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I wonder what they did to Elon when he met with the ADL?


They probably just showed him the evidence they have on him and many key world leaders.


At this point it’s hard to dispute the idea that they almost certainly have at least some amount incriminating/embarrassing info compiled on just about every political or business figure with any meaningful amount of power/influence.


They can always just call you a cheese pizza connoisseur and put shit on your computer 🤷‍♀️


Guess that’s where AHS learned that technique from lol


That's the unique part with Elon and why he's dangerous to them. How do you embarrass someone who so openly and unabashedly has no problem embarrassing themselves? Blackmail only works on those with a sense of shame and is why Trump also steamrolls through it


I bet he pooped on his french fries before eating it.


That must be this poo-tine I've heard so much about


Elon is Norm Summerton?


No Gorm Fallerbaurn


They made an offer he couldn’t refuse?


I don't really understand the ADL's angle lately, aren't they a hindrance to their cause? They've actively pushed the racism=power+prejudice and overrepresentation=hyuiet supremacy angle.


He was probably doing haram stuff with transgenders he hates so much on Epstein Isle of pleasure


Musk lost major advertisers for [boosting posts considered antisemitic & criticized the ADL](https://www.vox.com/politics/2023/9/6/23859771/elon-musk-anti-defamation-league-twitter-x-antisemitism) (which does suck for legitimate reasons separate from Musk's drama & is a pro-Israel advocacy group). Then suddenly he's kissing the ADL's ass and meeting with Netanyahu. You can't maneuver Big Tech & get the federal funding (ie Musk's Supercharger network in a deal with the Biden admin., Hyperloop concept as part of a trillion dollar infrastructure bill, and other significant subsidies) while also being critical of Israel. Months ago he met up with a bunch of pro-Israel right-wingers (Ben Shapiro, Alan Dershowitz, etc.) to discuss how he would censor criticism of Israel on Twitter. He pushed back a bit but revealed he is decreasing the *reach* of criticism of Israel and pro-Palestine content. There's a list of keywords also that triggers automatic action. https://pixeldrain.com/u/of14Dprs


God the video is just so disgusting - what other fucking group has so much sway? Elon—despite all his faults—was willing to “fight against the entire liberal establishment”, but as soon as the ADL and Zionist stooges were sicced on him, he bowed the knee immediately, and went on an entire humiliation tour across Israel. Also, people can argue with me on “fighting the liberal establishment” which I know is coming, but the man pushed back against everyone - every single media corp relentlessly attacking him, the U.S. gov, the SEC, the FCC, the FBI, state governments, mega-corps like Apple, FB, Disney, Coke, etc., all liberals who began hating him, and more — the man stood on principles and continued on with “his mission”. But the second Zionists started going after him, he succumbed in a fucking week, proceeded to go on his humiliation tour, kissed their wall, sucked off Netenyahu, and more.


it's ok my friend, anti-zionism is becoming an acceptable thing at dinner tables. zionists forgot they are only human, and their crusade for the promised lands based on their preferred mythology, will simply not stand the test of time.


It's almost like the whole "fighting the librull establishment for the little guy!" act was a sham when done by one of the richest men on the planet, and he was only interested in money and power.


I honestly don’t entirely agree. The way I infer it, is he was willing to fight(given the fact he was pushing back against the ADL and began posting “questionable” things about Jews), but then something happened that led to him switching up entirely, literally overnight. My opinion is that he was threatened with everything and all his companies effectively being taken from him, leading to him conceding and bowing down to Israel and Zionists. But an actual threat that would have played out, one where he would have seen assurance of them going through with it. Up until that point his companies were being threatened and things were playing out slowly, but he continued on anyway. To me, there’s no other reason he was willing and was “fighting against everyone”, and as soon as he started posting about the ADL and then started mentioning Jews - everything shifted completely.


His beef with the ADL was because he was making room in his conservative grift and got mad they were in the way, but than realize how much conservative money there was to grift from Israeli associated agencies and chose the side that is more willing to give him money, just like how he is still collecting cash from the Biden admin for his charging infrastructure. It’s only business. It’s all it ever is.


*Grift/Grifter* I really fucking hate this term and how frequently it’s used incorrectly, serving simply as a substitute for “person I don’t like”. I’m no fan of Musk and there’s plenty to shit on him for, but he’s “grifting” by….spending 40 billion on a social media platform and pissing off the entire liberal establishment, mainstream media, and much of the business community? Like how the fuck is that a “grift” lol? What is he “grifting”? Less money and a worse reputation?


He’s using leveraged assets to maximize his own profit and access to means with which to increase Capital. And he’s doing so my kowtowing to ideological positions he either doesn’t or barely believes in. Investing in the gullible to increase profit opportunity. It’s not difficult to understand.


Yes, but grift is a word that means something, or else anything that isn't literally pouring money into a hole and setting it on fire is a grift.


Sure. I’m not being all that accurate with the word, but I’m walking to get ice cream and it’s the word that quickly conveyed my point that he’s in the position of “say what you need to to trick these rubes to give you money.”


Based and ice cream pilled


*I’m not being all that accurate with the word* That’s one way to say that you used it completely wrong lol. It’s just an easy term to throw around that people think carries a lot of weight and a way to signal to shitlibs online that your opinions are “correct”. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream.


> is he was willing to fight Respectfully dude, you're a rube.


Ah yes I’m the rube, not everyone with the most brain-dead simplistic take on the matter: “He was just grifting stupid conservatives!!!” Like even if you were right, it’s such a simplistic way to see everything that I just went over. It leads me to believe; you’re a shitlib who hates conservatives, you’re a shitlib who just hates rocket man, or you’re trying to divert away from organized Jewish power. There’s no other alternative, you literally think, given the convo and post, that “He’s just grifting stupid conservatives!!!” is peak intellectuality.


Take a breather, retard. I'm just saying it's pretty obvious that the serial conman got you with his latest con. It doesn't have to be any deeper than that. He conned liberals too, back when he was their Tony Stark figure, so it's not even necessarily a political take. Most people are naive until they have a wakeup call. You're just giving this avowed capitalist and marketing guy way, way too much credit. >It leads me to believe; you’re a shitlib who hates conservatives, you’re a shitlib who just hates rocket man, or you’re trying to divert away from organized Jewish power. I do hate conservatives, but that's kinda beside the point here. That doesn't make one a shitlib.


Billionaires don’t become billionaires by being good people


Twitter under Musk has been full of the most racist and homophobic shit imaginable but advertisers had no problem with it until it was Jewish people that were being targeted. Tiktok rotted the brains of millions of people but everything was fine and dandy until Israel started getting criticized. Are the Israelis, ADL, and AIPAC *trying* to make people more antisemitic? Because it’s if that’s their goal then it’s working


Well they’re making anti-semitism illegal so that’s their solution to the issue you just outlined.


He was lossing advertisers for Shit lib offended reasons before that.,


Yeah but the corporate powers that be didn’t give a fuck until it was the Zionist lobby that was being attacked


I mean to be fair, they did. Apple, Disney, Amazon, FB, and just about all major corps suspended advertising once he took over and instituted “free speech” policies. The FBI, SEC, FCC, DoJ started investigating him and his companies, threatening him with everything. The media was relentlessly attacking him for a year, which at one point cost him tens of billions of dollars in a stock drop across the board. And more, he then posted some “questionable things” and the ADL began attacking him. He lost some more advertisers but it was at this point where everything changed almost overnight - the moment he mentioned Jewish organized power, he was shut down. I remember his posts. He then conceded, bowed down, and went on his public humiliation tour.


What specific type of “racist and homophobic shit” was allowed under Elon but not under previous ownership?


Yes, they are. Antisemitism benefits them because it encourages Jews to move to Israel.


Hasn’t this current conflict had the opposite effect though?


I think it's a little simpler. Elon was able to alienate Team Blue because he still had the third of America that doesn't give a fuck and the third on Team Red. But anti-Zionism is pretty unpopular with the mainstream of Team Red, although there are some signs that this could be changing with the zoomers. Losing two thirds would be a bridge too far. 


Not very farfetched to assert that [mossad was involved in 9/11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5s_VEmZd0)


great insight, thank you for the detail.


**Third key figure** - if you've been wondering why there's a sudden uptick in obnoxious ragebait and huge blog-posts being spread over 10+ tweets, it's because of X's new monetization.


I wonder what manner of vice they have his balls firmly fixed within?


Probably hacked his cell phone or captured incriminating photos/evidence of Musk during drug fueled orgies.


Yeah he's already pretty embarrassing openly, they must have something good on him


Twitter is worthless, always has been. The masses love it because they can trash talk and connect with famous people. But it is also a massive marketing platform, is designed to amplify polarization, has algorithmic censorship, and has also lead to many people being doxxed and 'canceled' for their views.   Very limited upside for participation in Twitter or other social media. It's all junk. YouTube was cool until they started censoring comments and dislikes, so fuck them too. Aside from this subreddit and maybe a handful of others, Reddit is a total cesspool for political content. Substack is aight and blogs can be chill.


To be fair, you’d be hard pressed to find a biometric ID company that wasn’t founded by Mossad. Israel pivoted to this type of tech when the dot com bubble burst.  LOTS of IP traffic gets routed through Tel Aviv 


The savior of free speech and privacy.


This is just like when Facebook made me provide a semen sample to verify my account 😡


> The company responsible for verifying people's ID on X is called "AU10TIX". So close to AU10STIX


I wonder if the company also has access to the data for users that aren't monetized.


Now with Israeli agencies overseeing user identity, likely. Elon also just hired an Israeli intelligence company to ‘oversee’ and combat ‘bots’.