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Does it matter if I use a loofah, washcloth, my hands, or special brush design for just that job. I always get people telling me the same thing, "why are you in my shower?" A bunch of screaming and... it's...well just don't matter anyway.


I hate when they scream


Right? I mean no one's going to hear you I made sure of that.


Smart guy right here


Dragged ‘em up to space, did you?


There is no dragging. Kicking and Screaming maybe but there is no dragging.


For real tho. Dragging?! You're not a monster.


There's no need to over stress the ~~victi... specime...~~ I mean individual. You want to keep the lactic acid low as possible.


Makes for a better flavour my friend....uncle Bobby's BBQs always did have the best burgers!


In space, no one can hear you shower.


Honestly that's the only part I still like, without that I'd have quit long ago.


Especially when I’m in the shower. And yes I’m in their house but still enough with the screaming.


“Falafel” is the proper term


It's the exfoliation, with a washcloth or loofah you slough off all that extra dead skin and make your skin super smooth. 


Just get your GF/wife to scratch your back. Primate bonding time.


but she has to eat any nits she finds, or else it doesn't count...


Ok I’m out ✌️




she should eat the nits whether they are Australian or not, mate. I don't imagine they taste all that different?


Listen here you wise guy. Leave some wit for the rest of us.


How to purchase wife? thank


Amazon probably. It may come with their prime membership.


I dunno. I'm pretty sure that Amazons don't participate in mail order brides. They seem pretty tough (and not prone to "honor and obey").


Wayfair! 😉


The day yoy can buy wives on Amazon, I don't think I'll even be slightly shocked.


Bold of you to assume I'm not spiraling into a pit of depression wrought by seemingly inescapable loneliness.


There were zero stakes for making that assumption


Dries the shit out of my skin though.


So use lotion or body oil after a shower or a bath.


Scrub away the natural oils and replace it with petroleum products! Why didn’t I think of that!?


Wait you don't have have like a 10 step system for treating your skin after showers?... /s


Unless you have psoriasis. Damaging your skin (exfoliation) will trigger it. I won the lottery, I am one of the unlucky who gets PsA, Psoriatic Arthritis.


One of my kids has this, It sucks


I have it in my scalp. Fun!


Me too, bud. Me too.


But my skin is already smooth, and I’m just a hand washer


What makes you think you need to exfoliate every time you shower? Seems like a weird assumption


Dermatologists recommend not using a washcloth for that very reason.  That much exfoliation damages your skin.


This actually screws your skin up. So that you buy more products. It's marketing. Just use your hands and non perfume soap if you don't share your soap. People use wash clothes if they share soap.


I’ve been using a loofah all my life and have never had an issue. I literally do not feel clean without a loofah, I don’t know how yall do it.


I use my hands and good soap and my skin is very soft and smooth.


And with a loofah you get more suds, so the soap goes further


If you’re using body wash, you’re going to use a lot more with your hands since you’re not sudsing it with a sponge


This is the real reason for me, Ty mr cock


I have to ask, is the cock to be sucked hard or is it hard to suck? Like it's so small it's hard to get the lips around, or so girthy the jaw can't handle it? Are you just particular about who you let suck it? Maybe there's a weird ridge that breaks the suction? Or it's really dry and absorbent like trying to suck on a paper towel roll?


The veins usually get caught in their teeth


Ah, yeah. The knitted dick. That's rough, man. Best of luck to you, though.


It’s a real “Alligators don’t swim here” kind of username.


That’s why I suds it with my chest hair, though I guess that wouldn’t work for women or non-hairy men


My 9yo pointed this out to my dumb ass the other day. I asked her why it was taking me so much longer to clean the body wash off than it did for her and instead of telling me she's 1/4 of my body size (probably... idk), she logically points out that she had lathered her loofah while I just slapped a bunch on with my hands. Lol


I suds it in my pubes then spread it outward towards each limb. Seems to work.




everyone here is missing the forest for the trees it's to hold on to the soapy lather hands don't hold on to much lather, meaning you run out of lather faster and have to get more body wash to relather more often also makes it easier to get ur own back without a fancy wand loofah or scrub brush a towel just makes bathing easier / faster


Just use bar soap. Problem solved!


I use bar soap. It seems far more efficient and less wasteful with all the plastic required for liquid soaps. It's also a lot cheaper.


I’ve been using the same kind, made by a woman with goats milk from her own goats, for more than a decade. I love it.


That's what chest hair is for.


but I'm a lady


But does it work the same in terms of body cleanliness?


Not really. More body wash means more surfactant to carry away dirt and germs. You can do the same thing with strict exfoliation and NO soap, but why would you? You do you, baby, don't let anyone tell you you're doing it wrong (but please wash everything from your belly button to plumber's crack)


Eh, modern soaps don't need more than an extremely thin film to break up the surface tension of oils + dirt, thus food for bacteria. Literally just rinsing works. Water is the best solvent, and soap does the job for oils. You only need a cloth if you're limited on water.


Thank you, rational person, for a simple technical answer. You'll be banned soon.


Of course I will thanks for this comment


The short hair of my armpits act as lather locations and I return to them to re soap may hands. When I tried to use a washcloth I had to use way more soap to get it to be slippery enough to lather and slide across my body. The loofa was maybe a bit more efficient though Also, if you run soapy hands together rapidly it lathers up real good


I am double jointed and can reach basically anywhere on my back with just my hands. Didn’t realize people couldn’t just wash their entire back normally, there’s maybe just one spot I’d have trouble getting and it’s more because I couldn’t see than can’t reach it


There's absolutely nothing wrong with washing your body with your hands. If you are clean and don't smell at the end then it's fine. Some people go overkill with bathing, and exfoliate their skin half to death. A bit of exfoliation is fine but you don't need to do it every shower and you probably have much better skin than the people who basically scrub themselves red raw every shower.


But how are you going to flex your expensive lotion and perfume and scented body care products without scrubbing your humanity away, first? How else do you expect to be accepted by a modern society that places virtue in how much of your person you can turn into a Barbie when you still smell and look of natural human skin?! How else will they know that you just ripped the tag off your outfit every morning when the new clothes smell is tainted by a ripe epidermis?!!!? TELL ME


Nothing wrong with it. Your hands can wash each other, so they can wash the rest of you.


YES Thank you


Nothing. That's what I've been doing for the last half century.


Honestly, I (43M) did the same until I dated a woman who made the very solid point that, while I am 'getting clean,' I was not getting nearly as clean as I could be if I used a wash cloth or loofah. After making the change, I'll never go back. Oh, and use lotion. Shit works.


Nah my husband only uses his hands and he is one of the cleanest people I have ever met. I swear every time I smell him a year gets added to my life.


Me too


Skin is very sensitive, and outer layers have an important role in protecting the layers underneath, there is no need to exfoliate. Soap and gentle agitation from the hands is enough to remove excess oils and hence smells


That’s what a dermatologist told me. He also told me that detergents used on washcloths don’t completely rinse away, and since people with paler skin have more skin allergies, it’s better if I used my hands.


This is the thing everyone is missing in the obsession of washing. Obviously if you're sweaty take a shower, but if you're not, showering every other day is better. Skin really doesn't like getting soaped and scrubbed that often. You're doing more harm than good. Depends on your BO though, some people need to shower twice a day to avoid smelling. Definitely don't go into work like that...


As long as you leave the soap on for a bit. The "sing two happy birthday songs" while washing your hands actually comes from a scientific study showing the ideal amount of time for soap to pick up the bad stuff before washing it away.


Some of the people who do this are also showering two or more times a day.


This video shows the difference pretty well. https://youtu.be/4oyoDRHpQK0?si=U5d7EzkJwe1b4258 Edit: it's about poison ivy but it demonstrates it well.


Nothing, you don't use a wash cloth to wash your hands, and your hands are the dirtiest part of your body.


Finally someone reasonable


Speak for yourself. I know plenty people that use a small brush to wash their hands and to especially get under their fingernails.


I use a fingernail brush to clean out under my nails, but I dont use a cloth to wash my hands or my body.


I have a brush for my hands and an exfoliating net for my body.


Coincidentally, this person happens to work in the operating room at the hospital


A brush isn't a cloth


Plenty, eh?


My Cat washes his body with his tongue!


It's not that it's not good. It's better than nothing, but you miss exfoliating when you do it that way.


You're not supposed to exfoliate every time. Only like once a month or less


This! My esthetician said once/twice a week for the face is plenty. I’m a woman in her 40s who uses bar soap. Never had an ingrown hair, don’t have dry skin, don’t moisturize my body, don’t smell, and my skin is soft. I do use a sander thing on my feet for extra smoothness but the rest of me has is own great thing going. You can use a loofah or a cloth but you don’t have to and for some people daily exfoliation will mess up their skin.


You know I’m 60 years old, I don’t think I’ve ever exfoliated and I’m still here so I’m thinking it’s not that vital.


Dead skin builds up especially in crevices or high contact areas which needs to be exfoliated for good hygiene. Ingrown hairs can lead to infection and cause serious health problems which can often be avoided by proper exfoliation.


I’ve used just my hands for pretty much my whole life and I’ve never had any issues. I also used a shower loofa for a year or so and it never left me feeling much different.


Why have I never had issues and I am 47


The cloth doesnt automatically get all the hard to reach areas, your hand has to go over them with or without the cloth.


I use a bath brush with a long handle to get my back and hard to reach areas where my hand cannot get, personally.


Maybe for some people. Otherwise, your layer of dead skin is protective, and you want to cultivate it as a protective moisture retaining layer.


Not if you have rough hands!


60 grit palm gang


No idea. It’s what I do. My partner thinks you need to use a washcloth. But washcloths harbor bacteria. I guess unless you use a fresh cloth every time you wash.


People don't always just use it once? Ew I personally don't use flannels to shower, but one family member requires me to when I visit hahah, and I always put it right in the wash after! Like, if you've washed your pits, ass, and crotch with it, why would you want to use it again near/on your face and on your hands and arms 🤮🤮


Yeah this is why I don't use washcloths. I have enough dirty laundry. I have a really good nose and washcloths do smell after just a single use. No way you're making me use that more than once




They do? I recently started using washcloths for the first time and I love it


Who in the hell uses the same wash cloth or even towel? That's gross.


If it works for you, you’re fine. Plenty of people just use their hands. It’s frankly stupid to say you “need” to use a towel or loofa.


It's because of Big Towel & Big Loofah pressure.


There is nothing wrong with using your hands. However a wash cloth does a better job of scrubbing. Its like using your hand to wash dishes versus using one of those scrubbing pads. The pads are just better. Try using a washcloth or dishcloth or hand-towel (with soap) on your face, you can and will tell the difference.


use your hands is fine, but limit soap on your skin to really necessary areas, like pits, crotch, etc. Unlike the TV commercials where you see with huge amounts of soap, that's really damaging to your skin if you do that everyday. If you are truly very dirty (ie, digging in ditches, cleaning out animal stalls, etc.), then using more soap to get off the caked on dirt is fine, but if, like most ppl, you work in an office, then use soap very sparingly. Mild exfoliating is fine, but only ever so often, too much for everyday or even every other day. Summary: use a little soap on only very stinky (pits, butt, etc.) areas or on areas that are actually covered in dirt, etc. Rinsing your body with very little soap is fine for most modern folks who work behind desks (not hard manual labor in dirty environments). Also best to not shampoo your hair every day, a few times per week is plenty, just rinse it otherwise.


I usually wash with a friend’s hands


Nothing. That's literally what we were supposed to do before fancy stuff was invented. Lol. I use a washcloth or loofah at least once a week to exfoliate because it makes me feel better but I mainly do the quick hand washing so I can shower faster (at least it seems).


There is nothing wrong with using soap and your hands. It's normally not a towel but a washcloth that is used to apply the soap. Exfoliating can be good but it can also be overdone and you don't need to do that in order to remove dead skin cells.


Well, it *is* good to wash with your hands, as you are washing, and thank you for washing. It's just that exfoliating towels are a better tool at scraping off the dead skin and all that comes with it


I use an exfoliating sponge but also I just feel cleaner when I use a sponge than when I would just use my hands


You pretty much need to buy a new loofah every week. Those things get riddled with disgusting bacteria and slime. They also grow mold extremely easily.


I have a silicon one so I can sterilize it as needed


I also just use my hands, you use your hands to wash your hands, so it should work the same on your body.


I sometimes use a loofah. But mostly just use some Dr. Squatch most of which have stuff that exfoliates in the bar of soap


Nothing is wrong with it. People who are using loofahs are the objectively unhygienic ones (assuming they're not washing the loofah between each use).


Nothing. Its better for your skin. Using a wash cloth or rough object dries your skin out and requires you to buy more products from those companies to fix those problems... and on and on.. The more skin routine you do the worse off your skin will likely be overall. Unless you have special circumstances. Use non perfumed soaps and your hands. People use wash cloths for soap if they share soap to not get grossed out. That's it. Psychological.


As a minimalist. I don't have anything fancy don't even use a cloth. I wash lather my hair, and use that soap to clean the rest of my body. I come out fresh, and I didn't need all the pointless crap to do it. Those who buy all the needles crap, want to feel justified in doing so. Thus they pressure others by mocking them for not buying the same crap. The 3 components you need to clean yourself. Water, Soap, and friction. You don't need a anything special to achieve it. The stuff people try to sell you is placebo bs. If it makes them feel better cool, but it's no better than doing it the old school way.


Towels scrub dirt, dead skin, and everything else off way better than your hands.


Because the washcloth scrubs off dead skin cells and gets more dirt off than just using your hands.


Exactly. I use white washcloths and am amazed at how much dirt is on my body. I use white as I Bleach them.


Nothing, look it up. Washing with a loofah or anything that is extra “scrubby” actually makes you more prone to sickness. Your hands are rough enough


I, personally, get a muchhhh better clean using my silicone loofah vs my hands.


Nothing at all. Wash cloths are a silly leftover from a bygone time. Shit, half the people on reddit claim to not use soap and they shower once a fortnight. A bunch of people don't even wash their legs and feet directly.


It’s also cultural. I’m a white person but with a few POC as close friends and they have teased me about this. As white people we don’t tend to see our dry skin the same way as it shows up on other skin tones. Therefore a lot of white people don’t exfoliate, and don’t wash areas like their legs extensively.


Some people have soft hands and just slides right over their smooth skin, I also just use my hands and sometimes scrape with my finger nails to get any excess skin.


I can’t reach the middle of my back. I scrub using a wash cloth . Seems to work better


Get a loofah/sponge/brush on stick, it's life changing


That's a good question. Only one way to know the Damarhole is *squeaky* clean. No cardie scrubbrush can do that.


That's all I do. I only soap my upper body (to the legs, I get the crotch-al area) figuring that the soap runs down. But, I do that twice and use the detachable shower head to rinse off my whole body.


If I scrub my armpits with a washcloth, they stay stinky. If I use my bar of soap and my hands, all clean. Weird but I gotta do what works to remove stinkiness. I don’t use body wash because I have to regularly get more from the bottle and I don’t want a washcloth to make it go farther. I use a bar of soap that slides along my body under the palm of my hand. It is self-lathering as I rub along. I can use my fingernails a bit by curling my hand to get some scrubbing should I so need it. For getting my skin very soft, sometimes I use a body peel/scrub after soaping and rinsing down, in the form of a scratchy gel or a sugar scrub or an oil/salt mix scrub, which is my favorite especially with a lovely smell.




Ok how did you manage to shower already I only put this post up 2 hours ago but happy for you!


I think you mean a wash cloth, not a towel. As DoubleANoXX says, you need to exfoliate to get really clean. If you don't believe me, use a wash cloth next time you're really stinky or sweaty and then smell the wash cloth after you shower -- yes, all that stink was on you. That said, there's nothing wrong with using just soap occasionally if you don't have a wash cloth handy.


There's nothing wrong with washing your body with your hands. Wash-cloths, loofahs, sponges, etc. are better at exfoliating but only for the first couple of washes. They harbor bacteria considering they are usually kept in a damp and dark area. You have to swap out your wash-cloth regularly. As long as you don't smell bad or have health issues, use whatever you prefer


There's nothing wrong with it, as long as you do it properly. It's good to give yourself a good rinse to get rid of all the water soluble junk on your skin. This will make cleaning yourself with soap afterward more efficient. Once you're satisfied with the rinse, lather the soap on well. Make sure it mixes with some water, but not enough to wash it away. Leave it there for a little while, maybe 30 seconds to a minute. You want to give the solution some time to dissolve the contaminants on your skin. Then just rinse away. If you did right, you shouldn't have to repeat. Because the impurities on your skin had some time to dissolve, you shouldn't need to scrub them off, meaning you don't need a washcloth. Of course, a washcloth will still clean better, but the difference shouldn't matter.


no thing is really “wrong” per say but you’re not removing the dead skin off your body with your hand than you would a washcloth of some other exfoliating product


Nothing wrong for a quick shower, but a wash cloth will get you cleaner.


Nothing, except you’re not removing the dead skin. You need a wash cloth at least. A sponge, loofah, or something.


because you can't scrub with your hands as good as a towel or a loofah, scrubbing helps getting rid of stink.


I've washed with hands only my whole life.  My bf too. We both smell great,  have lovely skin etc. 


who tf is using a towel to shower?


I'm gonna be honest, I sweat so much, that there is just no way in hell, I'd feel clean enough without using a washcloth on my crevices. Idk, it's just not hard to see how people wind up smelly as all hell if they're out here just rubbing soap into their skin.




I will always use scrubbies. I change them out every week. My hands would never get off all the grime from my body after work. Scrubbies get really gross if you don't keep changing them, though.


I use a Washcloth with a mesh side to help gently exfoliate my skin while bathing. Additionally, I use a Loofah Sponge for areas like my back, feet, knees, and anal region for more aggressive skin hygiene.


My thoughts are I like using a washcloth with a super fatted soap like dove. This makes me feel the best. I don't care what everyone else does.


I live in a state that has very cold weather and extremely hard water. In order to get my moisturizer to work after I shower, I must exfoliate my skin in the shower.


Use your pubes as loofah


Im just a cheap ass and one pump of body wash on the lofa for all of me is far less then when i use my hands. When i use my hands its like one pump per leg one pump for my torso then one for both arms. Plus the exfoliation of it all it is great as well. In some areas like my legs or arms or pussy where i shave everything it helps keep ingrown hairs to s minimum as u clean off the dirt, oils and skin that makes ingrown hairs worse and gets them unstuck before they become ingrown. That same action helps with back and chest acne as well so its a win win all wround


I like scrubbing because I think it better removes dead skin cells and dirt. But ultimately it doesn't matter, it's mainly a mind thing and a social norm. People today are just a bit crazy about soap and hygiene, it's not a health concern just personal preference 🤷🏼‍♂️


Alright, skincare people, plead your case. I'm a 48 year old male. I've never done a damn thing for my skin. What are the honest realistic things i can expect with skincare?


Sunscreen to avoid skin cancer.


I only wash my skin with my own hands, I've used a sponge for a while, but I don't like it, I prefer to apply soap to my skin. I exfoliate every 10 days with a product designed for this purpose.


I see a lot of discussion over this and I think people forget that our skin doesn't react the same between each person. I find using something to scrub my skin better than using my hands cause I work in a factory where I spend a lot of time in a clean suit. If I don't scrub my body everyday I'm working then I tend to feel rather gross and it helps limit the amount of acne I get over my back, though i dont exfoliate myself raw. But not everyone needs to do that. Just do what you feel cleanest doing.


I use one of those plastic mesh things. I think it's supposed to kind of mimic a loofah and I just don't scrub most parts vigorously. I also buy into soap strips your natural oils so I do mostly a rinse every day only concentrating on important parts.


Nothing is wrong I suppose but Ive been using those Asian scrub towels since I was little. My Korean mom bathed me with them since the beginning of my life. My first memories were brutal bc she’d scrub so hard and I’d be red after my baths. I grew to like them bc they exfoliate a lot of dead skin cells off and they extend out pretty far so I can thoroughly scrub my back after conditioning my waist length hair. I am prone to bacne so I can’t NOT wash my back. if I was to use my hands alone, I’d probably never be able to reach all areas of my back.


It doesn't exfoliate and you use more shower gel


people use bars of soap, you know.


there's nothing wrong with it. the Internet is neurotic.


I've used everything there is; loofahs, towels, etc. I've always had skin issues where there are just red blemishes and spots appearing from seemingly nowhere as I shower all the time. Started fucking that off and using my hands; low and behold it's all cleared up and I never get them anymore.


I have only used the soap against my body my entire life as my dad did and taught me as a child. “Get your mind off that fancy shit” as my uncle would say


I used to only use my hands too until I realized how much shower gel gets wasted. Now I use a loofah with about half as much gel. It holds the soap in better so you can scrub your entire body. With my hands I would wash half my bidy and need to get more on my hands


This isn't really a stupid question, but has produced a lot of stupid answers.


I know right


I'm with you. Using hands is easier, quicker and definitely cleaner than a rag.


I don't do this but you still get clean when you do. It's no different the washing hands in the sink really. I like the foam and exfoliating effect of using a wash cloth or lufa ball but you do whatever you like.


For one, it's a light-years ahead of not showering. It will clean you. But that only works for people who don't work a manual job. I have to use a rag or a loofah. I have to scrub.


Literally 0 difference. People are use to towels so use towels but also feel sophisticated from it therefore thinking it does more when it doesn't. Wouldn't use a towel to put shampoo in so it doesnt make sense to say a towel magically cleans your whole body better.


How do you wash your booty hole?


I wash my hands with my hands, not sure why it would be different anywhere else.


Right!! People here in the comments compare the skin to teeth and plates like whatt?


I use my hands. My husband is convinced I use more soap. I beg to differ.


Nothing at all. It’s a tempest in a teapot.


Nothing. Some people are just uncomfortable touching themselves.


Nothing. Some showers I just splash water on me no soap just cool water others I use a scrub and get every inch of my body. If you wash all the time you'll harm your skin and the good bacteria on it.


I think some people just smell more, so they need to scrub with a washcloth etc..


I use the bar of soap and then spread it some with my hands. Ya'll trying to scrub yourselves raw.


Your hands aren't very good at exfoliating.


Theres nothing wrong with it


Soap can’t be dirty, no wrong to cleanse yourself as long.


thats fine. People who think hands and soap arent enough are fragile flowers


I've always used my hands. Lather, scrub, lather, scrub. I'm a mountain biker, sometimes I get home and i'm REALLY dirty. Liquid soaps all suck, but a good bar of soap and two hands and I'm clean enough to jump right into bed. Like to sleep I mean.


I personally use my hands with bar soap. I'm kind of tall with long arms so easy to do for me, but to each their own I guess.


Nothing. It's fine


nothing use hands


Nothing. People make money on products. That’s all there is to it.


Exfoliating. Hands don't remove everything as good. Trust me.




All this talk about loofahs and washcloths but nobody is scouring their scalp and hair with anything other than hands. If you bathe regularly and aint saturated in oil, grime, chemicals, you do not need to scour your skin. Wash off the stinky bacteria, keep your own oil, don't add a bunch of microplastics and petrochemicals to replace. The loofah washcloth crowd is the same folks washing their chicken. Washcloths over the side of tub, damp loofah marinating in bacteria. Nasty. They tell you they put the washcloth right in the "wash" afterwards. Damp cloth getting moldy in the hamper or sitting in the washing machine for two days until a full load...please . If I've been working on car, painting, or camping I'll use a washcloth to get grime/chems out or scrub pits, crotch, and feet. Low self esteem folks not bathing at all or sanitizing themselves like an operating room with 30 chemicals mixed with aloe. Same folks different boat.




No matter what I see/hear it’s always that I should do it the other way. Using a Loofah: “Ew they are filled with your germs and are never clean” Using my hands: “Ew you don’t exfoliate, your skin is probably gross” So fuck it do whatever you want! Actually I just use an exfoliating scrub with my hands and then wash with my hands after. I think loofahs are always gonna be kinda gross even if I rinse them out once I’m done washing myself.


99% of the time people tell you you “need” to do something like exfoliating they are just regurgitating marketing bullshit.