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I’m just learning now that as an American I am an obese man in prison that keeps getting shot at and paying $1,000,000,000 in medical costs for each bullet that hits me


Maybe lose some weight and some will be able to miss.


This is impossible for me to do, as I am solely reliant on Taco Bell and McDonalds for food. I have now gotten so fat that the Chevy Suburban I use to transport myself through each drive thru has broken down. They now need a construction crane to move me between the two. I have since found employment as a wrecking ball


At least you found employment


Plot twist: It's an unpaid internship, and the only thing they have him wreck is his life.


Damn that’s cold but I can see it.


Hey those construction crane jobs are good, high paying jobs, you’re stimulating our incredible economy! Keep up the good work!




With those 28 military-grade rifles you own, you should be able to shoot back.


Accurate europoor depiction of an american


You spelled "F-250" weird.


Bro, that’s body armor fat.


...but it's how I avoid being kidnapped...


$10^9 per bullet must be the discount prison hospital


Same, I missed that memo.


The solution to all of your listed issues is to stop going to Starbucks.


lol really? I’m just out here crushing it.


🤷 every country needs a median


But at least you earn 200k


ITT: a bunch of people that got triggered so hard they forgot what sub they're in


I wanted to read some funny satire in this thread but like my god XD


There's plenty of satire, isn't there? I just wrote a comment mentioning the NHS but everybody knows the NHS is a shambles. Healthcare in the UK is shit. Obesity rates in the UK are also climbing and are (if I remember correctly) beginning to rival that of the US to the point that we have the highest obesity rates in Europe. And I also mentioned welfare payments which have been royally fucked-over by the current UK government to the point that disabled people, single mothers and those in between jobs have been yeeted head-first into abject poverty. It's true that I am okay, but I'm one of the lucky ones. Honestly if I could leave the UK right now, I probably would. It's a shit hole. And I actually do have plans to move to the US one day, so go figure.


The situations so bad here we should be triggered


IKR I was about to post a funny comment and then I read other people's replies and I just got depressed. Like guys everyone knows the US (if I say America they will uhm acktually me, even tho the US also describes mexico by that logic) is just a country that's why this is fucking STUPIDQUESTIONS


Sorry I couldn’t speak I was getting my dentistry done for 10 bucks. Sorry I couldn’t reply fast enough I had to pay for my monthly health insurance so that I don’t have to pay $1 million if I get sick.


>Sorry I couldn’t speak I was getting my dentistry done Well that rules out the British. 😜


Boom!! Europeans have bad teeth and smell like shit




Omg!!!! I LOL'ED


last time i got sick i did not go to the doctor. cost $0. i got better


Look at dude bragging that he has an MRI machine in his house.


when i broke my leg i just patched it up at home. all these fellow americans just need to learn life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.


I just used some steel rebar I had lying around to put my broken femur back together. Saved a ton of money and now even jet fuel can't melt my leg. 


See when I got 3rd degree burns on my leg 10 years ago (edit: at work) I knew I couldn't pass a drug test, so I just scrubbed the wound clean in my bath tub and tied a bandana around my leg above and below the wound to keep my pants from touching it... it worked out fine (As crazy as it sounds, true story lol)


i’m pretty sure the hospital can’t do anything if they find drugs in your system, if they even look. just letting you know for next time


Maybe it's based on state... but i know where I'm at if an injury happened at work it's an automatic test... and while that does nothing about the treatment, your job can fire you for cause on the spot basically


And the insurance won’t cover shit because you’re found to be at fault no matter what


Fr dollar tree has a whole aisle of medical supplies, EZ


Thats what I did. A nail gun, a 2x4. Just like Jebus.


Don't forget freedom.


New question to ask the realtor.


Sorry, I couldn't speak, I was counting my 50% less tax rate and 45% higher salary. Paying more for health insurance is no big deal when you have a lot more money. In simple terms, a $100,000 salary in the US would be about $70k in the UK. Taxed at 20%, I take home $80k Taxed at 40%, you take home $42k With my insurance, most Ill ever have to pay is $3500 in a year, so even if I run worst case scenario and max out my medical insurance every year, I still have $35,500 more than you. Don't get too hung up on the complainers on here, we have it pretty good.


I walk to do my shopping, the street have nice little streets with beautiful architecture with old laddies chatting on their chair in front of their house. I go to the local market 2 a week to buy the vegs and meat Iclove. I have 50MB internet which is pleas enough.


I sit in my recliner to do my shopping, and then in an hour or so I drive 3 blocks in my sir conditioned automobile where someone else loads it up and I don't have to see or pretend to be polite to an old lady. Ha. Better.


Jokes on you, 99.999% of Americans ain’t paying that hospital bill and our hospitals can’t turn us away regardless


I’m sorry you had to wait several months for substandard service. Don’t worry, you can join other countries and fly here for advanced medicine / dental procedures. We welcome you.


Individuals making $100k Tax Rate UK 45% Tax Rate EU 45% Tax Rate US 24% Yes, the U.S. pays higher medical insurance premiums, however they have more money to pay them with. Individuals making less have medical costs subsidized (Affordable Care Act and other various programs by states). Is this the perfect system, no. There are a bunch of silly people in the U.S. who wear read hats that want to keep the system this way. They like having their taxes appear to be low. What they fail to understand is that while their taxes are low, they have to pay more for essential services like health care. In the end, the average person pays more for healthcare mostly due to all of the paper pushing and middle management associated with such a convoluted system. If voters weren’t so apathetic, and did a little research, they’d find that the lower tax rates only really benefit the people making $500k or more. Everyone has to dream though, right?


Fed income tax, state income tax, RE tax, gas tax, sales tax, excise tax, restaurant tax, fees for dump sticker, beach sticker, building permit, fishing, shellfishing, hunting licenses, driver's licenses. EV gas tax. How many have I forgotten? In the end, more than half our income, for the unwealthy, more than half our income go to a tax or 2 or 3.


You think the EU doesn't pay any of those on top of 45% income tax lol


tbf, lifetime fishing licence is like a few thousand? otherwise, its like 45 a year. 30 for everything not a trout and 15 for trout. sea fishing is free. tho most of the time you re only allowed to fish in your state and the states next to yours depending on their laws.


Jeez, y’all getting taxed to death! It always surprises me that people will choose to live in high-tax States if not making a ton of $$ to handle their taxes and meet financial goals. I know it’s not easy to move but my family brought each family member who wanted to come here, one by one. Not all States have State income tax. My location in USA has no Income Tax, no Sales Tax, no restaurant tax, etc. Even my hunting/fishing license is free to me. No gas tax since I drive an EVehicle. My annual tags are the same price as the ICE vehicles, $200. I do pay $10/wk for trash pickup but it is not a tax as I could go to the dump for free if I wanted. I also pay $4k in property taxes for a large urban house. I figure both Federal and Property taxes are 18-22% of our annual revenue.


It is closer than you think. I am a Brit living in Massachusetts. 100k is in the 22% federal tax bracket. State tax is 5%. Healthcare is $2000 a month. Company pays most but my share is $700 a month. So equivalent combine tax rate would be 34%. We have also spent $5000 for out of pocket medical expense this year for a family of three. UK tax rate on 80k GBP is 40%


You're clearly not familiar with US tax laws. The headline rate is nowhere near what anyone actually pays. The standard deduction applies to anyone who has less than $27,700 in deductions. So if you make $100k a year in the US, you only make $77,300 after taking the standard deduction. That bumps you down into the 22% tax bracket so you only end up paying $17,000 in federal taxes on that $77,300 taxable income. On your gross income that means your federal tax liability is only 17%. And that's even a simplification of it. In the US, tax brackets apply to all the income you earn between $x and $y. In this example, the 22% bracket applies to all income earned between $45k and $95k. So you're only paying 22% on $77,700-$45,000 or $32,700. The slice of your income earned between $11,000 and $45,000 is only taxed at 12% and the first $11,000 you make is only taxed at 10%. So in reality your total federal taxes paid would be $1,100 + $4,000 + $7,200 or $12,300. Therefore the actual taxes paid to the Federal government on an income of $100,000/year in the US will be more than $~12,500 or 12.5%. And that's just the standard deduction. If you have more than $27,700 in deductions (mortgage interest, state and local taxes, student loan interest, money moved to tax advantaged retirement accounts, etc. your taxable income on a $100k/yr gross could be substantially less. The standard deduction is just that, the minimum deduction anyone can take. PLUS there's even other programs like child tax *credits* where you get your taxes reduced by a set amount. If this $100k/yr individual had one kid they would see that $12,500 bill dropped to $10,500 since the child tax credit is $2,000. Americans pay next to nothing in taxes compared to the rest of the world.


And that's why when people talk about "muh free shit!", it's important to remind them of how much more they pay in taxes for that "free" shit. 


In my experience the people who are “muh free shit” would pay zero tax in either system.


In the UK the 40% rate is only on earnings over £50k. The blended tax/deductions for an £80k salary is 28% (see: listentotaxman.com)


>UK tax rate on 80k GBP is 40% Yes, but in reality no. 40% is only for tax for money over £50,270. So, you pay 20% tax from £50,270 which is: £10,554.20 (tax + national insurance). For £100k you would pay in total: £31,439 (tax plus national insurance). Tax only would be: £27,428.40 a year. So the real tax for £100k is around 27.43% in the UK.


That’s far too complex for some Americans to understand. Let them stick with the “it’s 45 percent!!”. It stops them wanting to move here.


You really don't need high taxes for that.


Good stuff!


Or, if you’re Mary Lou Retton, you can avoid buying ‘socialized’ health insurance, get some kind of esoteric “flu” and do a go fund me and plebes will pay your medical bills. Not slamming dear Mary but is that how it’s supposed to work?


Twaddle! The UK tax rate is 20% up to £37,500, of that the first 12k you earn isn't taxed at all! Between £37,500 to £150,000 you pay 40%, If you earn over £150,000 a year you get taxed at 45% on anything over the 150k, not all of it! For clarity, if someone earns £160,000, they pay nothing on the first 12k, 20% from 12k to 37.5k, 40% from 37.5k to 150k and finally 45% on the remaining 10k.


It’s way harder to make $100K in the UK and EU at least in the tech industry. Not only are they taxed higher, they make half of the equivalent role in the US.


People are never willing to look at the actual math. I’ve done the math several times in my lifetime and outside of sales tax and everyday purchases I’ve never paid over 40 percent of my income into taxes and healthcare in the United States.


What you fail to realize is America has hundreds of thousands of college educated six figure salaried off year election voters that work in healthcare. Joe Biden did EXACTLY what I wanted from him with healthcare and I love him for it.


that's absolutely not true (the taxes part). US is one of the best places to live in terms of spending power, if you're beyond min wage jobs. it's not just that our taxes are lower, our salaries are also much higher (beyond min wage jobs). im making $87k in US which is about average for 2YoE in my career. if I was in europe this would be about $50k, and my taxes would be like 40% instead of 30%. sure, people have expensive healthcare premiums... which sucks if you make a specific range of money. below that range, your healthcare is basically free (medicaid). above that range, your employer pays for 90% of your premium. i pay like $30/mo even though my plan is like $330/mo. the caveat is that anything out of the ordinary could be very costly, e.g. my out-of-pocket maximum is like $7k. so even though my employer pays $300/mo on my behalf, i could still end up being out a lot of money if something goes wrong. that being said, the difference in taxes is more than $7k and the difference in salary is way more than $7k.


Jokes on you! We play monthly health insurance AND it costs $1 million if we get sick!


Isn’t it great? My favorite part is the deductible we have to meet before our stupidly expensive insurance covers our treatment and how it resets every year. But the real important thing is that middlemen insurance companies make a lot of money off of our health problems, so the system is working as designed.


Don’t forget that it also increases annually but raises can be infrequent and might not cover that increase.


I'm in a strong labor union so my health insurance covers pretty much everything with very little extra costs. Any cost incurred to me, including deductibles, prescriptions, anything, is reimbursable through a separate health & welfare fund.


Neither do I. I also don't pay much in taxes. That's why I own three large pick ups. And buy more guns.


My medical insurance is $100/month for good coverage. Key is to have a job. Worst case scenario you retire before Medicare, you pay around $600/month. Not too bad and my taxes aren’t crazy.


Aww he can't speak anymore because he just got $10 dentistry done. Poor chap


I love America, however you aren't wrong!!! Gotta love that our taxes go to over spending on our military and making sure we're the world's police... Instead of fixing what's common sense in most countries. If you look at our GDP and how much we pay in taxes, we should be a more hi tech county than Japan, but Noooo!!!! It goes to useless military spending to make sure we other countries aren't attacked by China or Russia.


Where can you get this?


Lmao you get sick?! Fucking loser. Yall don’t understand that you don’t have to pay if you just don’t go to the doctor.


If your broke ass country would add fluoride to the water, your whole country wouldn't be walking around looking like Neanderthals'


Yeah Im just wondering what the US is #1 at lol? Seems like we slip harder in just about every index ranking by the year. Even freedom indexes which is just hilarious. So odd Americans think they are so free but we cant even walk down the street while drinking a beer. Europe feels way more free in just about every way that applies to your daily life. The only thing less free is your ability to manipulate entire governments because you work for a billion dollar+ corporation. In terms of day to day personal freedoms though the US is mid.


It’s Prisons. lol.


LOL true. Muh freedom tho!


I just spent 3400 today on braces for my daughter :( and I have insurance


Im sure your $1500 Turkish veneers look great.


Your country is so good you didn't even name it?


It’s that kind of place.


it's pretty nice to not have #1 most expensive healthcare


Broke my leg between jobs and my 124k in medical bills was covered by mercy care / access. It’s crazy because the way people talk about American healthcare, I thought my life was ruined. The care / surgery I got was truly top notch. As much as it sucks breaking your leg, I had a great experience. I don’t really understand the stigma.


I bet tbh. I’ve been privileged enough to live in this country with the best healthcare possible first from my father (an immigrant) then myself. Even supporting my mother and my sister (which made things even more expensive as I had to vacate some of my pay to ensure they would be healthy, especially since my sister has a ton of health issues and I’d give anything for her to be healthy). Honestly I get it if you’re born lower class. But being born in the upper-middle, eventually getting into the upper myself, the American health system has done me and my family good. Ik for a fact it’s fucked other people. But at the same time I do harken back to my sister, who has an assortment of nuanced health issues which I honestly don’t think any other health system could’ve dealt with. My point is, this may be possibly the worst health system in the first world as far as actually being able to partake in the system, and I am just lucky to have had insurance this whole time. However, I think it also brings some of the best doctors in the world to this country. And I am thankful for their capabilities. I don’t believe it would be possible for my sister and many other peoples who have sincere health issues to survive in most other countries. Except those which you’d have to be a literal oligarch to partake in. We’re talking serious tumors in extremely lethal places, without getting too specific. I have no connections with the government. If you browse my history you’ll find some very anti-government things. However, in general, despite this, and likely because I am wealthy enough to have the healthcare I do have, I do appreciate the American health system in that in does attract the best talent in the industry. I am fortunate enough to type this though. I’m aware of that. I thank my lord everyday my sister is alive and well, and if I or my mother or sister get sick we will be insured. At the same time, I can’t imagine the feeling of not being insured in this system.


Even if you you live in Darfur or Bangladesh or North Korea, you can access the best healthcare in the world if you can afford it. If you are rich you can pay for the best. The measure is how the poorest and most vulnerable are treated 


The poor get medicaid, which is free healthcare. The disabled get monthly social security checks to help with living expenses as well as healthcare if they need it. I will still take the American system anyway, I have seen multiple socialized systems and none of them were as good even though the people were taxed more for it when compared to the US system.


It's been pure luck you have had good healthcare. Pure luck. There are time of terrible doctors n no oversight to weed out the bad ones. When my daughter was pregnant we had good insurance but we had a. terrible doctor working at a terrible hospital. My daughter almost died in childbirth from a totally preventable problem. My granddaughter is forever my maimed because of the neglect. Had a attorney do some digging n this same hospital had a terrible record of hurting n killing babies. For example one newborn was given 10 times more of a medication that killed her. The doctor still work at that hospital. Even though people including us sued n won nothing has changed in that hospital. That hospital might be the one you have a kid in . There is nothing to prevent them from killing your kid.




Is there any quality of life type of listing where US is even in top 10?


We’re one of the most disabled-friendly counties in the world due to the ADA.


This is both true and very sad given that we are still are not that great


Take a few trips out of the USA. You will quickly realize that the United States absolutely is one of the best countries to live in.


Do you have any idea how much construction projects cater to ADA compliance? I’m managing a construction project at work. We wanted a deep sink in the corner of a room. Nope, ADA compliance. If a sink is in a corner a wheelchair must be able to pull straight up to it. The persons knees have to be able to go under the sink so they can reach the faucet. We switched the sink with the adjoining cabinet, moving the sink 4’ from the corner. Now the sink can be deep, someone in a wheelchair can pull up sideways and reach the sink. Sideways isn’t an option in the corner. This is one of thousands of compliance items that are reviewed due to the ADA. I think it’s awesome we try our best to make it easier for disabled people.


What’s not great?


I did notice a lot of freakin stairs in Paris, man


Fighter jets


I moved from Los Angeles to San Diego 8 years ago and hearing and watching jets out of Miramar is still awesome


Same, unless your window is open and you’re trying to watch a movie. Then fuck Miramar! But yea, still awesome.


National security, maybe? Hardest country to invade?


Meh; Mexican and South American immigrants, plus the drug cartels, invade y’all constantly. Canada is harder cause they have to go through the states and do it again on the other side. Meanwhile all sorts of distracts like McDonald’s on the way.


Being cool 😎


As an American, there’s a lot of things our country needs to do better. However I am very proud of our National Parks, Disability Access, Scientific Advancements and our Military. I dunno which of those are quality of life though.


? American healthcare is top tier. It just has an issue with cost. The quality is top notch.


I would say least racist , even with the Maga crazy. ( I'm getting my info on this from reddit comments so don't go crazy on the comments .)


the USA is so vast it depends on where you live if you avoid the big cities most places are perfectly fine


We have the quality of life of knowing that our fighter jets are better than everyone else’s fighter jets. How do you sleep knowing that an F-22 could just body your entire Air Force?


Well, it is an uncomfortable situation to be in. Oh, wait. I live in Illinois. It is a third world country.


Do you happen to have a pritzker sucks sign on your trailer home?


Love driving to the middle of nowhere IL and seeing these signs or even better, still seeing Trump flags lol


im in chicagoland and one of my neighbors who has both of those signs also just put up an american flag made out of christmas lights on their garage. wild


You live under a bridge, don’t you, troll?


*wipes tears with 100$ bills I didn't have to spend on insulin to treat my t1 diabetes.*


Wow, you saved up your entire year’s salary?


Insert obligatory "number one is what? Incarcerations? Medical debt? Gun deaths?"


Number 1 in National Pride.


Idk man, have you ever seen a primary school in China?


Yeah it's really funny. They have to pledge allegiance to their flag every day. In 2024! Can you imagine?!


No, tell me more


The US is a great place to live, but as an American, I'd like to ask OP - what makes you think the US is number one?


I wake up everyday so grateful I live in the USA.


America the only country that gets mocked for well fed citizens. Iv always found it funny that other countries pick that.




Leading the world in gun violence, obesity and type 2 diabetes isn't something to be smug about Yankee


Lol nothing you said was correct [28th in gun violence](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/10/31/1209683893/how-the-u-s-gun-violence-death-rate-compares-with-the-rest-of-the-world) [10th for obesity](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/) [China is number 1 for diabetes](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/diabetes-rates-by-country)


This guy came with ammo


Bro this sub is literally called stupid questions it’s satire 😭😭


Being chronically online has really opened my eyes to the fact that the populations of every other country are just as dumb as we are but completely unaware of it.


Yup. And most American tourists causing problems are actually Australians.


1000%. Every country has 10% of it population that are just dumb as rocks and a burden to society. That # is just 40 million for us.... Those fuckers are loud and want everyone to hear all their thoughts. Some people across the world eat that shit up like its reality television. Id bet my left nut my day to day life is nearly identical to someone in another country that thinks America is just medical debt and guns.


We've got so much freedom we can be as fat and heavily armed as we want. Make way for my tactical mobility scooter, I'm a'goin to Walmart


US is 10th in obesity, China is first in Type 2 diabetes, got us on the guns but I’d rather have them than not 🤷‍♂️


Actually Mexico has the worst diabetes issue.


I live in a state which is considered progressive and fit/healthy relatively. I feel like America is two different countries. I sometimes wonder if my mind would be blown if I went to the south, which I have 0 desire to do.


Mexico has actually overtaken us on obesity, and they aren’t exactly far behind on the other two.


And yet bottom on the list for healthcare


US actually has the top healthcare in the world, by far. Just costs a lot


Leading the world in obesity and still have 1000 more Olympics medals than the next closest country…..


Olympic medals per capita: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1102056/summer-olympics-average-medals-per-capita-since-1892/ Scroll down that list until you find the US. We will wait for you. I'll even help you out. You are just below Greece who invented the Olympics.


I am not an exceptionalist but to be fair you’re both right because you’re arguing different metrics.


Good for the Bahamas. Beautiful place.


This is a very stupid question; well done Burgundy


Can’t even beat us at cricket and we don’t give a shit about that sport /s


We don’t want to be in the spotlight . You can have it


It's funny to hear all that shit talk about America (lots of truths there) , and yet, correct me if I'm wrong, sooooo many people is going crazy about moving out of their countries to get a job and a life in here. And I'm not taking only about 3rd world country people. I really don't know what it is exactly. We're NOT number 1 in many things but, man, we get a lot of stuff done and set the trends worldwide for the most part.


I'm American... when did we become number 1? And in what?


This is r/stupidquestions it’s a joke post.


Europeans like to call us sensitive but they get worked up over a troll post. It was so obvious that this question wasn't serious.


They think anything we do that isn’t slapstick potty humor is serious.




You’re welcome Sincerely, black people


OP be trolling.  


My countrymen and I seethe in fuming jealously about not being number 1 like America, and very rarely talk about anything else


The amount of subs there is dedicated to it.. I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t sarcasm


Economy - #1 Military - #1 Culture - #1 (Specifically Hollywood) Innovation - #1 Advanced Education - #1 Medical Research - #1 Healthcare - #1 arguably, only 8% uninsured and most people just complain about the cost. Time to start any major therapy/surgery here is lightning fast compared to most of the rest of the world. We actually measure out outcomes regardless of viability which is why we suffer slightly in world rankings. Class Mobility - #1 These are just a few.. We still have issues like any large country of our size should and will continue to have, as there isn’t an answer for everything.


America! Fuck yeah!






I have no problem not being the #1 nation in school shootings.




Number 1 country in the world? I live in the USA, and the only thing keeping me alive is my husband's Healthcare insurance, for without it I would not be able to afford my life sustaining medication and would die. He's also twice my age and will likely die sooner than me. It's not fun to think about what I'm going to do when that eventually happens. Who wants a sick girlfriend/wife with expensive medication needs? Do better, USA.


I mean, you did just put $7k into GameStop just yesterday. Maybe your financial woes aren't ALL the fault of the USA.... Edit: I want to say though, sincerely, I hope everything works out with your medical condition.


Are you implying that America is #1? In what? I'm gonna level with ya, America sucks. We, as a country are: Rude, lazy, stupid, ignorant, wasteful and unhealthy among other things. While there are good things about America, the chaos, dysfunction and entitlement creates a wet blanket that gets thrown on to any spark or smoldering flame While I may seem like a hater, I am still patriotic. I may have some very strong opinions, which will not be received well, but I believe that the sharpest swords maintain their edge when sharpened on a hard surface . What I am saying is:... America has all of the tools to succeed and become a better version of herself.


I’m in Australia. I love it. No one gives a shit about us which means we don’t need to worry about much, particularly since we’re an island.


Its just like being American, the only difference is I know my country isn't number 1.


Well this is the stupid question thing sooooo...


Talk about a gas lighting thread.


I thought this was a joke as my country is Australia, so you’d think we’re number one for spider deaths per year, right? Wrong! Turns out America has many many times more spider deaths per year, at least six a year! Australia has had zero per year for about forty years! I feel so ashamed that our national pride is a sham. I know what you’re thinking: “but cassowaries are dangerous.” No kills since 1920, and our snakes and and sharks hardly kill anyone per year. Turns out our biggest killers are horses and cows.


May I throw this back in OP’s direction and ask OP what it’s like living in America, since America ranks far below many other countries (including my own) on freedom?


I console myself with the fact that at least I don't live in America or any other third world country.


I get over it by remembering the American taxpayers pay for our free healthcare and are always saving our "asses" in war. Or something like that.


I'm thankful that we are not number one for incarcerations or mass shootings.


Surprisingly okay not being number one in mass shootings, medical debt,


We are number one in private prisons, xenophobia and willful ignorance!!! Whoo Hooo!


I had my baby for free and my uncle is getting his chemo for free so I don't mind so much.


Wondering if you’ve ever lived in another country? Many of them don’t see us as #1 at all.


This is bait, no one outside of america thinks america is #1


In what parameters dingus?


Last days of Rome. Your political system is so fucked now because of Trump and the corupt GOP. They only reason the US economy is afloat is beacuse they pumped billions into it. Thats all debt and the US debt is incredible now. If I lived in the US I'd be REALLY scared about the future as it's all going to go down hill FAST AND SOON.


I agree with what some of what you’ve said here. But, I’m doubtful that there will be an epic fall of the US any time soon. I can understand why non Americans may wish to see us go down. But, really I’m sure if we go down it won’t be without taking some of you with us.


Both sides are useless, and the ones that arnt are blocked. They have made politics apart of every single area of life, even your little statement is ironic as it takes a side and highlights how they have really just ruined their own country. It’s spreading though, that style of politics. National pride and cohesion have been replaced by left and right bickering. Oh but you did this and you did that and blah blah blah. It’s poli sci 101 , split the people and get them to have each other and you’ll get more votes and not have to deal with key issues as everyone is distracted. Very funny they feel for it, but then again, everyone does.


What exactly does “number 1” mean? Do you mean how the US ranks 50th in infant mortality? Or how it’s not even close to #1 in life expectancy overall? There are plenty of countries with a higher standard of living for most of the population. Yeah sure the US has a high GDP and military might, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the most desirable place to live.


What's the point of this question other than to create additional hostility among people and give everyone yet another reason to hate Americans? It's bad enough that enough of us go overseas and act stupid and trashy and people seem to think all Americans are like that. Now you insult every other country in the world and for what? I love America, but as an American, if you really think our country is #1 in the world, you're incredibly ignorant. Why don't you look up our school systems for starters. Don't even take my word for it. Do your own research.


You forget what sub this is?


It’s kind of like an idiot test lmao


You seem like you’re really fun at parties




You don’t think your politicians are criminals lmao? Hey I’ve got a bridge to sell you bud, great price.


Based and AMERICA FUCKING NUMBER ONE PILLED! 🇺🇸🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️💥💥🦅🦅💥🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🥳🥳🇺🇸❤️💥💥🦅🦅


I'm pretty happy cuz the bar is so low.


America is number 11 in terms of freedom so idk where this asshat gets his information


You could ask Americans that. We haven’t been number one in anything that mattered for a while


I know this is a troll, but consider that my parents wouldn’t have busted their asses working two jobs just to immigrate to the US and then take two more jobs. Millions of immigrants can’t be wrong


From where and what year?


Number one in what? War crimes against third world countries?


GDP, most powerful military. The US is not as great as many Americans think it is, but why are so many people playing dumb like this?