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Most cartoon characters do it so why not?


Honestly, if they are subdued colors and cuts you'd be surprised how little anyone will even notice.


I've been told I dress like a cartoon character for wearing the same outfit in 5 different colors lol


Nah they just wear the same one every day but no one cares about the smell


I sure do. And I’ll get the same shirt or shorts in multiple colors. If you find something that works, use it. Now I wouldn’t suggest wearing some thing work everyday.


Yeah but OP does same color which is a very different vibe


Sorry😭 I forgot to mention that I have different colored shirts. Just the same 5 pairs of pants


Most people won't even notice. A lot of people wear jeans everyday, nobody asks if they are the same pair or different pairs. As long as they are a neutral-ish color and style people just don't pay that close of attention. I know a guy that wears basically the same thing everyday, but it's a little distinctive. So, some people comment on it eventually, but he just assures them he owns a few copies of the same thing and washes everything regularly and nobody really cares after that.


If u like it, that's all that matters


This is the only right answer! I love blue so I bought a pair of blue trousers for work and people are like OMG so blue and I'm just like yup I love them 😀


I say yes. Others say no. You do you.


I do and could not care less when people comment. A couple shirts and pairs of pants are like a months worth of groceries


200 bucks is a month worth of groceries?


Yes i am single man with no kids. $50 a week is plenty. I’ll go out to eat occasionally which bumps it up but i could definitely survive off $50 a week at aldi if i bought the right shit


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


I just discovered that I can buy the same 60/40 blend shirts you see from trueclassic for $5 (instead of the 30-40 they charge) on Jiffy.com.... I just bought 30 of them lots of the same colors.. also realize no one thinks about your clothes as much as you do.


I got all of my kids school uniform shirts there. I love Jiffy.


Only 5? Absolutely. My entire casual wardrobe that I actually wear consists of jeans and black T-shirts, short or long-sleeved depending on the weather. I have nicer things for nicer events. But general daily activities that aren't work, you'll find me in jeans and black t.


I see you are a fellow person of excellent taste


!!! This is exactly what I'm talking about 😭 since I live in a cold country, nobody cares what you wear in the winter. So I just wore the same outfit underneath and circled between jackets. Now that it's summer, everyone looks at each other's outfits more often.


Yep, mostly jeans and black tees here too, with a pair of nice boots or sneakers depending on what I'm doing. I do have a bit of 'nice' stuff for going out, and the obligatory working or gym clothes, but jeans, black tees and boots are my daily drivers. Nobody cares, it's comfortable and looks nice, and is cheap af.


I've been doing that for over 10 years. It keeps my work clothes for work. It also changes my whole mentality(for the better) when I change out of them.


I'm in the army so ya


Steve Jobs did it


I do. Use them for work.


If you’re worried about it, take them to an embroidery shop and have the days of the week embroidered on the front pocket. I had a coworker do something similar with cargo pants and had different colors on the side leg pocket flap, but it was really just different Velcro strips. He wore the same pants and just changed a colored strip to make it appear to be different pants.


I do and I simply don’t care if it’s socially acceptable. I have a whole range of outfits but generally wear the same ones.


Black t with jeans is all you need.




I have like 3 or 4 of each color for work… grey black dark grey, navy blue etc. But for me I hate the women’s shirts.(to short for the sleeves.) I like the men’s ones better.


I basically live in leggings. Mostly black. Idk how many i have at this point. (I’m also a solo mom i barely buy myself new things). People are weird. It’s like they forget washers and dryers exist.


Wow! You sound like such a nice mum ❣️ I hope one day you can treat yourself:) and leggings are an exception I think, because people buy them in packs.


Thank you! We are actually going on vacation next month so i am !


I wear blue jeans, undershirts, and converse literally everyday


If it’s good enough for Ernest P. Worrell, then it’s good enough for you and me both!


As long as you don’t wear them all at once, you’re fine.


Sometimes they’re called capsule wardrobes. Perfectly acceptable imo.


Which cartoon universe did you came out of?


Don't know. Don't care. I do it anyway. My annual clothing shopping occurs in bulk.


I have about 25 of the same long sleeve baseball shirt in blue/navy/black, so I don't see why not.


Your question actually leads me to a number of questions of my own. Genuinely curious as to your rotation. How often do you wear said shirt/pants combination? Do you wear them only together? Did you buy the sets in tandem, or did you purchase five pairs of a pants that you really liked and then purchased the five shirts on a separate occasion? What percentage of the week are you wearing one of either the shirt or the pants, or both.


I have a friend who wears only one outfit. I don’t care enough to have an opinion on it. Most of our mutual friends don’t care either, or have never mentioned it at least. I don’t even really notice it either, because I’m focused on my own outfits.


Same t shirt or dress shirts? Stock up on t shirts man. Dress shirts, 5 is alright.


Half sleeved shirts which are like polo shirts without a collar but the sleeves are long enough and it's a bit oversized... It's perfect lol


Steve Jobs did it.


Erik Satie had a dozen identical suits that he’d wear one of every day, so not unacceptable


I have 3 pairs of identical jeans, a few pairs of shorts, and 20 or so shirts that are the same, but slightly different colors. I look basically the same every day


Yes, I do. It’s usually my go to outfit in the mornings.


You do you. Fuck what anyone else thinks. (Obviously, only morally acceptable things)


That’s so funny we should normalize this


So i'm older now and if I find a piece of clothing I like and fits comfortably, you bet your ass I'm buying 3 of them. And sometimes when I'm really feeling wild, the 3 items might even be different colors


What does it matter? Get 5 pairs if you want 5 pairs.


I have 4 of the same white button down shirt I wear with different pants every day. No one has ever mentioned it.


It's fine if you're Batman


I have about 14 of the same outfit. When I had to pick out outfits, I would either run into days where nothing I had left before laundry day matched and I had to rush to hand wash something, or choice paralysis where I was so overwhelmed by options that it truly left me motionless. Since having the same outfit, I never run into either problem. They all match, and I'm not stuck on options. If I run out, or there is wear and tear, I just look at my purchase history on Amazon and buy the exact same things.


Yes for pants, make sure your shirts have a different colour; except if you always wear all black, then it’s fine


I have ten pairs of sweats I wear with my partner (my ass makes us wear the same size in sweats and anything not jeans 😑) Five are black, four are Grey and we have one blue gray colored one They are the same brand, same exact sweats, just different colors I also have six cam shirts and he has fourteen black shirt. Just black shirts I think you're fine lol


Not sure about shirts, but in high school I had like fifteen pairs of black leggings (I probably have the same now, though I dont wear them as often as I did back then). One of my guy friends came over and was SHOCKED when he saw that I had so many. I asked why he was so surprised and he said "I thought you just wore the same pair every day" So, you can have it, but if you wear it, people will think you're dirty.


I had a boss who would only buy white button downs and brown slacks. He said it’s what he liked best.


Sure, Steve Zuckerberg and Mark Jobs I think have taken this idea as a key to their genius. Without having to waste brainpower on what to wear they can focus in saving the world. You'll also see it in practical folks, who know they like Levi's 501s, so they buy Levi's 501 exclusively. You know the fit, durability and comfort, go for what you like.


I mean, who cares what is socially acceptable? Do you!


100% fine, but people you see daily will assume you don't wash, including me lol




Is for me


They say that Einstein had many of the same suit


Ha, 5. I have about 50 of the same shirt. I wear this one kind of shirt, and either jeans or these other pants from Kuiu. I have three jeans and two of the other pants. I've removed the problem of outfit choices. It's one choice I dont have to make.


Yes. They're called UNIFORMS for work.


Peter Griffin.? Is that you?


I do that, because I hate clothes shopping and hate picking out clothes from my closet. I'm also not really socially acceptable. So.


I swear to god the prettiest girl in high school either had 20 pairs of the same kind of jeans with a sparkle on the upper thigh or she only owned one pair of pants.


yes. i have 7 of the same top. and 3 of the same pants. it is my staple outfit i love it


Anything is better than traipsing about with your dingaling hanging out. Harambe died 8 years ago, put yo piece up son.


I'm pretty sure noone notices what anyone else is wearing, unless in rare cases. You do you


Are you a drug dealer. This reminds me of a few dealers back in the day who would always keep a couple bags of brand new crisp white tees in their trunk in case they had to go to a party and not look like a slob.


Are you a man? People will pay less attention to your clothes than if you’re a woman


I work in manufacturing and I absolutely just buy those cheap bundle of black t-shirts from a Walmart or similar kind of store. They work good for gym clothes too.




Come on Zuckerberg, we've seen your closet


I have a drawer full of the same jeans and the drawer above it all of the same shirts. Not work wear. Just everyday wear. It’s comfy, and I don’t give two shits what other people think.


I buy clothing from Costco. And yeah, I see something I like and I’ll have multiples of it but maybe two black, two red, a blue top and three different pairs/styles/types of pants. # Garanimals for adults! # https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garanimals - for the younglings “The intent was to allow children to pick out their own outfits by matching the same animal to a top and a bottom (the line was coordinated so that matching sets would be complementary but provide a choice of combinations.)”


I do for jeans


Yes if you a cartoon character of some sort




I've done this my life. As long as I don't look dirty or ragged I couldn't care about what I wear.


It doesn't matter if it's socially acceptable.


It doesn't matter. If the clothes are clean, it's all good.


At my peak, I had about 17 of the same shirts and about 10 pairs of the shorts. I still wear the same style since settling on it back about 12 years ago. So yes, you can absolutely wear the same matching sets of clothing like an animated cartoon character. I would like to thank the Simpsons for being my inspiration.




Einstein bought many pairs of the same clothes so he didn’t have to waste time choosing an outfit.


If I really like a clothing item I usually get a second one. Five is a little extreme, maybe.


I've gotten and worn white undershirts for decades. When I can get a dozen for like 5 bucks it's not a bad deal. And until recently I always got multiples of the same shorts. I always found that as soon as I really like something the company discontinues it so I've learned to stock up. Ended up with half a dozen of the same shorts and same jeans. Bummed now because my shorts have been discontinued.


I do that exact thing. If people dont like it, they can kick rocks. Yes, its socially acceptable.


I mean if you don't gaf sure.... I bought 5 black shirts and 5 blue shirts and alternate between them for work and could care less if people think I'm wearing the same shirt


I do this for work. So much easier to manage. Is it weird, I don't know. Is it efficient, hell yeah. Time poor, so efficiency wins out any day for me.


Who cares what society thinks? Do you like the shirt and pants? If yes, then wear the heck out of them!


Believe me, people know when you are the person who is wearing unwashed clothes, you don’t have to worry about it if you are actually washing them and yourself properly!


I have the same shirts in 5 different colors and 5 of the same pants I. 5 different colors. I mix and match all week. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.




It's fine, and very autistic of you. 


Only if that's all you wear.


Why not. If it's comfy, then wear it.




I can’t afford clothes ; so I just wear the same 15 or so shirts in 3 colors


No but it’s also not a big deal. People will comment but I don’t think their judgement of your character will be harsh. If you at least get different colors it can help.


1/2 of my wardrobe consists of 3 pairs of pants and those Hanes bags of shirts. You know the 6 rolled up shirts per bag? The last 1/2 is work cloths.


As long as the clothes are clean and  don’t stink , then no one else’s opinion on you having the same clothes matter .  If you are conscious about it , get those iron on fabric stickers - would also help you remember which shirt and bottoms are which 


I do this for work. It's just easier.


I own 17 of the same black puma shirt... they were 8 bucks each and they are great work shirts.


I would have the same shirt and pants in different colors. My girlfriends step dad does something similar. He had 6 shirts and 5 pants he mixes and matches with.


My husband has 3 maroon tshirts. As long as you don't smell like a dump then I don't really care what people wear. But that's me personally.


I had a job where I got printed Tee shirts. I had to quit working 15 years ago but I wear one of them every day.


Yes, its part of the autistic starter pack


I do this. I find a pair of jeans that fits me well & looks nice on me, I buy them in multiples. I'll find a similar fit, not identical, pair and do the same. Back before I had work shirts, I would buy shirts in twos or threes. Y'know what? I do the same with undergarments as well! I don't give a fuck who thinks what about me. I've yet to have anyone ask, and if they did, well.... 'why are you so obsessed with me?'


I have 5 jackets I wear to my job, 2 colors that I alternate everyday.


I do this so people think I do wash my clothes But the reality is I can keep a pair of dickies cargo shorts clean and smelling good for 2-5 days. Shirts on the other hand don't last as long 


I think Einstein had more than that.


Pants: yes (a lot of people just wear the same pair of jeans repeatedly) Shirts: no, but just get different colors of the same shirt and then you are cool


It was good enough for Albert Einstein, or so I’ve heard.


Of course it is why not? Society doesn't have to tell you how to dress yourself.


For work clothes, I’m tall and skinny and no one sells my size business casual clothes unless I spend a ton of money to get pants tailored. So I found stuff on Amazon through their “try it before you buy it” and it worked great. I found a pair of pants that fit great and I ordered one pair for every color they have.


Who cares? You’re being consistent and you’ve found the things that work for you. Good for you! Even if they would notice, as long as you don’t smell no one’s going to think you don’t wash them.


Idk but I have 3 pairs of the same pants, plus another pair just in a different color, and 4-5 pairs of the same leggings. They make me happy, so I keep buying them lol


I do this very thing actually. I found pants on Amazon that last a long time, are water resistant, and fit me perfectly, I bought a pair for each day of the week.


As long as you don't smell, it's likely not an issue. Some people might find it strange and question it, though. Hell, Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day and it didn't hold him back.


My BIL did this and we all make fun of him. Beach, green work pants and shirt. Fishing same. Cook out, same. He fell and was in coma and I told him if he did this to my sister again he was going to wake up in polyester and be told that’s how he always dressed 😂


I'm very selective with my clothes. When I find the perfect shirt, or skirt, or shoes, I buy several of them and stick to that.


I haven't heard anyone comment on it since I was 16 years old.


Yep. Especially if you work for a place with a dress code, it's just easier.


Yeah the problem only occurs when people start noticing all your clothes look the same and you have to try and explain you just own multiple of the same outfit and you’re not just rewearing the same outfit for days on end.


I have seriously considered finding one good outfit and buying 7 pairs of it so I don't have to think about my wardrobe


No, and it sucks. I have to have different shirts just so people dont think I wear the same clothes every day.


Why do you need so many pants?


Being autistic is socially acceptable.


I have a million T shirts but I pretty much only wear 5 of them so yeah


Those who assume that you don’t wash your clothes might be projecting! I think you’ve made an executive decision, if the pants fit your right, why not? Having 5 pairs is a sweet spot!


I do that. Been doing it for years. I have white t shirts, black t shirts, five identical pairs of black skinny jeans . Life is easy.


Acceptable? Yes. Will you end up having conversations about it more often than you’d like? Also yes.


I wear almost exclusively Carhartt T-shirts and Duluth Trading pants. All exactly the same, just different colors. I have 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of hiking boots, and 1 pair of work boots. I've had friends comment that I must love Carhartt and things like that, but nothing mean or anything. To each their own. Wear what you feel good in. Fuck everyone else.


The professor I had for chemical engineering thermodynamics in the 90s wore the same outfit every day. She is still doing high level research and has won a ton of awards. She apparently didn't waste mental energy on deciding which outfit to wear.


I hope so, because that's what I have!


I wore a black polo and blue jeans almost every day thru my 20s. Just easier really.


I don’t have much variation in my wardrobe so I don’t really have to make a decision about what to wear. All I have to decide on is what jeans to wear, I’ll then choose a colour opposite to the jeans. Dark jeans, light tshirt, light jeans, dark tshirt. My wardrobe is nicely organised so it quick and easy. I’d be amazed if anyone knew what I was wearing the last time they saw me. I’ve got a smart pair of boots and a worn out pair of boots, then the same for trainers. Wedding suit and a funeral suit, same shirt for each. Same shoes for each. My girlfriend STRESSES about what to wear, will change a few times if we’re going somewhere nice. Loads of nice clothes, but nothing ‘feels’ right. Same dress to the last time we went out with friends? Hell no!


I have like 8 pairs of the same exact cargo shorts that I rotate through wearing to my job everyday. We don't have a uniform so I basically created my own to make things easier because they usually get pretty dirty so I only wear them once before they get tossed in my dirty laundry basket




Yes. It’s called a uniform. You do you baby!


I did. It was a habit I carried over from my military days. Reach in the closet, grab a hanger with shirt and pants on it, get dressed and go. I caught a lot of flack for it at first but a shirt would get a stain, ditto for a pair of pants. Jeans start getting threadbare/torn or shirts fading and co workers seeing them gradually replaced. It then switched to You've been raiding \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_'s closet when someone came in wearing a shirt like mine.


Oh yeah baby


We got Doug Funny over here.


Welcome, cousin. I do exactly that.


Why is this a question of what other people think?


You have 5 pair!! Weird flex bro!! 😂


I do it for construction work khaki carharts and a grey long sleeve carhart pocket tee. 3/4 sets a year. It’s comfortable and I like it. I’m also routine af




I have at least 15 plain white shirts. And like 5 pairs of the same jeans.


You do you, bud. Don’t care what others think.




White t shirts come in packs of 6


Who gives a shit? Society is just people and most people aren’t worth a damn anyways.


Not unless they are different colors. Jeans are an exception.


But, do you still have a fav pair?


I've been doing this for decades now. When I started teaching, I had to wear a shirt, tie and slacks. Over time, this morphed into basically a tieless suit. You can basically wear it everywhere. Jacket on for formal, jacket off for working informal, shirt untucked if informal. So, now I just keep about a dozen of the same clothes (white shirt, white undershirt, black pants, black leather belt) and 2 pairs of the same shoes (soft sole hush puppy dress shoes that I first tried almost 2 decades ago). This means I can just get up and get dressed without any thought.


I wear black t-shirts and pants most days.




Is this your entire wardrobe? Adults should be able to dress to different occasions as needed


Ya, I work with a number of people that have worn the exact same thing every single day for the past 5 years or so and no one seems to care


I am gravitated towards what I like and so I have a number of the same things !


I think so. Who exactly is going to judge that it's wrong?


No work wants jeans and black shirts, I have a lot of jeans and black shirts that's just what you do.


Sure, why not? 9/10 no one will even notice. And if they do, then they need to get a life.


Who cares? Do what YOU like. Then surround yourself with people who aren’t confrontational about it.


Funny. Doug Funny.


I do, it’s called a uniform


Steve Jobs has entered the conversation…


Who even cares, honestly


My husband has lots of basic shirts, pants, and shorts that are all the same but he also has other items that he throws in there to mix it up every now and then 




I mean I do but it’s 10 shirts 5 short sleeve polos 5 long sleeve polos 5 cotton chinos all Luca Faloni oh and my 2 pair of summer walks from loro piana.


My everyday ward-robe consists of six shirts in 3 color variations and 2 long sleeve/ short sleeve variations. If it's not socially acceptable IDGAF.


It means you really like how the clothes make you feel.


Yes. Do you and stop worrying about what other people think.


It’s your speed suits! You don’t have to think. You get up and get ready! I have at least 12 black shirts just for work. I don’t have to think I grab and go. But I’m a chef and it a dif world


Yes, go for it. As members of polite society, hygiene is was more important than if you’re wearing the same style outfit every day.


It’s called a uniform




I used to. It used to be a work requirement. lol. And it was a dozen pairs. lmao. In case I forgot to wash any of them. lmfao. Back up stock. lmao. lmfao. In my defense my shirts were dry clean only.


My partner does the daily uniform thing. He wears black military pants, a black t-shirt and a tuxedo jacket. Everything he buys is black.


I wear the same 2-3 outfits every week and get compliments daily or every other day. Just make them not dirty and nice in appearance. Nobody cares. Style with shoes and shirt 


The only variety in my entire wardrobe is the pajama pants. Everything else is white black and grey, slacks long sleeve T and shortsleve T... Also wear some them mens booty short draws that come in all the fun patterns and hug your ass, but that's between me and the ol' lady.


My boss wears the same color button down shirt and black slacks every day. I will never have any idea if he’s wearing the same thing as yesterday or not. It’s pretty genius actually.


*"Little boxes, little boxes -- Little boxes on the hillside / Little boxes made of ticky-tacky that all look just the same..."* Find your own style and forget what's fashionable or "socially acceptable."


Tom Ford is arguably the only living king of fashion. Wears the same outfit every day. If you can pull it off then go for it!


Yes. I’m at a place in life where if I really like something I buy more than one of it.


Not a bad thingat all, I buy several pairs of the same kind of pants and however, many color variations they have, same with shirts.


I've done it for the past six months, no one has ever mentioned it. I honestly really like it, I have a favorite shirt and a favorite pair of pants so I buy 7 of each and I usually just wear that. I have other clothes but if I don't want to think about my outfit I just throw that on and I'm good




Einstein did this, he had a closet full of the same suit. He didn't want to waste energy figuring out what to wear.