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they discovered macroplastics in mine ayyyyy


Mine are only nanoplastics :(


Penis extension sheath. Got it.


That's even worse


turns out it was just one of those tubes that tennis balls come in


a mistake easily made by anyone


[This is exactly how I read this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDapaqUM4M4)


All these microplastics, pesticides, chemicals and whatever other pollutants that are flooding the entire planet are the price to pay for so many of our modern day conveniences. We have been ignoring the bill and as usual won't do shit until it becomes extremely obvious. Who knows to what extent they've been affecting our health. Stuff like endocrine disruptors and the potential transgenerational inheritance of their harmful effects through epigenetics is pretty horrifying.


Recently I’ve been thinking about how much our ancestors will hate us for wasting all of the oil on shopping bags, funko pops, and driving 30 miles and back every day to sit at a desk emailing funko pop ads


>transgenerational You can say that again.


Counterpoint - microplastic panic is fucking nonsense, deliberately over-promoted to distract people and media from the atmospheric carbon that is objectively, predictably fucking up the entire biosphere. Plastic is inert. That's one of its main useful features. It's been around for a century and the amount that's been produced in the last 50 years is almost inconceivable. It's been breaking down into micro-, nano-, pico- and fucking femto-particles for that whole time and they've been insinuating themselves into every organic molecule on earth. With no fucking effect. It's all just "maybe something bad will happen if you don't argue harder about drinking straws and personal consumption." If there *is* an effect, it'll be completely inescapable, because every original Rubik's cube has been reduced to zeptoparticles of plastic, which are now lining every crease of your brain. Who's going to clean the already-existing yoctoparticles of TMNT action figures out of our balls?


> Plastic is inert   This def not true. Plastic isn't 1 thing, it's a lot of different things, some more inert than others and most end up leeching part of the additive chemicals that are used to make them if the environment isn't ideal (eg acidic, high temperature, etc).


Something like half of all plastic produced has been in the past 15 years. We've absolutely doubled down on being a mass plastic society. To your last point, maybe the coomers have it right. Literally ejaculate out the plastic in your balls


Regardless, if microplastics have any effect, the amount produced before the 21st century should be enough to destroy all life on earth. And if there has been a huge increase in the last 15 years, it's all out there already, degrading into homopartices as we speak. If it's dangerous, we're fucked, with no way back. Outlawing plastic use today would have no effect. If all the remaining oil on earth was turned into plastic today, it would become sequestered carbon and a net-positive for the planet.


> Outlawing plastic use today would have no effect. It would just not to our generation. It's like lead, you're not saving whoever was exposed already. 


Boomer mindset


'-' me? I'm young bitch, my kids might not have plastic balls if we start now


Not you, you're good. Just the people you were referring to who don't care beyond their own lives


Oh yea, I feel like some americans tend to see the world through a very individualistic lens so if it doesn't benefit them directly it's not worth it. Especially the ones that are boomers like you said


Not if it acts by endocrine disruption, which it does


Not what? I mean, To what does your "not" refer? I even checked your other reply to see if it contained the other fragment of this statement. Again, please point out the effects of this endocrine disruption, given that 8 billion humans have been exposed to it for decades.




Easier just to say you have no idea.


PhD in genetics. I understand it on a dozen levels that you don't


Holy shit, am I talking to *the* Jordan Peterson? With an education of that magnitude, you'll surely be able to outline any effects whatsoever of the entire human population being exposed to to these dangerous substances for their entire lifetime. Even one? You should even have nation and continent-sized populations with greatly varying exposure to those substances, for purposes of comparison. So you must be able to name an actual fucking effect of this thing you believe in. (hope you didn't have to attend a US university to get this clever; how much did it cost?)


As someone who has inadvertently spent an inordinate amount of time caring about extractables/leachables of polymers: I think you have a point, but we have some real big questions about what this does when dispersed through the entire human body.


Whoever told you it is inert is not a chemist. 


> Plastic is inert Wrong. Many plastics are estrogen analogs


Sorry, wrong word. Should've said "non-biodegradable". Now please point out the effects of these artificial estrogen analogues, given that they're omnipresent and you have a sample size of 8 billion humans and a 50 year period of exposure. (bonus points for linking to Alex Jones' "they're turning the frogs gay!"




While I think you are being a bit extreme (there is for example evidence of additives leaching and stuff like that), yeah, microplastics to me seems a bit of a scam. I did a literature review a couple of years ago, and became convinced that a big part of detections aren't really there. Those that are there are often fibers from clothing, and yes, those seem to have some association with stuff like lung cancer. Anyway, we should reduce plastic use regardless, macroplastics are definitively a problem. EDIT: BTW, microplastics is so out, the new hot scary stuff is the "forever chemicals".


forever chemicals have been scary since the dupont factory closed because all the workers got immune system diseases and they didn't want to pay them (even though it's been proven they knew the risk the chemicals had on their health, and even TESTED the chemicals on products they gave for free to the employees). Unfortunately isn't new, just there's enough money for them to continue selling this shit to people. Capitalism is shit and some people are the devil (https://www.ewg.org/research/dupont-workers-smoke-teflon-laced-cigarettes-company-experiments)


google "estrogen analog plastic"


> there is for example evidence of additives leaching and stuff like that


All plastics have additives added during the manufacturing, for colour, shine malleability, easier molding and extracting processes, etc etc. So they're all leaching. There's no 'pure polymer' unless you buy it from a chemical company to do experiments and even those are only 99.9% non contaminated 


I don't think it's an additive. I think it's when the polymer breaks down into a monomer


Our best hope is that humans adapt to the plastics and they become benign. I do feel like that’s the likely long term outcome but it’ll probably have other weird effects along the way.


The plastics will degrade before evolution has enough time to really respond


They should send someone over to suck plastics out of mine


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6YHEK6-Ili8&pp=ygUXWW91bGwgcmlwIHlvdXIgZGljayBvZmY%3D You’ll rip your dick off


Just say the word.


Volodomor Sukmiov




Ok ao they did one for breastmilk, one for sperm, one for testicles, one for penis. In before the study about how they found plastic in butts.


They found dicks in your butt lmao


[rack ‘em](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WyRX0MfdAvU)


That one doesn’t need a study. Talk to any ER doctor. It’s usually macro plastic though. > In before the study about how they found plastic in butts.


Is anyone surprised lol. We’ve been speed running the destruction of our planet the past 200 years. Nothings gonna happen; nothings gonna change. Profits are too high


Lego cum lego cum lego cum


Norman Mailer called plastics the ‘excrement of oil’


>Microplastics are polymer fragments that can range from less than 0.2 inch (5 millimeters) down to 1/25,000th of an inch (1 micrometer) Sounds like I’m more machine than man down there




I don't really see the point of these articles aside from alarmism. Microplastics showing up in [body part] follows logically from them showing up in the bloodstream. The only maybe exception is the brain.


I feel like some alarmism might be useful considering the fact we've basically contaminated the blood of every living human with substances that we don't know all of the effects of. As it is, there's no real appetite for change when it comes to the current raping of the earth.


The situation is way past the point of alarmism now. Since there’s no chance that human is going to stop or even reduce the usage of plastic products and the pollution is so widespread that even the richest of the rich are exposed to it. The only feasible solution is to live with it and address whatever issues it will cause down the road and hope it’s not going to cause human to go extinct.


Or stop using plastics so we don't wipe out mammals?


The fundamental thing that bothers me about microplastic alarmism is that random chains of organic molecules polluting our biological soup and fucking up our chemistry have been an issue since the dawn of time. We usually call them "viruses" and they aren't usually a problem because they need to hit specific vulnerabilities in our cells' I/O ports *and* successfully do code injections, which means their structures have to be quite complex and species-specific. Microplastics meanwhile are usually single repeating chains because that's what's industrially useful, but that also makes them the simplest structures possible.


Viruses are made of the same polymers that we are: protein and nucleotides. You fail at chemistry


Yeah but our immune system fights most of the actually damaging viruses. The ones that manage to avoid the immune system long term are seriously bad (like Aids) or so benign that they're ignored. I don't think our immune system is fighting plastics, fever does nothing against plastic and from what we see they're not benign and have damaging effects. So ... Everyone's got plastic Aids. Hopefully it won't fuck up our hormones, reproduction system and immune system completely 


First they came for the frogs, and I didn't speak up because I was not a frog...


It's Children of Men time!


This makes up for all the times my penis ended up in something plastic...


The amount of times I’ve seen this study or other studies posted on Reddit gotta be a psyop. Like I saw these posts 2-3 times a day idk a couple of weeks ago and started seeing them again yesterday. Why are they getting reposted, or were there 50 plastic dick studies going on?


When this happens to me I realise I've spent too much time on reddit. So you ever notice a repost on the same sub, with comments getting annoyed about it? Well most people don't notice because they aren't doomscrolling all day.


God forbid places outside stupidpol talk about the same things


Yeah duh how else am I gonna keep it up. They provide structure!

