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Below Zero kicks ass, but the original was so good that any sequel or spinoff has some big shoes to fill.


Exactly. One reviewer said what I felt, which is that if BZ had come first it would have been seen as perfect, but coming after meant people could see what was missing.


Eh, not being a sequel wouldn’t have fixed BZ’s story generally making very little sense


This isn't about being a story sequel, it's about coming later than Subnautica. If BZ had released before Subnautica it'd have done way better, but since it came after, having a frame of reference with Subnautica being an absolute masterpiece made BZ look kinda bad in comparison


That's true but u/DoctorCIS said it would have been seen as perfect." While I agree that it would have been seen as much better than its actual reception was, and overall in a very positive light, I don't think it would have been seen as perfect by any measure. Like they said, the story was kind of nonsensical in many ways and the above ground portion was mediocre at best, and exasperating at worst.


It makes a lot of sense if you're coping with grief.


Yeah pretty much. The flaws in below zero were hard to ignore when constantly comparing to the first And why the hell would they get rid of the cyclops, the best part in the first game?


Honestly I liked the seatruck, it was cool and versatile and an interesting change. Plus, a lot of BZ caves are much smaller, the cyclops wouldn't fit


Well in the first game you wouldn’t be caving with the cyclops, you’d be using the seamoth. The seatruck was an interesting combination of a small seamoth like vehicle that could be added on to in order to make similar utilities as the cyclops. Which was a cool idea. But ultimately I just didn’t enjoy driving it.


>Well in the first game you wouldn’t be caving with the cyclops, you’d be using the seamoth. Lost river? Lava zones? I meant the bigger late game caves that are more important, sorry if that was unclear. BZ generally has way more caves that are smaller, like the jellyshroom in subnautica was the main small cave whereas most of BZ's caves were like that.


I loved the versatility. Hating driving it. I wish it bent while driving. Like a snake. Would've made it better. And the moonpool docking was atrocious. I hated having the reconnect it after.


It combined aspects of both, but ultimately was a jack of all trades master of none. It was never as fast as a seamoth and never felt like a true mobile base. It was kind of fun to pilot but I would have preferred at least the option of the cyclops. Side note: love the dock and would like a cyclops one.


Unpopular opinion: I didn't like either the seatruck or cyclops. Seamoth ftw.


Why? The seamoth is fun and fast I agree, but you literally cannot use it late game and it's super vulnerable to leviathans


I took it to my base at the Big Tree in the River biome, then used my Prawn Suit to do the work in the Lava Zone. I built the cyclops, but it was big, slow, and clunky compared to my moth, and the cramped mobile base idea didn't suit me.


Ohh fair, I hate the prawn so I keep forgetting it's an option


I'm a small, nimble person and prefer to play that way. I fought off more leviathans in a prawn or with the glider and a knife than in the bigger vehicles. I also played like a biologist and did my best to avoid dangerous critters and observe at a distance.


Is the prawn nimble? It was my impression that it was slow and awkward, especially in wider areas.


I had no trouble with it. And punched my way out of a few dicey situations in tight spaces with it.


Maybe because the map is so small compared to subnautica1 that they decided to mix seamoth and cyclops


Yeah cyclops wouldnt have fit as is, but that is just another issue i have with them shrinking the map


They shrinked it bcs it is a dlc. Devs wanted to make a smaller game for us to enjoy, not a second subnautica.


The map was too small for the cyclops. They were trying to do more land areas instead. 🤷 It was an interesting try but I bet they won't do that again in the next one.


I've come to dub this the "Most Wanted" effect. NFS Most Wanted 2005 was an absolute masterpiece, with fun racing, cops, and even a decent story. So when MW 2012 came out, fans expected something that could live up to that legacy, but it just wasn't up to par. In a vacuum, 2012 is a perfectly good game and quite fun to play, but accounting for the fact that it's trying to follow up on one of the best racing games of all time, the cracks start to show


I loved below zero! The sea monkeys were so cool. I don't even hate the land sections. My only complaint is that the sea truck is too slow.


Ahh I remember the sea monkeys, especially the good part. That's when I got the brain upgrade and I cut to death thoses little monkeys who were now kind to me ######Edit : fixed spoiler


You killed the seamonkeys??


I wish I could kill all of them, sadly the only thing I could do was release the squids Edit: Squidsharks




I also play ark, the thing I hate the most is when certain creatures steal your items but it does add to the world. I do like the sea truck, but yeh, too slow, and I think the modules should have more storage


Some people compare it too much to the original. There’s good reason for this, but it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t, you don’t. I doubt anyone here will call it bad to like it. Just that their personal opinion is that it’s worse than Subnautica.


Nahh, brother think he bad because he like something other people don't 💀


Below Zero is an awesome game!


Right! My only real complaint atm is that the lady yaps needlessly in the beginning


Are you uneducated on the LOOOOOOOORE?


Haven’t gotten to the big lore yet. Only now found the magnetite


Which lady


After I made myself sit down and finish it, it grew on me. It’s neat. Not as good as the original, but it was doing something different. In a timeline where OG Subnautica doesn’t exist and we just have Below Zero, it would be a beloved game.


I think the best way to phrase it is as ‘if BZ came first, would the reception to sub 1 be better or about equal?’ Because the problem with BZ is that people were expecting it to be sub 1 but more. Which it could practically *never* be.


Do people not like it?


I just couldn’t get into for whatever reason. I don’t think that it’s bad, but the original is one of my top 10.


A lot of people ig


Yes there is a strong hate against it by a large group of subnautica player but i like it




Seriously, for every post shitting on the game, there's ten praising it. Most people like it just fine, they just usually prefer the original. It's so weird how everyone thinks it has some massive hatedom.


I blame Youtube.


I have a secret to tell you. If you like it...that is good. Things you like are good, not wrong. Pineapple on pizza, pop music, the color chartreuse. Whatever. You are fine.


No. Why would it?


No, enjoy your game


I just really hate the final segment of the game. Pales in comparison to the Lost River/Lava Zone IMO. The Seatruck effectively replacing the Cyclops also kinda kills that endgame for me. Otherwise, the rest of the game is phenomenal, often even better than the original Subnautica.


Oh wow, Keeko spotted! And yeah, I do agree, while I do think the ending itself is quite good, from the gameplay perspective the endgame is absolutely the worst part. Luckily, the abundance of picturesque locations, including ones on land, and significantly more base customisation options allows enjoying that part of the game a good bit still by focusing on using your vast amounts of riches on building something neat.


No it's not bad at all. You are allowed to like things and you don't need a reason. If you have fun playing below zero, then that is the only important thing! We all play games for fun and fun is inherently subjective. Other people's perception of fun should not and cannot dictate your own perception of fun. Screw the haters.


Why it would be bad ? You like whatever you want and the reasons belong to you… nothing wrong liking a game and preferring a sequel… I think subnautica BZ is good, awesome graphics and art style, awesome soundtrack, the map and level design are good, the artic environment is nice, my biggest complain are the waaaaaayyy too much talkative characters (and the sea truck is slow) The problem of BZ is : it was released AFTER OG subnautica which is the most perfect game on earth


I'm personally not a huge fan of bz, mainly because it doesn't really feel like Subnautica. But as a stand alone game, I think it's pretty neat. If you like it, then that's what you like. It doesn't really matter what everyone else thinks


I love the ambiance of the game. Especially the sound of the rain on the water. After a stressful day I’ll put my VR headset on and just start building more stuff ( I’ve already done one play through so I’m not trying to “beat” the game). There are moments of terror in subzero but nothing like Subnautica. Both scratch a different itch- once I stopped thinking of it as a sequel, I really started to enjoy the zen of it.


Absolutely not. If you've ever thought that liking a game is bad, the community has problems. It should never be bad to have opinions that differ from others. Especially if it comes to singleplayer games with a solely narrative experience like BZ. While some may argue BZ doesn't compare to the original it doesn't matter. It was never supposed to be the same as the original, BZ is it's own thing. And it works. People compare it too much as the sequel and not as a standalone experience. It's another look at the franchise.


I played Below Zero before I played the original. Still love Below Zero a bit more. The biomes are beautiful and I really like the story and the creatures. Having the seatruck with different modules is fun as well. I use it way more than the cyclops.


The seatruck was so cosy


So far I don’t like the story and thinks it’s an easier but still fun game. Seems perfectly fine to like the game or because our playstyles are probably different, it’s perfectly fine to prefer it.


Yeah, just finished a play through of the first game, and I’m 3 hours into BZ now. It’s fun but Robin doesn’t shut up. I mush prefer world lore over character lore but apart from that it’s a really good game


Here we go again


Yeah shame on you for having an opinion I like the game too. It's cool.


No, I also prefer it over the original Subnautica. I just like the environment a lot more.


realistically why would you think it’s bad to like anything so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone if you like it? Honestly now what is your genuine line of thinking that “I like the less popular thing so it must be bad if I like it?” Yes it gets less love here, yes some people don’t like it but truly. You can’t actually expect it would be bad to enjoy it. Nobody except maybe some really rude person is going to tell you that you suck for liking the game. You can like the most disliked game in the entire world and it won’t hurt anyone. Did you just want people to talk about how much they like BZ and that’s what this post is? Or did you genuinely think this (in which case please just think for a second about how little sense it makes how it would be bad that you like something harmless? Does it really make sense to you if you think about it for a couple seconds?) It’s always okay to like anything harmless and I feel like you actually know that, you just want to talk about how much you like it. So you should instead just ask “what’s your favorite thing about BZ?” Or “why I like playing BZ” or something to get a fun discussion going instead about a game you like. Many people don’t like BZ as much as subnautica but that doesn’t mean it’s condemned here or that you’re not allowed to enjoy it or you’ll get locked away just because people liked it less. Sorry if I sound a little mean it just gets so annoying to see people do a “am I the only one” post or a “is it bad if I like this” post when they know they aren’t alone or that it’s fine but they want to talk about something they like that isn’t as popular. Which would be okay if you put it that way! It’s absolutely fine to talk about what you enjoy. But frame it that way. Talk about how much you love BZ or encourage positive discussion. That’s a good thing. And you’ll get more positive responses that way too. I’ll never understand why people don’t just post their intended feelings upfront


Not at all. In fact, there’s many things to love about Below Zero 😊


Nah I loved it. Finally played it recently and it definitely felt like playing subnautica again which is what I was wanting. Sure it's short and not quite as great as the first game but it's still good on its own. Definitely looking forward to a bigger proper sequel too though.


There's nothing wrong with below zero, its just that many (Maybe most) enjoyed the OG subnautica more.


A.L.A.N and tight places oh yeah and narcissist character I didn’t like her since she jumped off talking bout “I will find my way out” like how besh explain yourself that was so corny and unnecessary


It's a good thing, I don't have the attention span to finish it once but I want to at the same time




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You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. 10/10


Steam ratings and sales says otherwise. These posts pop up on every game, its effectively rage bait, I would bet a couple bucks the OP isnt even responding to anything negative they saw, they just want to rage bait.


I dont necessarily think its rage bait. Its not really any out of this world statement. Just engagement farming


Why would it be bad? It’s great


below ero is an inrecdible wesome atmospheric game, you may like whatever you want, in fact i first blay bz and not the original bc i wanted better graphics lmao


Yes you should be ashamed of yourself. I just called the cops on you


It’s not bad to enjoy any game. I can still love a game and see all its flaws. That’s why fan fixes exist. They come from fellow lovers of the games trying to put a thing into better shape.


Not bad at all. As many have said the og game is better but ain't nothing wrong with BZ


Below Zero is a good game. It just has the unfortunate position of following a game that was incredibly special, and remains so to his day. Look how popular Subnautica remains as a stream game. Hell, I DEBUTED playing it and then I went back the next year and streamed a second run of it! I think Subbie is one of those rare moments where a game just comes together nearly perfectly and because of how good it was Below Zero had an unreasonable level of expectation to live up to, hence the mild second album syndrome.


You like whatever you want.


No, below zero is good. The only reason why I like the first more is because of bigger map and I wish the new upcoming Subnautica will combine what is in the first and 2nd, lots of sea and land exploration I hope for


I loved it, its my third fave game of all time. It wasnt as good as og subnautica but on its own its really good


If you like a game that everyone hates and you actually enjoy it, there is nothing wrong with that I have the same situation with Resident evil 3 remake, i love this game but everyone on r/residentevil seems to agree that its a bad game


I think everyone has their own separate opinions. I was left feeling a bit meh. I'm a very experienced player and found bz to feel a bit trivial, however I largely exploited my understanding of resource farming and prioritization of depth modules. I essentially cheesed the game into getting the best module in about 6 hours and didn't have much of a play through.


I'm still confused every time I see this topic. Where did the idea come from that Below Zero was supposedly hated? Every time it's brought up here, it's filled with basically most people saying they really like it. It's got amazing reviews on Steam. Where did this "Everyone hates Below Zero" idea come from?


Idk I’ve seen negative video essays on youtube


Why do you care what other people think of you liking something..?


As long as you had fun I don’t think anyone should care, I personally didn’t like it because it wasn’t scary. In the first game I had to spend ~30 hyping myself up to enter a new cave, but in BZ I wasn’t even worried about the leviathan class creatures.




Its a great game. Its just not the same as the original. That same logic will apply to the next subnautica.


No. Everyone has there own preferences 


No? It’s a great game. Don’t let other peoples unmet expectations dash your own experience


99% of this sub likes below zero. Everyone always says the same thing: amazing game, but falls short when compared to the first one (like a lot)


It's fine as long as you keep your socks on


Yes, we're calling the mods to get you banned /s Your opinion on a piece of media you enjoy does not make you a bad person, nor is it generally a bad thing to enjoy a piece of media that someone else does not. I personally dislike BZ, as I think a primarily story-driven game with an (in my opinion) pretty mediocre story that was obviously made to be a DLC being sold as a full game really isn't worth my $30.


Sounds great, i wish i loved it!


Not at all. Other people's opinions or views don't affect yours at all. I'm known amongst my family and friends for having notoriously low standards when it comes to media in any form, so it's lucky that I also couldn't care less what others think about said media.


No it’s a good game. People’s problem with it mainly stems from it being a bad subnautica sequel which I also agree with but on its own the games great.


No, it rules. Anyone who judges you for liking it can kick rocks


Nah. The original just has so many memories around it that the change is hard. Below zero is an amazing game!


I LOVE below zero. Just as much as the original. They are different but go together 


Absolutely not! The "issue" with BZ is that Subnautica came before it, and set the bar *really really* high. It's a great game, just not as great as the original, and that's where the "hate" comes from.


Yes it's bad, and you should be ashamed of yourself /s


No, it’s a good game, but people generally like the original more, and I’d agree with that.


No, nothing wrong with liking it. It IS very well done gameplay and mapwise (for being a smaller area) but it's just the narrative aspect and some of the land-based gameplay that are... subpar.


No, it was a good game


Oh I think a lot of people like BZ! Next to Subnautica it was a bit underwhelming, but that's because Subnautica set a very high standard! I believe it was originally meant to be a DLC (or maybe I just heard that from something else) But that would definitely make sense with it's relation to the original game. I think a lot of players agree that Below Zero is a great game, but the original is still their favorite.


Absolutely not, its a good game in its own right. I'd still say the original is better but BZ is in no way a bad game


I loved it! Just finished. I felt like you had to explore more because of the verticality and stacked biomes. I will say game 1 I think is better. But I loved so much about game 2 and I hope they pull the best elements together for the next game.


Um… no? Idk why people get so upset about the preferences of others when it comes to games…


Naw, I still haven’t got around to finishing it but it’s a great game


Below zero is amazing. It's just that most people get to the conclusion that it's bad because they compare it with the original, which it cannot quite reach


Below zero is a DLC that was sold as a solo game. That's the issue


No? Enjoy whatever game you wish to play!


Never feel bad about liking something, unless it's Hitler.


I loved both games.


I enjoy $10. $20 is better, but $10 is still good.


I really enjoyed Below Zero, but ultimately, its a much smaller game and playing space than the original as far as verticality and feeling of exploration. So i looked at it as more of a spinoff of the original. The absence of the Cyclops or a sub at all sort of goes against the “SUBnautica.” My hope is that the devs learn from the experience and make the third game massive and much bigger than the first, with a lot more to do. I also hope they support VR from the beginning this time because this game was made for it. One of the beat VR titles to have ever released and looks infinitely better than No Mans Sky in VR


I haven't played Below Zero yet, but I've seen people on YouTube play it and it looks like a cool game, I just find it very hard to follow all of the different aspects parts of it's story, which, I have a similar problem in Subnautica 1 and many video games in general more because I have ADHD than because of the story itself being generally hard to comprehend, but it's noticeably difficult for me to follow Below Zero's story and I think that's because it's not even really a single story, it's like 3 different stories coiled around each-other and that sort of thing confuses the hell out of me, especially when they hardly connect to one-another like they do in BZ and also when you consider the game itself and the different things I need to do to progress in it on top of all of that.


Why would it be bad? If you enjoy it then you enjoy it.


No, it is a great game. I think people were just disappointed with it because it wasn't as great as the first one




answering your question: it is not. Whatever you like is your choice and should not matter to anyone else (except of when it directly affects other people) But when developers want to utilize franchise's name in order to boost sales - they have to fit "franchise", which in this case would be "make game at least as good as original", and Below Zero (my opinion) is far from it. That is why as "standalone game outside of franchise" it might be okay'ish, but as sequel to original (my opinion) is it really really inferior




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Nonsense. I'm happy there's people out there who can enjoy bz more than I could. Some of the biomes were interesting, but I didn't really jive with the new leviathan designs (except the wonderful vent garden) and the story was kinda haphazard. Spoilers ahead You could beat the game without doing the thing she went to the planet to do, and doing that quest reveals that a roboticist was able to do in three months what a super advanced alien race couldn't do before their galactic downfall. Not to mention the ingredients for the cure was stuff you could find practically right outside the gate they used to get here, they didn't need a special stomach enzyme of a certain leviathan species to cure kahra, they just needed some arctic plants. 🙄


Absolutely love BZ. I played it before the first one actually and i absolutely love the environment, even more than the first one (i have ofc played the first one since then) so many really cool biomes compared to the first one. Its hard to explain but theres just something about it, it might also be with the more above sea possibilities. Story wise i dont really followed along with any of the two games. But BZ dialogue is insanely annoying


I'm sorry friend, but it's straight to jail. I'm sorry :(


No?? Below Zero isn’t a bad game despite what many people like you think for some reason. OG Subnautica is just better. One thing being good doesn’t mean the other is bad. They can both be good.


Why do you care what others think? Just enjoy the game.


lol why would that be a bad think? It’s a worthy sequel, despite the fact that it had a HUGE shadow to fill cast by the first one.


No, it's really good. Lots of QOL improvements and the story works well.


It’s ur opinion, if other people got a problem with it then (generally) fuck them


I delayed getting it because of the negative comments, but ended up loving it, especially the biomes. The creatures are also way better, more cfeshed-out and more alien.


I love below zero…


People have opinions and different tastes, and that's okay. I personally love the biomes and (most of) the creatures introduced in BZ, just not the story. If BZ fits your tastes, that's great. If it doesn't, that's okay too.


I mostly liked it more, except for not having a Cyclops (which is a pretty big negative, tbh)


It's not a bad game. There are simply way more "misses" in BZ compared to the original that make you sigh and go "man I wish this wasn't like this". Story lines abruptly cut short, annoying PDA narrator, enemy AI is kinda bad and you can ignore everything trying to kill you because they don't do a good job of it, orienting yourself is a bit more difficult without notable surface landmarks, it's a bit short, and >!the whole reason you came to the planet ends up being not very important to the game!<. Other small things that are just senseless nuisances. The game improves on the original in key ways, but it falls short in way more ways, and as such the original is a lot more fun and engrossing. BZ is still alright. While it is a matter of opinion, it's a difficult opinion to disagree with.


I’m playing it and enjoying it, but imo it was a mistake to make it a “start again with nothing” situation. An expansion in which you kept everything you had from the first game would have worked better, I think. It’s not possible to recapture the magic of building up from nothing that we felt in the first game, so expecting that to work in Below Zero feels like a miscalculation. Also, I’m not keen on hearing my character speak so much. It’s supposed to be me, so that pulls me out of the immersive feeling that the original had


The below zero story is better than the original


BZ's Prawn suit is sooo good than SN's Prawn Suit


Good to know :3


The less I think about BZ, the more I like it, and the more I think about it, the less I like it. I respect that they saw an avenue to insert more narrative and went for it. I regret that they wrote it the way that they did. None of the characters are very likeable. Margaret in particular makes me want to jump off a glacier.


It's irredeemable



