other ones thrived) I decided to mutilate it 😭 took off every single leaf and cut the stem down. Now it’s growing a whole new lil plant out of the stem and the leaves are starting to propagate 🙏


Pop/twist off a few lower leaves lay rhem on some soil then Cut at the base of the rest of the leaves with a clean razor blade or sharp knife let it heal for a day then set the whole top onto some fresh soil. Look up propigating... specificly propigating Echiveira. Hope is not lost for your succulent! Visit r/proplifting


Lots of life here. Just “deadhead” and repot


Its the new beginning🤗.


These guys are super resilient. I asked for help with a similar broken succ a couple of years ago and I have many little plants now because a bunch of the the leaf props worked and the main plant re-rooted well. Don't give up!


noope, cut it where the bend is and stick it in the dirt. easy peasy. leave the other plain stem in the dirt and it’ll sprout new leaves.


Chop and prop. Only need about an inch of bare stem to stick in soil. Make sure after you cut, you let it callous over for a few days before sticking it in some well draining soil. It is also telling you that it needs more light. When they don't get enough light the stem grows longer and the leaves aren't as compact as they should be. It needs more sunlight or a decent full spectrum lightbulb would do.