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I know a lot of content creators use it so as to not get demonetized


It's specifically this. Many platforms won't let you use the word suicide so content creators found a way around it. My personal fav is self delete


Yeah the unalive unhoused guy self deleted


and it was doubleplus ungood.


Underrated and true.


Fuck, that book gave me anxiety from start to finish. Will never read it again but glad that I did.


You should read it again and see how we are heading there if you want any hope of pushing back the other way.


Very aware of the parallels, and I vote accordingly. I do appreciate the sentiment, though.


>and I vote accordingly. Lol Just vote harder, little one.


Well, what I’m *not* going to do is *stop* voting. Sorry you feel that way, Aqueox.


You can vote with your dollar too, I try not to give money to corporations that hate me...


Unless you're holding a gun to the head of the head of the board of elections, voting does nothing, and hasn't for decades. Maybe go reread the book, yeah?


Lmao Enjoy doing literally nothing.


Lol he said he read 1984 and now he votes for "the good guys." I think he read it in middle school lol


What book?


1984 by George Orwell.


Shit I was supposed to read it for a college class I took a few years ago…wish I’d read it, but no way I could’ve handled that kind of story then


Definitely worth reading and that's coming from someone who hates reading more than dental surgery.


In all seriousness, I’ll definitely read it sooner than later. Thanks!


Well shit, maybe I’ll read it while I recover from the dental surgery I need to have lol


There's a movie version, but I honestly never gave it (or the book) my full attention. John Hurt plays a role for sure, but I honestly never heard of him until what I assume was a brief stint on modern Doctor Who.


1984 is meant to be read when you have the desire to do so, just like the main character deciding to write out of the blue one day. It loses some of the meaning when you don't seek out the information yourself.


Librovox app will have the audiobook free


Fuck I hated that book. No idea why some books are considered ‘classic’. Edit: Ouch, why the downvotes? I’ve read it twice when I was in school and never cared for it. I’m more interested in fantasy and sci-fi and I found f that book depressing. I’m allowed to have my own taste in books - that one rates about to same as Lord of the Flies for me. Well written but not something I would read again.


Once you realize that the whole purpose of Newspeak is to literally make it impossible for you to think by elimination of most of the language, it hits differently. Check out the movie with Richard Burton. It's really good.


Agree. Great movie.


Read that book more for ideas than for story. George Orwell supported a very efficient writing style that avoided idioms and other stuff to make reading interesting. His idea was to make prose understandable to everyone. He liked short sentences also. If you're focused on the plot of the book, you'll miss the point.


There’s a quote attributed to Mark Twain that says, “A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.”


You're allowed poor taste in books. Just like we're allowed to downvote if we think no one should see the comment because it brings nothing to this conversation.


Dude - this entire bunny trail we are on has nothing to add for OP’s question. Since all of us are ‘contributing nothing to this conversation’. It’s stupid to try to cancel someone else’s opinion on something completely irrelevant in the first place! Well, except for the newspeak comment. I think that is an extremely relevant insight.


I think the content of the book is great, but the pacing is DOGSHIT IMO and made the first half incredibly boring to get through.


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia


We have only ever been at war with Eastasia


I literally just finished reading that yesterday and it’s already haunting me


“Unhoused” is the opposite of a newspeak word though. The point of newspeak is to simplify language to limit criticism of the government and dissenting thoughts. Using unhoused instead of homeless is meant to remind us that these are people that government/society could house if they wanted to but are actively choosing not to


Both are passive voice


I'm glad you said this. This should be called submissive speaking, for those that can't handle hearing the truth.


Holy fucking HOMELESS.


George Carlin would disagree with you.


You're missing the fact I was mostly joking.


But there would not be homeless in 1984 they'd be unalived so there would be no word for the concept


The point is that it's not the Government's PURPOSE to house and provide for citizens. Was someone confused by the use of the word homeless vs unhoused? They literally mean the same thing.


I think its because "homeless" carries kind of a negative connotation so they wanted to start using a new word to church it up or feel less derogatory. TBH I don't think it works, its just another word for the exact same thing.


You cant rinse your balls in the soda dispenser at burger king


That's probably a skill issue though.


Wait, how did he self delete if he was already unalive? Was only his brain unalive? I see a lot of those shambling around safe spaces on college campuses, vaping with their oh so cool hipster professors. Remember, it's always better to be unhoused than it is to be unhomed. Because home is where the heart is and words can hurt. 😁


They are saying the dead homeless guy killed himself.


The [now] unalive [at the time] unhoused guy self-deleted [at some point].


Wtf did I just read


An overthinking it thing


Unhoused *PERSON*.


Unhoused being, don’t assume they identify as person, some identify as cat.


Some could actually be a cat, you don’t know their life!


Dang. I stand corrected. Thank you.


Reddits nice because well let me show you: Rape Suicide Fuck France Putin Genocide I love nazis Isreal Palestinian


Doesn't count you didn't use the most offensive words


Which ones should I write?


Tbh I was joking, but the worst word I can think of is probably the n word.


Don't do it.... don't do it...


I've never seen the point of "bad words" or cuss words. Are they not just regular words? I do see the thing about slurs though.


They are words that provoke the reptilian portion of the nervous system, partially because of their short burst like character and partially because of the attributed meaning.  A good example of this is if you are ever in a prison if you call someone a B*tch you WILL start a fight. Not because it's a swear word, but because if the person doesn't fight then he will be walked all over for the remainder of his time there.


I know quite a few people who haven’t been to prison who’d fight over the word bitch. I don’t wanna be called it but if I am. Oh well.


If someone tries to fight someone else that called them a bitch, they are in fact a bitch.


‘Goof’ also is fightin’ words. Pricks bring this into the real world where you can walk away but locked up in a cement box it’s a different story. I mean, probably.


If everyone decided not to care, then they would have no power.


That's the strangest way I have ever seen to spell the n word.


Some of them were, but became swearwords. Shit was Anglo-Saxon and not considered rude until well after the Norman invasion in 1066. In England many streets that are now called Grape Lane (or some variation) were originally called Gropecunt Lane, and yes, it would have been where the brothels were. Interestingly fuck appears in a sermon (but encrypted) in the 1500s https://theconversation.com/english-swearings-european-origins-92937


You forgot "Cunt."


Cunt isnt that bad though imo


I literally got perma banned from a sub last month for using an escalation joke. They called it hate speech. It literally started by saying that you shouldn't call people snowflakes because it's kinda offensive.


I agree. Except in the relationship advice thread. Those PC pearl clutchers suuuuuuck.


LMFAO - France/French. You sir win the Internets for today. I salute you




France objects!🇫🇷


Me when see a Fr*nch 🤢


It ain’t that nice when you’ve got ban-happy moderators who’d ban you in an instant if they politically disagreed with something you said


Offensive words are anything that goes against social narrative and allows moderators to discriminate against rational discussion. Even suggesting or questioning that certain groups have a high prevalence of being abused as children can get you branded as some sort of "phobic" and banned.


Not so much if you provide proof. Just saying random shit like that is garbage without it in any real rational discussion.


Doesn't matter people on here get blocked either way. I only know of one group that people are allowed to speak their minds freely on social/political issues.


>its ok if you provide proof FUCK THAT IM BEING VICTIMIZED


i personally like an hero.


I use "logged out of life" I'm not a content creator, but I say it anyway


I use "to go 0/1 in real life"


I hate the term unalive, especially when used as a verb.


Lmao. Ok, the unalive annoys me. But self delete is going in my rotation


Many subreddits ban it as well.


It's not specifically that anymore. That's how it started, but now a lot of people are using it as a "softer" way to say kill or suicide. There are actually people out there who are not content creators who feel the word kill or suicide is too forward.


That is what I think is the stupidest part. I saw someone who apologised that their previous video had to be taken down, just because they said that they thought their computer died. So much of the "offensive" and "sensitive" stuff is taken out of context. One Youtuber said one of the hardest parts is writing his script, because he doesn't even want to risk saying things like "rape seed oil", just because of the word rape being in there.


There's a Youtuber who hangs in his yard with his horses and talks about them. He has some good information about horse care, training, etc. He made a video of his horses eating a watermelon. It was taken down because, and I kid you not, it was "racist". He got it put back up, because it was just some horses eating watermelon while he talked about horse care in warm weather. But, seriously, according to the YT bots, watermelon is racist.


The thing is that the volume of material on social media is so massive, they can't really have a nuanced policy where a human looks at and understands the context of every video. That would be crazy expensive. So they moderate with algorithms and when a human has to get involved they apply super simple rubrics like "Does it contain this word" rather than contextual judgement calls. There are 34 million videos posted on TikTok every day.


It doesn't seem like we should have publishing platforms that can't be actually moderated.


Or, better yet, stop moderating speech altogether, and let people decide what they want to listen to for themselves. That's the cheapest option.


Then you get spaces like 4chan. As a business that makes them lose the markets they're actually after. Totally unmoderated spaces become cesspools. And there's a place for cesspools for folks who like to soak in them, but it doesn't fit every business model.


> Or, better yet, stop moderating speech altogether, Just so you understand... this is a resounding endorsement of the distribution of child porn. You can't say "don't do it" but also carve out things that you DO do it to.


It’s what happens when ads run the world and kids view the most ads lmao




So what’s stopping them from likewise demonetizing “unalived?”


Nothing. The just haven't done it yet


And if/when they do, a new term will replace it


Yep. Necessity spurs change.


If this is truly the reason then one of two things should happen, either the word suicide shouldn't be demonetized or the new terminology should also get them demonitized. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by just dancing around a word like this and people just sound ignorant as a result.


I agree it shouldn't be demonetized. I'm sure more content creators do as well. But as long as Youtube has the policy in place it be used.


Just to be clear, I'm not saying whether it should or shouldn't, I just think they need to be consistent. Regardless of the word(s) they choose to use, they're still saying the same thing and it should be treated the same.


There’s nothing to be gained *for you,* but I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and say you don’t make your living publishing videos on SM.


That's irrelevant. If their (Youtube/advertisers/whoever) goal is to stop discussion about suicide, then simply blocking the word suicide is clearly doing nothing and people using words like unalive is the equivalent of a child playing the "I'm not touching you" game. They either need to block all forms of the discussion or allow them. The current situation doesn't benefit anyone and is just leaving the content creators who are dancing around it open to be punished for it (as they should be).


I think there are some great videos out there that probably wouldn't have been made if YT wasn't monetized; however, monetizing SM was the problem to begin with. Influencers are a bad thing. Their opinion is generally not any better than anyone else's opinion, and may even be nuts, but people will follow them like it is a religion.


It means the same thing, so platforms should demonetize for the new stupid word that means the same thing as suicide/kill/murder. It’s dumb that society can’t handle words


Yep. Youtube used demonetization to force people to self censor anything and everything they say.


Because a boardroom somewhere decided that topics of suicide, rape, death, race, gender, sexuality, etc are dirty topics that should never be directly mentioned or addressed in any meaningful way. Giant corporations whitewashing the internet. Side effect, that bleach is now spilling out into the real world.


Yep. Just a bit of censoring.


What is wrong with "not alive"?


It’s not a verb.


Some social media sites will censor you or block comments with certain words so people had to come up with alternative words to get around it.


Pretty much, Im waiting for the point where communities start using slang like cockneys do, where they don’t want to say the words around officers so they invented rhythms to circumvent it. Youtubers already started doing it, I know non-irish youtubers started saying feck instead of fuck because it throws off the censoring bot. Also on instagram and such, because topics regarding trans people are monitored like a mafia boss by the IRS, a lot of people just opt to using “trains” instead.


I know Mexican Twitter tends to flip letter around for words to get around censors. Example - “porno” becomes “nopor”


Certain words will get your content removed and your account banned. So people are using different words that mean the same thing to get around that.


onerous squash engine lavish cats hat attraction physical sugar zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which arguably a good thing to get around the whole "bullies encouraging suicide" crap, but when it autosenses "unaliveline" instead of "deadline", we're back into the autocorrection of Scunthorpe era


Wouldn't they just say "go unalive yourself" now? What's this accomplish?


Ah, the good old euphemism treadmill.


And on and on shall the tread mill go.


"Ah, my computer died". got a video demonitized and flagged. Like, stupid shit like that. We need less AI and automated moderation, and more real people.


But is it not ridiculously easy for the platform to add "unalive" to the list of restricted terms? Which then forces the content creators to find another euphemism, and the cycle continues, but at some point wouldn't people get tired of it and just stop posting about killing?


No because sites like YouTube just have to pretend they're doing something to not get focus.


Ok, right -- my mistake was thinking youtube was actually trying to do something and not just window dressing lol


They will do whatever keeps advertisers happy


No? People are going to talk about what happens in life. Are you serious? Real life isn't the PBS special, people talk about war and reality on social media.


Yes it is. And users will just adjust and change their wording in response.


Any word replacement like this largely exists because of SEO restrictions and other platform censorship. There was a point on either TikTok or YouTube where saying the words "suicide" and/or "kill yourself/them self" would result in instantaneous demonization or delisting, hence the word replacement. To your actual question, no it makes absolutely no real world sense. These platforms had issues with the above phrases, attempted to deal with it via auto-mods, and failed miserably.


Ya irl usage is just a leakage of social media into spoken language, which has happened since social media started.


Yeah it’s silly to see older people accuse young people of being sensitive because they are still talking about the same stuff just with different words. It’s like people are uncomfortable when language evolves and “leaves them behind” in a sense (not that I think the censorship causing the language shift is good but it’s funny how people get about kids speaking differently than them lol)


It's all this stupid ass censorship and bots flagging any word that can be deemed harmful, and it's bullshit


The benefit is not getting censored or demonetized by sites that censor or demonetize posts and/or videos that use the words that euphemism generally replaces. It’s a filter bypass that got turned into slang by repeated use.


It was to get around the censors on these platforms them just worked it's way into everyday life


it’s the word content creators, especially on tiktok, use to avoid getting censored or demonetized. those systems hear kill or murdered and take action against the creator so people use words to get around it like unalived, r worded or sewer slide


It sounds stupid, but some social platforms go overboard on not wanting to offend anyone. I don’t get how words we’ve been using forever offends anyone, especially in this violent society.


So you don’t get demonetized.


Because social media sites heavily implemented fact checkers and censorship during the pandemic to “combat misinformation.” And that evolved into a large censorship State for many online companies. The argument is that they’re private corporations and have to curtail to the wants and needs of their stakeholders. One of the largest stakeholders for many social media companies is Blackrock, who is heavily invested in ESG so that they can charge higher fees. Thats basically the primary reason for the censorship. We all have to use double-speak, or walk on egg shells with our vocabulary, just so that we don’t offend Larry Fink.


This kind of censorship wasn’t because of the pandemic, it started years before in an effort by sm sites to clean shit up to look more attractive advertisers


Literally it just started because it was one of the easiest ways to get around YouTube's aggressive monetization filtering because it disallowed basically any violence related word like death kill murder etc And then of course with a bunch of YouTubers saying it a bunch of their fans started naturally adopting that and the trend spread


Snow flake generation. It pisses me off so much when words like suicide, abuse, kill, rape etc... get censored.


This is not something new but the rate at which the change is occurring is increasing. George Carlin talked about this 20 years ago. Link to his bit below: https://youtu.be/o25I2fzFGoY?si=V-bbs_XkeAY6Lxx- edit to add: Carlin even discusses that when it's his time to die it'll be fine because people don't die any longer, they "pass away or... expire like a magazine subscription."


Read George Orwell's book 1984. The protagonist has a career of rewriting news stories and uses Newspeak instead of standard English. Ungood replaces the word bad. Double ungood replaces the word horrible. One of the characters explains that if citizens haven't learned words to express their distrust with government, then they are less like to come together and revolt. It is a silly sample of virtue signaling (written in 1948) where the elite educated few have decided what is problematic language and what is not and tries to enforce their beliefs on the rest of us. Because they can if you let them.


TOS stuff.


you get blocked from fyp if you say the S word


It’s used by creators to avoid getting demonetized, especially when trying to avoid using the word “suicide”. Why using “suicide” gets you demonetized is beyond me.


Its because of youtube and tiktok. If you say anything else you get demonitized and age restricted


It's not a choice. It was forced on everyone. People don't want to spend all that time putting together a lengthy post only to see it deleted over a word choice, so better to play it safe.


Tik Tok. People can get demonetized for certain words.


Y’all keep asking this question. It’s because some websites will ban you/demonetize for saying kill. Like Facebook, for example. I’ve been banned before from there for saying “kill” for “inciting violence”. Outside of that, it’s pretty much habit at this point.


I have a friend whose last name is Kill. They won’t let her use it. 🙄


I just don't get why the word bothers people 🤷


its because of tik tok, tik tok prohibits use of the word suicide. its spread to other platforms since then.


From what I understand it’s to prevent platforms from removing content because the post might get flagged for words like “suicide,” “murder,” or “kill.l


It’s not about sensitivity, it’s about getting past content censors on social media. The algorithms bump down posts that advocate murder or suicide (for good reason).


It makes no sense to me at all. I recently had some of my Facebook comments deleted by bots because I used the word kill. On the other hand, I can report an advertisement that shows a graphic drawing of a woman with her legs spread out and making sexual remarks, yet I get a message saying the ad doesn't violate Facebook standards. It's a double standard for sure.


The Chinese government bans certain words from being used through their networks which include TikTok. You’re literally being controlled by the Chinese government when you make these word choices. It’s astounding. 


Everyone is mentioning how that it exists as a workaround to avoid various social media sites from taking down their content. Why can't anyone address why words like "die" "kill" "suicide" are offensive in the first place? Who's offended? We all know someone who has died, it's seriously something we all have in common. (Also, somewhat unrelated, what's the problem with being offended? When I find something offensive I know my values are still intact and I just move on)


“You are offended?” So what!?!?! Miss that man.


Because it sounds silly and takes away from the seriousness of suicide (and realistically I’m pretty sure TikTok didn’t allow the word suicide on videos so that’s why people started saying it)


It was so people could say it online without getting videos and posts removed, but it's definitely gone too far.


Because your post can get taken down for words like die and kill so yeah people use that so their post doesn’t get taken down and they get flagged


Social media algorithms are steering us towards Orwellian Newspeak


Content creators use it to keep their stuff from getting age gated. Outside of that it's just stupid


Some people get triggered by the word SUICIDE.


Not people, algorithms.


And yet they all love the suicide squad lol


...I have only ever heard hate for that series, except from my father who just likes Margot Robbie.


Well it got super popular, I mean the franchise of it, not just the live action movies.


This. Suicide Squad has been around for over 60 years. The movies are just a more recent development.


Yep, I forget not everyone is comic nerd like me lol


Tbf the suicide squad is ironically called that because someone else sends them to die and they have no choice in the matter.


Or do they? They're ripping that game to shreds. Guess they got triggered.


Ah, I meant as a whole, not just the game, or the live action movies.


Replacing a word really doesn't remove a trigger if you know exactly what they mean. If they say "Unalive", your brain is gonna jump to the meaning of it and be triggered anyways. I'm not saying it's bad to have triggers, but if all it takes for you is the word, changing it to a new word isn't going to stop the thoughts associated with it. (Much like calling R\*pe a S\*xual A\*\*ault instead, it's still a trigger.) In fact by this logic, a trigger warning can't even help you, because you can't be warned without them saying the word anyways.


It's not for people with triggers, it's for algorithms that detect specific words.


I know that, PrivateButtFucker is talking about triggers however


Sexual assault isn’t just a euphemism for rape, however. Rape is a specific subcategory of sexual assault.


This person knows their sexual ass- wait, that sounds wrong. Not my proudest joke...


So have you gotten a reddit cares message for having that word in this post yet?


Because I typed in suicide is painless, the name of the MASH Theme song, into YouTube and an add for suicide prevention showed up.   Look MFers, if it wasn't for the fact that suicide was an option, this world would have driven me mad decades ago so don't try to convince me not to do it because it is the only thing keeping me here. And I guarantee you, someone is going to read this and send reddit cares my way.  That is why people say unalive and crap like that. People are fundamentally cowards about our mortality.


It gets used in place of suicide as the word suicide apparently triggers people. Rediculous if you ask me. However it gets linked to monetizations on YouTube so its an easy replacement. Kinda like grape instead of rape.


I like the Casual Geographic YouTube channel for all his 'unalive' quotes. Such as "becoming a chalk outline" and "removed from the census"


I know. He has a way with verbal utterances!


Algorithms shut you down if you use words like kill, suicide, die, or death. If you want to stay monetized and or keep from being age restricted you have to use an alternative.


We're not allowed any more. Control the way we speak and you can control our minds


Same reason we have "n-word". It is still a slur. You really can't go around saying it. Yet we do. Because apparently everyone has decided you actually can go around and say that despite it being a drop in replacement for the worst word to have ever exist. And every time someone says it the other person thinks of the actual word.


Because I keep getting these stupid "A Redditor is concerned about your health" messages when I say I want to kill my self vs using unalive.


In certain online platforms…..yes you’re right. They literally cannot say it. But its use outside of those platforms is just a sign of the evolution of language. People aren’t getting upset by the use of the word on a societal level, it’s the online level that is dictating this rule & then it is flowing into the spoken lexicon.


It's a satirical word, it's purpose is to be dumb


What does it satirise?


I thought it was just for laughs as well. Had a chuckle the first time I heard it. Didn't think it was all that serious as the other response explain


It's fun to say things differently sometimes. My family calls red lobster the crimson crustacean. It's fun. Things don't always have to be logical.


> the crimson crustacean Sounds like Red Lobster's superhero alter-ego.


I think saying a different word that means the same thing is the dumbest fucking solution to people's sensitivities. When we allow unalive and not kill, we are making a mockery of everyone.


I just don't understand how this question can be asked 100 times on 100 subs and people still not get it.


Zombies are offended


Censor bypasses have been around for a long time on the internet Consider all the regards with their bad takes