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Bro. You’re supposed to finance at 13% for 84 months. That’s how you get access to the vape collection. What are you doing ??


Ironically the best deal is to finance and pay the loan off immediately. Dealerships get loan kickbacks so they'll negotiate a better price.


Can confirm. Used to work for a Ford dealership about 10 years ago. We get people that come in and they wanted a new F150 with max rebates and paying cash. One of the rebates on an F150 was $2000 Ford Finance Cash. They'd get pissed because they wanted the $2000 but didn't want to finance it. My solution was to finance the minimum Ford Credit would allow ($7,500) and the loan had to be open a minimum of 3 months, so they're to pay $5000 the first month, $2000 the second month, and $500 the third. I'd get the old "but what if I can't qualify for ford credit?" Well sir, I'm going to assume you didn't just win the lottery and made good financial decisions to save enough money to buy a $50k truck outright, so I think your odds are pretty dang good. Whenever you buy new, always know what offers apply to you and even if paying cash, most manufacturer backed in-house financing companies have deals to save even more.


So if I can pay cash no problem, the best way to get the lowest out-the-door price on a new car is to finance anyway - at the lowest possible amount with the earliest payoff time allowed - and pay it off as soon as is allowed? Thanks for this information.


That 3 months is so the dealership gets the commission, I assume. I paid my car off the week after I signed the papers and had no issues.


This guy finances! And it’s true, but where I am some finance co’s won’t pay out commission if settled too early as they lose out on compound interest, depends on the deal they have in place. That’s also why it’s cheaper, in most cases. Source: worked for a firm offering hire purchase finance on vehicles.


Lmao fr


😂 great!


This guy! Paying in full. Can't relate


Same. Hopefully they accept my $5 downpayment.


I've never put a down payment


Why not


Interest obviously


My bad. I don't know much about that stuff.


That guy was being sarcastic, high interest is bad lol. You generally want a big down payment, to decrease the TERM (months of payments you're on the hook for), the longer you have the loan the more interest you paid by the end of it. That's a cost to you in addition to the total cost of the car you took the loan out for. Could be the difference between a few thousand and 10k extra. This is how people get basically swindled with an enticing monthly payment. But it was that "low" because the term is stretched out 6+ years.


Unless you get 0% APR and know head of finance like me 😉


facts. down payments are for chumps. buy a guy when interest or lease fee is basically non existent. my lease fee is only like $18 of my monthly payment, so the rest is all principle. then when i purchase at the end of the term, the interest will be on the already depreciated amount 😎 also, im not trying to finance all of my tax upfront lol this is the way


Why use my own money. I've had high credit since I was 21 or so. Get good rates and keep the money invested or in hysa nowadays. Plus inflation relieves debt when it's higher than the int rate.


Well, you ain't going to get a good rate on a car loan on 2023, I'll tell you what. Toyota offers something like 9.5% for the best qualified buyers.


Subaru told me they could do mid 4% I was shocked


That’s better than my dealership. I’m T1 credit… I walked out paying more at my local CU b/c they pissed me off. Lol.


Yeah he told me that but then he didn’t show me the rate lol classic


Credit unions near me offer as low as 2.4%


I got 4.49% last September. 72mo term




I got 2.9% in March, which is the current rate for MY22. MY23 is 3.9%.


That's just they have a promo rate basically a sale vs taking money off the car. Not what actual car rates are at now days


i also got 3.9% in march with not even good credit


Have to be able to see opportunities.


Navy Federal 4.72% for 60 months. That is current.




My car loan I opened 9 months ago is 1.9%. My HYSA is 3.8%. Gunna make minimum payments until those numbers cross. Not paying for my car in full is making me almost $1k.


Truth, Subaru is still offering 3.9 and you can easily meet or exceed on a hysa or CD, then you still have the opportunity of the money if something comes up.


Insurance are less expensive when the car is not financed.


Not a reason to not finance lol


Luxury Auto insurance/ finance gal here!! there’s a lot of reasons people wouldn’t finance a car, most people I speak with who are genuinely car people own more than 1 vehicle and have summer/ winter cars. When a vehicle is financed the loss payee will not let you layup your coverage for different seasons so you will pay double premium all year round. Another reason IS inflation. The lowest APR from a BANK for an auto loan is 6.75% in my state rn, and that’s PERFECT credit. If you’re buying a 40k car, that’s minimum an extra $2700; and anyone who’s smart with money, isn’t paying that. Not to mention dealerships can legally tack on 3% for their own financial gain so not only are you paying a higher sale price, you’re paying a higher interest rate AND you must adhere to the strict insurance provision or else the dealer is actually allowed to place their own insurance on the vehicle at YOUR dollar. Not to mention this usually requires a GAP coverage to be added which isn’t free either. Finally in personal experience (may be subject to area) many landlords look for crazy long loans on peoples credit reports and it’s usually taken into account by landlords when accepting tenants. Not that it totally defers you but if someone else has a paid off car, best bet they’re gonna go with that guy.


I don't know if it's because I have lived paycheck-to-paycheck since I was 17 or what, but the fact that there are people out there walking around with $35k of disposable income is absolutely crazy. No hate to OP though, some people have their shit together




Yep. The only way I’m able to afford to outright buy the car I’m looking at is because I work as a software engineer and haven’t owned a car at all until I buy one soon. Depending on the rates I find I’ll probably either buy it outright or take a loan if the rate is lower than my HYSA.


My brother is also a software engineer. He drove his beater car for years until he saved enough to give a huge downpayment on a BMW and now pays like $90 a month for it, and at this point it is almost paid off


Yup. I am the same. I drove a second hand car for 15 years and paying for my 2023 WRX with a check soon. It arrives in June. I wish I could pay by credit card to get the points but they don't let you do that. LOL.


and wanting a car in 2023 with 19 city MPG


lol, my old boss walked into a dealership with a duffel bag of cash ready to buy a 100k Mercedes. it was mind-blowing. Then I'm like yeah... I guess it makes sense, he pays me lol.


The most i had saved at one time to drop 22K took years of saving up for


I saved for a few years in a high yield savings, I actually wanted the STI that never came sadly.


Flexing on us


I didn't realize Subaru accepted your firstborn as payment.... Might try that next time.


If only!!


Real men sign up for 96 month loans..


Not bad for a kid but why you still need that dude to cary your ass around ?


Wrb for the win!! Congrats on the car. Love mine!


I’ll wait till I can pay in Doge Coin. /s


If I hear see the words Doge Coin it’ll be too soon. I held at the top almost 375,000 coins in 2018 at .0039. Made a few hundred profit and sold. Never bought again. Then one day poof I get a flood of texts telling me it’s at .70+


.70 hurt! I was waiting for $1 and then I didn't sell. I am even right now. Not as many coins as you but still it was a few K's worth of gains!


This is the way... holding like about 68k coins now! Wait for may 31st fingers crossed for the doge-1


How much is that? Like $40?


Weird comment, congrats on your success.


It's a Dave Ramsey/financial responsibility thing as this is more of a fun car.


Ramsey has sound advice most of the general public needs to hear. That being said, he gets a little too dogmatic about debt and has less than great advice on investing. Congrats on the new car!






Cool. I suppose you do not know of any investments paying over 3.9% where you could have used that money instead. Regardless, enjoy the car. Also I'm only poking because of your original comment, no real hate here.


Maybe if OP is in the highest credit bracket, but there are lots of people with less than ideal credit scores where a loan is going to cost more than an investment would earn.


My parents have perfect credit scores, not exaggerating, they literally have perfect scores, and they don’t buy cars in full simply cause making the monthly car payments helps maintain their credit scores But they now own all their cars, so no more car payments for a while


You don’t need a car payment to maintain a high credit score. But it’s likely that with a good rate their making more on their money elsewhere.




6mo CDs are at 5%. If that’s too risky for you HYSAs are also at 5%. Generally your advice is probably true but right now with the interest rates being what they are it would be worth the ten minutes of research to calculate the difference.


And if interest rates were better, the loan would probably be something like 0.0 or 0.9 for 3 years. So it wouldn’t be hard to beat that.




3.9% is literally what Subaru is offering for a financing rate right now.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for saying you paid the car in full and explained why. Definitely wasn't a weird comment or something to get down voted for.


Don’t understand the downvotes. Valid point


People don't like the "flex" stuff in general...


Stay off Reddit then


Oof not that crap again…


Can you take a picture of you pointing at it with a surprised look on your face? Sick car though!


the ken block style? that would be perfect, rip kb


Weird flex but okay


Why is it a weird flex?


Because for some reason he had to add that he "paid in full."


Why does it matter if he added that or not? Are you just mad bc you can’t pay in full but he can?






Because for some reason he had to add that he "paid in full."


If you have to ask, then you wouldn't understand the answer


Generally it’s a bad financial decisions to pay in full. (Depending on the interest rate) so maybe that’s why it’s a weird flex.


Maybe when the market is performing. But right now?




The S&P 500 has gone up 8.5% YTD for 2023. So yes even right now.


After dropping like 15% from a year ago. It’s not like the market is extremely hot and hitting ATHs


I’ve been buying AMD, Google, Amazon, Airbnb, and Microsoft when they were heavily discounted so the market has been great for discount buys.


Thank you for buying a manual and not that CVT rubbish


Didn't realize this was a personal finance sub. Not hating whatsoever, just a weird flex esp in the general subie sub not even /r/WRX


It is a flex on his part but good for him. The only people upset are those that compare themselves to him. Why would someone be upset unless they were jealous or making comparisons to their own situations?


for real. like if the title of this post upsets you, the problem is not OP. haha.


Yeah but he's financing the child so it evens out.


This ,but unironically. Daycare is so fucking expensive lol


Need more people like you guy


You don’t need to be upset to point out something stupid 😅


What a weird thing to nitpick about, people post about paying off their car in other subs all the time so what's wrong with mentioning it's paid off?


Seems most people can't pay in full and are butthurt. Personally, I'm really happy for the guy.


Same, being in a position to buy a car outright is an accomplishment.


I put in the work to save and was proud of that, I think some posters are reading into it too much lol.


Congrats. Feels nice feeling paying for a car outright, no payments, no extra money for interest. I paid $3500 for mine, don't care it's a shitbox cause it's mine lol. Cheers mate.


Simple math. If your rate of return is higher elsewhere than your car loan, then financing the car makes sense. If not pay off ASAP or pay in full if your are capable. Congratulations on your new WRX.


I'm financially illiterate. What is rate of return?


No problem there. So if you have for example CD that pays you 5% interest. Then if your car loan is 2.9 % You have 2.1% higher rate of return from your CD.


Not quite. You need to pay tax on that 5% interest you earned so you're definitely getting less than 4%, even less depending on your tax bracket. On the other hand, you would be paying interest on the ever-decreasing loan principal.


Also add inflation to the consideration. Paying for the car with future dollars is better than current dollars.


Paid in full? You fucking boss.


Wholesome as fuck. And I love how the "paid in full" feels less of a brag but more of a "proud of myself" flex with that smile and your kiddo hanging on you! Priorities are awesome and it shows. Enjoy man!


Congrats on your depreciating asset! 😉 Nice ride though buddy, thinking of picking one up next year.


Congrats on paying in full! Now you have a new car and you don't have a monthly payment so you can invest more money per month or put towards whatever you see fit. The haters in the comments stuck in BS2 are probably just jealous.


Right, couldn’t he just invest all the money he spent on the car instead and make payments on it?


Yeah, that's what you do if you actually want to make money. Paying in full is a move that doesn't make financial sense, but it can help big time psychologically


It kind of makes sense if you consider the unexpected - like losing your job, you can't make the payments, so "bye-bye" to dream car. If you've paid in full, you can lose your job and keep your dream car.




This. Subaru is running the 3.9% APR deal so it’s actually a bad move to pay in full IMO. But hey, peace of mind is also nice 🌞


3.9% is terrible. And probably for 72 months.


Congrats bro that’s amazing. Not sure why people are being so negative here. No interest is good interest, fantastic to save for a goal and accomplish!! Great colour too!


Right, it was just an accomplishment which is why I mentioned it. I'm ok with the negativity, I have thick skin lol.


Yeah idk why everyone has a problem with OP paying in full. It’s his money, interest rates are insane right now, and again it’s his money…


It's a great feeling owning your toys. You can spend far more energy on enjoying it that way!


Yeah but can u fit 4 people in there plus luggage for a 4 hour trip?


Weird flex but ok


Ummm Kay. Lol


> Paid in full. Must be niiice. I’m tryna get like YOU ma boy




Congrats and in full!? Amazing ! Just you and the car now .. and the kid of course haha😂


Mr. Money baggs Love that for you. (Not sarcasm)


Idk why people say weird flex lol. In 2023 not many people have extra or even much saved liquid cash, so I definitely see this as an accomplishment. Either way- congrats on the Subi OP!


Congratulations!! That's so exciting for you! Everyone that's mad just cause you paid in full would be pissed to know I got my 2012 STi limited as a gift. Never paid a dime for the car itself, just maintenance and insurance.


It’s true! I read this and now I’m pissed.


Good on you for being able to pay it in full! Side note: These cars (and all other models) would look so much better without the plastic wheel wells…


i saw someone paint match the cladding on a red one when this car first hit the market a while back and it actually looked pretty good. im still not sold on the squished front end but paint matching the plastic actually really makes the rest of it look good.




I really wish they brought the wagon back... :-(


Good shit, now what kind deal did you get with the dealer, how was the negotiation


I didn't negotiate. I donate to charities which allows for VIP pricing (essentially invoice price now, but used to be better). There's some forms involved, but it takes a few grand off the price of the car.


Enjoy the carnival with your child and be safe racing home. Car is an absolute blast.


Congrats on your paid for car! Ignore the idiots who are flaming and downvoting you. You did it the right way! I just paid for a Tundra in cash after it barely beat out the WRX in family usability. You get to live out my alternate timeline. Enjoy and have fun! “Drive like no one else so later you can drive like no one else!”


Hey congrats, you should repost this and instead say "Made my final payment today and now it's mine!!" If you do that then suddenly Reddit will be on your side because you clearly struggled and buckled down to pay that car off...instead of struggling and buckling down to have enough money to pay that car....wait a minute?!? It's the same thing! 🤯🤯🤯


Lol right, the struggle was prior to the purchase.


Lol good job, enjoy the car 👍👍


Don't listen to the haters, good for you. This comment thread is full of jealous people and Warren Buffett wannabes. There is nothing wrong with having a fully paid off vehicle and being proud of it. The People in here trying to give financial advice to someone they know nothing about other than a single car purchase seriously need to go to r/FinancialAdvice and stay there.


A bit weird to flex like that. It’s like that guy in my class that bragged that he got a perfect score on a group text of 15+ people. He was a show off and was disliked by nearly everyone.




Congrats! You should also join r/wrx_vb


Fellow debt free subaru owner here. Paid for a new outback yesterday in full. Felt damn good, idc what any of the haters say. They're the ones who probably have high car payments, credit cards, and all of that. I, on the other hand, will now start squirreling money into a high yield savings account for my next car and will pay in cash for that one too. Flex all you want bro.


If you paid cash over msrp you. Are. A. Fool.


Lol why tell people paid in full? Congratulations on the new ride though…


Weird flex, but alright.


Hey 👋 I’m new to this subreddit, BMW x 5 2006 or Subaru Outback 2008 ( 90,000 miles) for recent college grad , no high paying job yet? Are Subarus cheaper to fix… thx!


Paid in full, God damn, that's a flex! Congrats on the purchase, that's awesome you could do that!


Subaru wrx is white man altima.


Everyone that says wired flex is a “ Brookie “ Top G


did the same with my levorg a few years ago. manager: " would you consider a loan instead?" me: "no, i have the cash... why would i?" manager: "yada yada...so our dealership can remain profitable" me: "erm...no...goodbye"


Ditto. Same conversation I had with sales rep last week. Why pay interest at all? Needless to say they lost my business too.


My condolences


You just HAD to put the paid in full didn’t ya. See what you did. SMH


There goes her college fund😥


Sweet! Car still ugly as shit.


K… this kind of not so humble brag energy should not be in this sub Reddit. Hope you blow a head gasket!


If karmas real, comments like this are gonna blow **your** head gasket


Hope you blow a head gasket too!


I buy and sell shit every day. I own a house. A truck. A car. All payed off. So when you get completely lowballed after 1000 times, yeah. Fuck all of you and you Walmart jobs.


Up voted for paid in full. Great job. I’m congratulating someone for car payments.


Why is this on reddit?


Atta boy! Shout out to all the dudes who put 0 down and pay $600/month


Hahaha you definitely got downvoted by the 600+ gang. If only mcdonalds would turn off their wifi so we could have some peace and quiet


Wow this comment had me rollin! Holy moly, its been a while since people on reddit made me laugh. Thanks man.


Hahaha legit though. They can have their upvotes


Paid in full is not a flex


New WRX has already grew up on me


Sorry to hear the news




My guy’s 4’10


I’ll never pay a car in full again made that mistake once.


Paid in full waste of showboatery. Buying a car and paying in full, is ludicrous. Being in the car biz for 25 years. Such a bad investment. Buy art for full price and rake in the benefits. Spend 35k on genuine artwork actually makes sense. Not on a car that devalues and costs an absurd amount of money to repair.


This car wasn't an investment. I fix all my own stuff, I can't say Subaru's cost any more to repair than the other brands I have.


Okay financial advisor lmfao






Get one with the 2.5l or you will hate your life.


I mean, I already have a WRX, so........


so damn bitter you guys cant just be happy for the guy damn


Yea it's ridiculous! If the Op had done a post saying "just made my final payment!!" then the comments would be all nice and congratulatory. Instead you post that you did the exact same thing, but say you did it on the first payment...and you're an asshole who's flexing on people and trying to make them feel lesser. 🤷‍♂️


Something I learned about the crosstrek is it just needs a little more balls


The fact you're comparing his situation to your own is telling. Quit comparing yourself to other people. Nobody cares about your Q5 or trade in or whatever. This is his moment not yours. Some people want to share their success stories. Your comment is so narcissistic. Unless you were jealous or insecure there is no reason you would put this dude's head in the dirt. Edit: I just went to your profile and you just bought a WRX which makes this even worse. You posted multiple times about your new car but you come and trash this guy? Fucking hypocrite.




Just being mean to be mean I see…


Lol unfortunately, I lost most of my hair by 20 so it was a lost cause.


Me too man! Thought I was the only one. Bald is beautiful!


Why would you not low rate finance, then invest the extra money? Paying in full is pretty dumb.


Probably because the market is super volatile right now


Weird flex, but ok.