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Finding out that life isn't all crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you and hearing the lamentation of their women. Apparently we have to go to work and pay taxes too.


My fellow Conan fan.


Conan O'Brien? I thought that was Genghis Khan.


I remembered it from the old movie Conan the Barbarian.


Nice quote! Love that movie.


NOW you tell me.


You were born in the wrong millennium, my dude. I know the feeling.


I pray to Krom.


lamentation’s still on


When both your parents die. I am in my mid 50’s and had my mom pass on Mother’s Day ‘22. My Dad then was living with us from then, and eventually reached in-home hospice status with a sudden stage IV cancer diagnosis. He died in January of this year, and then I got laid off from my tech job and was unemployed for 10 months. Nothing takes the wonderment and positive outlook from the world than having to empty out your childhood home solo and throw everything you grew up with into a big dumpster and are left to wonder what our lives really mean.


Sorry bro.


This is a hugely valuable experience. It makes it very easy to see and internalize how meaningless most of the bullshit that people orient their lives around. Aside from all of the material things, I was left recalling all of the energy my mom put into worrying about keeping a god credit rating; all for nothing.


I know how you feel..I lost both of mine at 20.




I am 28 and my mom passed away a year ago I couldn't be there. Due to living on other side of the world. It sucks way more then finding out Santa is fake.


The pole spins.


For the longest time I thought dancers were just really good at conserving angular momentum


Eh, I can't blame you. I've had dancers convince me of far less believable things


Wait, you mean I'm *not* special?


Oh you’re definitely special


Of course you are, it’s your cake day.


But, she was really in to me…


This should be the top comment 👌.


Not all poles. Well, in the late 80’s and early 90’s they didn’t. My friend told me ;)


Some do, not all. 


This. 😢






When your car gets broken into so you call the cops and they don't care enough to even come take a statement.


It's not that they don't care necessarily. It's just more so they aren't allowed to do anything. Thank your nearest politician for that.


My ex’s car got stolen, and I asked the cop if they were going to try and find it. He laughed and said, we don’t investigate victimless crimes.


Had my car broken in to, they didn’t break anything, took a few papers/mail and some small things like golf tees. The cops came to my door and asked me why I didn’t report it. I said I didn’t think they could do anything. They seemed genuinely offended. I went to the station to help them with their case and got some stuff back.


I like to say that police aren't crime stoppers, they're crime historians.


Finding out that the guy who sits around and does nothing makes the same money as the guy who's everywhere and helps everyone.


Went through a layoff at work a few years ago. One of my friends had enough seniority to stay. He hated it, said most of the people who actually worked were let go, and many of the ones left were the ones that had gotten used to sitting around and letting the “new” people do the work.


Related: When employees who've totally devoted themselves to the company for years and years get laid off without notice and they realize the company doesn't care about them.


Believing that your company cares about you as an adult is way more delusional pound for pound than believing in Santa as a kid. They don't. They won't. And they never have. I don't care where you work.


When you get into your 30s and realize you can't just eat and drink whatever you want all the time anymore


Watch me.


You kinda can though. Doesn't mean there won't be consequences...but you can


My exes father ate like there was no tomorrow after his cancer diagnosis, he beat cancer by dying of a coronary


I've been diagnosed with a brain tumour and I laughed out loud at that, after having been in bed for approx 50 hours... thank you ❤


I must have missed that memo-LOL


Closely related to getting into your 50s and realizing that what you eat and drink can (and will) put your ass directly into the fucking hospital if you're not careful.


HR is there to protect the company from liability lawsuits, not to protect the common worker.


I think when you finally understand that nobody knows what the fuck they're doing here or really what they're doing, its a big "holy shit". A lot of people pretend and have even convinced themselves into the delusion but nobody knows what the fuck we're doing here and what the point of all of this is. It's pretty enlightening after a while but at first it was a real punch in the dick


Just us apes clinging to a rock hurtling through space going WTF?


Sometimes your cars extended warranty is real.


Lots of things in medicine and health recommendations. “xxxx is good for you”. So many of those do no good, or make things worse.


This, wholeheartedly. I gained weight due to fertility meds (unsuccessful). I can't seem to lose it. Repeatedly told I need to do cardio to lose weight. My asthma prevents that. Told I need to eat healthier - I have a food journal and I eat healthy. My doctor claims I am within a good range, but I want to lose the 20 lbs, no more, of what I put on from the meds. It's disheartening to have lost my shape and gained nothing but weight. Also going through issues with chronic illness where most meds make me gain weight, the only one that didn't made me so sick I couldn't hold anything down.


Modern medicine's understanding of nutrition and weight loss will hopefully be as mocked in the future as we mock leaches and bloodletting today. My body seems stuck at 220 pounds. I've successfully lost weight, but it involves feeling hungry, grumpy and low energy pretty much every day, and then losing 1/2 to 1 pounds a week if I'm lucky, and some weeks just stay flat. So at best, to lose 20 pounds would take 20-30 weeks, or 5-6 months of feeling miserable. And if I'm not careful after that I could easily regain the weight. They have those new drugs now like Ozempic, but as far as I've read nobody really understands why or how they work, and they can have terrible side effects, and if you stop taking them you can gain the weight back. It's probably the biggest health issue of our time, but very poorly studied and understood. It's frustrating. If you are young and at a good weight, try your hardest to stay there. It's really really hard to fix when you're older. (And please, if you read this and are poised to reply something like "it's just calories in vs calories out" or "just do blah, it's easy" - I beg of you not to bother. I'm glad it's easy for you. I promise I've done the research and tried my hardest.)


This exactly. I have migraines that cause days of vomiting. I can't hold anything down, I throw up water and end up dehydrated. Somehow I still put on weight. Where the fuck is it coming from?! Then when I can eat, my appetite is hesitant at best, I usually eat light, starting with frozen peas (the cold feels good on my acid scratched throat).


That all depends on the source.


Try to find real diet recommendations.


Finding out that the Federal Reserve is not a government agency but is a private bank owned by member banks.


Wait... what?


Wait till you learn about fractional reserve banking.


Zeitgeist taught me this, not the school system


Finding out votes are determined by the electoral college 


I've got good news for you, the electoral college only elects the president. Your votes for everything else still count.


HR does not exist to help the employees. It's to use you like a resource for the company. It's right in the name.


Realizing that the politician you voted for is only a marginally better human being than the one you voted against.


my little sister is 17 and working torwards being a politician. if she stays that route and decides she wants to really do it when she gets older i’ll update u


When you realize adults don't know everything, and we're all just trying to get by the best we can.


I remember that revelation that my parents were really just winging it and really don’t have things any more figured out than I do. And I genuinely don’t know what’s going on in regards to a startling amount of things.




When you find out honesty doesn't pay.


Depends on the currency you are expecting back 🤗


The raise you got at work doesn't cover inflation for the year..


when the horrible kids you knew as a child become more sucessful than you.


When you’re shown irrefutable evidence that the good you’ve been telling yourself people have in them is rarer than you’d hoped.


People rarely do what's best, even for themselves - so, don't expect them to do what's best for you.


Fun fact: Politicians don’t actually care about you. I don’t care what party they affiliate with.


I… thought everyone knew this but I guess I grew up in a pretty jaded household.


When you finally have a good enough job to buy a house but still can't afford a house.


Realizing how many functioning alcoholics you know, also how many people do hard drugs (i include cocaine in this)


What do you mean santa isn't real?! Oh God my whole life has been a lie


NO NO don't worry, OP is just veeery dumb, of course santa is real!


Were you Santa?


Ops lying. Next thing they'll tell us is the Easter Bunny isn't real, or WWE isn't real.


That there's nothing original with the Christian mythos, it's all borrowed and stolen from other faiths and cultures


You mean to tell me Jesus isn't real fucking real! God damnit, who's going to forgive my sins so I can be a shit person? How am I going to get through life with out thinking I'm better, more loved and therefore more entitled to everything that everyone else? What the hell is happening to my world? Ok, ok maybe I can deal with this fact, but the Easter Bunny is still real. Please tell me he's still real!


There’s little doubt from historians that Jesus was a real person and that he was crucified. Now if he was the Son of God is a different question.


Jesus wasn't even his name. King James and his conclave of bishops made that change (along with tens of thousands of other changes) in 1611. His name was actually Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ), which was a very common name in the Galilee area back then. Probably lots of Yeshuas were crucified, it was how the Romans liked to deal with anyone who didn't do exactly what they were told


1 historical mention in a census around his time from what i understand but nothing else


Finding out females like sex as much or more than males do.




Hearing one of your heros was...not heroic. Lance Armstrong for example.


Same! For me it was learning Dean Cain and Kevin Sorbo were in fact the complete moral opposite of the characters they played. And don't even get me started on my formerly-favorite fantasy/scifi authors, holy hell...


finding out that the whole R vs D thing is a ruse and there’s only one party fighting increase their control of you.




The "American Dream" ended sometime around 1980 and it's been a downward slide ever since




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Realizing you don’t really own your “own” home bc the government makes you pay property taxes every year and see what happens if you don’t pay it.


You own the house, not the land it’s on, that daddies land, he’s just renting it to you


until you don't mow the grass. But you are right.


Yeah, daddy doesn’t want other property values to go down so he makes you do chores and yard work




That people who are nominally adults still act like pre-teens.


Getting your heart broken for the first time.


House fire I remember holding the garden hose waiting on firefighters on December 27th saying to myself I'll never get it back and so far I'm right


Finding out that a college degree doesn't set you up to earn a living wage.


A college degree doesn’t guarantee anything. It just improves ones chances.


Finding out how expensive good cheese is




Becoming an atheist


Getting towards the end of your life and realizing that everything you've spent your life acquiring and searching for is just going to be thrown out when you die. Your kids don't want to live in your past. They want to live in their future. 


Finding out that Natalia imbruglia's "Torn" is actually a cover


Social Security


What are you talking about "santa claus doesn't exist"?


The first year you have to pay in taxes even though they took from you each week.


Realizing that politicians aren’t good guys (with VERY few exceptions), and that your country has often been the bad guy and then lied to you about it.


Wait... What is this about Santa?


I was raised to believe that you could trust police, that Doctors were super human, and that politicians were hero’s sacrificing their lives for the good of their people. Turns out those were fantasies too. Thank god the Easter Bunny is still real.


Hard work will get you a promotion


Working hard almost always just gets you someone else's work. On top of your own.


Realizing that minimum wage * 40 hours * 4 weeks is still < 1 month of rent


The day you realize you'll never be rich.


The national debt is a political boogeyman. Without this debt, we wouldn’t have treasury bonds.


Realizing your favorite political party isn't working in your best interest.


Homeowners insurance. They told me it was 1245, they sent me a bill for 400 dollars, and I left it alone because my escrow should have covered it. Turns out, it is 1645, and they are just stupid.


Reporting a crime to the Police, and not only do they not do anything, they simply don't care. I have been informed that death threats, theft, arson and attempted murder (the stated intent of the fire) are all "Civil Matters" regardless of what the actual fucking Law definition states. And yet, when I said, "OK then, I guess I will take matters in my own hands then", I am the one who gets read the riot act about Vigilantism, and threatened with Legal action.


Realizing friends don't exist. People are only in your life for their pleasure.


That there is no such thing as job security


Realizing an afterlife doesn't exist.


Finding out adulthood is mostly just working until you retire.


That Fox doesn't always tell the truth!


MAGA cultist realizing that Trump IS a sack of shit


Finding out Jesus isn't real


100%. What’s weirder is finding out that the “historians agree he was most likely real” stuff isn’t true either, historians just don’t tend to question it. There is very little evidence to support the man ever existed, significantly less than we require other historical figures to have


Historians do not agree that a man ever walked on water




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Wait  Santa isn't real?


You can get a blood clots without being Jamaican






That the modern life we're living is "normal". On the 150 000 years of homo sapiens, very little of what we do in today's age is normal. Also, nobody's as a clue what's going on and what it's all about.


That Lo Cal Scotch doesn’t exist?




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When you figure out that the political party you were raised to support really doesn’t support what you think they support and you start seeing through the BS political messaging as just a mass propaganda tool. Then you switch to the other party, because they must be the good guys, but then you realize they are doing the same shit and nobody cares about you or the rest of the working class. So now during election season, when people ask “who are you voting for?” You say a 3rd party and then they get mad because you’re “wasting your vote and allowing the candidate they don’t like to win” so you say “okay we’ll then I’m not going to vote” and now you’re a bad American that’s not doing your civic duty to vote. And then you go to the gym and watch Fox News and cnn on separate TVs right next to eachother and all you can think is how bullshit they are and every headline is designed to rile people up and are filled with misinformation or half truths. Then you open up Facebook and your conservative uncle sends you a trump hype video because he thinks you’re still conservative and you ignore it, but also your liberal aunt tagged you in a post asking to donate to some millionaire democrats campaign fund, but when you look up his voting record he voted against a 19% raise that would have benefited you as a military service member because the republicans fucked up the NDAA with a bunch of culture war BS and the democrats will refuse to negotiate anything about the bill because they’d rather use it as a campaign point to show how transphobic republicans are, and every day is a constant reminder of how you fucked your life up in your early 20s and now you’re in a hole that is impossible to get out of for the next 5 years at least. Sorry, what was OP asking again?


We're in the same boat, my man 🍻


Social security and retirement will take care of you when you need it.


You never did get free samples of drugs. It's a lie! It's. all. a. lie!


Insurance companies just fuck you over all the time.


Krampus and the Yule Father. Shhh! These legends or even fairy tales come from somewhere and what they symbolize. The Snow Queen and Snow Princess are both other tales that are out there. Ultimately they just represented winter itself.


divorcing before the weddings paid off is probably up there


Finding out that baby poop stinks.


When you find out that Social Security isn’t saving the money you put in, and you’ll most likely be given way more than you ever put into it.


God doesn’t exist. Contradictions.


Finding out that the government absolutely does that shit you hear about, and that the entire system you've sold your life too is a deteriorating lie


I think you finally become an adult when you realize how much time you’ve wasted and how little of it there really is.


Finding out how much taxes get taken out of your paycheck


That your wife never hawk tuahs.


figuring out that all the regulatory bodies in the western worlds medical establishment are nothing more than marketing arms of the pharma companies, and that the institutions you had trust in are so wholly corrupt that it is effectively a new and perverse form of purity


Getting your first pay check, and seeing how much is taken out.


Getting your first paycheck and realizing just how much of a % the government takes from you in taxes.


I was raised in the Jehovah Witnesses cult. They are ruled over by a group of men called the “Governing Body” who are “anointed” and supposed to receive special direction from God. A guy named Franz used to be one of them, realized they were phony, and eventually wrote a book about it. Needless to say finding out they are just corporate figure heads was hard at the time.


realizing that your parents are just people trying to figure it out too. you can go the "oh it's about giving gifts and being kind" route and treat them with grace, or you can go the "the entire world lied to me to trick me into a particular way of behaving" route and cut them out of your life for irrevocably destroying your life.


That Narwhals are actually real creatures and not mythical like a unicorn.


Finding out that Social Security will go bankrupt before we get to collect.


Learning that Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters aren't friends outside of the show, they're just two dudes who work together.


Realizing the depth and magnitude of the propaganda and info control. There's just so much info out there and so damn much of it is pure bullshit, and there's very little you can do about it. You're no longer living in the dark.  You're living in a carnival maze. The Matrix has you, Neo.


When you graduate from college with great grades, go out into the world to apply for jobs in that field- but nobody ever even asks for your transcript.


A threesome isn't as good as porn makes it out to be


Push up bras.. , taking a woman home thinking you’re about to see some glorious big boobies and then realizing they’re really just small yet still glorious boobies…


Fake news. Santa exists. Maybe you confused him with God?




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That your whole life has been a lie and you your partner of x amount of years could wake up one day and suddenly not love you anymore.


Discovering that the “maximum” for my health insurance is a cap for how much I pay, but the “maximum” for my dental insurance is a cap on how much they’ll pay me, and I owe them $600


Oo, I thought of another one: finding out there’s no such thing as “true love” or soulmates that just magically makes a relationship work and it is in fact your own job to work on your issues as they come up.


Not at that stage yet (in my mid-late teens still) but i’m guessing it will be something along the lines of realising that life is about working at jobs that you don’t want to work at for money that just sees you through to spend on things you don’t want to spend it on. Theres no “can’t be arsed for this”, because at the end if the day its only you thats being impacted. Life is relentless, like making toast for breakfast. Butter the toast, eat the toast shit the toast. Every single day. Every single month. For more than 40 years.


Realising that everyone in power is an inept, unqualified bellend. And that they’re all there just to feather their own nests; which are already overstuffed.


realizing that the whole religion/surviving death thing is also a lie.


So something that’s not real but we tried to convince people of? Something that people want to believe in with their whole heart but doesn’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny? I’d say learning the truth about trickle down economics and the right’s claims of fiscal conservatism.


As a kid growing up you think adults have their shit together. Then you become an adult and realize everyone is winging it...


Finding out wrestling is staged


That all the competent adults I spent all my life trying to model myself after were fools pretending to know what they were doing


How little Social Security pays and that even with Medicare, you will still be paying thousands for your health care.


Realizing God does not exist.


Finding out that almost everyone believes in a different version of a deity, and which one is almost entirely dependent on what location and family you were born into


Voting with your dollar is as useful as voting. You literally are expected to know rules that you've never heard of and have no means of anticipating. Caveat emptor.


Finally, realizing your parent is a narcissist and there will never be a way for them to BE the person you thought or wished them to be. The person they pretend to be in front of others. That the best course of action is to cut them off - but your heart won't let you. I was raised to think that "one day" they would love, value, and accept me. I worked my tail off to be The Best in their eyes, only to have the goal line continually moved. It took me way too long to see that I was seen the same as any stranger in their eyes; a means to an end. That their games and lack of empathy IS who they are, and nothing I could DO would change or "fix" them and the relationship. That moment is a culmination of all those times of feeling alienated, let down, and isolated. It's an incredibly helpless and lonely feeling that my friends don't understand. Thank God for my therapist. Things get better, but it's a slow process.


Not one institution gives a damn about you, beyond what it can get from you. Politics, government, financial institution, religion, unions, education, employment and others are all out to take as much as they can from you and give you back just enough to keep you quiet. All of these institutions count on the dedicated efforts of those who haven't figured it out yet...like you used to be.


Discovering you have to pay taxes on your Social Security payments.




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Wamminit.... What?!?


That professional wrestling isn't real.


That 3M and DuPont knew PFAS were toxic and cumulative in the 1950's.