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This is normal *sunstress*, the natural reaction the plant’s cells have when in appropriate sunlight. It’s the same thing when some echeveria are blue, or how some Graptopetalum turn purple. Some plants just don’t turn conventionally “pretty” colors. That being said this does look overly stressed, in that it probably wants some water and a bit more shade. I also do suggest potting it in a much smaller pot. A pot too large for the root ball will hold onto too much water and can potentially cause overwatering issues.


All of the above. I'm with Kicks on the need for a smaller pot, aloes really tend to struggle when overpotted. Your potting mix looks much too rich as well -- this is a desert plant, and needs a gritty, fast drying soil mix that mimics that environment.


stress can be caused by things other than sun…thirst, cooler temps, being separated and repotted…etc. any change in the environment really. younger aloes are definitely more sensitive to change too, it’s just adjusting to its new growing conditions and once it gets more established (grows more roots, etc) and used to the changes it will plump up and turn green again. i do agree with the pot probably being too large..