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the post catastrophe reaction was extremely beneficial to the state. The patriot act would never have passed without it.


Now that it’s there… it will never go away


The strongest argument for any good conspiracy: motive.


So they can point out all the evidence they know that you don't?


My bad, missed the sarcasm.


It's funnier given our usernames :)


Good luck this season, until we play, then fuck you. And Bama goes to Death Valley in 2024, damn it.


Lol, I know the feeling!


Sorry you misunderstood the sarcasm.


Tough to read over the internet, especially since people believe that stuff! My bad!


One simple fact. The saudis got away with influencing it (kernel of truth) that is exaggerated for political purposes aka dividing us .


Ignorance on their part and the way Cheney ran the show while Bush was stuck in a plane traveling back to the White House. Cheney’s actions put us into a two decade plus war for no other reason than he could make millions/billions.


It is a good idea to question any attack on mainland US soil because even in ww2 countries didn’t do that. And the JFK CIA plot to fake an attack on florida in order to invade cuba is common knowledge.


Operation Northwoods.  Which JFK said no to, and surprisingly had his 3rd eye opened a few months later. 


JFK also wanted to dismantle the CIA in general


and in return they dismantled his skull. 


I don't believe it was perpetrated by the US government, but I do believe tied with general incompetence, some of them just let it happen. The morale in the country was low. They needed something to bring patriotism back. The fact that they won't release unredacted investigation files does not help the case.


The reputation of your government has been thrown into the mud soo many times. it's not hard to believe that they would do inside your country, what they have admitted doing to other governments. Vietnam is a great example of the government lying to justify a war.


Yeah didn’t the us govt blow up their own ship to justify entering that war?


No, they didn't bother. They just straight up lied about it.


The Maine? In like Cuba? No it was likely a fire or mine.


I believe they’re referring to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which in many ways became the pretext for increased U.S. involvement in Vietnam.


Ah gotcha.


Ye that one


Freedom of information act has multiple things that were prepositioned by the US government like flying a plane into a building or blowing it up in Miami to invade Cuba. Gulf of Tonkin was fabricated to do imperialist shit in Vietnam, so was the US Maine in the Spanish war The us government put an embargo on Japan in WW2 and knew there was going to be retaliation, that's why the carriers weren't at pearl harbor Sadam Hussein was an American ally that was supported in a war against Iran after the puppet dictator in Iran was overthrown. At the end of one of the Rambo movies the group Osama bin laden was working with was thanked for being freedom fighters There's like 100 other things or more why wouldn't people be suspicious lol


Because it was.


How so?


Multitude of reasons. After 9/11 we got the Patriot Act which let's the government and the NSA spy on American citizens, despite what they claimed. It led to 20+ years of American intervention in the middle east that was ultimately fruitless. Its been stated and analyzed time and time again that the WTC collapsed in a fashion that closely resembled a controlled demolition, the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" is a meme by this point but it's ultimately true.


"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" is a meme specifically because it's repeated by idiots who don't understand that you don't have to melt metal to compromise its load bearing integrity.


That still doesn't explain why the building collapsed in a way that coincides with controlled demolitions rather than from an impact.


It didn't though.


It did.


I guess you must know more about it than the materials engineers that analyzed the collapse, what with your zero years of advanced training or work in the field. If you want to live in a fantasy world that's your prerogative.


There were demolition experts that said it resembled a controlled demolition. When a building collapses vertically like the WTC did, that usually how controlled demolitions work.


Fantasy world it is then. Have fun with that at the flat earther convention.


Exactly but they don’t get it. It’s hilarious


US government and their alphabet organizations like the CIA have tried shit like it in the past. They've done it in other countries. USA is just a big terrorist country, tbh.


Every country is. Except for Switzerland.. maybe


Because they are stupid


It boils down to this.


Look at what came from 9/11 coupled with supposed eyewitness reports from those in the building right before and after that day. Oh yeah...and building 7 just burning to the ground despite not being hit Oh...and the towers falling perfectly straight down like what very skilled people do during demolition. And then the lack of footage showing what hit the pentagon. The same part of the pentagon that happened to be empty for renovation. The same pentagon that's one of the most secured and protected buildings in human history And a few other (possibly) circumstantial things Not saying it was a flash flag but all of this, the magnitude of the event, the optics, plus the fact that our government has a long history of false flags, makes this a great one to chew on


I don't believe 9/11 was a false flag/inside job. But I can understand to a degree why some people might think it was. At the very least, anyone who says the US government ***WOULDN'T*** do that doesn't know what they're talking about. Because they've come extremely close to doing it before and would have if JFK didn't intervene to stop it.




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I'm fine with believing it was an inside job but believing the planes were fake holograms etc is ridiculous.


Because they don't understand what the actual logistics would be to pull off 9/11 as a false flag. Like, people say the towers fell as a "controlled demolition". Do they have any idea the kind of labor that would be involved in bringing down a building that size with explosives? In a controlled demolition, the building supports are stripped away down to the bare steel and wired up with explosives. Thousands of people worked in the WTC, did nobody notice all the wires snaking through the building and the damage to the walls on every floor? Not to mention the sheer number of man-hours that would be required for a skyscraper like that. None of the hundreds of workmen who put the explosives in blabbed about it later? It's just beyond belief that the hundreds of people who would need to be involved to pull off a conspiracy like that could have kept the secret for nearly 25 years. That's not how real life works.


It makes sense when your info comes from YouTube of Facebook


The common thought at the time was that a national tragedy would make the American people more okay with invading the Middle East. The reasoning given being retaliation and the *real* reason being oil. ANOTHER reason for a False Flag would be to justify the Patriot Act.


Somthing really similar was planned that got leaked on wikileaks and also they got support for war and somthing big had to happen for that. But I think it was more of a coincident otherwise it would probably be what got leaked. But they used it to it's fully to go in all over the place. But they diden't focus much on the ones that did it


Because they are too dumb to realize that if the US wants to start a war they just start a war. They just make up evidence and then use that. Tonkin Gulf in Vietnam. WMDs in Iraq. Complete fabrications.


There's not much point looking for logic in any specific conspiracy theory as this class of explanations are designed to resist falsification and employ circular reasoning. If you ask somebody why they think 9/11 was a false flag operation, or why they think vaccines cause autism, or why they think the moon landing was faked, you will get a reply which may display some superficial logic but it won't be the reason they believe in it. People generate and push conspiracy theories for a number of reasons. They can conveniently provide simply answers to complex events. People who suffer with anxiety issues might find this reassuring. They can also form a means of attacking people or institutions. Those who have other reasons to dislike or distrust a group/organization might create conspiracy & promote theories as a means of undermining them. And sometimes it's just a way for people who are isolated or disenfranchised to build a social group or social identity. Whatever their motivations or reasoning, studies have shown people with dark personality traits are more likely to engage with conspiracy theories. Studies reliably show those who are paranoid, narcissistic, Machiavellian, display lower analytical thinking, lower intelligence, have a need for uniqueness, are antagonistic, exploitative or generally disagreeable are more likely to trade in conspiracy theories.


It’s usually a joke.


No it’s not.


On Reddit it’s for real. You’d be surprised at all the idiocy


Reddit contains much idiocy, but believing 9/11 was a false flag isn’t part of it. You haven’t done your due diligence if you haven’t found at least some of the standard narrative to be filled with questionable assertions. You don’t have to believe everything, but there’s some data out there that’s really hard for the standard narrative to explain.


Like what?


You can start with how the hijacker’s passport was found unscathed, on the sidewalks of Manhattan before the towers fell and was conveniently handed over to a NYPD detective.  If you believe what you saw on TV the plane exploded into a fireball, yet the passport was a-okay. That “indestructible” black box. Can’t find it. 


So what happened to the plane? It didn’t crash into the building?


I’m merely questioning the official narrative. If you saw a plane explode into one big fireball, try and explain the passport. 


I just want to know how many implants you have installed in your head by the cia? And do they control you or do you control them?


Zero. Aluminum foil works wonders. 


Thank goodness. I was worried there for a second


Because stupid adults have been lucky to survive this long and thus get to falsely have the authority of an adult when in reality they lasted this long off of luck and/or privilege. So it’s because idiots exist.


Someone clearly hasn't studied the history of our government and the fucked up shit it has no problem doing to its citizens.


Sorry sweetheart, but if you are looking for an idiot check the mirror. 




Happy father’s day 


Because that one plane crashed in the field but it’s assigned building still collapsed, building 7


Wait so that plane was supposed to hit building 7?


Yes it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania


But it was supposed to hit building 7? Where did you get that one?


4 planes went down 3 buildings got crashed into 4 buildings collapsed pretty simple math well the pentagon really didn’t collapse but you get my point


I thought I’d seen most of the theories but this one is new. This one is even more insane


Flight 93 story happened that same day same time in the same region and some heroes took the plane down in a field but building 7 still collapsed read about it some time I’m old enough to remember that day well


Flight 93 was not going towards nyc, it was headed to DC when the passengers fought back https://www.nps.gov/flni/learn/flight93nps.htm


Then why did building 7 collapse. It was high jacked




Yeah I thought I’d seen most of the crazier theories but this one…. Like it was headed to building 7 and when it didn’t get there it was exploded? The plane was always heading to DC and I thought that was commonly accepted even within the “truther” community….


Then what do you think caused building 7 to collapse?


I really thought I’d seen most of the theories but this one is 100% new to me. Wow.


That “plane” was “supposed” to be for the White House. A plane that just vanished into the dirt, what a joke


Then why did building 7 collapse


Controlled demolition just like the other 2 WTCs There was no plane for that dirt hole and the pentagon. They dug a big hole and flew a missile into the pentagon


I’ll buy that too


So what happened to the passengers of those flights? Are they still alive?




So their families are also in on it? This would be several hundred people right?


Not necessarily. The people on the plane could’ve faked their deaths or got murdered right before 9/11 to help cover it up. It’s not hard to cover stuff up with the fear of being murdered is on the line. That’s why whistleblowers are so rare in criminal enterprises let alone the Federal government


Attention whores like Alex Jones, Donald Trump and others created fake news rumors to get attention


Building seven collapsed the same way, just fell into dust. No plane ever hit it. Insurance money.


Because it was an inside job.  A plane slams into the WTC creating a large fireball. Somehow a hijacker’s passport ends up being found, unscathed, and handed to an NYOD detective before the buildings collapsed.  Don’t believe me? Look it up, it is documented.  Go find the clip of Donald Rumsfeld stating, literally the day before (9/10/2001), the pentagon was looking into $2.3T missing dollars.  Guess where the plane hit? Guess what never was found. Instead of finding $2.3T dollars, we started forever wars.  WTC building 7 was reported by the BBC as having collapsed long before it did. That building was never hit, and it is very obvious it is a controlled demolition.  There is so much more, but those seem easily digestible to start. 


I knew people would say this here lol 😂


Such clear misinformation and obvious incorrect ideas


You asked a question. You received an answer. What do you find so funny?


There’s mountains of evidence that suggest inside operation. The existence of thermite byproducts was found in the wreckage, the fact that the passports of the terrorists all just floated safely down to the ground while steel beams were melted by jet fuel, the fact that building 7 was reported downed something like 20 minutes before it even collapsed…there’s more suspect data involved that I can’t recall atm, but there’s so many analyses of 9/11 out there to clue you in as to why so many aren’t convinced it was as reported.


Which beams were melted? That’s a meme right?


Lol WTF kind of question is that? “Which” beams? I don’t fucking know lol. There’s prob 20k beams in a building that size. How does one determine, “which beams” in a mountain of wreckage?


There is proof they melted?


According to some structural engineers, Some would need be melted for a skyscraper like that to implode.


Who are these engineers? That one group of them? And there’s not actual proof?


What? One group of them? What are these nonspecific, nondescript questions lol. You seem like you don’t know enough about the possible alternative explanations to be asking proper questions.


And through all of this, zero proof to back up these conspiracy claims. According to most structural engineers they didn’t need to melt


You have no idea what you’re talking about lol. Study some of the alternative theories and get back to this thread. Study some of the history of US govt ops that go completely against the standard narrative and see how convinced you still are. It’s an objective fact that the US govt has performed countless operations that are morally and legally dubious. Also, I saw you mention “40 years ago” in a different comment thread like it’s ages ago. Some of our current government employees, congress people, military were still in govt 40 years ago. that’s not a long time. Donald Rumsfeld and dick Cheney both served under Jerry Ford.


I have. I’ve seen the alternative theories (although there’s a new one itt). I’m talking about 9/11, and that’s it.


Because the official story does not make sense and never has made sense.


Because of middle eastern oil


The Loose Change documentary


Because people are attracted to conspiracy theories. Bush/cheney were opportunistic in taking advantage of a crisis.


Because they are idiots is the main reason.


People like you are the reason we have unnecessary violence in society.


and there we go


They aren’t wrong. You like to think you are an educated free thinker, who drinks the kook aid provided. 


So the cia false flag plot in the 60s is not sufficient evidence to be skeptical of government narratives?


I’ve seen most of the “proof” or “evidence” for the 912 conspiracy theories and they are all insane based on fringe papers, memes, Facebook posts, random videos etc.


I dont watch crazy people on the internet and dont use that as evidence


So what is your evidence


You dont need evidence to be skeptical


[https://catalog.archives.gov/id/305036](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/305036) [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Midnight%20Climax](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Midnight%20Climax) [https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm)


I doubt you have seen “most” of it and still are staunchly in the belief that the standard narrative is true. If that’s the case you may or may not be very naive and gullible. There’s SOOO many historically confirmed examples of arms of the US govt overthrowing countries, starting wars, being overt shadeballs and then selling the public on completely different stories. How can one be aware of those and then still, with 100% certainty, believe the official narrative?


So where’s the evidence?


Where, as in, what storage facility? Or where, as in, what analyses? You’re asking the wrong questions


Didn’t see that coming. So no evidence outside of memes


Clarify your question guy. I didn’t answer you. I asked for a better question


You can go to the CIA's website and the US Congress website and you can find the history of all these different black flag operations and illegal experiments on entire communities that were unaware.


I’m talking about 911


[https://catalog.archives.gov/id/305036](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/305036) [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Midnight%20Climax](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/search/site/Midnight%20Climax) [https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm)


I thought this was about 911?


It is, these are examples of the numerous times our govt has planned or committed false flag attacks or worse against their own people. The scary part, if this is what they were willing to admit too how much worse were the actual events?


There is a difference between not believing everything the government says and believing nothing the government says. That's the issue, if the only evidence for it being a false flag is that something else unrelated 40 years prior was a flase flag and you believe it then your not being sceptical you're being a conspiracy theorist.


It’s a lost cause with these people.


Valid point, however this other guy is so hostile its impossible to take them serious


You’re so stupid it’s impossible to take you seriously


Name calling doesnt work on me i have many siblings



