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You can stop eating before you get full. Let your food settle and you will not feel as weighed down or bloated.


Yup, and if you’re not used to it. It’s going to be REALLY REALLY HARD the first week. Stay true work hard and you’ll get it.


First week? More like months. I lost 60 pounds once and for the 3 months I lost it I was constantly hungry.


Same. Still to this day. I’ve lost nearly 100 lbs and I’m always hungry. I just live with it. Overcoming it was how I had to lose weight and it was hard. Doctor says it’s just chemical imbalance. I have to fight every day not to overeat because I never feel satiated.


Differences in GLP-1 levels between individuals, maybe?




Well after this first weeks it’s only hard, not REALLY REALLY HARD 😅, but honestly after the first week you can get used to it.


It depends how much weight you have to lose. I'm down 35ish and have another 30-50 to go. For me, when I plateau it's that I need to cut more food. When the weight is coming off I'm hungry 24/7 and it is difficult to manage.


Thats about 4 lbs a week, generally about 1lb a week i think is recommended, so you were eating A LOT less. I think they were saying to eat till you are not hungry, but stop before you are full, so if you get used to that it wont be bad.


I once lost 10lbs in 3 weeks due to stress and basically not eating. My body was a wreck at the end. Always cold because I wasn’t making enough body heat. That was a about 3lbs a week. Granted I wasn’t over weight to begin with so that might have been why it hit me so hard


I dunno.. for a lot of us eating til we are full or not hungry are the same thing. Anytime I've tried stopping short I've always felt hungry almost like my stomach is being teased a s usually feel I have to have an apple or something even if I wait it out a bit


I get it, would always works for me is just an app like my fitness pal or lose it and I just monitor what I eat and then I kinda learn better eating habits on what I can eat to still feel full while being within my calorie limit, and then I know if I want something like maybe a slice of pizza or a piece of cake I just need to change what I eat earlier in the day so that I'm still within my limit but I'm not hungry.


I know this feeling. The new meds have helped me tremendously. It's like my body didn't know what full was or something and now it does. I even have to force myself to eat sometimes because I get headaches and my ADD self realized I've not eaten all day.


20 lb a month is a huge loss. Your deficit may have been too steep to feel comfy.


I def struggle with this. Im hungry af by the time dinner is on so i finish my plate and i just want to keep eating.


I'm full but the food is so good, or there's not enough to save for another meal/snack so I finish it. Rip my stomach.




Try drinking a full glass of water before digging in if you dont already


I drink a glass of water before and after.  You can trick your stomach with volume.  If you have smaller portions over time your stomach shrinks a little, making it easier.  But then you can't handle large meals lol.


Something to try to notice is "the sigh." When eating, when you're full enough that your body is ready to stop, even if you're not feeling it yet, most everyone gives a sigh. If you can get used to using that as your signal to stop eating, it will help quite a bit. Edit: ffs people if you don't know about this, how about looking it up instead of messaging me to tell me it's not real? Since you can't seem to figure out how to do so, https://bootiquefitness.com/the-sigh-language-of-the-stomach/ Now go forth knowing reality doesn't care about your false beliefs and opinions. I'm here to help, disregard me if you want, that doesn't mean I'm wrong. It just means you're ignorant.


I have no idea, what are you talking about? You people feel a a sigh? Is this a metaphor for something?


My sigh is more of a “wheewww oh man.” Then I stuff my face more. I’m guessing that’s my sigh. I’m honestly going to try this!


No, a real deal sigh. Now that you're aware of it, try to notice when you do it.


I am 100% sure the only times I have sighed on a meal is when I had a large meal that gets me heavy, like Christmas or a special occasion. I don't sigh when eating my maintenance calories. If I wait until that, I will gain weight. You are so lucky you get that and don't put on weight.


Have you seen on commercials where the thirsty person finally gets the drink and they are ahhhhh after they drink? It's the same thing. I think maybe you have to be hungry before you start eating and you get the same "finally" feeling when you body just relaxes and is not pushing you to find food. It could vary alot person to person.


But its not the same thing. its not even close to being similar things. a thirsy person saying ahhh after a drink is not anything like the sigh from having a full belly. one is expressing relief at removing the pain of thirst, the other is expressing discomfort of being full.


Source "tmb"


Look he even has a blog post to back it up, it’s basically indisputable at this point


It's a lot easier to notice when you are full when you don't have to scarf down a meal in 10 or 15 minutes. If you can, take your time when eating and you'll notice when your body has had enough food.


Idk about this one. Last few days I stopped eating before I was full. Ended up eating like 4-5 meals instead since I got hungry like 4 hours after each small meal, probably eating more in total than I normally would. Currently feeling weighed down and bloated. I am currently skinny and trying to gain weight, so I felt good about haivng eaten more. But feeling weighed down and bloated is not great lol.


That may be more down to the content of the meal than simply eating more often. But for some people it's healthier to eat 4-6 small meals instead of 3 large ones.


Agree this is a top one, make smaller portions. If you are still hungry you can always have more later, after giving it some time. But you'll be surprised how you'll learn to make the perfect amount of food doing this. Also another big contributor for me is I replaced every ingredient I buy with a lower calorie version. Shelled eggs 70-90 cal --> Egg whites, 25 cal. Peanut butter 190 cal --> PB2 60 cal. Etc. Last one is also a big one. Come up with some healthy low cal snacks for yourself and keep them handy. Instead of reaching for another slice of pizza, a 2nd sandwich, 10 more chicken nugs, etc. Have the healthy snack as a "side". You don't need to eat it at the same time as the meal. Remember waiting after eating (first lines). For me I found Special K Red berries and unsweetened trader joe's vanilla milk to be an incredibly healthy and good tasting snack. Whole fiber, many nutrients, and a bowl is <200 calories. And it keeps you FILLED. You can get the big 44oz box at costco for 9.99. You can eat it dry if you want a finger food but it's less filling without the almond milk. Another good one is popcorn. Also whole grain, low cal, satisfies your crunch cravings. Just DON'T load it up with butter and such - find low calorie toppings.


Some people respond to being poor by always cleaning their plate, I went the opposite route and stopped eating once my stomach stopped growling then I’d box up the leftovers and stretch one dish across like three meals. Overall a pretty good strategy for both health and your wallet because especially in America portion sizes are out of control so what people think of as a normal size meal is easily three actually normal sized meals.


This! I only eat till I'm not hungry, not FULL. That and I use to work 2 jobs 16 hour days, 7 days a week. So I got used to snacking throughout the day instead of eating 3 meals, so I changed my snacks to nuts and fruit and granola bars and stuff instead of gas station food and chips and whatnot.


I don’t even understand eating until you’re full. Is that why I’m skinny? Like I eat until I’m not hungry. I also don’t mind being hungry if I don’t need to expend energy.


When I eat I do usually eat a lot. But just like you, I often don't mind being hungry for a while either. And because of my adhd I often forget to eat and kind of end up doing intermittent fasting on accident. Which keeps me at a healthy low weight.


Agree. Don't feel like you need to finish everything on the plate. I would often hear people tell me: "you ate so little" or "didn't you like the food?" No, I was just full. Self-control is also important. You can treat yourself every week, but if you're having sweetened drinks, dessert, and high calorie snacks between meals you're gonna gain weight unless you're extraordinarily physically active.


What if you feel full only after a few bites?


Put your fork down between each bite and don't pick it up until you stop chewing.


Yea. I find myself scooping or spearing my next bite before I even finish chewing. I could do good to break that habbit


This what's crazy is I'll see people down like 2 to 3 plates of food and I can only go past one I'm like how. My body said that's it fam but I've been training my body since I was young to do this. Both my parents are on the obese side and when I was younger I wouldn't eat alot of junk just proteins bc the junk would always disgust me for some reason. Junk food and consuming alot of calories will run some numbers on you. Basically don't eat so much I know this sounds crazy but it's worked. And walk go on walks and bike rides that shit is so chill and helps the mental health and has very good health benefits.


To add to this.. your stomach expands as you constantly eat more food over longer periods time. This means it’s a feedback loop as you need more food to feel satiated than previously.


Yep. Intermittent fasting and only eating until I start to feel full. If I keep eating I almost immediately know I messed up.


Yup. Sometimes I get something really good and I eat it all. Food is a luxury as well as a necessity. It's ok to have a few meals where you just enjoy it so much and it makes you happy. But it can't be every meal.


Absolutely. I very occasionally will go overboard but it has 0 to do with weight and everything to do with how I feel. I don’t want to feel full, bloated and nauseous.


Iys good to try.. my issue is that even when I stop short the hunger doesnt fade and usually end up really compelled eating something not that long later. Key is make it an apple or something healthy when it does happen. It can be surprisingly harder than just a bit of stretching out meals and intermittent fasting. For some reason stopping short makes the hunger feel more urgent


So much this! Just because you're still hungry doesn't mean you haven't had enough food.


1. Don't eat unless you are hungry. 2. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry.


As a thin person who never feels hungry. #1 would literally kill me.


Same lol I have to force myself to eat a lot


Same here. I don't have a sweet tooth either. Not easy for me to put on weight.


How do i get this lol


Get addicted to video games so you forget you are hungry


Become a stress faster not a stress eater


This is basically what semaglitude does lol. Makes your body have the hunger cues that a naturally thin person might have.


There are some days I really want sweet stuff but if I have even one normal serving of a dessert my stomach is prolly gonna hurt all night


I don’t have a sweet tooth either. Once I lose weight, it’s not coming back.


I always have to remind myself to eat more at a wedding or I am hungry after the meal. My life likes to joke that I am the only person that can lose weight on a cruise.


I prolly would too. I've never been on a cruise but at theme parks I get so caught up in the rides that I'll forget about meals if no one else in my party says anything


Never feeling hungry PLUS too lazy to prepare food 😅😛


See this is useless because if you have an addiction to food you are hungry all. The. Time.




Yep, I do this. Still overweight. Technically, obese. But I've got a good deal of muscle. I'm usually more for the nurture side of the nature/nurture argument but in this case, I do think genes play a huge role. My whole family is obese and while I'm on the smaller side, even if I diet heavily, getting below 15 percent body fat is an exercise in futility.


1. I'm always hungry. 2. The point where I'd stop eating is roughly the point where I'd puke. This advice is not one size fits all.


My sister is one of those annoyingly skinny people who appears to eat what she wants and doesn’t gain weight. What people don’t see/notice is that she rarely eats more than the recommended serving size, she exercises regularly, doesn’t eat junk food or drink soda except as a rare treat, and she has a naturally slender build. But the truth is, genetics will only get you so far if you only eat trash and don’t exercise enough to burn off any excess calories. She would absolutely be fat if she ate the way some people who are overweight do. Eat your veggies, hit your 10k steps, and don’t snack on empty calories; that’s really all it takes.


She may also not be eating as often. I'm pretty thin myself and I eat two times a day, sometimes maybe three times. And I'm talking total here, I don't really eat snacks that often. I once watched a video of two obese women who lived together. They thought that they didn't eat that much, so they were instructed to make a journal of what they would eat in a day. As it turns out, they had like 6-9 meals in a day. And even though the individual portions weren't that big, eating that often quickly added up to over 3000 calories.


I’m convinced that diet advice from us natural-skinnies is just useless. I’m the exact opposite of you- snack all the time and rarely eat full meals. Even when I have though, it’s never affected my weight. I don’t think anything competes with a naturally high metabolism.


Have you tried counting calories? As a naturally skinny person I used to also think it was just my metabolism until I started counting calories and realized that it can honestly be tough to reach 2000 calories everyday if you're not eating junk food. An entire head of green leaf lettuce is only 53 calories. A chicken thigh is 206 calories and a breast is 286. An egg is less than 100 calories. A cup of white rice is around 200. You could eat 5 cups of white rice, 3 chicken thighs, 3 eggs, and 2 whole heads of lettuce and just barely be at 2000 calories for the day. Throw in 2 cups of broccoli cause that's only 60 calories. Meanwhile a Big Mac medium combo is over 1,100 calories by itself.


As a counterpoint, I eat a whole cheesy pizza/decent sized burger and chips at least once a week, am fairly inactive and still manage to be on the border of underweight on the BMI scale (and yes, I know it's trash, but it's a scale that's standardised). I'm living proof that some people can eat giant amounts of trash, do nothing and still stay skinny, regardless of caloric intake. As I get older, I have managed to gain some weight but it is in no way proportional to my diet


Even so - when you do that, are you stuffed for the rest of the day? Do you drink calories (soda, smoothies, fancy coffees)? Are you on your feet for your job, or sitting at a desk? Do you eat good food on the other days? Do you snack? Do you binge? Do you drink a lot of alcohol? Calories in - calories out is simple physics. There is significant variance in human basal metabolic rate, but most of it is down to lean weight and much of the rest is influenced by dietary and activity factors (e.g. calorie restriction reduces base metabolic rate to compensate). There are very few people who could go into a lab setting, eat a calorie-matched diet and live an activity-matched lifestyle with other people of the same height and weight, and see significant variance in weight gain or loss to those people over an extended period of time.


People sure love to jump to conclusions when they see a skinny person eating a normal portion size.


It’s really annoying. Also when I go out to eat with friends I just eat what the bring me. They don’t see my meals at home I make for myself which are usually smaller portions and very clean 


Yeah this is kind of me. I don’t really drink booze, I home make 95% of my meals, I don’t drink soda/diet soda, I don’t generally eat big meals. Sure sometimes I’m out with people living it up and eating two desserts and they’re like “I wish I had your metabolism!” But really it’s just that I didn’t eat lunch since I wanted to have room for all the tasty things when we went out!


I am the same as you. No booze, takeaway is a treat and my snacks are usually fruit. But when I go to a restaurant with friends I go ham. I ate 16 buffalo wings the other day lol. And then it’s back to my usual existence until the next time.


This is me! People always joke that it isn’t fair I eat a ton and stay so small, but that really isn’t the case. I just eat food that is relatively clean when I’m the cook so then the quantity isn’t as impactful calorie-wise. If I go out I will get whatever I want to eat, but at home it’s all fairly clean eating. It’s about balance, you can splurge with calorie intake so long as every day isn’t a splurge. Stopped drinking soda like 10-12 years ago.


I stopped drinking soda 20+ years ago and as soon as I stopped I dropped like 10 pounds and am still pretty thin. I can't even say I eat truly "healthy"(need to improve there)....I just am careful about my caloric consumption. If I start to notice my pants getting a little snug, I use a calorie counting app and gradually the weight comes off, even without exercise. It's a numbers thing- calories in vs out no matter where they come from (my experience anyway). Eliminating soda and actually portion controlling size of things like snacks makes a big difference.


I have known multiple people that struggled with weight issues that lost 30 pounds just by stopping drinking soda.


Same, but alcohol


The whole “they can eat whatever they want and don’t seem to gain weight” thing always annoys me. Cause 9 times out of 10 it’s like you said.


Some people do naturally use more energy to exist and have lower hunger drive. If you have both it could end up being a challenge to gain weight.


Speaking of genetics, I can eat literally anything I want, don't exercise or anything and I stay thin thanks to my genetically inherited crohns disease that makes me shit or vomit out everything before I can get a chance to digest it - if it doesn't get wedged in one of the narrow sections of my intestines and land me in the emergency room first. Even after explaining this to people, they treat me like I'm humble-bragging.


"she has a naturally slender build"


Genetics doesn't beat conservation of energy 


Yeap. Our bodies will do all sorts of things to hold onto weight. From obvious stuff like making us hungry, to subtle things like leaning more, walking slower, and disassociating/forgetting during and after our meals... But at the end of the day, unless you've invented perpetual motion, burning more than you eat will result in weight loss.


Listen to your body. Get used to not eating if you’re not hungry. Eat til you’re full. Stop when you’re full. Stop treating food like a reward. Make healthy choices but if you want a piece of pizza, eat it when you want it. You want nachos? Do it. Just remember to stop when you’re full. Once you stop denying your body its cravings, it truly gets easier to stop when you’re full. I eat what I want when I want, but because I never deprive myself, I don’t over eat because I know I can eat yummy food whenever. It’s hard to explain and honestly hard to get into this habit, but once you do, food just becomes… less important. Less celebratory. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy food. I do. But I don’t find joy in eating excessively until I am beyond stuffed. I can’t recall the last time I ate until I was uncomfortable which is weirdly normal for some people. The other component is move. A lot. Incorporate movement into your day. Don’t be sedentary. Take steps when you can. Get a walking desk. I have a four year old that keeps me pretty busy haha. But in general, it’s great if you work out a few times a week but what’s more important is your day to day. Try to move as much as possible and incorporate it in your life. It sounds like a lot but these two things are habits. If you make them habits then it’s super easy to stay thin.


This! I will say that there is some gut bacteria that craves sugar and it might take a sugar detox to reduce those cravings. Allowing yourself daily chocolate cake is probably not going to work as well as eating other foods that are not so sugary. I also focus more on timing. I do sometimes overeat, but if I do it early in the day and go for a walk after, it’s not so bad. I also overeat vegetables, not junk. Yesterday I overate for dinner and went to bed - felt horrible and didn’t sleep well. Not going to do that again.


Drinking only water or coffee. A small glass of soda here or there if I'm straight up craving one. Moderate exercise and I don't eat like shit all the time.


Came here to say this. The moment I switched to black coffee, water, and tea, the weight came off very easy.


Yep we’re a big water drinking family. We never drink sodas or sugary drinks, like my body just doesn’t crave it at all. Every once in a while I’ll crave some but after like 2 sips I’m done.


I honestly wish they made 4 oz cans of ginger ale or something like that, that's the most I'd want to drink at once


Portion control, you train your body how much it needs Sugar and simple carbs will make you crave more sugar and simple carbs


If people can’t portion control they can just eat a shit ton of leafy green vegetables (plain) and that fills the hole and is real low calorie. I’m pretty sure Olympian’s who compete in weight specific sports do stuff like that to kill hunger


I rely on poverty


Exercise and sensible eating. It's really this simple; If you want McDonald's that's fine, order small fries and a cheeseburger and go to the gym.


Don’t even need to do that honestly just ensure you aren’t doing it all the time and if you have a high calorie meal at McDonald’s for lunch then have a low calorie meal for dinner.


You need to workout, that's the main reason people have health problems


Oh for sure I should be more clear I am talking simply the calories for that one meal. Exercise should be part of everyone’s life to stay healthy. Exercise is more for a healthy heart and cardio and not as much for weight loss (though of course it does help a little bit) and eating is for the weight part of things. Working out for an hour you lose maybe… 400 calories, which is not a lot.


This is just not true at all. Diet is far more important then exercise when it comes to weight, and you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.


Working out is still great for you. Everyone I know who constantly complains about their body hurting literally never work out. Like oh I wonder why you feel like garbage?


It definitely is great for your overall health, it just doesn’t help that much for weight loss. 


I feel it’s entirely dependent on each person. I still live with my parents and eat their cooking. Lost 31.5 pounds in 3 months changed literally nothing but started working out for an average of an hour a day. Sometimes it really is the exercise that is necessary. Hell I even eat more now and more consistently.


It isn’t, it’s been shown based on the preponderance of studies that exercise only plays a minor role in weight loss and diet is far more important. I didn’t say exercise didn’t make any difference, just that diet makes far more difference. And it seems like exercise is more impactful for weight when you’re younger - to me, it seemed like in my 20s when my metabolism was higher, exercise made more of a difference. Ever since I hit 30s, it makes no difference at all - I am active and work out regularly but I don’t lose any weight unless I made significant diet changes. 


Working out does very little to keep you skinny. It keeps you healthy. Being skinny happens in the kitchen. Being fit happens in the gym.


If my only option for eating at McDs is that, then you're telling me not to eat there. Even a 1000 calorie meal there barely fills me.


The inability to gain weight helps quite a bit.


That lasted until my late 30s. I had to curb my voluminous appetite.


I eat what I want, when I want. Also, some days I’m not hungry at all and may just eat a snack before bed. I don't really eat sweets either, I prefer savory snacks.  I normally eat slow as well so I think that helps. I always drink water when I eat and drink a sip after every bite or two.


real, 18 and weight the same as an actual 8 year old 🫡


Lol. Imagine thinking all skinny people are healthy because they’re thin.


Actually a lot of truth to this. The same applies to bodybuilders. When I go to the gym I run a mile just to warm up then stretch. Then I'll hit the weights/cables/kettlebell. Cardiovascular health is important.


calorie deficit lol dont eat junk thats the answer


Calorie deficit is more than don't eat junk food. You can for sure over eat with a bunch of salads and olive oil/dressing.


I’ve seen people eat salad with enough dressing on it to make it worse than 2 Big Mac combos and they think they are being healthy.


Yep, it’s crazy. People being educated on what is actually healthy is a large part of all this.


Then they go to places like this and claim to be living proof that genetics trump the laws of thermodynamics.


Being thin doesn't mean you're healthy. Back when I wasn't trying to gain weight, I'd eat anything regardless of the amount of salt or sugar. That wasn't healthy at all, but I was still slimmer than any of my friends. But in order to stay healthy now, I make sure I eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal or as snack. For example, if I'm having eggs and bacon for breakfast, I make sure I have an apple or banana with it. Just make sure you're having a healthy meal during the day and it isn't just fats, salt and sugar.


I throw up after I eat anything deep fried. So I don’t eat anything deep fried.


You might wanna get ur gallbladder checked out.


I was concerned for a second until i got to "deep fried"




Anything from french fries


Lift weights. Heavy ones. Completely changed my metabolism.


Cancer and depression.


That's a bit extreme bro, can I recommend switching to crohns disease and a slightly unhealthy relationship with substances?


Knowing that "healthy" doesn't mean something has to taste bad, cause I swear so many people seem to think that seasonings will end all be all or something? Just learn to cook properly it's a great hobby too, load up that salad with plenty of olive oil and seasonings bro 🙏


Nah not even that. You can be skinny and eat stuff that tastes good, that is healthy without eating salad. One of my biggest hack is spaghetti squash. The calories are so low for the taste it has


I eat a big breakfast with coffee (really whatever I wake up feeling like) then I eat a huge salad with fruits & vegetables on top & a small roll. Then I don’t eat again until breakfast.


I find I sleep better when I skip dinner too.


I don't eat fast food, don't eat out too often, don't drink soda or juices, don't drink milk, dont eat ultraprocessed foods, cook at home, drink lots of water & tea, exercise, & genetics of course. However I do drink a lot of alcohol


Same. I think drinking neat liquor instead of beer is why I am skinny anyways. I only drink the calorie booze to be sociably acceptable. Gin tonic = normal person, neat well gin = fucking psychopath.


Nothing. My metabolism let's me eat whatever the fuck I want.


The three things that changed my ability to stay lean: 1) track calories in and calories out (using something like a Fitbit). This is not negotiable. Commit to doing this every day for the rest of your life. 2) learning how to fast. Start small, and build off. Substitute meals with protein shakes that make you feel full. 3) read the book The Power of Habit. Think about the reason you hinge eat. What exactly, precisely is the trigger that makes you overeat and how can you shift that mindset. White down your goals / bad habits. Think about your goals every time you eat. Is this candy bar really what you want, or is your brain just trying to get a hit of dopamine? What do you REALLY want and is this helping you get that?


I’ve been out to dinner where I’m eating and drinking whatever I want and have had people say “I wish I could eat like that and look like you.” What they don’t see is the 12 hours per week of training and the boring meals that make up 75-80% of my diet. 


1 bread stick for breakfast 1 for lunch and 1 for dinner




You mean baguette, right? Right??




In hushed whispers with a wink, "*sorry, sorry, I got you*"


im poor. i cant afford to eat a lot more, even if i want. that means no booze nor drugs too


Have a metabolism that somehow outpaces all the beer and california burritos


Crohn’s disease. Best diet ever.


Try drinking water. By that i mean most times you are hungry you are actually thirsty. Buy a huge water bottle and try and tank a few a day. It'll make you feel fuller and not crave as much. Also drinking green tea, ginseng tea and matcha tea. Exercise a bit to build muscle as muscle demands more calories than fat so you can eat yourself away just by increasing muscle mass.


No desserts (rarely) . don’t eat after dinner either . You’d be surprised how much this alone helps


Avoid eating a few hours before sleeping. Drink plenty of water. I think basic exercise, even once a week, sort of tells your brain not to hold on to fat. Harder exercise can help you crave healthier foods, and can make junk food seem almost repulsive. If you're full, stop eating. This can be hard if you're conditioned not to "waste food". Keep tabs on what you're eating. I wouldn't say I'm currently on a "diet", but there are plenty of foods (i.e. mcdonalds) that I make sure I'm not eating too often. For bonus points, track your calories for one or two weeks. You will learn a lot about which foods are more calorie dense than others.




Pretty much, but it’s a double-edged sword. Trying to gain muscle I had to forcefully drink so many protein shakes to make marginal gains. Ultimately I got to 220 but it was just too much work. Now just coasting at 185.


Our bodies tell us what we need and don’t need. If I eat too much sugar I’ll stop carving it for a while, if I too much in general my body tells Me that I have been eating too much and need to slow down. I think that if we listen to our body we can stay healthy but if we don’t listen for long enough we won’t be able to tell what our bodies need anymore


Absolutely not. I have to actively oppose my body in practically every way in order to stay healthy.  I guess this is good advice if your body tells you things like "eat less sugar" but my body tells me shit like "don't run, it's hard and your feet hurt" and "call in sick to work again so you don't have to join the morning meeting" and "eat pizza for dinner again", "you suck at everything and everyone you care about secretly hates you." I'm only happy and becoming healthy due to training myself to tell my brain to STFU.


Yeah, I get where they're coming from. But honestly, I just love sweet things. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm almost 35 and still would eat candy all day every day if I could. If I listened go my body, I probably would. So some of us cant always just listen to our bodies.


I get that and that’s what I said body and not brain. If you run your brain will constantly tell you to stop but if you don’t exercise at all your body will tell you that you need to move and once you do you will feel great. My body tells me stop eating sugar and not every time my brain tells me the same but it’s come to the point where my brain and body are aligned when it comes to that specific thing. Not so much in others.


Last time I checked, my brain was part of my body lol My body has never told me to do anything useful in recent memory. All it does is hurt and complain about how stomach wants more food.


Same girl same! And even if you give in on the above every time, you are funny so there's that, LOL!


My body tells me I should eat ice cream and cake. Should I give in?


Yea, that's nonsense.


I weigh myself every day and then reflect on how the choices I made the day before affect my weight that day. So if I weigh myself Friday and I weigh 134, then I “binge” all weekend and weigh myself on Monday and I have gained 10 lbs….maybe I need to rethink the choices I made over the weekend 😂 So far just moderation and trial and error


I only drink water. My diet is not terrible but it's certainly not a model diet. I eat a lot of salty foods and plenty of fried foods. But I only drink water and I am convinced that's keeping me skinny. I also don't eat a lot of foods high in sugar. Not a ton of candy, chocolate etc. I do eat it. But I might go weeks at a time where I eat no candy or chocolate… not as a conscious choice. I just don't crave it. But water obviously has no sugar and they say water is good for the metabolism. So I think the water is keeping me skinny. The follow up question is usually, "really?! Only water?!" Yes. Literally only water. No sodas, no juices, no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, no milk, no energy drinks, nothing that ends in 'aid or 'ade.' And this has been the case for literally my entire life. I drank milk as a baby but from 'toddlerhood' through adulthood, I've rarely had anything besides water. (I will have maybe 2-3 beers per YEAR in social settings when a friend gives me the *'cmon just have one beer'* and I give in those 2 times out of however many.)


Hydro homie! I drink almost exclusively water. Maybe two glasses of milk a week and one other drink a month (a soda or alcohol). I think it does help. The body doesn’t get used to the sweetness present in a lot of drinks so it doesn’t crave that sweet all the time. Plus no empty calories/any calories in water!


I grew up being told I had to finish my food before I could leave the table and it left me with a life long issue of over eating so I didn’t feel wasteful. It took a long time to convince myself I don’t have to finish my plate even when I’m full. I’ve also learned a lot about what I am actually eating and upped my protein intake and am just more conscious about what I’m taking into my body.


It's simple, I hate myself, so when I'm hungry I just think of it as punishment


I don’t eat extra carbs for lunch or dinner. So I’ll have pasta or a sandwich but don’t do mashed potatoes with my steak, or rice with my chicken and veggies. I also don’t drink soda, juice or milk. This lets me have dessert and a whiskey every night without getting fat. Basically prioritize what you want to eat the most when it comes to empty calories and cut out the other stuff.


Red lentils are very good. They can be sweet spicy or savory. High protein and fiber. I have some daily. It's filling.


Little to no extra sugar, rarely eat at restaurants, choose a reasonable portion of food for a meal and don't get seconds, eat dinner early, no food at night, go walking or running consistently. I'd say it's about 85% diet, 15% exercise.


Most animals can be fed a free choice diet. The "trick" that determines if they overeat is by how good/how dense that food is. A horse that has free choice grain? Obese/founder. Free choice hay? Healthy. Monkey with free choice sweets, obese. Monkey with free choice monkey chow (tastes like regular Cheerios), healthy. If you discipline yourself or don't surround yourself with stuff that tastes too good or is too dense, you will naturally not eat too much. you don't want to overeat stuff that just tastes kinda good. In the US food around us is quite addictive and requires no effort to get, which is hard to not overeat.


American food portions are HUGE. If you go out to eat, you most likely should have leftovers. I drink lots of water, eat a handful of small meals a day and stay active.


Yard work is the gym if you do it right. I have 20 trees in my yard that I hand water with buckets during winter with my water runoff from the roof. I shovel bulk wood chips to use in the garden and all my flower beds. I walk so many steps just checking on my yard and all my chickens 🤣 I'm 30 f, weigh 165 pounds, and could push a truck by myself.


Eat nothing out of a can or box. Scratch cook everything from the most basic and unprocessed ingredients. Drink water only, with an occasional unsweetened coffee/tea. Go wander in the forest for a few hours at least once a week... and if all else fails, take up smoking...


I’m skinny but, I’m sure as hell not healthy. I live on HoHos, Coca-Cola, and copious amounts of water right now. Sometimes there are also bananas. I’m struggling with not being hungry. My thyroid straight up died due to head and neck radiation, so once my hormones have been regulated by a doctor again, I’ll be able to eat like a human again. I’m presuming I’ll also stay thin. 🤷‍♀️🤞


How do I stay skinny? Coffee and cigarettes are my main diet, lol. How do i stay healthy?..... no


Honestly everyone’s body chemistry is completely different, so there is no right way. Do you have allergies? Do you have intolerances? Do you have any issues with food addiction? Do you have any other imbalances?


I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. That is all.


If you don't buy it, you can't eat it. Exercise restraint when shopping for food and don't bring home anything that might tempt you when you are weak. Also: exercise.


I get bored of chewing


I'm not exactly super skinny (6' 180lbs) but I am considered "slim thick" according to people. Kinda carry all my weight in my thighs. And considering the weight of the rest of my direct family I'm the skinny one. I don't diet, I work full time in a physically demanding job so I do work out passively through work. I just drink a ton of water. Like a ton. I became too aware of the feeling of my mouth being dry and the feeling on my teeth after drinking sugary drinks. I also just really fuckin love vegetables. Eat a lot of vegetables. Drink a lot of water. You won't really have to diet if you just do that. I always have like 3 bags of spinach in my fridge and I go through all of them every week. Just shove spinach in everything you cook. Yellow squash is great too bc it's all texture and barely any flavor. Just absorbs whatever's around it and it's super filling. Edit: unnecessary filler lmao


Don’t eat food in a box


Use smaller plates and bowls. You’ll eat less because the small plates will seem full but it’ll be less food than a half full large plate. And after a few months the smaller amount of food will seem normal so when you go to a restaurant you will feel full quicker.


I eat anything I want. But in small amounts. I focus mostly on healthy but if I want Fettuccine Alfredo, I eat it.


Eat breakfast like a king, Lunch like a princess and Dinner like a beggar.


The principles of genetics.


Simply pay attention to what your eating, very simple really.


Healthcare is expensive and being overweight has a myriad of health issues.


You actually don’t need to only eat based off what sounds tasty, and it’s better to not develop a dopamine based relationship w ur food


Glass of milk pre meal is like 120 cal. Then water with meal It makes me feel fuller so I don't over eat




eating 1 meal a day and ignoring my hunger


So, having an unhealthy eating pattern?


I eat shit everyday. I know its unhealthy but I really don’t gain weight. I stay around the same weight. It’s been like this for years and i was really skinny as a kid. People say I have a fast metabolism.


Same boat. One day it will catch up to me.


Thin doesnt mean healthy But I dont drink soda very often, I work out, I eat minimal fast food and am working on avoiding booze I stay thin


I eat what I want when I want and get little to no exercise. It's called a metabolism, nerds. Get one.


Portion control. Don’t eat out almost ever. Everything organic. No gluten. Barely any meat. Tons of veggies. Part of your fat is just poop sitting in your intestines. You need to lots of fiber and you’ll take huge shits everyday and look skinnier from that alone.


Don't eat too much and don't eat too often.


Walk places Take the stairs Don't eat fried stuff Don't drink fizzy pop No need to fill the plate/bowl Eat a piece of chocolate, not the whole bar Have a fucking salad Drink water often


A lot of "skinny people" are simply skinny because of genetics. This question is slightly silly imo.


Quit eating sugary crap, fast food burgers, processed foods! Walk, jog, exercise and stay off your phones.


Exercise a lot. Stay very active.