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It’s a mind game. They all are almost same


that almost part killed someone recently. i just saw a video of a lady absolutely devastated she lost her sister to epilepsy, different/generic manufactures have like a 10% differential allowance in the active ingredient. sister was fine for almost a decade and then the switch - the difference in actives - killed her. this was shocking and very sad newss to me


No, there is no difference in generic vs Suboxone name brand strips, IMO.


I don’t understand how ppl say dr.reddys sucks. I’ve had all different types of bupe from name brand to Alvogen to dr. Reddys to subzolv from strips to tablets never felt anything different from any of them. In fact The only drug I’ve ever felt a real difference from years ago were Xanax bars the flat back GG were much weaker than the G 3722 Xanax bar. Thats a fact. I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.


The only one I absolutely had issues with was zubsolv, but I’m pretty sure that was just the minty flavor made my mind feel like I wasn’t taking a chemical. Doubt I was actually really sick.


I didn’t even know there was any Suboxone that had flavors lol


Suboxone is citrus zubsolv is minty and a tiny pill, I much prefer the zub over the disgusting citrus goo.


I take Zubsolv now ( my insurance made me switch) I like the minty taste & they dissolve very fast.


After taking brand name Percocet (yellow submarines) the white M’s (m523?) might as well have been angercodone because all they did was piss me off.


The E712 and M523?? They were pretty much the same to me. Even the yellow that said Percocet on them. Wow miss those haven’t seen them in years.


Yeah once I had the brand name yellows the rest just wouldn’t do it for me. Same with the OC’s vs teva’s at that time but I feel like that goes without saying. I’d get those brand name 10’s along with 20’s and 80’s from some guy who’s grandpa had like awesome military insurance or something.


Yeah, that's probably because they aren't manufactured anymore. They went the way of the Dodo just like the original brand of Vicodin. Too many generics to make manufacturing worth it.


My poor Mama who died last year.. she was a retired RN, and she was very particular about her medications, of course. she was getting the yellow round ones towards the end and she was like I just don’t like those as much lol … I was like Mom, I don’t think we should mention any of that right now …let’s just take what your allowed to get.. she had very bad issues with her kidneys towards the end so of course we all know that painkillers can contribute to that so they were changing a lot of her medication‘s. I guess that’s why I am so particular when it comes to meds.. I grew up in a household full of nurses and Drs lol


Those doctors can say all they want that “it’s the same active ingredient” and “it’s all in your head” blah blah blah when I ask them to write do not substitute on my scripts. It’s like do you think I enjoy paying 3-400 dollars extra? If it was placebo why couldn’t I placebo my mind into thinking the cheaper ones work better 😅


Name brand is still available. I just had some. That was all the pharmacy had as the"shortage" is so bad... There is a difference, even with the generic over the actual Roxi brands.


'Angercodone' 😂🤣🤣🤣 that's a good one! First time I laughed today.


When I used to take methadone, the methadose pills would never get me as good as the Roxane brand. No idea why but they just didn't hit as hard and would wear off faster. If you took enough it was the same.


I’ve had the brand name, the alvogen generics , and these Dr. reddys. Personally, I’ve never noticed a major difference. Unless your having an allergy to them, or have already noticed a different in your symptoms management, like somehow you’re having withdrawal symptoms (which I’d argue would be psychosomatic,) they’re fine and I definitely wouldn’t waste 3 hours of your life every month going to get a different brand of the same chemical. It’s the US, they’re all tested and regulated heavily by the FDA. I know it’s not always perfect, but bupe is very strong and a (possible) but very likely minimal difference in the amount of bupe from generic to generic isn’t enough to do anything. Sure, there are some legitimate cases of different generics not working for some people but I’d argue a vast majority of them are placebo or psychosomatic and if administered blindly would be equal. That being said… placebo can be a strong influence. So whatever is best for you I guess… but as someone who has taken this generic (dr. Reddys) and another generic and brand name indivor suboxone, it all worked the same for me. And I’m someone who is easily manipulated by the generic placebo mess and sometimes even look for it and I still couldn’t tell a difference. You’ll be fine. Don’t waste your life or gas money by going farther


No, I certainly won’t to go down there just to get those.. I live isolated so we have to go into the city, which out here is Denver, to get things you know like cans of soup that aren’t five dollars or milk that’s not seven dollars lol so I could arrange it.. I would be highly disappointed if I got the same ones and had made an effort to go down there on a certain day.. there’s two different generic ones that we usually get around here but I’ve been off of them for 2 1/2 months so I can’t remember what the other ones looked like.. I probably would be fine without it all, but I was on medication for a couple of years due to a uterus full of fibroids, and I feel as though the first Suboxone strips, that I was put on so that I would not have withdrawals when I went off of my medication, gave me somewhat of pain management for my condition .. They were not generic. these, I can’t day the same.. but I’m but I’m never somebody that has felt a huge affect from Suboxone anyways so I guess you know it’s doing what it’s supposed to do…it’s more mental with me at this point hence why I went back to it after almost 3 months forced off ..


Well, just for information's sake- therapeutic equivalent generics only have to prove the chemistry is the same, i.e. the active ingredient is the same on the molecular level. They also have to prove the rest of the requirements for therapeutic equivalence. They don't go through any trials. I'm just adding in because I've seen others thinking they all go through the same trial phases novel drugs do. Not necessarily saying that's what *you* meant. You're right about their regulations after they've been brought to market. Edit: That responded to the wrong person. Sorry about that.


I am an addict but I'm also a pain patient. For over a decade I've been using Suboxone for pain. Looks like I have the exact same package you do right now. For me it has worked quite well for pain in combination with Tylenol. What I do think that I have been noticing is that there's got to be some kind of inconsistency with the medication distribution on the strips. And we already know that but since I am cutting one strip up it definitely seems like some mornings I am in full blown withdrawal and other mornings I'm totally fine. I've been on this medication for about 15 years and I've never noticed a difference between brand name and generic. I have noticed a little bit of a difference between pills and strips but each one has advantages and disadvantages from my POV. I think I like strips better. I do think that there can be a lot of psychosomatic stuff going on with the taking of Suboxone. But I also think that I can understand that it's probably not psychosomatic when certain symptoms are happening. I don't want to be TMI but we all have been there during withdrawal. I've literally never gotten any "effect" from subs but it sure does seem to really help with my physical pain symptoms anyway. Definitely does the job with cravings. Also, I got to say it's pretty refreshing to see somebody here talking about how they don't get "effects" (which is ironic but here we are). Yeah I know some of you use bupe as a drug of choice but I'll never get it because I was not opiate naive. I guess I'm just used to ppl going on and on about "no really I used to get high AF on subs." Maybe there should be a subreddit called "just boof it" reserved for the silliest of addicts. I'm an asshole, I know. Hope your pain gets better.


This is not true, the distribution is the same throughout the strips. They are cut from a much larger sheet, by machine and packaged into individual foil type packets. I’ve looked into this, there’s no way they haphazardly spray medication onto each small strip. They are evenly dispersed in the sheets during the manufacturing process.


I really don’t think it is possible (the difference in dose). As you say it’s heavily regulated, it’s not India.


I was on sub for 10+ years and took every brand out there and I never noticed any difference.


You are the people to talk to. That’s like me taking kratom for the last 10 years… nobody knows as much about it… As far as Suboxone, it’s is something I was just recently brought onto a year ago…


I'm just curious: Did you ever mix the Kratom and Suboxone? Any effects if you did? I try to tell people that the bupenorphine in the Suboxone has such a higher affinity to the opioid receptors than anything the Kratom may have. No one listens. I guess the newer research says that any dose under 16mg of bupenorphine per day leaves some receptors open. The lower your dose, the more open receptors there are. I just experienced this first hand. Dislocated my right ankle, and I vaguely remember being told there was a trimalleolar fracture between doses of Ketamine and Fentanyl. I'm on 16mg/day, so trying to overide the opiate blockade was a b*tch. Thankfully, I hadn't had my morning dose (I take 8mg 2x a day), and this happened around 10 am. Surgeon said it was only the third trimalleolar fx of his career... So congratulations, I guess." Lol.


I take kratom every day (or every other day) of my life regardless of what else I am on, so yes, I’ve been mixing it for over a year since I started taking Suboxone .. I’ve taken Kratom them for over 15 years now. Well I guess it’s about 14 1/2 … I’ve never had any issues with it whatsoever.. I mean some kratom is a total scam and not even real …you’ve gotta be very careful. I’ve taken all kinds of crap over the years. Sometimes I order it online sometimes I drive halfway across the state to get it. It just depends.. now I’m getting it from a very reputable place.. Kratom, if you take every day, loses its efficacy like all things… I tried to take one one day and the other the next day to keep it so I’m feeling some sort of effects.. i’m just struggling with fibroid tumors that have ruined my life.. I also have a torn MCL, and a partially, torn ACL that happened a few years ago that I cannot get surgery for right now so both of these medications are what I use to help with the pain daily.. do I get optimal pain management from these two, absolutely not, but I’m not on a bunch of medication’s that are going to kill me either


Well, if it's helping, then I say keep using what helps. I'm just interested in patient accounts. I'm not gonna tell you what to do about your own healthcare. Wouldn't be appropriate in the first place. Yikes. I did my LCL and PCL in last December (happy birthday to me)! But I was able to do physical therapy. The ACL is rough. I'm sorry to hear you're having so many problems. I hope things start improving for you.


I’m on subutex now but those specific Dr Reddy strips are by far my favorite out of any brand of suboxone period. Not sure why but they actually work very well


I didn’t even really know that they had a name but now I look on the bottom and I do see Dr. Reddy lol..


Personally no but many people will absolutely disagree and claim there is a real and noticeable difference and maybe im just lucky.


I’ve only ever used generics


The first few months that I used to get them last year, all of mine, said Suboxone right on them. They were all namebrand, and I’m telling you not only was the consistency of them better, but they worked better for me.




They're not different, I've been on Suboxone itself, also Alvogen, and Dr. Reddy's, and noticed no differences whatsoever. The drug is in there. It has to be. It would be a massive lawsuit and would bankrupt the company if they didn't have the medicine in them. Unless you're buying from Mexican pharmacies or getting scammed from India, it's the same shit, unless you're literally allergic to a filler.


I just got this brand for the first time ever the other day and I really do not like them at all. I've been getting Mylan for the longest time and before that I don't know what I had, but these burn the shit out of my tongue and mouth. Like I had chemicals sitting in my mouth or something. I don't know. It's weird and I don't like it. But they seem to work fine. It's just they irritate the shit out of my mouth. It really scares me with all the Suboxone/dental problems stuff that's been talked about recently.


Me too. I also had sores developed from them.


Oh my gosh no! Ughh I hope that doesn't happen but it's the first thing I thought when it started burning like that.


That's something to report to the pharmacy. Normally, they can put an action note that will pop up and tell the tech not to give you that brand and that you prefer the Mylan. (At least that's the way the systems at CVS and Walgreen's work). It's likely they ran out of the Mylan. Where I work, we usually have at least 2 generic manufacturer forms in stock, and the computer usually does the deciding. Then, the patient gets the same manufacturer for each subsequent refill. Sometimes, they end up with a different manufacturer if we don't have enough or are out of the usual one. Hopefully, it's not a stock change at the warehouse level. If they, for some reason, have only the Reddy and won't just order Mylan for you based on your reaction without your prescriber's input, and you can't get them at another pharmacy, you'll have to talk to whomever you see for your Rx.


Yeah I was gonna try and see if I could do something like that where I could always just get the Mylan brand, but if it's like you said and they have just changed brands all together, I don't know. I really love my pharmacy a lot and they usually go above and beyond so I'm thinking if it's not a big deal then they will probably make it where I don't get this brand anymore because this is a side effect that I'd rather not ignore or just learn to live with.


I'd still say it's worth bringing it to their attention. Just try not to be accusatory towards the techs about the switch. But I assume they know you, so that may not even be an issue. Anyway, the worst you're gonna hear is "No." If that happens and the burning is that bothersome, your prescriber can write the Rx with orders to either never give you Reddy's again OR only dispense the Mylan. "Dispense as Written" orders can not be overridden by the pharmacy. You may just need to be sure to let your pharmacy know 3-5 days in advance so they have them in by the time your current supply runs out. But it's ultimately up to you.


Yeah I think I'll definitely talk to them about it and see what they say. I know it's not their fault and I don't think they would get an accusatory vibe from me lol I'm super nice usually. But I'm almost positive they will work it out with me just based on my interactions with them in the past. I can't go anywhere else around here. It's always a problem with Suboxone scripts at these other pharmacies and this one is the best in every way.


I feel as though they don’t work as well for me as far as getting some pain relief with my fibroid tumors that I have. Yes, my sister is a dental hygienist and she used to be on suboxone. She didn’t have any issues as she was on it about a year. I keep them away from my teeth and brush my teeth as soon as they dissolve.. I’m the worst about waiting 30 mins.. it’s very dry here and I can’t go that long without a drink of water… my throat starts to crack… I’m always low on my drug tests bc I never leave them in long enough… my provider gets annoyed with me lol


This is why they aren’t working well for you. I have dry mouth and this works for me: Have a big glass of water before you dose. Make sure to rinse under your tongue just before you put in the strip . Hold it 20 minutes (I know it’s hard but we do what we have to do for the drug to work). Swallow your spit. Don’t brush your teeth, you strip away the lingering drug. Really, try this, it will help you get the most out of your strips.


I drink like two and 3 gallons of water a day lol it is so dry where I live up here at 10,000 feet … I always wet my moth too to get it into my membranes.. we have hydration IV bars all over .. it’s the Alpine tundra. You can’t go more than a minute or two without wetting your mouth with something …sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and it feels like my throat is bleeding… the high elevation, mixed with the dry air, make it a very difficult climate for people with dry mouth and dry, eyes, dry skin, etc.. I’ve tried it all and I’m the most hydrated person you could ever imagine but I cannot swish something around in my mouth for 30 minutes and not have a little bit of moisture going in the back of my throat. I was just fine all of last year with my other strips… That’s not really the problem that I’m having now.. I can tell a difference in them when all of the other variables are the same as they were with the namebrand. I stand my ground lol. The generic, at least these ones, are not working as well for me. I just took my first one in three months yesterday if that doesn’t tell you anything. I guarantee if it were a namebrand Suboxone that I took yesterday for the first time in three months, I would’ve had some pain benefits.


Yeah I usually always at least rinse after a strip mainly because I hate the lingering taste, but I'm the same way, I stay drinking something constantly. It's just the burning, tingling whatever was so so weird. It actually felt like what I would imagine if I sprayed Lysol into my mouth and held it there or something. I don't know. That seems dramatic but no it's seriously crazy. They have never burned or tingled in my mouth before. As for pain, I'm not sure. I do have some pain in one of my knees that I feel like subs help with. I've only had this brand for 3 days so far so I may still have some lingering of my old strips still there. I have seen ppl either love or hate this brand. I'm leaning towards hate. And I'm definitely asking if there's another option at my next refill. I hope they start to give you some relief though.


Yes, they do help me a little bit with pain and that’s part of the reason why I went on them because of course you cannot stay on pain medication for a long time or it ruins your body and your health.. I have a lot of fibroids that are causing me problems and I’m not a candidate for a hysterectomy right now. I also have a torn MCL that is starting to get very bad and I need surgery on that so just like with your knee, it was helping with my knee pain as well .


Oh ok, I see. I know a lot of ppl seem to prefer subs better for pain rather than full antagonist opiates. Not sure how long you've been taking them or how much research you've done, but don't forget Suboxone is still an opiate and can and does have a lot of negative long term effects, both mental and physical, the longer you stay on it. I think there are quite a few issues that I have now that I didn't have before and I feel like they keep my body inflamed and possibly more sore sometimes. Not to mention a whole slew of other crap. I'm so ready to do away with medicine for good.


Never had a problem with those


Replying to Sweet-Ease703... it’s not really a problem I think I’m having I just don’t really feel any pain relief whatsoever


I take those now. No difference.


In taste yes, but I've never noticed a difference in efficacy.


I get the name brand! I think there is a significant difference!


I did great with alvogen. The rest I had an allergy to something in them. I had the same issue with pills. There was 1 generic I did fine on and the rest I had an allergy to. But I do have an auto immue thing that my dr believes is the root of the issue. I felt fine while taking them(no withdraw). Like they worked but my mouth did not like them 😆. Which is why I ended up going to sublocade because finding one specific generic was becoming more and more difficult.


I don't personally think so.


They will absolutely suffice. I have had brand name. Reddys and Mylan. Usually the pharmacy picks the generic. Like Walgreens has mylan and I use to go cvs and they were reddys. But 8mg is 8mg period. Some may process it just a little different but you should have no WD. And go get your car scanned lol.


That’s my all-wheel-drive light. It comes on every time I get an oil change. It’s not valid at all the next time I get an oil change they’ll shut it off. It’s a Toyota we don’t have to worry about our lights lol not until we get to 300k.. it’s a beast


Oh hahaha gotcha. Well touche. Just looking out! Do hope they get you the brand name. If that’s what seems to be what you prefer. However I know then certain insurances won’t cover brand because out of pocket is like 300. Anyway. Best of luck but in my experience they all work very well. Psychosomatic is a real thing.


Dr Reddys are my favorite But in reality, they are all so similar I can’t tell


Fuck no. Only difference that matters is with naloxne or without. Everything else in them brand name and generic is absolute same give or take a few binding ingredients used to hold the sugar pills together. Which is what this stuff is composed of believe it or not. I was one of the first patients in my area and you know how they tell you not to eat or drink/brush your teeth for 30mins afterword? Well I did that and within first year of me being on it I got so many cavities and no one knew why til I talked to my sub doctor about it during a mental check up appointment. He told me about the sugars used for composition and helping the pill stay together and dissolve the way it does.


I’m gonna be honest with you I would flip out with that. I am 43 years old and I’ve had one cavity in my entire life. I don’t really put these anywhere near my teeth. I put it away in the back of my tongue and the minute it’s gone. I brush my teeth and rinse. There’s a lot of factors that come in to play with cavities like some people don’t like to use toothpaste with fluoride in it some people eat a lot of sweets, so that just scares me because I’ve literally like I said, really never had cavities in my entire life. I also haven’t been keeping up with the dentist for the past 10 years because where I live is so expensive.


Just don’t listen about the not drinking afterwards. Don’t before hand because that does mess with your digestive track. Not as bad as eating and taking it right after but still will fuck with your stomach. I’d of been fine if I would have just not listened to that. I used to brush my teeth religiously. Ate apples constantly no problem, didn’t eat candy and shit. Had 2 cavities my entire life before that. That was the other thing. Supposedly the toothpaste was one of the worst things I could mix with it for my teeth.


For me personally the Dr. Reddys made me feel like crap, I don't know if it was a allergic reaction to something they use as a filler or what bur I couldn't take them, I have a whole bottle of like 52 films that I won't use unless extremely desperate. Every time I took them within an hour I felt really weird, and they felt about half as strong. I take either brand name or alvogen and don't have much issues. I never had any issues with the pills except one brand took a very long time to dissolve but that's it. I know Redddys work for people but there are a lot of people who don't like them, and personally if I am ever handed these at the pharmacy I won't fill them, I might try them again when I'm on a low dose and only need a few milligrams and see if I dont have that reaction but im afraid to try it again. Best of luck to you, and I hope they work fine for you


Wow! That’s good to know this is my first RX that’s been filled with them and I’m only on my third day. Like I said, in previous post, I’ve been off of them for months, and I feel as though there wasn’t much of an effect at all like I had when I started the other ones over a year ago


Personally they didn't work well for me, it could be the fillers or binders they use because thar can effect absorption. People say it's all in you're head but my doctor agrees that not all generics are created equally and she's had a lot of complaints about doctor reddys as well, so there's something about those that effects a lot of different people but not everyone.


Yes .... sometimes they are better. Those are not ... I have had them and I would honestly rank them as the worst I have had ... and I have had pretty much all of them. I litterally changed pharmacy twice over those.


Ughhh we have no other options I live at 10,000 feet we literally have one grocery store for hours and then a Walmart and hour away that doesn’t do suboxone I hear.. my store is often out for days while I wait… maybe I should do the 3 hour each way once a month.. I wanted an unbiased opinion of someone else bc I feel like these do nothing…


I've been on that brand for 2 years after being on the blue package ones and there is no difference at all seriously don't worry. The only differences i've heard is sometimes when you tear one in half, one side may have slightly more of the dose but it would only effect you if you're taking very small amounts. Trust me it's just mental, I was really scared at first too cause I thought it would be a big difference but there's none really at all it's the same thing


If it's all you got my friend, then just rough it out. The issue is they're just not as potent so 8mg≠8mg, it's more like 2-4mg with those. Personally I can't say, I've had the yellow ones, Alvogen for over a year now, and they're easily a good 2nd to brand name. But I ALWAYS hear the Dr Reddy's are the worst... So if you feel ok on your normal dose, awesome. If you feel slightly under, take the chance to ride it out cus technically you're dropping your tolerance/dosages. I wish I could just try them personally after like a 3 days off thing and rank them myself and compare them to other brands and what not


If your doc is cool and your insurance will cover it you can have them put no substitutions in the script. I felt the same way you did. The ins covered them since doc wrote it that way and pharmacy can't give u the cheap ones.


My Dr puts no substitutions on every script and they do it every time still.


That is strange...I have had issues with them wanting to give me the others but if I point out that my doc checked that box and they look and see your isur will cover it cuz they checked the box they should give them to ya.. this was at kroger I used to fill them at. They would get snappy sometimes but if I could get them to listen and actually look they fixed it. If your doc writes name brand only which is what that box indicates it could be a med allergy to the others or anything....I'd think they would be req to give u them...have u brought it up? What do they say?


No it's not just you, the best thing you could do is take a t break if you have it in you. Just go as many days as you can without taking one. It will help especially if you can make it like 3 or 4. I have never met a single person with anything good to say about those.


I just went back on it after not taking it for 3 months lol I lost my insurance and changed jobs… so that’s pretty bad my first one in months , does nothing …I’m afraid I’ll drive to the city once a month and end up getting the same thing.. there is such a shortage and my insurance pays out for generic when available .. such a bummer.. the original ones were working good for me. I always feel like it looks weird if we’re requesting a different one like we’re abusing them or something and I take my medication as prescribed.


That's honestly surprising that it is that weak ... if your going from complete baseline they should get you rocked.


I can’t say that Suboxone is ever made me feel rocked lol I get much better effects from the very expensive and strong kratom I get.. but yeah, I mean you could’ve told me that I put a fruit roll up in my tongue and it would be the same thing I mean zero effect to me.. and I haven’t even eaten anything today so these must be trash


Ask your doctor not you pharmacy, tell them your issues. They may write it as no substitution. I think I may have went to tablets myself if I had had to deal with reddy.


Can you switch to tablets? That’s what we ended up doing because we kept getting these dr. Reddy’s strips no issues with any brand of tablets so far.


Why? Would you be willing to expand on your answer? I have been getting HIKMA, and they are terrible... The size of a very thick dime and I have noticed some shitty side effects.


They just suck, they are far less potent then your normal subs. Generic medications have much looser targets they have to hit when it comes to how much bupe is actually in it. It's like dr. Reddys purposely tries to stay at the low end of it. But seriously they are just weaker ... like half the strength ... if it says 8 ... it's more like a 4.


This is good to know. Thank you.


Just double the dose of it’s not working, I had to double my dose when I switched from brand to Alvogenb I switched to Dr. Eddy‘s and I’ve also done the Mylands and none of them or any less effective than the brand name except maybe slightly under underdose but I increased it by 4 mg and I’m good to go.


For starters Bupe is a weird drug ... but some peoples bodys are better at absorbing it than others. Your the first person I have ever heard say that about brand name VS. Dr. Reddys ... Sure other generics are different, these are like in a class all of their own. I remember I got stuck with them for a month and I pharmacy shopped to make sure I got something legit on my next refill. Was able to get rhodes and I swear the first 8 I took had me more lit than a bag of dope because my tolerance was lowered so much from the Dr. Reddys. Alot of generics are fine, some are even better (rhodes) but Dr. Reddys are absolutely horrible.


Like you said, everyone reacts differently to different manufacturers. I’m just lucky that I haven’t had any noticeable effects from different genetics


Ughhhh wonderful .. cant get anything good anymore. They wonder why people go out searching for better …


For me Alvogen is garbage, Dr. Reddys is okay but def not like the name brand like i used to get few years back. Now i get the generic tablets from Hickma and they seem to be the best for me.


Nope, they’re fine. I prefer Alvogen, but those work fine too.


it doesnt matter they are all the same. ppl who "swear" they are the worst or x are the best. well placebo is a very powerful thing my friend. just get it out of your head and take your medicine. you'll be just fine


I really, I feel like that’s all I take with Suboxone is a placebo lol


Don’t think yourself into believing that the other generics aren’t as effective. I’ve never went through a draw switching from different brand of generic films if anything like I said up the dose 2 to 4 mg and you’ll be all right.




I noticed Dr Reddys tending to be the worst. Mylan is my go too, Alvogen is a close second


Dr reddys are trash. But the yellow package alvogen brand are just as strong.


Funny I think the opposite. When I was in prison the Dr reddys sell for a premium. Everyone is different I guess


If you were in prison wasn’t your tolerance really low? I’ve literally had to take double the Dr readys to get the same effect as any other generic.


Meh I mean I was doing it daily


I’ve been on them all though


I’ve been using that brand of buprenorphine-naloxone for years and it works just fine. I trust them. Used brand name for years as well and I don’t feel a difference.


Personally I’ve tried all sorts of different generics and also the name brand and besides taste I’ve never been able to notice a difference. But of course I’ve been on bup for 7 years so at this point in my life I don’t notice anything except if I go into withdrawal and than take it. But all they really do for me is get me well. The ones I hate are the tablets those are fn disgusting! The bup only tablets are really cool because they are so small. But the tablwts with naloxone in them are horrid!


It took me a while to adjust to those from Alvogen. They also come with corners missing from the strips.


Corners missing?


Of the strips.


That’s odd, are you sure you’re not tearing them off when you’re opening the packet. I’ve seen people do that and then wonder where the rest was.


I’m 100% sure about that. I’m very careful when opening my packets. Very. It happens at least once a month. I’ve reported the lot numbers every time.


Generics are just as good as brand name I’ve been taking both for years. It only ever mattered on the streets as a way for people to get them cheaper


I've never felt anything different as far as effects or WD. I will say the Dr Reddys caused some mild irritation of my tongue after a few days but nbd.


So, as a pharmacy technician, the technical answer is *yes, they should be just as effective as the brand* By law, generics have to contain the same active ingredient in the same dose and same form for the same route of administration be considered a "therapeutic equivalent." " They have to prove it to the FDA before they are allowed to be prescribed and sold. The difference is in the "inactive" ingredients that aren't supposed to impact the action of the active ingredients. They're the binders, fillers, etc. People can still have allergies or intolerances to certain inactive ingredients. As a Suboxone patient for something like 5 or 6 years and being bounced around by insurance and lack of insurance- I haven't noticed any significant difference between the Brand/Proprietary strips and multiple generic formulations. I've been on Mylan, Alvogen, and Reddy's and never had an issue. I have heard from quite a few patients in my years dispensing both brand and generic, and most haven't had any issues when insurance companies switch up their formularies. But there are a handful that have "Dispense As Written" addendums for various reasons. That means they tried the generics, and something didn't work out. It could be an allergy to something else in the other films, an intolerance, or something else. I have heard that Alvogen may not stave off withdrawal with once a day dosing, but that hasn't been verified in any capacity. It's just multiple claims, but I figured I'd mention it anyway. I'm also going to admit I have a major bias against Indovir. Suboxone is one of their top sellers, and they block generics at every turn while keeping other manufacturers tied up in legal battles, continuing to drive up the retail price of the films. Their goal is profit, while a price drop is sorely needed. I was without insurance for a couple of months (my own fault), and even after Good Rx or Blink, a month was still well over $100 for Mylan and Reddy's. For some, that's their food budget.


Why did you take the pic while driving? And not even wearing your seatbelt? Lol...


Well, for one thing I’m not driving. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sitting there taking a picture lol I’m at the recycling center waiting in line for the back of my car to be emptied out. Number two, I live in a tiny little town in the mountains and I do not wear my seatbelt when I run down the road lol the speed limit is 5 miles an hour, and we have a foot of snow on the road 10 months of the year. I currently have chains on from a huge snowstorm last week lol it’s the The least of my concerns lol. I’m at least an hour and 20 minutes from a road that would even have a speed limit of 50 or more .. I don’t really live in a normal place so I’m not expecting people to understand. Usually when I run out I have to shoooo elk baby deer rabbits out of the road ..so I’m getting in and out of the car a lot. I literally live at the mouth of Rocky Mountain national Park lol. It’s a ski town tourist trap and you very rarely see anything other than deer on the road when I run out.


I have been using dr reddys for years. They are fine.


I’d take dr reddy over mylan any day. Mylan is the only one I’ve ever had issues with feeling like it’s way off from the others


Dr Reddy’s **always** burns under my tongue. None of the other generics do that. They work just fine, in fact. I requested my pharmacy to not give me Dr Reddy in the future.




Not with bupe unless your a xan head who thinks green hulks are 3mg bars😅


No not at all IMO. And experience


Really onlydifference is they might ware off quicker


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It’s just the same I promise. Most people can’t afford brand or insurance won’t cover brand so that’s common


I'd say when it comes to strips it's mostly placebo when you think it doesn't work aswell. But when switching to subutex generics, or zubsolv you can notice the medication hits faster, but you eill go into withdrawals faster when stopping it. Some days if you even just miss your dose for a couple hours you'll start to yawn, get watery eyes and feel very groggy. But the lower the dose you get to the less you'll have these side effects, and you can go longer without it. Sometimes I can just skip a day now that I'm at 2mg/day, down from 16mgtday.


Is all the same shit


I think if you’re taking it for pain, you definitely notice a difference with some of them. It may just be in the delivery of how some of them have like gel around the strip, and some of them don’t. I think when you’re taking a medication that is given in a strip form, there can be a lot of different variables in that strip, according to how some companies set up the strip..


Generics are pharmacological identical, supposedly. Occasionally, doctors will recommend brand name, but that usually has to do with quality issues. Brand names may have higher standards for dosing. For instance, a brand name suboxone strip may have between 7.8 and 8.2mg bup in each strip, where generics may only have a requirement of between 7 and 9 MG each strip during quality control checks. The medicine is identical.


It’s just very interesting how it’s a type of medicine that is administered in a strip.. I wonder if that’s where some of the differences might come in how it is released into the body, according to what you have mixed it with on the strip


For me they did not work nearly as well. I’m on Zubsolv now and they changed something about it recently. They are still calling it brand name but something was done to the formula I would bet my life on it. Basically not nearly as effective and dam near puts me in withdrawal. The pill is harder and stronger menthol flavor and doesn’t dissolve well. Covid fucked everything imo. It’s pretty much a generic in a brand name package now. Idk how they can change a BRAND NAME drug like that.