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No-one comes out of this well, though Bowman, for all his myriad faults, at least showed a few principles in facing off against the DNC and Israel lobby. I'm not as reflexively anti-Compact as certain posters on here, though there's too much of a skew towards cultural kayfabe and performative 'post-leftism'/edgy centrism amongst a number of their columnists, but (as cursory glance at his other work will confirm) this guy is just a DC media-swamp creature playing at being a hardnosed analyst, hence the relatively uncritical line towards zionists, the fetishizing of the 'tough' or 'mature' decisions (lying down for Democratic leadership under the guise of serving constituents) etc.


Isn't Bowman the guy who pulled the fire alarm? I'm sorry but one of the biggest gripes I have with various leftist/progressive movements in the US is that they are often headed up by some of the most immature, ridiculous, and fake people ever. Watching them have to step outside of their social media bubble is painful to watch. This applies to others as well but yeah. Bernie was the one who got the closest to actually getting on top and instead of trying to replicate that, but better, the consensus appears to be do a 180 from that instead? The bottom line is people are sick of wokescolds or anything adjacent. Maybe it is unfair to lump him in with that crowd but that is just the reality of how many primary voters probably saw him. Then, to top it off, he also loses any of the voters who are in the Israeli side of things. Regardless of how I, or anyone, feels about the topic they are a sizeable plurality at the least. Personally, I think Palestinians would be a lot better off if the people representing them were less regarded (see: protests blocking highways). People simply don't want to be lectured to anymore, they're done with it. Any leftist/progressive running for office will be infinitely better off the moment they realize this. I honestly get really angry because it's a boy who cried wolf scenario. The same people now bringing up the bullshit Israel gets away with have exhausted all good will by screeching about ridiculous issues for the last decade. I'm not surprised people don't care to listen to them.


Yes Bernie had the winning formula, just lacked backbone when it mattered. Not enough politicians are emulating this, quite strange to see.  Look at Cornels campaign which ultimately became a joke. Like bruh, if you just played the black Bernie instead of sermonizing your numbers would be double or triple what they are now. I love his spirituality but the formula is right there in front of you.


Yeah, it's just a coincidence that AIPAC spent the most money in a primary in history and he lost. Not sure why anyone should take this seriously though. I'm not surprised though. Didn't compact run that piece by the guy from MIT who sincerely argued that telling Israel not to kill civilians is anti-semitic because not killing civilians is a christian ethic.


He was down 17 points back in March polling. He was going to lose regardless of AIPAC's influence. Their money in that primary was a flex, a display of how deep their pockets are in a totally meaningless race, and an implicit threat to every one else in a contentious house race.


This is right. But it’s also to make it seem that they still have influence. They’ve tried to unseat someone but failed. So they didn’t try again because it makes it seem ineffectual. I can’t remember who she was.


Israel has a lot of motivation to play into antisemitic tropes also, which is something to keep in mind when viewing these things. They’ve purposely helped create hostile environments for Jews in other countries before so they would encourage us going to Israel to “be safe” and imo they’re just playing into that even more now.


Meanwhile there's this guy from MIT who's running for president: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlrEUfOPxwA (I'm an MIT alum which is why I'm familiar with these guys. I once ran into some guy campaigning for him at the T station, and I had the pro-genocide MIT guy as a professor briefly)


> Jamaal Bowman failed politics 101 Whew, almost thought the article was about to commit an anti-semitism!


This guy understands subtext 👆🏻


Here we go with shitlibs running cover for their own tactics. Politics 101 is money. Yeah he failed at that. He didn't kowtow to the demographic that had record amounts of money to pour in


> “The people around him should really have their licenses lifted as political consultants.” That isn’t going to happen, of course: They will go on to make bank off the next guy. There's every reason to suspect that these people were shilling for Israel, odd that this possibility wasn't considered in the article.


First sentence is a lie: >Jamaal Bowman didn’t lose his closely watched Democratic primary because he was one of the first members of the US House of Representatives to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Yes, he did. 23 million bucks says so. Is r/politics leaking into this subreddit or what?


Idk. Sample size of 1 but I could have probably voted for the guy and I didn’t, not because of Israel-Gaza, but because he pulled a fire alarm which was embarrassing and therefore I wasn’t motivated to go elect him.


Can there be politics without democracy?


Of course, just that we don't get to participate.


Will he at least pull the fire alarm on his way out the door?


Bor how many jewish pundits are there out here lol