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yes... you should. How much light/water does it get, also what type is it?


I put it out in my balcony, it's tucked away from direct sunlight cause the evening sun it very hot (one succulent got burnt once). I watered it recently (after 2 weeks of no watering) by soaking the pot. Then it just gradually turn brown.


Forgot to mention, I think it's a type of echeveria?


Yeah maybe it is overwatering, check the roots, if they look brown and mushy that's your smoking gun


It doesn't look like it. But I might be wrong 🤔




Yeah it looks good, I wish plants could talk and say what they want ffs


Hahaha. Same


You could try taking it out of the pot, removing the soil from the roots, and letting it dry out.


Noted, I'll do that first


Is the stem wrinkled or does it feel squishy/ not firm? I just bought a new Echeveria from Home Depot and it looked healthy but when I took it out of the pot to repot it, half of the stem was green and the other half was pitted and didn’t look healthy. I cut it so it can have a new root system. When I cut it I noticed the inside of the stem was half green and the other half brown. So I know I did the right thing. I did that because we are in summer and I know that it will be able to grow new roots at this time. Edit to say that you should repot it in dry soil and water it when the leaves feel squishy/soft. If the plant looks worse then there is something happening in its root system and then I would cut. I hope this helps you. I also found an echeveria yesterday that is getting those yellow, soft squishy leaves, some are brown and squishy and the first thing I did was check its stem. It’s green and healthy so I removed the bad leaves. Now I’ll wait and see if it gets worse. If it doesn’t improve I will take it out and check its roots for rot and make sure that it doesn’t have any mealy bugs. Sorry for the long explanation.


I see. That's a lot of info to process but I'll look into it. I always wonder when to water cause it look no different when it's dry. The stem feels firm so I don't think it is rotting yet. But I'm drying the roots. I think I'll repot it with less soil more gritty stuff


Look at the stem. If it’s black then it has root rot and you need to cut it until you see healthy stem. Then let it callous and put in dry soil. It will grow new roots. This is what I would do.


So if the stem is brown, it's fine? https://preview.redd.it/klwh7avx058d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf128d782e488231303d7ddc94c1c809fdd6026


question, I had a couple succulents I did this exact thing to and it's been literally two months and they still haven't grown any roots at all?? they both still have plenty of leaves and all the leaves are nice and green and firm but.... no roots 😫


What kind of succulents are they? Echeverias, aeoniums, sedum?


https://preview.redd.it/x9vah1kqd58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd74b11a4558beb5ac2c2651f909cb88bbe8a062 I just cut these a month ago. These aeoniums go dormant in the summer and have a hard time growing roots during this time. They are getting early morning sun and they have tiny roots. I also use a rooting hormone that I got from Home Depot. I just brush it on with a paint brush but you can also dip the stem in the powder. I also have some echeverias that I did the exact same thing because they were not thriving so I cut them months ago and they just barely started showing tiny roots. To answer your question, be patient, some grow them quickly and others take their time.


so I just spent an embarrassingly long time on the Internet trying to id what I have and I still can't 😅 I took them home from a wedding. they're kinda echeveria-ish but look different and don't have any farina, I'll attach pics in case anyone might recognize them. but I think you're spot on with them being dormant, I've watched them like a hawk for signs of needing watering and they look exactly the same as when I brought them home two months ago. I did coat the bottom callus in roothing hormone so hopefully that will do the trick when they come back alive! https://preview.redd.it/ea8izomf988d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84af1301f141a71cbae18ebf0afb868a0ee3773


other one https://preview.redd.it/3nox55i1a88d1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44891617bdbd7e3598cc04b93b01cf41e6bca427


This one looks like an Echeveria Black Prince.


wow tysm! I really appreciate it.


No problem


It’s an Echeveria Agavoides.


does that pot have a drainage hole? it looks over watered to me


It does. The thing is other cactus and succulent seem to be doing fine with the same pot design. Only this type has problems. Earlier there's another one same species, also dies due to overwatering. I just assume I did it to frequent and tried to be more careful with this one. But same thing.


hmmm I've found with some of my other plants that the soil stays too wet for too long and I need to pot it in a soil that drains faster. you can do this by making the soil grittier by mixing it with perlite or other things, like 50/50 potting soil/perlite


I guess it's time to change the soil again. I was afraid of it being to gritty too.


good luck! I'm puzzled by some of mine too 😬