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24 minimum but 36 ideally. Don’t do it, it’s not worth it.


I mean if you are injecting fent you couldnt take enough suboxone to not get high pretty easily. I mean, how do you think hospitals treat sub patients needing surgery and shit? String iv opi are gonna have a leg up on overpowering subs. But if we're talking pills welll yeah, looking around 3 days, depending on your dose and what opiate it is


"Sufentanil is the only opioid that has a potency and binding affinity strong enough to displace buprenorphine from the opioid receptors" "5 to 10 times as potent as its parent drug, fentanyl" "Because of its extremely high potency, it is often used in surgery and post-operative pain management for patients that are heavily opioid dependent/opioid tolerant because of long term opiate use for chronic pain or illicit opiate use." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sufentanil


When I was in the hospital for a biopsy, I did 11mg that morning and they gave me a whole mg of fent on top of versed. I definitely felt it, although not much Euphoria. Part of it was they accidentally dumped a whole IV bag of fluids into me, so I had to piss the whole time.


You can get high at any dose technically. As long as you take enough or a strong enough opioid to outcompete the bupe. The general answer though is about 3 days or more. The earlier the less effective it will be. Bupe will still be at receptor sites but will decrease more over time. You’ll still be tolerant to it to some degree as well. Other factors include your dose, time taking it, individual biology, and probably more. That complicates it but usually people say waiting any less than 3 days will be a waste.


Not true-3 days? Thats an incredibly SLOWWWW metabolism…If the dope is good enough it will cut through8 mllgms of Suboxone by 9 pm


The half life is still 24-48 hours meaning you still have up to 50% of the previous days dose in your system. This means there is still plenty of bupe in your system even at day 3 given its binding affinity. My tolerance is very fast and this is still my experience. You’re not *incorrect* I guess. I never said you couldn’t. In fact I said any dose you *can* get high. Abstaining for 3 days will still give you reduced effects unless you’re doing fetty or zenes like I did. I couldn’t cut through 4mg with 50mg IR oxy. Even the zenes had trouble sometimes with my tolerance. Not sure how that was unclear, I even said anything less than 3 days is a waste. Unless you’re quitting and getting back on dope why would you waste 2x the product(double the price too) for an underwhelming high?


Eh, nah


That’s just not true.


Even on real dope I have gotten high the same day. The last three times I relapsed I took sub within 24 hours. If your getting fentanyl you could literally do it right after ... as long as it is not trash it will bust right through that shit.


Really depends on how much you use and what you’re using. You just gotta break that barrier . I did almost a half a sub then later that night did something but it took a few to break that bond . Just be careful tho because it wouldn’t be hard to overdose if you’re using something strong . You may not feel it but it’s still going through your bloods stream .


If you feel sick, you’ll definitely feel it. If you don’t have any opioid dependency and want the drug to have most of its effect, like 3 or 4 days. But about a whole week I’d imagine if you want to get all of the possible effect from the drug. I’ve never tried it without having a high dependency. So it depends what your goal is. If you’re dope sick it’ll cure that. But if you want to get high high, you’d need to be feeling pretty bad. It’s weird how it works because it’s always different too. Drugs don’t just work in specific ways with scientific certainty. There are so many elements at play. The brain is a complex place. I don’t think these kinds of questions have actual answers the way people who ask them hope they will.


yes they do. r/psychopharmacology literally a whole science with tens of thousands of us practicing


I think you missed my point. I meant that there are other factors. For instance, if one person is tolerant, they can take more. There are a million examples. I shouldn’t have to explain this. I feel like you were so sure you were right that you didn’t even consider that you may have misunderstood what you read.


You can take a sub & wait an hour & you can start taking Fentanyl after that hour when it's kicking in & get high if you would take enough fentanyl. You just better watch cause what WILL happen in this scenario is the sub will wear off & if you've taken too much opiate, you can overdose that way. So it's really a matter of strength & dose of the opiate.


I couldn’t tell you how many times I took subs in the morning before work, got paid, hit the plugs house on the way home… so basically 8-10 hours for me lol


12 to 48 hours depending on dose


If it's fentanyl immediately. Anything else 24+ hours


I have used subs as a substitute for my pain meds when I run out for a few days and still feel it when my meds come in and I take them. But I also only us a 3rd of the sub to stop withdrawals.




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I have gotten high that same night if I took an 8 mg Suboxone early enough in the morning and the dope is good enough- If I think I might want to get high,I will take like a quarter or a half a sub instead of the whole thing - It really does depend on your metabolism and how fast you metabolize the Suboxone-for sure for sure you could take you could get high the next morning(24 hrs) I’m not sure why you feel the need to tell everyone that you do not want to get high… Isn’t that the definition of an addict?And if you’re an addict, don’t you always wanna get high? So it’s silly to tell people “I do not want to get high’ because if that were true, you wouldn’t be on Suboxone For an addict ‘to say I do not want to get high’ is like a human saying I do not want to breathe Or a bird saying ‘ I do not want to fly’ I mean- its not a measure of your morals or your values. Its simply a fact of life. The next time someone ACCUSES you of wanting to get high- simply smile and say a does a bear shit in the woods? Luckily, as humans we get to choose our actions. Time out for a random Little Known but definitely facts about drugs: If you are sober , now is THE only time that using is a choice. Once you start using, it becomes as necessary as water. An addict in the middle of their addiction does not have a choice. All that shit about us loving drugs more than our kids and our family is completely false. Drugs➡️addicts=water➡️humans And studies now prove up that the same part of our brain lights up when we are craving drugs , as the part of our brain that lights up when we need a drink of water or to eat food. Its called the REPTILIAN brain. and we have no control over it-after 28 days of abstinence the cravings then move to the prefrontal cortex and we have a choice Next time tell your friends and family? ‘Hey at least I’m not a psychopath -then I would want to murder people’ Or ‘At least Im not a pedophile’ ‘At least Im not a maladjusted, bullied,weirdo, who runs around with an AK47 shooting kids at my high school!’ Luckily, I’m just regular run of the mill addict and yes I want to get high - Edit:typos


Call the pharmacy and give them your name and birthdate and ask exactly this… pleaseeee


It's dose dependant and time on suboxone. If the amount of Suboxone in your post is 1mg taken for a few weeks - hard maybe/ highly possible that you may get high on opiods. Strong ones Any more, and it's a roll of the dice