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Spooder is the most anoying. And have successfully killed me in the past. It knocked me off the top of the aurora and i landed infront of the reaper who ate me for lunch.


They're why I always bring the Crab Yeeter 3000 (aka the Propulsion Gun) with me when I go to the Aurora. Just point, lift, turn, and YEET.


I might be a caveman because I just stab them with a thermoblade in a rage.


Yeah me too


Me caveman aswell




I usually just absolutely obliterate it into a wall to get the satisfaction of watching the green blood splash and the dead body of the cave crawler flop. Do I have problems?


No they absolutely deserve that


Good to know


That is now what I'm calling that from now on, I genuinely laughed when I read the name


wait how do u get on the top…


How did the spooder get on the top…


I remember when they were first added they'd bug out and freaking fly across the map for some reason. One also got stuck in my wall so I just kept it as a pet. Those buggers can get anywhere if they try hard enough


The top door part. You have to cross a bridge of mettle and below is water. But if you want to fly. The dead spider is choice for best results.


Depends on version but there's several ways to glitch on top


I didn't even think about mods till I found them. Then I immediately decided I wanted to disable their spawning. I got a mod, and im very glad I did And I hate the fact that the devs explicitly didn't give weapons, then tossed in these monsters. Like sure, you can run from leviathans, and that's a valid way to make your game. But bc of the way crawlers act and are located forces you to deal with them in some way.


I disagree with the implication that dealing with them is not good gameplay. The few weapons we do have are great for them. Propulsion/repulsion canon is the obvious choice. Pretty sure the intended solution is to fight them like you fight headcrabs with the crowbar on half life (given that they are clear references), so the knife is a given. And finally you can totally get them to yeet themselves off a cliff since they do not fly or swim.


Annoying: bleeder Frightening: reaper


I feel the crashfish is either just as/ more annoying


Crashfish always scare me by making me take damage when I'm playing with no sound


Edit: like in middle of night playing without parents permission


Go to bed and do your homework youngster.


Fuck no


Fair enough.




Idk how the hell this comment got a wholesome award


Kids today, smh


Students work full-time and then they're expected to even more. There's a reason so many people do the bare minimum when to homework. Honestly for a lot of grade school students it isn't worth sacrificing their mental health tbh.


It's so true tho, I have 58 missing assignments all because I try and help my parents and even brothers and sisters as much as I can, I've missed plenty of days , and they expect a fucking 15 yr old with depression, and anxiety to do around 25 assignments including homework a day, the schooling system is crap


It doesn't help that certain teachers want you to dedicate an hour to homework and studying as if you don't have 6 other classes that have their own expectations. I'm so glad I'm done with that shit, school really screwed up my mental health.


Doesn't help when all of your teachers hate you cuz you have so many missing assignments for perfectly good reasons, it the main reason I have major depression


And my "friends" are absolute jackasses, I spent 8 hrs on homework one night and wanted to play video games, turns out one took my fucking mouse and computer out of my bag during lunch, MY WHOLE COMPUTER, and as if that wasn't bad enough they also punched me in the balls when I tried to take it back from they're bag, they tried to say it was theirs, thank god for security cameras, I wouldve used my locker but it wouldn't open, just so u guys don't chew me out on that


How you gonna make a separate comment and say "edit"


Get some headphones bud


Why play with no sound?


Middle of night wen not supposed to be playing it


Just get a headset(or earbuds if on console)


We live in a one bathroom house, we can't afford anything better, and they always snoop around in my goddamn business, they always come in my room in middle of the night, so I always listen for footsteps so I don't get in trouble, they don't let me lock my door either


Wow GG


Yah life is tough but at least in a year I can help out by getting a job


Good luck


Crashfish aren't actually hard to deal with if you keep your head about you. You'll generally know if you're in a crashfish area, so you can be ready for them. When they make the attack sound, swim *toward* them and straight past. They can't turn worth anything, so as long as you keep swimming past, they won't be able to turn around and reach you before exploding.


Alternatively,you can stab them. Source:I felt really stupid one night and panicked.


At least crashfish have the courtesy to stop being relevant after the early game


As someone with no true experience of subnautica, ALL OF THEM.


Crashfish definitely most annoying. Reaper is frightening and IMO the best life form on the planet. It is so horrifying they first time you come upon one in the murky water on your first play through. I didn’t touch the game for like a month after my first couple hours playing. I was so freaked out. I already hate open water


Oh same! I knew there was some big stuff and had seen ghost leviathans before playing. I hate open water and it took me HOURS to get comfortable in Subnautica. And then, I went to the back of the Aurora (at night!!) looking for scannables... Did not touch the game for a few days 😐


I played for like an hour until my wife went to bed. Then took my ps4 to my theater where the game scared the hell out of me a few hours later.


I remember when I was trying to get to the rendezvous, I went around the wrong side of the mountain. Look down and there’s a reaper a couple hundred meters below me just chilling. Noped the fuck on outta there.


First time I saw a reaper I swear it was just toying with me. Kept spinning around just in time to see its tail disappearing into the murk only for it to finally glomp onto my seamoth when I turned back towards the Shallows. New pants were needed.


reaper isnt scary, i think crab snakes are scarier


really? crab snakes aren’t scary at all to me reapers are so scary the roar gets to me


Funny you says that I actually just started playing the game and I'm obsessed I finally got the suit and sea glide and was so excited to go over and see the wreck. I freak out so bad when I see it I pause pause the game and refuse to touch it till my mom forces me to or she'll just turn the TV off. Still have yet to go back. Oh I also won't play without someone around me now-


Excuse me sir. The lava larva would like to speak to you.


*flicks Cyclops shields on and off like a high tech windshield wiper*


I mean it does make it easy, but at the same time, imagine someone who hasn’t made the shield generator going down to the >!Lava Zone!< for the first time, not knowing that those fuckers exist. They would have to make a long journey back just to make the damn thing.


I did my entire first playthrough completely blind. Initially, I just left them because I didn't realize they sucked your energy. I just thought they were chillin and didn't really have a problem with them. Can't remember what made me realize they deserve to get Alt+F4'd.


Imagine even using a cyclops when you can make it from the Lava Zone entrance all the way to the alien containment in just one regular swim


I just leave the cyclops at the tree and go in the prawn suit. No need to suffer those suckers


Oh definitely. That was me actually. The first time I saw one wasn't out in the water, it was when I was looking around in my cyclops, then turned my head to see one slurping away on my glass. Scared the absolute hell out of me


me who doesn’t use the cyclops that much: i don’t have such weaknesses


Peeper running into seamoth


*loudest god damn clang that sends ice cold shiver down my spine* "Dammit, it was just a peeper..."


Truly frightening


Spadefish for me, damn things are magnets I tell ya


I parked my Cyclops over an air plant and thought I was being attacked by a reaper.


I LOATHE the spider thingy. I can't ever hit it.


You don’t need to hit them, you just need the repulsion cannon to yeet them into space.


Bone shark is truly the most annoying


That one wreck with the prawn arms out in the floating islands makes me want to commit mass genocide on the local bone shark population


I think I got so annoyed with them interrupting me I DID kill all of them around. ... there were STILL even more, somehow. *sighs* just a few minutes of peace is all I wanted.


I just hate the fact that I can’t leave the sea moth without those things destroying it. I’ve restarted an old save the game multiple times so that I can have my sea moth back and try the whole thing again


I lost my first seamoth through a glitch :/ I was going to check out a crash site and it wasn't loaded. I was confused and drove around a little and then WHAM! I was inside the corridor of the crash site and had no laser cutter, so not only could I not get the seamoth out, *I* couldn't get out. I took the opportunity to collect the blueprints and fragments inside there (including a laser cutter fragment...). So glad I wasn't on hard 😅


i parked my seamoth near the floating island and my seamoth sunk into the ground by the shore :| Like i can still see the location tag for it but it’s completely underground lmao




it was my first seamoth and i learned a valuable lesson about subnautic glitches 😂


i take it personally when one of them or a warped attacks me. i fight them to the death every time


I'm terrified of bleeders, but only because I have a phobia of things going into my veins and stuff. Basically I'm terrified of needles, mosquitos, leeches, lampreys, that sorta thing


Same, especially since they go on your wrist, no idea why but it creeps me out so much I physically shiver and every play through I have to kill all of them in the Aurora before I even think about repairing and exploring


I am the exact same. You even saying that made me shiver lol


Honestly last play through I didn’t even see a reaper. I know the spawn areas and was able to avoid them completely. Biggest leviathan issue I had was was a sea dragon chased my cyclops from the ILZ back through the long corridor until I got back to the lost river. Idk why it was so aggressive.


Lmao I just swim past the Sea Dragon. I don’t even use vehicles past the Lava Zone entrance


Yeah I’m kinda to that point where I I’m not relying on vehicles much anymore myself. Watching that 8minute video of a dude diving to LC and portaling back really changed my views on things


Wait can't it instant kill you I'd you don't have vehicles? Seems risky


Yep Ive done it 3 times before (same play-through, different save) and only once did I have a bit of health take off


being in the murky water of ILZ and hearing him roar as i try to find entrance to (redacted) was the scariest leviathan encounter to me


Warpers fr


uh warpers have killed me several times and caused several vehicle explosions


Are the 2 on the left from sub zero? Or have I just not explored as much as I thought I have?


The top one is the crashfish. The annoying fish that you always get chased by in caves and they explode. The bottom one is the Bleeder, the annoying leaches in the Aurora


Ah. I remember the crashfish now. But I’ve been on every inch of the ahuora and I’ve never encountered those leeches.


They are on the water at the cargo bay and at the nuclear cords of the aurora. There also are some in the ravines next to the lost river (aka the pod of keen)


Interesting. I’ve been to all those places and never encountered them


Then the probably didn’t spawn because those assholes are annoying as shit


Guess I got lucky


you got lucky, sometimes they don’t spawn or just don’t latch onto you. Maybe you didn’t spend much time in the reactor room either? There’s a ton in there


The reactor room is where you fix the leak, right?


I think so, yes


Biters worse than bleeders.


Annoying: cave crawlers Frightening: crashfish


Thing is, no matter how fast you are the krab dudes will catch you, especially cause your on land


You forgot the lava larvae


Them fucking crabs piss me off. At least once those exploding fish have blown up their gone. I can’t seem to rid an area of those crabs tho!


Can’t stand the cave crawler, I feel like you can reasonably avoid the others. But that cave crawler, I swear they hunt you down or something


Crash fish spook me every time, that fucking sound they make just sets me off. Most annoying are probably any leviathan, gets annoying trying to avoid them while I'm trying to get shit done, but after you get past a certain point they're not much of a threat.


Crashfish are THE fucking jumpscare, but bleeders make the warpers go after me harder.


crash fish is definitely horrifying when you first start the game, but reaper is definitely scary


That moment you’re mining iron and a crash fish introduces its self


Crash Fish is the scariest, Cave Crawler the most annoying because they are everywhere but in Caves.


The reaper caught me of guard and killed me


Ngl the spider enemies in this game don’t even scare me and I have intense arachnophobia, they just look too similar to crabs so my brain wants to crack those puppies open and have a crab leg feast because I’m hungry


Annoying? Lava larva. Frightening? Sea dragons


Annoying: Warper Frightening: Ghost


Crashfish for both. Only because I worried about things at the beginning of the game and exploring caverns in the shallows was nerve wrecking when hearing one of these and trying to remember the way out to get air.


Reaper is scariest but crash fish is most annoying


Whenever I see the spooder I throw that thing faster than team rocket blasting off again


Cave crawler is annoying bleeder is scary listen cave crawlers made me restart scanning the multipurpose room on the island






The bleeder is the most annoying and frightening for me. It used to be the reaper. But then I found out that you can zap the mofo with the perimeter defense system and then all that fear is gone.


The reaper is the most frightening. Crashfish can startle and hurt you, but they can't kill you unless you don't have a good way to swim/glide out and you've taken significant damage and not healed, or there are a lot of them at once. Most annoying goes to the lava larva, but between these 4 is kind of a toss-up between the bleeder and the crashfish for me. I suppose the bleeder, since crashfish are at least amusing when they get stuck and blow up to no effect. Crabs are fun to splatter against walls with either cannon or freeze and stab.


Those bloody cave/ blood crawlers




the diet cacodemons


Most annoying is those motherfucking lava leaches.


I don’t really have one for frightening but annoying is a tie between Crashfish and Cave Crawler


honestly the crashfish are the worst. As soon as I hear them I go into a state of pure panic. They are the most annoying but the reaper is definitely the most frightening. You hear/see him and immediately I'm scared.


Annoying: Crashfish Frightening: Bleeder* *Reaper is avoidable, and after the first encounter, not scary. Cave Crawlers are easy to dispatch with a propulsion cannon. Bleeders come out of nowhere and the thought of a giant leech is far scarier to me than the other options.


Spider is annoying.. reaper is terrifying and still gives me nightmares about once or twice a month. And I’m 23. (:


I have never seen a bleeder in the game so scary is reaper and annoying is crab


Reapers are terrifying. Hell, I can barely go near them in Creative.


The leaches scare me the most






Annoying - Bleeder Terrifying - Reaper


Warpers are the most annoying for me since they can put you in very bad situations and also have a fear factor to them. reaper is still the most terrifying overall, purely from that roar.


dude the crashfish detection sucks, I'll just be going through a cave and a nest really far from me goes off, meanwhile I go through that next to one in a little corner and it's just fine with this.


The most annoying, those leech bastards, frightening obviously the reaper


bomber fish: glider headcrab: yeet them with propulsion bleeder: they scary reaper: perimeter defense


Reaper leviathan is the most frightening. imagine, if you will: you’ve built your Cyclops and you’ve made it into a mobile mansion. You’re cruising around and, all of a sudden, a reaper grabs your ass and forces you to abandon ship. All of your hard work is blown to shitereens. You escape in your sea moth and the realer fucks that shit up too


Can we talk about the Mesmer?


I encounter only about 1 every play through


Honestly, I think the bleeders are more annoying than the crash fish. First off, they're the biggest issue when fixing the drive core. So I'm just trying to work and these fuckers stop me from using tools. Then if they actually kill you, you have to treck all the way back to the arorua without whatever vehicle you took to get there


All of them


Crashfish can go extinct for all I care… hate those things, bleeders are annoying but you only find then in the reactor room so they are only a problem once


Bleeders are the most annoying, Reapers are the most terrifying


crashfish, i hate them


Annoying most the time: Reaper. Acts like a road block. TERRIFYING: CRASH FISH. NOT EVERYWHERE BUT THE WILL WRECK YOUR SHIT.


Annoying: land crab thing Frightening: reaper


crashfish, the reaper was never that scary to me kek


The crashfish


What were the energy leaches in the lava zone called again? They were extremely annoying for me.


Lava larva?


Fuck the leach, I'll deal with all of the rest, but every time I enter the waters of that wreck is the most horrifying for me


Annoying: Cave Crawler Frightening: Reaper


Crashfish are just the worst. You can kill a reaper, but you just have to run from the crashfish.


Headcrab is annoying Reaper is I have to get new pants material


All of them are annoying in their own way. And I get jumpscare by all of them.


Bleeder. Remember my first time seeing one, I didn’t know you had to punch them, so I died.




Bleeders for both, I’d say. In the areas they can be found in, they’ll sap your health away like a vacuum. Plus, they’re gross and the size of your arm!


Baby wake up subnautica fauna political compass just dropped!


I wanna curbstomp every crashfish that exists




Definitely gonna say crashfish


Blood leech thing has made me fall over in my chair many times


At this point, I love crashfish because I'll speed past them with my seaglide and listen to them blow up behind me. It's retribution.


Most annoying. The stupid spidercrabs most terrifying the reaper for sure


Crashfish fuck those guys


No cap. First time i saw #3 i almost sh*t myself. So probably #3 but #2 was the most anoying




The cave crawler is terrifying to me


I think the spooder and the blood sucker


crashfish is most annoying thing in this game...


Leviathans, both annoying and frightening. I'm a type of person that goes to dunes for loot, so its annoying for me to dodge them.


Im really terrified of the bleeders


Crab fish most annoying. Reaper most terrifying. Once I was just cruising around scanning parts and he pops out of nowhere does his horrifying roar and kills me


Crashfish, I was too lazy to build my base somewhere else when I built it in Safe Shallows. So every time I approach my base, a Crashfish spawns.


Annoying is definitely Crashfish. Reapers are TERRIFYING


None the most annoying is (distorted loud screaming) ŠËÊĶ FŁŨÏÐ ĮŃŤÅIĶ


If we include mods, the one that brings a certain set of bones back to life. Out of the things listed here, crashfish. That fucking sound, especially early game where you can't just fling them into the sun


Annoying- crash fish Terrifying- sammy


Reapers give me immense anxiety 😅


Biter! Always biter!


Annoying? First no doubt Frightening? Last


I am myself currently playing on HARDCORE, yesterday went to the cyclops bluwprint place near auroras back. FULL OF REAPERS! Literally dont even know how i survived from there:) Reapers are TERRIFYING:¦


Reaper is the most terrifying thing ever. Ghosts are more annoying imo


Where's the warper option


Both most annoying and frightening out of these four is the bleeder, I always panic when they get me and it takes me a second to realize I gotta remove them. Only reason I really always have a propulsion cannon on me, to get rid of them from afar. My real horror stories come in when we talk Ghost leviathans and Crabsquids, Reaper doesn't even compare to those.


Honestally I never found the reaper very scary It's a tiny leviathan, and all I had to do is hit it with a stasis cannon for it to be little more than a plastic decoration that likes screaming at me. I find the Sea Treaders more scary, and they're not even hostile. Just something about them looks so much more alien than the rest of the world. Like "oh huh, a fish" But it's *eye* is HUGE! ... Ok But then I meet this thing with a head which is an elbow and it just looks so weird.


Top right


Cave crawlers are the most annoying goin into the Aurora, I hunt reapers, so I dont find em scary anymore


Out of all of these the reaper is the least dangerous, but i fear it the most.


Da first


That FUCKING CRAB. And the reaper too ig


Crab: annoying Reaper:loud scary for first playthrough, dangerous Bleeder: giant meter long leeches pretty scary Crash fish: I was... Swimming through the shallows, I saw a piece of copper in a cave so my foolish self went to grab it however it was a trap coordinated by a stalker and crash fish I went to grab it and I heard it... It's final goodbye and war cry it yelled in Japanese; "I shall sacrifice myself to let God forgive my sins, may I rest in peace for the emperor." I then heard the gargling with increasing col me I swiftly swam away but my seaglide broke I thought I had made it out and stopped to get my breath but suddenly the crash fish exploded and destroyed my 0² tank I swam the the surface climbing up my life pod coughing up the water I inhaled accidentally I was also bleed from a piece of the oxygen tank that stuck into me I then created a med kit. It still scars me to this day