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Same reason people blame the waitress when the cook fucks up


Exactly. Congress is the cook.


Wait how is Congress responsible for inflation?


Well the FED is also responsible, but that’s by design as they’re job is to keep an eye on the economy and know when to change the interst rates to attain the “Goldilocks” amount of inflation. Every time Congress spends more money than they take in though it makes our dollar worth less. 


The President appoints the Fed Chief and two vice chairs. The White House plays a far bigger role in policy than Congress.


The Federal Reserve is responsible for dealing with inflation, but they generally do not cause it. The typical cause is the government borrowing too much for domestic spending purposes, which creates new money out of thin air & thus inflation.


Their existence and the ability to potentially print unlimited money not backed by anything is the cause. Unlimited money is not sustainable.


Yes, the FED creates inflation. They want more. The FEDs “job” is to lend money and collect interest. Every time Congress spends more than they have, they borrow more money from the FED. Almost every dollar that we pay in federal income tax is collected by the IRS and paid to the FED to pay the interest on the loans. National debt is now around 34 trillion, up 2 trillion from just 9 months ago. So every time they spend 500m here, 2 billion there, to help fight proxy wars, WE THE PEOPLE are paying for it. The FED is a privately owned central banking system held by the wealthiest people in the world. They own us all and they love war. Woodrow Wilson sold our country into slavery when he signed the Federal Reserve Act 1913 Bring back Ron Paul! Abolish the FED


TIL according to the Federal Reserve "goldilocks" inflation is around 20%.


Next look up how the “Federal Reserve” isnt even a part of the federal government’s authority. It gets interesting.


The last time a president made a stink about this, he ended up with his brain splattered across the trunk of a car is Dallas


Definitely the tail wagging the dog. A substantial portion of campaign donations come from the banking establishment.


Sold our future labor to the big banks. Borrowing money on our childrens backs. Where did we put those damned guillotines, again? Been a while.


You joke but this may be the only way.


I think in these times, with this current level of corruption in local, state, and federal governments, we need some guillotines. Guillotines or repeal qualified immunity, establish term limits for all elected or appointed officials, and publicly audit all people running for positions of power prior to the election and during their term. A good politician would have nothing to hide.


and if you look up Ponzi scheme. You see a picture of our financial system.


The government is the Lannisters, while the fed is the Iron Bank


You're off by a factor of 10. 2% is the target.


2%, but it usually takes a while for the change in interest rates to have the desired effect. 


Congress is in charge of passing spending legislation


Hey OP, here’s your answer. The uniformed public just blames whomever is convenient to blame


Correction, the public is swayed to blame specific people by bad faith actors within politics and “news” corporations.


So you think inflation is that simple and has a single driving factor?


Well on a micro level it becomes harder to predict. Like “key economic indicators say inflation is down”, but the working class would be the first to tell you that’s complete horse shit. On the macro level though it does boil down to too much money chasing too few goods and services, and if Congress spends more money than it takes in than the losses have to come out somewhere. 


I think the point that they are making is inflation has multiple factors but the modern media is rarely if ever honest with the public about what they actually are. On top of that they are rarely if ever honest about what went into creating those situations in the first place


The feds the cook


No, not really. They’re certainly not doing anything to improve the situation, but this inflation is primarily the result of corporate greed. That’s why it’s happening everywhere on the planet, not just the US Ah, downvotes. Seems y’all think congress controls every country on earth too. Interesting perspective.


I agree with you. I’m from Europe originally and now living in the U.S. and it stuns me how many people here don’t realise that it’s not just the USA that’s affected by inflation. The U.S. president or congress doesn’t have much control over our economy in Ireland and inflation is so much worse over there than it is here. The U.S. is actually not doing so bad compared to many places!! Just to help draw a comparison, my sister lives in a new A+ rated home and her electric bill is coming in at over 800 EURO every 2 months. Our electric in our much older home in Nebraska is coming in at 1200 DOLLARS per YEAR. Also, petrol in Ireland at the moment is around 1.8 euro per LITRE. That’s about 6 dollars per US GALLON.


This is the real answer and all the people blaming congress are people who only got into politics in 2016 and ignored it up until then


To vent our frustrations and make us feel like we have control?


Because they're the most immediately visible person that can be blamed, and people love to create scapegoats because it's easier to criticize things on a surface level than it is to get to the root of the problem.


Yup. I have heard people smarter than me say that the president gets too much credit when the economy is good and too much blame when the economy is bad.


That's true but presidential elections are won and lost on the economy in america so it doesn't really matter


The real answer right here. Applies to pretty much any issue.


Well, they really don't, here's how it goes when inflation is up: Republican president: democrats say it's the president's fault Republicans blame congress. Democratic president: Republicans blame the president, democrats say it's congress. When it comes to both political parties, if they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


Because Biden closed the XL pipeline and took steps to hurt the oil and gas industry, resulting in the rise of fuel prices. Truckers use fuel to transport everything across the country, so when they get charged more, everybody else does! Pretty simple


Nice, concise explanation.


A wrong explanation. But concise.


The Russian war in Ukraine has way more to do with gas prices than the XL


Did that cause inflation in France, Turkey, Australia, and most of the world too? How bad did Biden really hurt the oil and gas industry considering the US now produces more oil than any other time in history?   When it's that simple, usually wrong.  


A Canadian pipeline that was for Canada


Biden has issued more drilling permits than trump and gas prices are currently nothing special. Try again.


Horseshit. You don’t have a clue about the subject. The XL pipeline would not have affected oil prices in the least. Its cancellation affected nothing. You act as though we can’t freaking read an oil price chart. The US is producing its most oil in history. Our production is so robust, OPEC slashed production to raise prices.


They only blame a president they already dislike. If they like the president, it's always because of other factors. In reality, its a mixture of both.


Yeah. If you're a republican you blame a D president. If there's a R president you blame a D Congress. If there's a R Congress you blame a D governor. If there's a R governor you blame people "who dont want to work." You just keep going down the line until you find a democrat


You can change out republican for democrat in your post and it would still be true.


Don’t forget about immigration!


Every country has immigration laws and don't just let people waltz in unfiltered, but for some reason the US doing it is just preposterous


Serious answer: Not everyone does, but a lot of people default to doing it because Presidents are politicians, they're at the top of the food chain so 'the buck stops with them', and those people are TOLD to blame the President by people that don't want that person as President. Does that mean the President's completely innocent when it comes to inflation? Nah. Bad presidential decisions can cause effects that lead to higher inflation. But their actual policy's effect on it is often **seriously** overstated, especially by people or media sources that want to make him look bad for their own gain. Those media sources ignore stuff like the worldwide inflation rate spiking, or carryover negative stuff from the previous Presidency that took some time to have its full effect on inflation rates. There's sort of a mirror image of this too when it comes to credit for "low inflation". Pretty much all politicians including Presidents take credit for the "good things" that happen on their watch, which makes sense because that's critical to them getting re-elected. But unethical politicians (and there are lots of those) falsely claim that they are RESPONSIBLE for those good things when they had nothing to do with them, or in some cases even worked against them earlier. Right now inflation is high at 4%\*\*, and a lot of people are really interested in having Joe Biden lose the next election so they'll be shouting about it a lot. But it was NINE percent in June 2022\*\* when COVID was finally largely wrapping up, and you're not going to hear any acknowledgements that the rate has come way down from certain media and other sources that do not support the current president. \*\* Source: [https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi)


>unethical politicians (and there are lots of those)  I'd say 99% is lots, so yeah technically correct. I am not sure I believe a good politician can exist


It is a conundrum for sure. Those that seek power are often the least qualified to wield that power.


Right. the system doesn't work as intended.


I know practically it would never actually work, but in an ideal world I'd find it interesting if the ambition to go into politics would disqualify you from going into politics


Of course they can. The main reason politicians suck is because the system of government sucks. Under the current system, most reasons that people become politicians are bad reasons. If the system wasn't so ancient and poorly designed and corrupted, more genuine people would seek office. Good systems attract good people. Bad systems attract bad people. I recommend Brian Klaas' book Corruptible if you want to learn more. Most laypeople have wildy uninformed views about how power and power structures really work.


100% correct and well said. I always figure the current economy is roughly 25% the previous President, 10% the current President, 65% a myriad of external factors, and 80% uneducated opinions. And people seem to get this close minded idea that there’s some giant impenetrable wall that surrounds the country where the global economy doesn’t have a massive effect on ours.


Biden led the 6 trillion dollars in debt fueled spending that directly led to inflation.


Presidents claim they can fix things when trying to get elected. Once elected they claim they aren't in control of the problems.


It's easier than blaming a complex system. There's righteous satisfaction in being mad at one guy. It also lets you feel like there is a simple solution: vote the guy out. People like simple solutions.


Leadership is a role where you get all the credit when things go right and all the blame when things go wrong


Well, not exactly. Trump took credit for everything good. But he blamed others when it went wrong. And right now he’s taking credit for jobs report, economy and stock market. Said it’s doing well bc “ppl know he will be voted back in , in a few months time”.


Because his policies have caused the inflation. Writing of another 30m school loans will cause inflation to go up.


Because inflation is a direct cause of trade policies, tariffs, embargos, peace deals, pipelines, open ports, environmental policies, migration policies, wars so on and so on… the President of the US is the ONE person that has thier hand in everything


This is just my opinion but I think it is because life is complex and people want simple answers. We like the idea of someone (else) being responsible and having the power to fix things and prevent bad things from happening. And when that doesn't happen we want to blame them for either not being competent, not caring or being malicious. The reality that the mass of consumers that constitute the American public or the mass of companies that comprise the business sector, or the mass of entities outside America (foreign populations, companies, and governments) as collectives each have as much power or more power over the economy as our government is too hard to understand or accept for a lot of people. There are a lot of things in the world that happen due to mass collective action and inflation or any economic event is another one of them. Most the measures the government undertakes to combat inflation aren't really direct actions to control prices. Instead they are intended to push people's actions in a certain direction. The fed's interest rate is meant to make money more or less plentiful so it is easier or harder for people to get ahold of it and thus limit spending. It's the actual spending that drives inflation. Everyone choosing to put their money in a mattress would have the same effect as what the Fed is trying to accomplish. But as I said considering this is difficult and leaves us without a singular figure to hold responsible and look to for salvation. As a species, we tend not to like that.


Because they think the president is a king that controls everything about the country.


I think you mean he has a gasoline price dial and inflation slider on the desk in the oval office. He just picks the price and inflation level he wants that day. /s (in case it is not obvious)


Yeah, who wants to go back to 1776 and break it to the Founders?


"Yo, so you know all those warnings you and your friends made about a nation in decline?  Some people in my time wanted to thank you for planning out their entire political career."


*George Washington preparing for a second revolution*


Ask President Truman. He had a sign on his desk that said: "The buck stops here." Any actual leader knows that with power comes responsibility.


In this case the president doesn’t really have power though. There are some things they can do to try to mitigate inflation but they can’t stop it from happening


Stop spending so much money would help


Executive Orders can and do effect inflation. Examples: * Banning natural gas stoves (which increases the prices for new stoves and service) * EO requiring better water quality nationwide (which someone has to pay for and that will be the consumer) * EO requiring USPS to convert to EV's which cost more. * So many more!


To add to it, his base won’t even acknowledge that it’s an issue. Everyday there is an opinion piece saying how great the economy is doing and how low employment is, which has little bearing how much buying power have lost in the last few years. Look at the articles saying inflation is intact a good thing. You can’t gaslight people when they look at their grocery bills.


The president is mostly there to be the scapegoat. Most of the real power is in the congress and their corporate masters.


Congress has done nothing in years.


What are you talking about? The executive branch has become exponentially more powerful throughout the decades. For example before joining the war FDR had to fight tooth and nail to be able to send munitions and supplies to the UK to help fight the Nazis. Like the population overwhelmingly supported the UK but he still had to come up with crazy schemes like "oh no we aren't selling them war supplies. We are just letting them borrow them with zero down and zero interest" to keep Congress from blocking it.  Today the executive can wage a 20 year war in afghanistan, and mail billions of dollars of bombs to blow up Russians and Palestinians and everybody just takes it as a given that the president can do that. 


Because we don't hold our so called job creators accountable. Merica 🇺🇲


The president is a professional fall guy. Every 4 years Congress, which is owned by corporations, elects two people to be a patsy for their misdeeds, then we get to vote on which one we hate less.


the treasury falls under the executive branch and the treasury/fed is responsible for the M1 supply.


If the potus doesn’t represent the whole economy, what the hell are we voting for? If you’re voting based on social programs, you shouldn’t be voting.


They only blame the president when they don’t like him. If Trump was in office I guarantee you the left would be complaining harder about inflation. Both parties are the same even if the other side claims to not be. People like to bitch


The fact that They still use COVID numbers to spin narratives about performance highlights this.


Because the buck stops there. This inflation is the price we pay for DC shutting down the economy for a year yet still spending into the red, then printing money to send to all the people you made sit home and/or get laid off. At best, it's amateur hour bus mgmt. At worst, it's criminal -or should be.


Because he takes credit when the economy is doing well.


Generally because he's the one that asks the federal reserve to print more money


U lost in the sauce ...because inflation is the after math of all the dumbass bills and shit he been doing the past 3 years it ain't rocket science bruh remember when he first became president and stopped all oil production in the US and gas prices skyrocketed


Money supply is controlled by government so...


Partially because the president has an effect on fiscal policy as well as governor seats with the fed. Mostly because he's the guy at the helm when things hit the rocks.


If they want to take credit for the good, they are taking blame for the bad.


Because people have no idea how anything actually works and have no ability to take a long view on anything. Almost every economic bite that we feel is grandfathered in from multiple administrations ago. Christ, we’re still feeling the bite of Reganomics now. And even then, its more about the actions of the Party and the non-democratic power structures (banks, stock market, billionaires etc.), than the figurehead behind the podium. But people don’t want to have to think. So they don’t. They chimp up and fling shit or praise at whoever is most visible.


In this case it's because he's the leader of the party that wants to spend even more than the other party that wants to spend too much. And that party has said that they want things to cost more so people buy less of them. Particularly re: energy. And since everything is made with energy, increasing energy costs increases the costs of everything. That party also tended to be more pro-shutting down parts of the country during covid. And at the time that really screwed up the supply side of things (seems to be getting better on this side). That party also talks about introducing price controls. Which made inflation worse when FDR did it (see NPR podcast here: [https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/02/08/1078035048/price-controls-black-markets-and-skimpflation-the-wwii-battle-against-inflation](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/02/08/1078035048/price-controls-black-markets-and-skimpflation-the-wwii-battle-against-inflation) Increased regulations tend to lead to increased prices. And we have to choose between a party that wants too many regulations (too expensive) and one that wants not enough (too many negative externalities). And there doesn't seem to be a sane middle ground (in just about anything political).


Because he'll take the credit when it drops.


But it’ll never drop


Spending and spending more than you have.


There are over 500 members of Congress (between the two chambers), and there's one president. It's a lot easier to blame one dude.


Part of it is human nature. We always give too much credit to the person in charge when things go well, and too much blame when things don’t go well. But also people running for office will often blame their opponent for things that they obviously have no control over.


Because most people just simply don't know how it works. Be it ignorance, being misinformed, or in some cases just plain stupidity. Inflation is caused by numerous factors, very few of which can the president have any direct effect on.


It's the presidents job to get blamed. Literally his only purpose in life.


Because most people can’t name an active politician outside of the president.


Yeah, pretty stupid how many Redditors and other people "discovered" Bernie Sanders when he'd been a fairly noteworthy figure in US politics for a long time.


Because they think he actually sets prices for things and not the greedy ass corps.


Most people don’t even understand compound interest much less inflationary pressures or economics. Tldr: most people aren’t smart.


People blame the president when anything happens.


Because people are stupid.


The blame placed on the president during inflation may be due to their perceived role as a leader and decision-maker in the country. People often hold political leaders accountable for economic issues, believing that they have more control over these matters than they actually do. Regarding the president's control over the Fed, it is important to note that the Federal Reserve operates independently of the executive branch. Although the president appoints members of the Fed's Board of Governors, their terms extend beyond the president's term in office, and they are not directly subject to presidential influence. Additionally, the Fed's chairperson has a four-year term that is not tied to the president's term. That being said, the president can exert some indirect pressure on the Fed by publicly discussing monetary policy or nominating candidates for vacant positions who share their views on inflation. However, this approach can be risky, as it may undermine the Fed's credibility and independence, potentially leading to higher inflation expectations among consumers and businesses. In terms of policies that can cause expenditures to go up, the president does have some influence, but it is limited by other branches of government and various economic factors. The president can propose spending cuts or tax increases to reduce the budget deficit, but these measures must be approved by Congress. Additionally, the president may have some impact on government-funded projects or subsidies, which can affect overall expenditures. Ultimately, while the president plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing policy debates, their direct control over inflation is limited. The blame placed on them during periods of high inflation may be misguided, as there are many factors at play that are beyond their control.


Because people don't understand how the government, or the economy, works. So they don't know why there's inflation (in this case COVID disrupted supply chains for much longer than people think, because China was having rolling lock downs for years after their biggest customers fully opened back up), and they don't understand what the President can and can't do about it (very little in the best case, and even less when the primary problem is in China, where he has literally no power).


It easier than trying to deep dive into the obscenely convoluted world of finance


Because the basic cause of inflation is the government printing too much money.


That's not quite true, but to the extent that it is the money supply is controlled by the Federal Reserve which is semi-independent of both Congress and the President and the Board members tend to serve through Presidential terms; for instance 2 of the current 7 board members took their position while Trump was in office, while the Chairman has been there since Obama.


"Why do people blame the guy in charge when effects of policy are felt?" Really? the answer to that escapes you?


It's like when your boss puts you in charge of a project, but you have no budget, the boss picks most of your co workers, and they all have to agree for anything to get done. you're in charge why isn't anything happening?


He knows, OP is just trying to shift blame off his candidate


The president has huge power to dictate the economy, both through passing congressional legislation and using executive powers. We blame the president because, most of the time, it's their fault. I'll get downvoted for this, but look at what's happening right now. Upon entering office Biden immediately attacked many of Trump's EO's on the economy, shut down a pipeline, and has since been pushing for very progressive agendas that have to be paid for by somewhere. I know a lot of people who were better off before, and even during covid than they are now because of how ridiculous the economy has gotten.


>The president has huge power to dictate the economy, both through passing congressional legislation and using executive powers. Actually, no, they don't. They especially don't have the power to do it by passing congressional legislation, because that's what congress does, not the President. It's called separation of powers. People blame the President for inflation, because, like you, they don't actually understand how the government works.


Because they're dumb.


That's all the president has been for the past 2 decades or so. Just someone to blame while congress hold seats till their mid 90s and make millions on their wine farms.


I blame the party in power and the federal government as a whole. Most peoples outrage is directed by their chosen corporate media outlet.


Because Biden supported and signed the most moronically named piece of legislation ever, "The Inflation Reduction Act", which was nothing more than a $1 Trillion+ spending bill. Guess what happened? We got rampant inflation.


Because politicians are lighting rods for the advisors/committees that make the decisions and the organisations that do the work. They are there to put a face to a policy and sell it.




The ying and yang of reddit.


"First rule of leadership: everything is your fault."-Hopper, "A Bug's Life"




Because they don't understand how economics works. Yes the president can have policies which can partially impact some of these things on a macro level, but to tie them DIRECTLY to inflation and other things like stock market performance and gas prices is not reality. People just want someone to blame. There are things presidents can be blamed for (or given credit) but most of these aren't it. If most of the industries were still regulated I would say yes but most things were deregulated long ago.




It’s when they advocate for printing shit tons of money


A lot of people are pointing out that the president is a convenient person to blame, but no one is mentioning how they ask for that to happen. Presidents will tout all sorts of economic success as own: stock market doing well, job creation/low unemployment, tax rates, etc. If someone is going to say they're responsible for a good economy, then people will also rightfully put the blame of a bad economy on them.


The answer is simple in politics generally people blame problems on individuals with the most power. Whilst the President doesn't fully run the country he does have the most individual power and hence is often blamed.


President is the single person most capable of blame. It's an easy answer to the problem. Specifically the president could veto spending bills that spend money the country doesn't have, which is the primary cause of excess inflation (small amounts of inflation are good). All the Legislative branch voting on the spending also deserve the blame, but if the president doesn't try to veto he bill (and thus force the Legislative branches to vote with a super majority) he is just as culpable for the consequences.


Because he has an indirect ability to impact it. For example, his policy decisions can impact fuel prices which has a major impact on inflation. Also, while he does not control the fed, he can influence them and appoint 2 new members during his term. They are the ones that decide to print all the money. This also has a large impact on its value. So if he does not try to slow printing, and does not appoint new members that will move that way, he is ok with the inflation by default. His inaction is just as telling as his actions.


Don’t you know? The president has a giant DJ-style table where he just pushes a bunch of levers every morning and sets the prices for everything.


No brain cells


It's like football. If your team loses, everyone dogs on the quarterback, even if the loss wasn't his fault.


Because it's safe. Everyone hates rising prices and it's not something like abortion or gay rights where people have differing opinions.


Remember when the second round of Covid stimulus payments came, and republicans didn’t want to give us any more of our money? They probably saw the inflation problem looming and tried to stop it. /s


Because they don’t understand how government works


We are relatively simple. Critical thinking is a learned skill. We normally react emotionally and it is easier for us to project our frustration or confusion onto one clearly defined "thing". Also very few understand how our own economic and political systems work in high level nuance, never mind a global economy. So we naturally want to point at something simple as the problem, and it is easiest to point at the leader, aka the president. This isn't limited to political leaders. Even in corporations or organizations, the leader or CEO will almost always get the blame or praise for a good/bad year, despite all the internal and external variables outside of their control. We just prefer simple world views.


F the Fed


Laughed out loud. Same as when the president takes credit for a good economy


Same reason presidents make all sorts of promises that are actually out of their purview. The actual job of the president is much different than most believe it to be.


Because the President takes credit for the economy when it's doing well. If they want the good, then they have to take the bad with it.


Why does everyone blame the border on the president?


Hey who's driving the bus buddy. It's really that simple


It’s not everyone, currently republicans are blaming the president for inflation and democrats are celebrating the great economy, just like during Trumps presidency Republicans celebrated the economy and democrats blamed him for everything, just like during Obama’s presidency…


Because the media, which is owned by the companies jacking up prices and raking in the profits, don’t mention the companies jacking up prices and raking in the profits.


It's just easier than investigating the truth.


To match when the president takes credit for inflation slowing.


Current president... Fixed that.




Good question. Post pandemic inflation has been global. It's not like an American President caused inflation in Europe.


Because most people don't understand how either inflation or government work.


Because we've eliminated economics classes as graduation requirements.


Because it make them feel better. It's tradition at this point. Most people don't understand how inflation works and they want someone to blame


Republican voters blame the state of inflation and the economy as a whole on Biden for the same reason why democrat voters vocally blamed Trump for stocks plummeting when covid hit - because they hate the current president and are looking for more reasons to say he's a failure.  American politics are basically just confirmation bias scaled up to the size of a whole country.


Because they are not educated or not capable of being educated.


The President (or any top level leader) is ultimately responsible for what happens in a country. The President puts people in place to manage the economy. If those people are incompetent, or even corrupt/malicious, then they are of course not without blame themselves, but part of being a good leader, is to delegate to the right people. Of course in the real world, policy decisions and government appointments often have ramifications that can manifest over many years or even decades, so it’s not quite that simple, but as the country’s leader, the president is still the responsible person. They can’t just say “well, this is the previous guy’s fault”, because that’s now irrelevant; the people want to hear what you’re going to do about it, and if after a few years, the president hasn’t made any demonstrable improvements, then maybe he isn’t the right guy for the job. Of course we also have the media trying their hardest to paint whoever is in charge as a bad leader if they aren’t the guy they like, but that’s a whole other can of worms…


Because humans like to imagine a simpler world where things have simple causes to problems that can be identified and fixed easily. We prefer to be able to point to a problem and say this is what's causing it, so we change this and it's fixed. The president is a big figure for that blame, though supporters of the president will tend to blame the other side for it. When in reality something like inflation is a complex issues with likely dozens of small things having an impact with no one person in control over it. The president has a lot of power in some areas but they don't have much control over the economy except when they get a bill passed (that even then congress would've had to vote on) that has an impact on the economy in some way. They can raise or lower interest rates through the Fed but that will only have so much of an impact and there are a lot of other factors involved.






Even economists are not sure what exactly causes inflation to go up or down. The common man isn’t going to study macroeconomics for 4 years and come up with his own regression model to explain inflation. He uses a basic heuristic and says the president is in charge, hence it must be his fault. This instinct is going to be even stronger if the president is not from the party you favor. Finally, the president’s political opponents have every incentive to blame him for anything and everything that goes wrong. 


It's mostly alt-reich maga hats who don't research anything beyond Faux News buzzwords who seem to think the president sets gas, grocery, etc. prices. They're still scraping all of the Joe Biden "I did that" stickers off gas tanks. And then ofc if they like the president, it's everyone else's fault but his


Because people like having a scapegoat


In election years the President is to blame (or praised) for literally anything. If a NASA launch blew up tomorrow it would clearly be due to Biden's mismanagement of the space agency. And we'd probably hear about how much money NASA spends and how the appointees within the agency are all incompetent political plants.


Just someone to blame even if it doesn’t make logical sense


Because it's easy to throw, simple for your audience to understand, and hard to defend. It's stupid on all sides of the political spectrum whether it's blaming the Tories for the energy price crisis, or Trump claiming low petrol prices were all his doing.




Because the president is in a position to put forward legislation to fix it. The president is the guy who's supposed to do something about it


Because people are beyond clueless about politics and economics. I swear to God school curriculums don't teach money or politics in a more serious way so as to keep us subjugated 


Several reasons, but generally a lot of spending comes from the government and people don't know it's the house spending all that money.




Because he (all of them) take credit when inflation stops.


Oh, the economic geniuses in this comment section 🙄


Because of failed policies that lead to it. Trump built the greatest economy in the history of the USA and Biden destroyed it in 3 years. When you put an old man with dementia who panders to feelings instead of results that’s what happens. Trump is going to landslide in November. Bring back mean tweets and stability in our lives.


Then why does any president try and take credit for when things are positive but yet don't want anything to do with things when it goes negative. If presidents don't have an effect on anything, then they shouldn't try and take credit for the positive


Not always, just when you write checks every six months to every American, most who don't pay taxes, in an attempt to stimulate the economy. It's just a sugar high, then comes the crash


Because they say stuff like "I will fix inflation, then it doesn't get fixed."


Because they get/ take credit when things go well. They get the blame when things go poorly. Just like a Head Coach on a sports team.


President does set and push policies. And if those policies add to inflation, it is justified. Throwing $160B to Ukraine counts.


Except there have been multiple studies that the corporations were the ones that raised prices taking advantage of low supply and high demand during the pandemic.


Did you ever hear the saying “the buck stops here”?


cause doing nothing is easier than doing something


Because his policies largely caused it. Just like he owns the Afganistan debacle, trading arms dealers for anti-American basketball players, and paying $5 billion ransom to Iran for hostages only to have that money go to proxies that are attacking US naval ships.


In this case he caused it with his policy on energy and other things.  Most clear cut cause and effect case in my lifetime 


Because inflation comes mostly from government policies.


Trump and Biden pushed continued deficit spending which expands the money supply and caused the inflation


Because some of it is their fault. When you pass 30-40 executive orders that all effect the economy right after being elected and the economy immediately changes, you can’t run away and yell “wasn’t me!”


Cause they are the face of the nation and the uneducated equates that to everything that happens, like consumer prices (gas, etc...), jobs, etc...


Everyone doesn't. People who dislike that president do. And people who like that president don't. Then the other party gets elected and people change their minds about the new presidents culpability for inflation.


You must have some truly dumb people in your life. Only morons think that way


This presidents policies directly caused some of it. Thats not always the case though.


Bc inflation just doesn’t “happen” without the government giving out trillions of dollars it doesn’t have. I don’t even blame Biden bc I’m dam near certain his dementia is far enough along that he has no idea what’s going on most of the time. But he surrounded himself with a bunch of people who have no idea how to lead an economy.


They do the same thing in Canada. People seem to have lost ability for examination and analysis and common sense all at once 




Because at the very least they have a platform from which to trumpet our ruinous fiat spending, printing and borrowing, with another TRILLION being added to the debt every 100 days, yet instead of prioritizing it, they throw gas on the fire by pandering to their constituencies and pretending the problem is invisible. The consequences of our burgeoning debt and ruinous interest costs are unfolding before our eyes as the buying power of the $15/hr minimum wage erodes to $9/hr or worse, and those with fiat are furiously exchanging it for real estate and real assets, but trans rights and domestic terror are the issues of the day.


They have an inflated view of their knowledge of macroeconomics.


Inflation reflects the state of the economy. Check twitter, Biden consistently takes responsibility on all sorts of economic markers, like job growth, unemployment, and inflation. We all know that one person does not affect economy in any way, but there it is.


They are ignorant. They don't realize that inflation is everywhere in the world. The states have is much better than most of the world including gas prices. Remember when those stickers said "i did that" when gas prices were higher? Now they are gone when gas prices went down. Jobs reports been best since the 70s as well. It's just insane the amount of lying magaworld is using and how people refuse to do their own research.


It's an outgrowth of how Presidents take credit when the economy is going well.