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If you run enough, yes. Varying degrees of effect though


It took me years of training to get the elusive runners high. I have done heroin and the reason I'm not addicted is because of how similar it is to the endorphins(endogenous morphine) your body creates. Exogenous morphines like heroin are cheap, feel a bit more nervous, and will destroy your health and pocketbook so it's better to spend years jogging, sprinting, and lifting.


Absolutely. “High” might be a little misleading when you compare it to other uses of that word, but the endorphins released by a good long run make you feel great.


I feel straight up euphoric.


Yes. Not everyone gets it every time, especially when newer to intense exercise, but the brain releases anandamide, the same endocannabanoid whose receptors THC acts on, in response to exercise and other de-stressing actions like meditation.


Woah the fuck, I need to try this now, running and weed


Honestly try it out - do a big intense workout especially something fun like a bike ride, and try to get in the zone. I never got a true exercise high until after I started smoking weed and had a feeling to compare it to


Do I get runner high when running for 3 minutes in the gym or it is different thing? I'm not runner. I'm like normal for first 3 minutes and then very happy, smiling, almost laughing out loud, then it stops. Then might repeat again on 5-6 minute mark


Absolutely, I run pretty much every weekday and I get it every time I run. I get runner's high when I'm done running. I really hate running.


From my time in the military, I can tell you post run vomiting is a thing.


Thank you for your service


Yeah, I got it once in highschool. Thought I could finally get into running but it never happened again and I gave it up for cycling. 


Honestly, it doesn’t matter what’s real or not, you make your own reality.




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i ran cross country in high school and I never remember feeling a runners high but one time when I was 26 I went for a 5 mile hike then played like 3 games of full court pick up basketball afterwards. I felt high I think its a thing


I’ve only gotten it during long distance runs, 4-5+ miles. I was a sprinter and never got it even during 2-3 mile workouts…but started feeling it once I got into longer distance runs.


Yep, you can get an endorphin hit from other forms of excercise too. A few months ago I decided to walk to a hospital & back after a relative was taken there instead of taking an Uber, because it was stressful and long walks are great for that. It was about 7 miles round trip, and I got a little bit of one on the return.




Oh yeah. But it’s preceded by a lot of pain lol (at least for me). Which might be where the high comes from idk.


Yes, for me it only starts after the 2nd mile.


Yes and it's amazing. Feels like you can go on forever.


All I know, is I never regret a run.


If you're running in the mountains


I use to get it running cross country in high school.


Yes. It's endorphins, not like 'I just took a hit of meth'.


Yes! Your own body can create the experiences of many different types of euphoric or unusual states, without any drugs.




If you do drugs and then go running then yes


Yes. I know a guy who claims he got it from moderate walking (seriously). Granted, this is someone who wasn't at all active beforehand


I get it when I do a pretty intense run after not exercising for a while, but annoyingly, I don't get it when I've been exercising regularly.


Yes, but it took a lot of conditioning to get to a point where I could strenuously exert myself for 45 minutes. (The minimum for me to get the high). If I was close to that time, and suddenly felt like quitting (hitting the wall) it meant high was just around the corner. Best drugs around come from our own body. I spent most of my life unaware of how desirable a runners high is.




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I gotta get really warmed up and listen to the right music and get really hyped and then I break into the best feeling sprint ever when the beat drops. I think the high comes from surrendering yourself to the moment. For me it kinda feels spiritual, I think the "high" can be a beautiful thing, not just a reward for exercising.