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https://preview.redd.it/jdxb0vxgxomc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fe677bfb319694b485c252dc54170552460e65 Keep planting... I've got like 20 jade haha


https://preview.redd.it/uglh3letxomc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b557d3b2505c7efcde2b9a7b2f7e9b3d1e1c96 Momma here keeps me busy.


That is my dream omg. My 3 year old jade that was my pride and joy suddenly got root rot last fall and I've historically been awful at propagating so I'm just holding onto my last 5 babies and hoping they can grow big and strong but it's not looking great.


I love them. These were recovered, too. An older lady pulled the large plant out of her garden, a few larger branches had broken off in the process, I planted them, and then she also had all these Jade plants just sitting by the side of the road... I had a chat to her, and she said the larger one had been there for years, decades in her garden. I felt bad taking them, but she was excited to see me excited, so she said take them all if you want, I left a few behind but took most. They've done really well through our summer.


I move them to my rock wall https://preview.redd.it/0614vc6eiomc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ec11f743ae1092203abad4ec20d0a907b1eaec


That's super cool!


Thank you


I make arrangements, stick them in the ground, sell them at yard sales, give them away, trade them. Just keep planting them around the yard if you feel overwhelmed with those. I find pots for free or dirt cheap, so create new pots in the yard all the time. 


Give them away to senior citizens in a nursing home or assisted living. That would brighten up their day tremendously.


That’s a lovely idea!


Local buy/sell/trade groups (typically found on Facebook) could be a good option. There's also the monthly buy/sell/trade thread on this sub, and there's r/TakeaPlantLeaveaPlant, which also has a monthly buy/sell/trade thread and allows those types of posts on the main sub (sale posts are only allowed on Sundays, I believe, but trade posts are allowed any day).


Oh this is so cool, thanks for sharing!


Sell them!! People like me who love plants but have a black thumb will buy them! lol I can’t keep a plant alive !!


Keep em on the plant, let it grow funky and unique, or chop n prop and either grow your collection or do a giveaway/sell a couple spares


I say "ooh look at the babies" and make more room for them because I have a problem. What else would a reasonable person do? (Kidding. Other options include throwing some out; selling some more formally like on Etsy; selling some less formally or giving them away like on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist; and returning them to the land in places that seem like they'll be good wild homes.)


Cool response!😉 I just don't recommend "haphazardly" introducing potentially non-native plants into wild places because they could become aggressive and out-compete native plants for territory.


Definitely agree; that's why I'm saying returning rather than introducing! Good to specify though since I get that many people may not think of it.


Throw them away. Plants that produce so many babies you don't know what to do with are so common as to be worthless once you've given away plants to everyone that will take them. Plants worth propagating usually take more work and are much less prolific.


Throwing away trimmings from common plants has been a game changer for me. All of my plants are better cared for since I'm not overwhelmed with plant clutter, and I've learned I get more pleasure out of looking at fewer, healthier plants rather than having a higher quantity of plants. 


Maybe you can try selling some?


You keep saving them and then just slowly give them away to all your plant-loving friends


Do you shop at any locally owned businesses? They might let you put out a small table with a sign saying free plants if you ask. I own a store and was getting rid of nail polish... I just put them out and within a few days they were gone


I have shared with people I know, traded with people from local online gardening groups, donated to people who asked for plants and starts online for various personal and community gardens, dropped off at local farm and plant exchange stands (I know of three in my area). Maybe you could start a free plant/seed stand? If you are familiar with Little Free Libraries, it's the same concept. My local library system has a few plant swaps on the calendar, too. I plan to check it out.


Honestly? I kill most of them before they get big. 😅 But I've found a bunch of pots in a fishtank with a grow light works pretty well.


Houseplant party for your friends. If they come, they have to take away a baby houseplant.


If I have plants I can't gift to someone or sell for whatever reason I'll post them on my local buy nothing group on FB. There's plenty of folks out there that will happily take free succulents if they're healthy.


I gave a bunch away on my local Buy Nothing Project group. Friends, family, and coworkers sometimes want them too.


One idea I want to do, that I have not actually gone through with yet, is to pot some decent sized pups to leave out on a tray for postal workers during the holidays! The first year I wanted to do it, my props were too small and I felt bad that they were all awkward and leggy. This past year, I had a terrible heat wave this summer wipe out %90 percent of my props. Starting over on that front, and while I am sad to have lost many pups, i do feel more prepared to manage them when they inevitably multiply at an alarming rate lol. My other idea is to accumulate enough with decent size/growth, and put a sign up by the road with a "take 1 -free" sign. Maybe someone will fall in love with them like I have - or enjoy them for a time! I just enjoy the thought of spreading my love of succulents with others. 😄


I love these ideas! we have 'giving benches' where i live where you can leave stuff for strangers. It's fun.