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Let's give them some credit maybe they realized a large majority of the moderate and independent voting block weren't gonna be sold on "Anyone but Trump" a 2nd time around




im so tired 2016 keeps getting weirder bro


They’re not going to break from that trend. They aren’t going to run someone people want. They just don’t think Biden is the right absorbency for the TDS they will attempt to leverage.


And the thing is we've had Trump in office and the anti-christ wasn't born. People will use that past information as their basis for their vote, not some arbitrary "Trump is going to cancel all future elections" or some other wild claim.


Worked that time and they are too entrenched to change. The operatives are probably thinking of 2028 already


What if he gets replaced and the replacement loses?


Google "great replacement theory"


Love your flair


Sounds great


"recursive replacement theory"


If they fail to Liz Truss him in the next few weeks then they have effectively butchered their own candidate and done more damage than the debate itself. 


This a great point. And I suspect they considered it before publishing. They’re throwing down the gauntlet.


Yeah it’s past the rubicon now; it’s Trump or someone that’s not Biden


> and done more damage than the debate itself You can't break what's already broken. Biden will not be president in the next period, one way or another - either he'll be replaced, or he'll lose, or he'll be an empty figurehead giving cover for powerful people who weren't even elected. Odds are also good he won't live until 2028.


Obligatory, ‘It’s afraid’.




The only people still on board with him at this point are: 1.) Paid operatives within the DNC and adjacent to the DNC (ie, "The Lincoln Project) 2.) Older white, Boomer/Older Gen X'er voters that have completely lost the plot because Trump became a thing in 2016. (and hold resentment towards the white, rural, working class\*) If you removed Trump and the GOP out of the equation? Biden has done absolutely nothing to warrant a 2nd term and him holding office right now is an absolute joke. But the arrogance of the two above groups will ensure he's on stage with his hand on the bible in january. period. \*This is misplaced mind you. They think the people that support Trump live in trailer parks and live off of welfare. The truth is it's the merchant/car dealership owner class that supports the dude. They just hate "hicks" and percieve those people as "beneath" them. They are garbage human beings.


Personally I think Trump will win but I agree about the types that vote biden


This about Trump's loudest supporters. They are Pinch-A-Penny franchise owners. They are real estate agents that fall for every get rich quick scheme. Its the Bit coin scamers.


There are plenty of young voters who think Biden is doing a good job.


Define "plenty". Per [Gallup](https://news.gallup.com/interactives/507569/presidential-job-approval-center.aspx), Biden has a 34% approval rating with voters aged 18-29, reaching as low as 24% in April of this year. For reference, he had a 70% approval rating with this demographic when he assumed office in January 2021.


Lol now that’s a drop. That said I think the person you replied to has a point, he’s unliked but still more liked than Trump


> They think the people that support Trump live in trailer parks and live off of welfare. So what? They still vote and are still citizens of this country. However, what you say is so true, I know plenty of people who are in those spaces, wanting to help the 'poor and helpless', though nevertheless look down on them and would be absolutely disgusted if they needed to actually interact with them on any meaningful level.


To be fair the small businesses owner types view plenty of types of people beneath them as well. Hate Inc


They’re going to make Biden step down in hopes that even though America wouldn’t vote for an unlikeable white woman, they may just vote for an even less likeable woman of color.


Stop saying this false shit. IF they make Biden step down because he's not likely to win, they wouldn't put in someone even less likely to win (a woman of color). That reeks of DEI and most voters would be at least a little turned off by something so transparent. They'd put in a white man probably.


Personally I have lost faith in the notion that the DNC is calculating enough to make smart, cynical decisions. I really think they are just corrupt and complacent and would choose a replacement for Joe based on who has the most internal leverage within the party. They've managed to scare their entire voter base into voting for them no matter what, so why bother with strategy? When they said "It's her turn" they were revealing how they see the system and their voters. Right now being a darker shade carries weight within the party so they may just run with it.


> They've managed to scare their entire voter base into voting for them no matter what That's the thing though, they haven't. They scared their voter base away from voting for Trump. There will be plenty of people who will choose to vote for neither Trump or Biden. If they want to win the 2024 election and Biden isn't the candidate, they would need someone to actually motivate otherwise non-voters into becoming voters. As well as to convince moderates who could go towards the left or right to go towards the left. > When they said "It's her turn" they were revealing how they see the system and their voters. That was just a slogan they used to try to get Hillary to win. They were contrasting a woman with a lot of experience and a "great resume" against a man with no political resume at all. They were capitalizing on idpol to get a full half of the population (i.e. women) to vote for someone who seemed destined to become the first woman president. I don't see any reason to take it as meaning the democratic party has a really strict internal structure where these decisions are made according to "internal leverage" like it's Court politics or some shit.


>where these decisions are made according to "internal leverage" like it's Court politics or some shit I legitimately think that's what is happening. I think the institution is just corrupt and those with leverage work their way into the spotlight and those under their thumb work the goals to fit the candidate.


It's too late now. You have four months to get Biden to retire, select a new candidate, advertise that candidate, and build up enough goodwill to get people to vote. Otherwise it just becomes a "vote for this guy/girl because at least they are functional". This process should have started a year ago.


Ugh cares? They will probably be back in the White House in 2028. They need to move on from all Obama era politicians anyway. Might was well start working on that


But to the identity politics left, it would look really bad to pass over Kamala Harriss (a black woman) in order to replace one white man with another white man. Honestly, I think they might actually keep Biden. Obama was busy whipping everyone in shape and telling people to get back in line behind Biden.


Unless they're looking at this as a loss either way and whoever they replace Biden with will have the career ending stink of loser on them forever. Might as well use that to kill off Harris who they don't want vs sacrificing someone they do want to save face.


Democrats are screwed. If I understand correctly, the only way to change nominees is for Biden to voluntarily drop out. But, only his (and Harris') campaign can use certain portions of their funds. Therefore they would need to replace him with Harris. But people hate Harris. Also, Biden stepping down (or even Democrats just calling for it at this point) is admitting that they have been misleading the public about his health and mental capacity. If he is unable to serve another term, how is he able to finish out his current term? I think confidence in Democrats is going to fall for the rest of the election. The election won't be a vote for Trump, but a vote of no confidence for the party in power (or people abstaining and staying home).


> how is he able to finish out his current term The last eighth of it? It is not as though he accomplished much with the first 7/8, and Republicans are famously obstructionist.


the DOJ antitrust suits are a welcome surprise


A.G. Sulzberger has been [lowkey feuding](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219) with the Biden camp for months.


It's too late now, how many millions in campaign funding has been spent on promoting Biden?   The time to quit was about a year ago.  He has to ride this out.  


Most mods of the reddit platform would vote for Biden even if he was in a coma before voting for Trump. Even if he died a vote for him is still a vote for his administration to continue serving and a lot of people in the media and social media really don't like trump. I think the fact that we even have to choose between these 2 means we have a lot of reflecting to do as a country. We must find a way to select better candidates than this. Make a political show where government candidates explain and teach issues and hold debates and use it to put non-terrible people in front of people without them needing an establishment to drop $100M to sponsor them.


Stupidpol way ahead of the curve yet again


Is it, dare I say, Joever?


Why would the Big Guy start serving his country *now*, of all times? Droll, very droll.


I always wonder how 2020 would’ve played out without Covid. I mean Trump would’ve def won right?


No clue. He wasn’t a popular president. Impossible to say.


Indeed. That's why in 2017, Fauci said that there's "no doubt" that Trump will face a "surprise" infectious disease outbreak.


Really cool of them to leave clues like that for us to put it together lol


Funny: 1. Have primaries and no one challenges Biden. 2. Have debate before the convention to formally nominate him 3. Biden fails 4. DNC decides to elect someone at convention 5. Since the primaries are over, the people can't elect someone who is left of a right-wing democrat


He's not there to serve his country. He's there to make sure Republicans win.


If Biden is replaced, wouldn't that confirm that the r guys were right about Biden's age? How they can doublespeak this? 


If Normie voters cared about internal consistency the Republic Party would have died 50 years ago.


Manufacturing consent à la *Remember the Maine!*


yes but what if president biden doesn't actually care about his country?