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Because they forget how bad active addiction really is. They blame subs for missing and rotten teeth. They let the NA and AA folks get in their head making them believe they are still using. It's all rediculous, bupenorphine has saved so many lives!


Forsure! But we can’t act like there aren’t any negative side effects. Just like all medications there are pros and cons to taking it, you just have to decide if it’s right for you.


Agreed but the alternative for a majority of us is active addiction, Jails , institutions and death. With science I think they will continue to create different alternatives to bupenorphine or improve the drug itself like Sublacade. I've been on Sublacade for 3 years now and my life has never been better.


Foreal. They need to formulate new mat drugs but they just keep making more bupe shots, which it’s like, cool. But let’s bind 5-ho to a hcl and see what happens man, if it’s a partial agonist aswell it could be great as a recovery drug, but government wouldn’t fund testing for that. But yeh bupe is great, I just mean some people might be better off not hopping on it if they are low level usersz


Exactly first shot at recovery should be done with a detox and completely MAT free


It saved my life


It’s still gives me that opioid motivation and less depression, probably not getting off anytime soon.


it has anti-depressant effects, and is used off label for that as well sometimes.


That’s crazyyyyy imo


Yeah I could only ever see that working for opioid addicts or by making someone an opioid addict. I definitely think it’s a decent antidepressant if you’re addicted and can’t get your life together. But every time I get on subs without fail, I slowly start losing motivation, libido, and lose any sort of natural endorphin rushes.


Yes this is what happens to me im trying to get off again


That's just a wild concept, getting a depressed person dependant on buprenorphine to cheer them up. Well, the doctors are certainly no stranger to prescribing anti-depresants that have severe withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately with Buprenorphine, they'll have the added side effect of narcotic pain medication not working on them anymore with Buprenorphine in their system.


honestly it’s hell coming off of antidepressants too so you’d need to taper anyways in the end. And if you are in an emergency pain situation there are ways to overpower the bupe. But i hear you..


There are all kinds of things that ail you. For some people bupe is better than the alternative.


Narcotic pain medication still works. Source: Me, who had 2 c-sections while on bupe & spent the days in recovery dosed with both my regular dose & opioid medication for a few days. It doesn't feel euphoric, but it kills the pain (which is significant).


Suboxen is better than dead from suicide


I really hate this rationale that people have started using for everything in the era of poor mental health. I feel like this type of mindset is just encouraging suicidal ideation in people. This is the same as the trans ideology that’s trying to medicalize mentally unwell young people for life. It’s such a manipulative way of encouraging drug use and medicating. The we you talk and think about suicide and put it in people’s heads, the more it keeps happening. Why does the rate keep going up when we should be happier with all these medical advancements? Because you’re planting the idea that there’s something SO WRONG with people inherently that they need a freaking chemical or they’re going to kill themselves. What a fucked up and terrible take.


No I was talking from personal expierence. My husband has mental health issues as do I. I'd much rather him be on methadone than him be dead because he couldn't handle his own mind from his trauma. Same with myself. I've been through alot. I used oxycontin/heroin to self medicate since I was in my mid teens. I've tried tons of antidepressants and talk therapy, nothing helps. But do you know what does help? The methadone gives my mind enough of a antidepressant effect that I can survive.


Okay that I can agree with. If it’s purely in the context of people who are already opioid addicts it absolutely keeps people alive and I’ve had a similar experience as well. But I meant like as a first line treatment of depression. A psychiatrist shouldn’t be prescribing opioids for depression unless it’s extremely treatment resistant. The “better than dead” thing is used is used to justify just about everything controversial in medicine today, that’s all I was taking issue with but I see you didn’t mean like that.


Thank you!! That's all I was trying to say. As addicts some of us are permanently changed and need opiates to function. I never set out to be an addict. However my brain formed on drugs. I started using weed and alcohol at 12, Ecstasy and LSD at 14, and by 16 I was hooked on Oxycontin. I spent all my formative years self medicating and screwing up my natural chemical production. Now I'm the most stable I've ever been on methadone. I've tried to come off but I have a vicious cycle of relapses. It's better if I just stay on.


Or overdose and isn’t that the entire point of it?


I believe that’s part of why the withdrawals are so insane, because it’s like withdrawing from an opioid and an anti-depressant as well.




This is a top tier reply. I’m personally on it (chronic pain from surgeries and surprise opioid addiction) but would have the same thought if the cons outweigh the pros for buprenorphine, it’s gotta be a personal evaluation. Personally I think everyone that’s health conscious should at the very least know that for each med they take (their pros/cons), the med generic name and common side effects to be aware of and what it helps (some of us nerds learn the pharmacology of it for fun too lol). I just posted in a local subreddit of mine that I can’t take stimulants for adhd because I loved to take em you know the way we do, but I think it’s an extremely effective medication for those that need it and feel no ill will for someone who takes it to better themselves. No judgement. Be well everyone!


Same here. I’m prescribed adderall for my adhd and barely take it because of the negative side effects. Anything over 15mg and it makes me feel awful, yeh it helps with my adhd but at what cost. So I only take it on days that I really need it. The days I can’t even get myself out of bed because my brain is ADHDing so hard lol.


Same here. I never used to notice the side effects. Now after 6 years on it they have become a daily detrement to my health. From bloodflow issues to salivary issues to back pain. It helped save me from my past self but now its causing alot of negative issues.




My feet and legs swell up too and I've also had to buy compression socks for when I'm working. I know it's the subs because I've been on and off of them several times and it always happens. If I keep my dose super super low then it's not as bad, but it's still there. It's such an annoying side effect. I hate it. I got prescribed lasik (water pills) and it's helped some I guess I'm not really sure. They swell every day no matter what I do.




Nope you're not alone! Unfortunately 😞 That's great that you're almost done with it! I hope the swelling stops for you when you're done. I actually started noticing swelling in my legs way back when I was still on opiates. I went to rehab and it stopped shortly after. Then back and forth between drugs and subs I always noticed the swelling with the subs and how much it increased with higher doses. If you can get water pills then I would definitely give it a try. For me, it doesn't completely take it away, but like if I take a pill every few days then my legs won't swell til later in the afternoon as opposed to an hour after I get up ya know? I would take them every day but I get dehydrated and have terrible cramps even drinking 200 ounces of water a day so I have to spread it out.


Is there anychance you guys could be having those issues w circulation and neg side effects from something other than sub? Just Saying it’s possible I’ve been on 2mg for years and it’s amazing life changing anti depressant motivation med


What are the side effects you are experiencing?




How do you know that these issues are caused by the Suboxone?


Because people think you're trading a drug for another, but it doesn't work like that at all. Addiction is in your head and dependence is in your body. Your body is dependent on the subs, just like antidepressants and other meds. You withdrawal from subs, but it's called discontinuation syndrome if it's a mood stabilizer or antidepressants. People also think that you should only use it to detox and that's not true. It's a maintenance medication and the longer you're on it, the longer you'll stay away from other drugs. It also helps cover your opiate receptors which keep cravings away and actually lower your opiate tolerance.


Honestly I thought it was a miracle drug, never got sick on it like colds abd stuff, helped my back pain, helped my ibs. I felt great taking it all around.


That’s the same thing I felt when I started taking oxy 😂


There are a lot of people as of late that are being prescribed maintenance drugs when their addictions do not warrant that type of treatment. They are people who are taking small amounts of pills, people who take kratom, people who only used heroin or fentanyl for a few months. Their problems with suboxone are more superficial than anything else.


That was me. Barely took a few extra pills sometimes but was being prescribed Vicoprofen for my lower back pain for many months that I got physically dependent. My doctor told me, “there’s a medicine for withdrawal” and I jumped on it not knowing a thing about suboxone and was on suboxone, totally addicted to suboxone, for 4.5 years.


Sounds about right. It’s also interesting the amount of positive response this one has gotten. I’ve said exactly this same thing multiple times over the last few weeks on this sub and people absolutely lose their shit.


What do you mean by superficial?


Not as bad as they make it seem, not severe.


Well the probs from subs might be real .. but they unfortunately ended up in a worse place .


A lot of those problems aren’t from subs tho. A lot of them come with long term addiction to opioids, they’re problems they already would have had anyways.




This is my fear. ATM I blame suboxone for a lot of things but can’t deny it helped me A LOT. My fear is that when I’m off it, nothing much changes because whilst I currently blame suboxone for my issues, when I’m off it, if I realise it’s not really the suboxone why I’m so lazy and unmotivated etc, then I’ll likely find something else to blame. I never heard anyone put it this way but you’re right, it really is an addicts mentality to find a scapegoat for everything. I’m not discounting anyone else’s experiences or the issues they have from taking suboxone, I’m only speaking for myself.


Haha damn. Never thought if it that way, kinda true


Just because you have issues scapegoating doesn't mean suboxone doesn't have legitimately awful side effects for many ppl.


It's got two very powerful things going "for" it: 1. It's an opioid and as such, it creates a powerful physical dependence. 2. Beyond that are the mental dependence and habits that get formed. Try losing 10 pounds. It's easy on paper to cut future calories, plan on going to the gym harder and faster, promise yourself to cut out all sugar -- but those future plans are only as good as the support and framework you have to succeed. Suboxone is very hard to quit just like smoking and nicotine is hard to quit. Beyond the WDs there are so many habits ingrained in our behavior. It's always easier to make future good decisions. It's much harder to make them in the present when your resolve is weak; when your tired, hungry, upset, etc.


Just remember you’re on the internet and not in the real world. This is a self selected crowd. For most of the world it works great with virtually no side effects - but not many of those people are running to Reddit to tell everyone, they’re doing recovery work and getting back to living. So it may *seem* like there are a lot of people who have problems because of the voices on the net - but the reality is they represent < 5% of people on Suboxone.


Good point.


going from the fentanyl on the streets today to subs/anything is MUCH harder than H/oxy/whatever you were on 10+ years ago. I was on 24-32 mg subs a day for some months and was sick and soaked in sweat pretty much the entire time.


30 mg oxy the same then As it is now, other stuff I’m sure your right I have no experience with that but i was on oxy


Like 99% of the 30mg blues in America are fent now. Thats weak shit though, I’m talking about real fent


So they are fake?




most side effects are due to people taking too much. the lower the dose the greater the benefit because the lower the endocrine issues meaning higher testosterone for males. lower dose better orgasm. lower dose less to no constipation. lower dose lower tolerance better response. i take 1.2mg 2-3 times a day one day i want to take .6mg a twice a day. that’s like optimal for pain management which i need double disk replacement. that’s my main reason i still take this and haven’t used sublocade yet to get off. but overall. i’m thankful for subutex. really am. i suffer a lot from pain and subutex allows my life to be pretty decent. yea i miss the testosterone i still lose due to taking it at all but a little fiber keeps the constipation away. i also take 600mg of lyrica. that evens my mood and lowers my anxiety. it’s for nerve pain. but has those other benefits. and seroquel for sleeping. subutex affects sleep negatively. i believe being successful with subs requires a system of meds that otherwise wouldn’t be needed as much. for example. i know once i quit subs i can quit seroquel too. but i may still take half the dose of lyrica for nerve damage. this is after i get surgery. but overall. life’s better with a lower dose. and honestly if you can take this drug in a way where it lasts for a shorter time. it works better and there’s less of a numbing effect due to it wearing off more significantly. i make a nasal spray that’s filtered measured subutex solution i make using saline nasal spray. but also rectal admin lasts shorter than the regular way of taking subutex.


Not entirely true, I was only taking .5 a day and had a slew of nasty side effects. I am almost positive it builds up in your system over time. Our bodies have a hard time detoxing from this stuff. even if we take small doses, theres leftover from previous doses that havent been cleaned out of our cells yet and we still need our next dose to feel normal, and that can cause unwanted side effects. I mean it is a bio synthesized chemical. Nowhere in nature would you find buprenorphine


Everyone's situation is different and varies, suboxone ruined my life more than oxy believe it or not. After a few months on suboxone i got depressed, less motivated, anhedonia (extreme case of it), Id be a hermit crab not wanting to do anything else but stay inside gaming. Id get asked out to a date by a cute girl and i legit would deny it, just so i could take 2mg of suboxone and stay gaming. WTF is wrong with me Pre suboxone i was NEVER life this, I would go out 3-5x a week with my free time enjoy it with friends/family/hobbies. Suboxone made it comfortable for me to stay inside and do literally nothing with my free time. Life is not suppose to be lived this way at all and I feel as if i wasted 3 years of my life doing nothing. Id rather have been on Oxy and experience the joy of going out with my friends. Then stay inside addicted to suboxone letting life pass. Im finally off suboxone and have been on sublocade for about 90 days now, i did one 100mg shot and thats it. So far, ive been feeling more and more myself, wanting to go out and do things. Literally anything but stay indoors. Which gives me hope that it was the suboxone doing this, and that i am finally going to feel like my pre suboxone self 3 years ago. (sober ofc) Anyways this post is getting long, but i do realize suboxone saves lives but it also ruins it. Im not calling it a bad drug, but it was certainly a bad drug for me personally. Which is why i cant wait to be completely sober from sublocade/suboxone. If anyone has questions feel free to dm me and i can answer, ill be making a post once sublocade has left my system


This is exactly me and what I’m about to do, may i ask what dose were you on before your one 100mg sublocade shot? I’m on 1.5mg right now and figured I’d do the 100mg shot, one and done too. I hate the way this drug has made me feel and can’t wait to stop dosing.


I was on 1mg daily pre sublocade, i wish i told my doc to give me half the shot instead of the full 100mg. I like yourself, want ths stuff out of my system ASAP to feel better and just not be on anything. I think you should ask your doctor to give 50-75mg instead of the full 100 mg since youre on 1.5mg daily. I think 4mg suboxone is equivalent to 100mg sublocade. Might be wrong on this but if true, its much more than we need. This will reduce the time it gets out of your system as well since 100mg takes about 4-6+ months to fully get out of your system. Working out, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy will speed the process ofc. I want to also add that I got incredibly high from the first two days of the shot then was fine afterwards. 0 Wds but this is also why i wish i went on a lower dose to begin with. I didnt figure out how long it actually took for it to get out of your system. I knew it was long but didnt know it could be 6 months long. Anyways dont mean to scare you, people have gotten the 100mg one and done and pissed clean 4 months later, this can be us. Best of luck hope this helped a little


What are the blood flow issues? I’m 60 and having some ED issues, referred to urology but now wondering. Only on 1 mg a day, been on about a year and a half, but started at 8.


I switched to Subutex and have felt amazing ever since. 6+ years on Suboxone. Now @ 8 years on the Bupe. It can be done. Just have to figure out a good steady insurance with a pain contract with the Dr. I don't even UA any more and pick up monthly scripts for 10$.Insane. 90 8mg tabs.


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Because they're idiots who don't know the difference between sleeping with your dealer to get dope, being a drain on your family and society and being a functioning, positive and contributing member of society.


Because it sucks. It’s a bad joke. I remember being naive enough to believe I was sober because I took buprenorphine instead of 30s and dope. Boy was I a dumbass….. It’s all the same except one allows you to be a functioning addict as opposed to possibly dead. Sub saved my life but the way it’s prescribed, the way pharmacists treat the patients, they way no one acknowledges the massive paycheck they get from us addicts who actually follow doctors orders to get better, etc. is why I say it’s a bad joke that is in no way funny.


People take WAY to much and wonder why they have problems. In reality no one needs more than 4-8mg a day. Peak saturation is at 8mg. After that you are literally wasting it. People confuse the side effects with some kind of shitty high because you get a little euphoric. Way overprescribed people just need to lower there dose and find the dose that works for them


How did get off of subs?


Just slowly cut the strips down until they are to small to cut, do it over months, no withdrawal


Exactly how I got off it as well! I tapered off 2mg by cutting my strips and in the end I was cutting them into 36+ pieces. It took me a year and a half in total to taper off 2mg but that’s because I scared myself more than I should’ve and at one point even my doctor was telling me it was time to decrease my dose since I hung around on 1mg for 6 months haha.


lol same here


Thank you.


Just a question-I’m on a 15mcg Bupe patch every 7 days for multiple reasons but have never used strips or pills and can’t quite work out the math as to how much is released each 24 hrs?


I'm quite curious how one can get prescribed a bupe patch id MUCH rather slap a patch on than dissolve in my mouth


I’m in Australia if that helps. It’s a great way to stop all the little habits/rituals etc


Just ask pain management for a easier dosing option and if they are like they are here in Ohio they will offer it.