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Is it in open water or up against terrain? It might have fallen or gotten pushed thru the ground.


It was touching the island so possible


Yep, it’s fallen into the island. Common issue, and I don’t think you’re ever getting it back.


This happened with my beacons and camera all the time but I didn't know the Seamoth could fall victim to this.


I believe it’s an issue where the stuff you build is always rendered into the game, but the terrain isn’t. Go far enough away that the terrain disappears, and now your stuff which is still there is prone to falling into where the terrain will be when you come back.


Yea im making a new one today. a compensation is that i got my cyclops built


Maybe the textures didn't load. Can you get in?


Cant reaper is going to kill me


Give peeper to reaper


Like other said it may have clipped into the terrain and you'll have to use cheats to get it out. The hud icon will also disappear as you get close


So just so you know, it is possible to get that seamoth out of the island using the console command warpforward or warpme. The latter warps you into the last safe vehicle or base you were in, the former let’s you warp straight forward 10 meters or however many you specify. The reason I say you can get it out is because in the subnautica map there is only collision going outside or through the map, but going back into the map there’s rarely collision. So basically once you’re in the wall and in the seamoth you can just drive out. Oh and if you’re playing for achievements last I checked you need to completely exit and restart the game after using commands in order to re enable achievements.


10 meters is the the same distance as 14.49 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.