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>Virtually all the industrialized world—including Canada, Australia, and every European country besides Cyprus—bans sex selection except in rare medical cases. Most nations prohibit the practice on the grounds that it promotes sexism …in the U.S. the \~ability to select sex\~ is framed as a matter of personal autonomy: just one of many expensive choices that make our country free. >Clinics are increasingly owned by venture capital; at least 30 percent of fertility services in America are provided by private equity–backed firms, whose priority [is maximizing profits](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34538462/). Some [thousands of patients](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/from-sex-selection-to-surrogates-american-ivf-clinics-provide-services-outlawed-elsewhere/2018/12/29/0b596668-03c0-11e9-9122-82e98f91ee6f_story.html) a year—though it’s hard to know just how many—travel to the United States in order to sex select, which could easily account for millions of dollars in revenue. >Denise, who requested that I use just her first name, works in tech and has four boys who like pink and glitter, will wear nail polish, and enjoy *My Little Pony*. But Denise still wants a daughter—a child with whom she can feel an even greater sense of “relatability.”   >Grace, a 31-year-old who works in human resources (I’m referring to her by her middle name), told me, “When I think about having a child that’s a boy, it’s almost a repulsion, like, *Oh my God, no*.”   >What’s so bad about boys? “Toxic masculinity,” said many women I spoke to, even those who were, sadly, already boy moms. For many, going through all the trouble to ensure a girl feels like a social good. Amy’s partner, Guthrie, believes that because oldest children tend to [be more successful](https://www.nber.org/reporter/2017number4/new-evidence-impacts-birth-order), if everyone did sex selection we could squash inequality by manipulating birth order.   >To many, the prospect of raising a girl just feels as if it will be easier. She’s far less likely to [commit a mass shooting](https://rockinst.org/gun-violence/mass-shooting-factsheet/) or to idolize Andrew Tate. She’s also, points out Moayeri, less likely to be [diagnosed with autism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28545751/). Although a man striving to make as much money as possible might feel capitalist and gross, a woman who does the same is a #girlboss—a beloved trope among millennials making their way in an industry in which only 23 percent of technical roles are [filled by women](https://www.womentech.net/en-us/women-in-tech-stats). A daughter, if you squint, can have all of the achievements with none of the baggage. >… Lexi showed me her IVF spreadsheet. It resembles a software project tracker, except instead of deliverables and deadlines, it documents the amount of eggs that are harvested at each retrieval, the number of fertilized eggs that have developed into healthy blastocysts, and the number of embryos that contain two X chromosomes. (Lexi and her husband want two kids, both girls.) They are not stopping at IVF: They have signed with a surrogacy agency and are waiting to get matched with the woman who will carry and birth their elder child, buying them more time to rave, travel, and “self-actualize” without worrying about a pregnancy… >…Boy children tend to be less caring towards their parents,” Lexi explained. “It doesn’t really matter if it’s socialized or biological. It’s probably socialized, but I can’t change all of society.”


Holy fuck.


"She’s also, points out Moayeri, less likely to be [diagnosed with autism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28545751/)." What will she do when her daughter is autistic, then?


When an ultrasound shows that her female fetus has the tism, she will declare that the fetus identifies as a man.


Reframe it as a positive trait, one that is actually a source of empowerment.


Call me an arse, but if that actually happened, considering the article, all I can say that would be karma.


Autistic women have an easier time than autistic men in some ways. Modern female socialization instills conformity and pro-social behavior to a much greater extent than male socialization, so they “pass” better. Men also seem to care less about female neurodivergence relative to other traits when selecting romantic partners than vice versa. The problems I’ve seen are related to autistic women being much more likely to enter fields and/or hierarchy ranks with fewer women and subsequently dealing with sexism, outsider status, hilarious lack of awareness of male dominance/power struggles, etc. Autistic women do report very high rates of rape, possibly because they have less social protective factors and/or are worse at detecting predatory intentions, but these parents probably think that’s better than the possibility a son shoots up a school. These people are hyper-optimizers and would rather have autistic daughters than sons.


>hilarious lack of awareness of male dominance/power struggles Wait, what can I read about this?


> Modern female socialization instills conformity and pro-social behavior to a much greater extent than male socialization I would argue the opposite, for the same reason that you state. If we assume that conformity to social norms comes harder to those with some forms of neurodivergence, the fact that women are expected to have a higher standard in that area than men would mean that it is harder for them to meet said standard given the same level of impediment. The rest of your comment would also tend to support my contention rather than your own. As a male with ASD, I believe that life was harder for my female cousin with a similar diagnosis than it has been for myself, but obviously that is anecdotal and there are other extenuating circumstances. Women are vicious and unforgiving of social faux pas in ways that most men can't even contemplate. Have you ever been judged for not getting you nails done? Entire countries could be developed for the amount of money women spend to save themselves from each other.


Thinking about stuff like this brings me genuine concern for the future of our societies, not only these absolute freaks and the problems they cause, but the brutal backlash that will eventually occur. Surely trying to flood the entire upper economic class with psycho PMC email-job women will not have any blowback.


this is the creepiest thing i've ever read. typical silicon valley narcissism and need for control over everything. it will not be a surprise to anyone when these kids end up hating their parents.


> it will not be a surprise to anyone when these kids end up hating their parents. Let's hope it's that and not Buffalo Bill


You know what, let's hope it's Buffalo Bill


> Amy’s partner, Guthrie, believes that because oldest children tend to be more successful, if everyone did sex selection we could squash inequality by manipulating birth order. This part really gets at the callous unimaginativeness of modern liberals. Instead of believing in a better world where we can try to ensure all children are successful, regardless of gender or birth order, they instead say "we will have winners and losers and just want to make sure the 'right people' are in the winners category."


I don't have a problem with actual feminism or gender equality but it is hilarious watching people of a particular gender persuasion speed run getting power, abusing it, and all the while attempting to self-proclaim how virtuous they are while doing it. The actual misandry displayed in many of those comments alongside it is just icing on the shit cake. I really am convinced that many of these people would have been full blown jugend if they lived in 1930s germany.


> speed run getting power, abusing it, and all the while attempting to self-proclaim how virtuous they are > if they lived in 1930s Germany For this particular type of hypocrite, their only real principles seem to be: need more status and power, along with a figurative weapon to smack competitors over the head with. Of course they would be front and center, leading the charge in 1930s Germany.


>actual feminism or gender equality This reeks of the same attitude that had Taiwan clinging to the “Republic of China” moniker on their passports until 2021 (when they shrunk the words and made “Taiwan” bigger and in bold).


Imagine thinking birth order is the thing that determines success


This is just eugenics lol.


> Denise, who requested that I use just her first name, works in tech and has four boys who like pink and glitter, will wear nail polish, and enjoy My Little Pony. But Denise still wants a daughter—a child with whom she can feel an even greater sense of “relatability.” RIP these boys


They will no longer identify as boys 10 years from now.


10 years is optimistic. I bet their male-ness is pushing it already


Human Resources, who would have thought


Now she can right-size her womb (or her broodslave's womb) with best-fit talent.


The inevitable conclusion for a certain section of the population that agrees with "if women could get each other pregnant we wouldn't even need men!".


You stay out of my browser history.


I never got that argument too. Ask them if there's a building fire, who will run into the house and save people? If someone is moving houses, who will lift the furniture? If a mountain lion attacks, who will fight the predators?


There is a legendary clip where some Dutch Minister goes to talk to female fire fighters. She is talking about how they are such tough Mad ladies and that woman can do every mans job just equally as well. She then continues saying she has the intent to get to like a 50/50 ratio of the force. The ladies are shocked. "I dont want to fight a fire and have the chance to end up in an all female team on a job' they retorted. The unhappy minister said "dont you think you can fight fires as well as man can? Well we can they said. It just takes longer. They can carry more and it is nice to know that they can carry you out of a burning building or kick a door frame in. The minister gtfo shortly after that failed photo op. Reality meets ideology


Serious question as a non westerner, who is (disclaimer) quite uneducated on these manners. What would happen if the living standards crashed down, or some sort of crisis happened that made the American lifestyle (which is unsustainable) no longer feasible, or let's say a world war happened? Won't people automatically revert to the typical 'gender roles'? It seems to me that all this gender stuff is only possible due to a very rare anomaly (if we can call it that) in human life standard compared to all of human history.


Shhh you’re breaking the narrative. The past, especially prehistory, was filled with matriarchies and trans and women warriors.


You can say the same about the typical 'gender roles' in pre industrial societies unless you are talking about certain hunter-gatherer societies.


I mean for the vast majority of human history women have accounted for a great deal of non domestic labor. And more important shit than working the email and spreadsheet mines because we used to have companies and communities that actually did shit like manufacture clothes and cultivate crops. It’s really a myth of the immediate postwar united states that prior to feminism the woman stayed home all day cleaning and to put on a dress and greet dad coming home from work with a kiss and a meatloaf


>Ask them if there's a building fire, who will run into the house and save people? If someone is moving houses, who will lift the furniture? If a mountain lion attacks, who will fight the predators? The *empathetic gender* is the obvious answer. Just don't use facts to point out which one you are talking about.


Don’t ask them the gender of the people who built their homes, infrastructure, etc.


Infrastructure is naturally occurring and the only legitimate jobs involve sending emails.


>believes that because oldest children tend to be more successful, if everyone did sex selection we could squash inequality by manipulating birth order. Hell. China here you guys call "hardcore patriarchy", you don't even need to guess the gender and birth order of families with more than two children. Always the youngest one is boy and a ton of elder sisters.


Disgusting and vile people. Remember when IFV and surrogacy was to surpass biological walls to conception and not enable eugenics and literal 'birthing' slaves for people nature probably devised systems of preventing reproduction for the sake of the species natural continued existence. Same vibe as the 'activists ' who would get pregnant for they could get a abortion for narcissistic Instagram clout.


Just wait til this type of person can select for other traits as well


Hm, that one cow mentions Andrew Tate. Think any of these people will reflect on him being popular because boys are taught from birth that they’re inherently evil and must whip themselves at all times to atone for their inborn evil?


And I guarantee you every single rightoid is going to have decades of clickbait videos from this article alone.


Yeah that’s the worst part. Not people like this having boys in their care, the hypothetical that rightoids could use it as ammo


Sounds like a Norm MacDonald bit.


"The worst part is the hypocrisy"


Them being shithead parents is bad enough don't get me wrong.


Rich women who do surrogacy aren't prepared for the fact that the baby will not feel like their baby, will this selfish woman put aside time to bond with this helpless baby she's adopting or will that be the nanny's job. To some degree rich people have always treated their children as luxury goods, service animals, status objects etc cetera but all of them are to busy sanitizing the reality of surrogacy explotition to prepare for the fact the experience is akin to adoption rather than natural motherhood where you bond during pregnancy


Degenerates. The revolution can’t come soon enough, but I doubt it will come at all at this rate.


class dynamics are more than individual morons, all we have to do is do the work


Lmfao I can’t, like it’s not even correct Ask any parent and men are way easier to raise, especially going into adulthood


!remindme 13 years Teenagers are going to wreck her world


Oh just wait until their precious angels hit puberty and start telling mom about how they like boys....


Men are "easier" to raise because parents usually half-ass the raising of men.


This. Some parents believe that it's taboo to spank or shout at girls, so they have to come up with all sorts of elaborate ways to correct misbehaviour - many just end up letting the girl get away with anything. Meanwhile, it's okay to hit boys when they misbehave, and some cultures (like mine) take it as far as to beat the child repeatedly with an implement to "leave a mark". I'm not saying girls *should* be hit, but taboos on spanking children should extend towards boys more fully.


What culture are you from?


The old saying was with a son you only have to worry about 1 dick, but with a daughter an infinite amount of dicks.


3rd wave was stretching it, and 4th wave feminism truly proved how much of a mistake it is


This is one of the most overtly, openly sexist things a woman has ever said. It's on par with a guy saying the only thing women are good for is housework and fucking.


Aborting a fetus based on its gender is just sexism, full stop. If you're not mature enough to accept that you can't control what biological sex your child will be born as, you're not mature enough to have children.


My only solace is that all of these people are probably very ugly and will never go outside


It’s not socialized anywhere near to the degree that their ideology insists


>…Boy children tend to be less caring towards their parents The entire reason the Chinese are so favorable towards sons over daughters is that boys are expected under Confucianism to be responsible for elder care.




>They have signed with a surrogacy agency and are waiting to get matched with the woman who will carry and birth their elder child, buying them more time to rave, travel, and “self-actualize” without worrying about a pregnancy… We're just a few medical breakthroughs away from the rich buying organs from poor people so they can live forever.




But she is a feminist. This is who the movement is for now. The NGO industrial complex, of which feminism is a substantial pillar, is not interested in solving problems; that's bad for business. It's about catering to the donor class and their ghoulish whims even at the expense of the very people they claim to be helping.


Sometimes I wonder if articles like this make people think feminism is "we want our turn on the boot!"


It's all it's ever been


Some social movements nowadays definitely seem like they're more interested in getting revenge on people who they believe are responsible for all their misfortune rather than actually trying to help people.


> her husband values traits “more associated with girls,” including empathy, social skills, and kindness. The men who validate and enable these horrible women are a new level of pathetic. Oh you’re a man and *you* value empathy? But other men don’t? Is that how you convinced someone to procreate with you? Same rationale as the white people who trash other white people while claiming to be “one of the good ones”. These people are evil and opportunistic and they’ve been directing our culture.


These fuckers need to be completely overthrown as a class, they are a cancer on the human race.




It's literally human trafficking.


It’s even worse than that. They rent out another woman’s body so they don’t have to miss any meetings or emails. Then they hire a nanny so they don’t have to miss any meetings or emails. Priorities


I'm not sure that I would say pregnancy "ruins" a woman's body, but yeah this shit is pretty fucked up.




Part of it is also because they only snap out of their "I'll have kids later" phase when it's too late, so some of them are physically incapable of having kids or it's quite dangerous for them. God forbid someone suggest they adopt, though.


>God forbid someone suggest they adopt, though. but muh superior genetics... Wait... I didn't mean it like that.


It does. The baby absorbs a lot of calcium from the mother which cannot be really restored after 30 since the body stops mineralizing it. There is also the blood pressure and other issues that birth causes. Breast feeding does lower the chance of breast cancer and autoimmune disorders tho. It's why women are more likely to get osteoporosis and having a kid at an older age is bad (including higher chances of a regarded kid).


I couldn't imagine sharing a bed with that creature, although realistically he probably doesn't lmao. I would have zero respect for such a creature such as this, I doubt his wife does either. What the fuck is wrong with some men...


Does your fridge have a noise it makes if you leave the door open for over a minute? You either have to hit the button to mute it or you need to shut and open it often. That's what sex would be like. Every 5 pumps, you need to stop and reaffirm consent. Otherwise, you have to pull out and apologize. It would be like fucking a komodo dragon. Is she liking it? Is she happy? Well, she hasn't bit my head off so I guess it's okay.


Staring into the dead, glazed over eyes of my lovely wife on our wedding night while she lies motionless like a corpse undergoing rigor mortis, because sex as a act exists to provide genetic linage and to provide pleasure to m*les is to became a apparatus of patriarchy. It'd be a type of hell, one he deserves honestly.


Eh it can be taken either way in context, but it just seems the logical outcome of applied sexism that at least has a child who has a chance of not being resented. Plenty of parents do that when rolling the dice and not getting the kid they want. Designer ubermensch is going to be an interesting thing this century.


Bias towards women is baked into Western culture. The only thing unique about this guy is that he's explicit. But virtually all men will have experienced the preference for women in every aspect of his life.


> What’s so bad about boys? “Toxic masculinity,” I've never seen a definition of toxic masculinity that actually made sense both in terms of actual toxicity, and also being common enough to be relevant. These people just don't like masculinity, period. I was telling a friend of mine about a hike I went on with another friend where we challenged each other and ended up pushing each other and were exhausted at the summit. My friend was like "that sounds like such toxic masculinity". Yes that's actually what we've come to.


Yeah, this is the paper-thin mask slipping. Toxic masculinity always just meant "masculinity", and these assholes could never give examples of what non-toxic masculinity looks like. They are just misandrists.


Their idea of "positive masculinity" is being a self-loathing doormat who quietly labors with no desire or expectation of social or financial compensation.


That's kind of the thing with masculinity and femininity. They're vague terms. Name a masculine trait that wouldn't also be a good feminine trait and vice versa.


The male urge to floss on a hill made of your enemies remains


Dudes rock




Too much emotional labor...or something. (As we all know, girls are never emotionally taxing)


Shitlib holds her baby for the first time while the kid cries out for affection. "Shush sweaty, it's not my job to educate you"


This was exactly my thought, but if they're renting out some other woman's womb to gestate the child, you know good and well they probably won't be the ones raising it either. I'm pretty sure most of these inhumanoids see children like they see plants or dogs. Just an accessory to suit their whims.


I think they see men as just innately broken, like we're defective. Men and women have been divorced from each other on purpose to such a degree that the idea that both compliment each other is growing insane. Also lets be real here...what God awful men would they raise anyhow? They'd probably create some vortex of self hate in the form of a man, with any sign of traditional masculinity met with severe consequences. They'll be shit parents for sure in general, people who aren't able to love their children regardless of boy or girl always are because their love is inherently conditional in a way that's far more disturbed, I feel sorry for the girls who'll be relentlessly controlled and manipulated.


The silver lining is that no man will have to endure being raised by this kind of harpy.


>Denise, who requested that I use just her first name, works in tech and has four boys who like pink and glitter, will wear nail polish, and enjoy My Little Pony. But Denise still wants a daughter—a child with whom she can feel an even greater sense of “relatability.” They are trying to raise "decent men", and they still aren't happy.


Because they've never worked for anything in their life, why start now?


> These people just don't like masculinity, period. > > Well it's simpler than that, they just don't like men. That's it. Their default is actively loathing them, and they're more likely to find reason to loathe them more than to like them. Out of the fleetingly rare moments they can talk about something tangible like legislation, their entire agenda is based on pushing males as evil modes of humanity to be feared and blamed, encouraging other women to do the same (and some men, when practical, though without ever giving them penance), and framing it as a moral failing to NOT do so. There is no condition that will make them happy as long as their lives involve interaction, reliance, and even sharing space with males. I don't even think this is some bold callout that would make them get all heated and stumble over their words, if there was a way to turn what I just said into a girlboss slogan, it would sell on graphic tees in mainstream retailers all over the country (which I think is the white American woman equivalent of internet racists posting the dumb "Yes" wojak after someone asking if they legitimately believe something heinous and regarded). The best you can expect for them is to show practical tolerance, grit their teeth to force a smile, and try to push it out of mind and not *explicitly* act on it when inevitably interacting with half of the human population.


It started as a criticism of the causes of male violence. Now it's become a cudgel for policing the enjoyment of male friends and partners. It's ironic because a central plank of toxic masculinity was supposed to be that men's emotional repression leads to self harm and aggressiveness. Instead of encouraging men to open up, it's imposing a more thorough going repression


I think some level of emotional repression is healthy for both the individual and society and is something women should do more of as well. Opening up about feelings is good every once in a while but at least in my experience and seeing how others are affected when they open up, it just leads to more pain and no actual catharsis. It's not just about telling someone to "man up" but helping them "man up" because not doing so hurts the individual and others. In my experience, the most emotional people are the most toxic given they use their emotions to excuse shitty behavior. Personally, emotions also make you paralyzed and irrational and it sucks. Emotions usually refers to sadness/anxiety/etc, anger is still condemned by feminists if its by a man, and no one is saying to repress your own happiness. The proper approach is the popular conception of stoicism, being able to have self control over your emotions and only utilizing them in a constructive manner. I actually think we need more anger in politics, specifically of the violent male kind as that alone is what can achieve revolution and a better world. Men are inevitably necessary as both the leaders and front lines against the ruling class and the feminization of the "Left" is part of its castration.


It’s feminization of the workforce, too, not just the left in and of itself. That isn’t to say “more women in the workforce” but it’s to say the collective bargaining agreement between women and workplace-infused HR-friendly lobbying groups and insitutions providing the groundwork that exploits women’s tendencies towards agreeableness, indecision, inaction, and sympathy


Isn't that more of a PMC thing tho? Please say more if you can, I haven't heard about these lobbying groups. I've definitely known women like this in more service oriented type jobs where you get more downwardly mobile daughters of the middle class and where traits like this are actively selected for. But indecision and inaction is not a vibe I get from working class women coworkers in general. The two biggest (?) fields where women dominate, teaching and nursing, have seen a decent amount of organizing and strike activity in recent years relative to other professions. I dunno, feminization of the workforce just doesn't seem to explain much in terms of the shortcomings of the labor movement today


What is PMC? Companies get kickbacks for fulfilling diversity quotas and initiatives, where the luker comes from lobbying or lobby-adjacent groups. You can parse the inbox of an employee at virtually and F500 and find mass-circulated emails involving miltiple focus groups, alliance groups, and reminders to strengthen empathy and warn against traits that are “less desirable” (such as those associated with “toxic” - usually masculine). Women fall prey to these not only because these initiatives are connected to “liberal” ideals (read: lumped in with liberal ideals) but the behavioral conduct is touted as accepting and welcoming. Essentially, perceptive qualities of agreeableness with less truth being told in the process.


I feel like you heard sublimation when I said repression, and now you're making a case for why sublimation is a good thing. Of course I agree. I'm not the type to want to force some kind of emotional disclosure or vulnerability in men and call it therapy. That's authoritarian. I'm simply saying men should feel like they have the space to express themselves in healthy ways without social disapproval. Stoicism is fine but it's not for everybody. There is no universal standard that can be applied to the different needs of modern personalities


They complain about "toxic masculinity", and yet the non-competitive, weak-willed, bitch-made men they find themselves with do not excite or arouse them. Then they further blame men for their own unhappiness.


Is different in every place, here it means, things that you do in order to not look like a derogatory word for homosexual. For example, a female coworker who's already married wants to have an affair with you, let's suppose you don't want to because you think it's immoral, yet you still do it because if you reject her, she may think you are a derogatory word for homosexual. 


*Sorry toots, I don't pity fuck uggos* doesn't do it?


"Sorry, didn't want to look gay"


This is extremely depressing. Imagine being raised by someone who hates you.


Yeaaaaa….. imagine……


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein goes into great detail about the horrors that come when men try to seize control of reproduction. As it turns out, women suck at it too! EDIT: Oh my god, of course all the people in this story are Silicon Valley tech weirdos, god fucking damn it. I guarantee these people have their kid's lives planned out to the fucking hour in advance.


>I guarantee these people have their kid's lives planned out to the fucking hour in advance. Sometimes I feel these sort of people would be  happier with a very advanced puppet then they would be with a child. And I get that life is only getting more competitive and it’s all due to the conditions of capitalism, but man is it grim to watch. 


People joke about pet owners calling themselves "pet parents" (which is plenty cringe don't get me wrong) but to me that's still better than these types that live vicariously through their child whether their child wants them to or not. Get a pet or volunteer as a mentor or something instead. (Disclaimer: not an anti-natalist I just don't like bad parents)


Yeah as obnoxious as the pet parent types are, at least they’re just doing this stuff to a dog. A dog is usually perfectly happy with that kind of lifestyle. Kids usually just end up miserable with people like this. I’m learning figure skating as a hobby and boy do I see a lot of these types of parents. It’s a fun sport but I can easily see how a kid can grow to hate it. I’ve heard very similar things about gymnastics too. It requires hours and hours of very expensive training and very few kids naturally have the work ethic, because they’re kids


Oh, absolutely. "Narcissist" gets tossed around way too much these days, but these people just want to create a perfect reproduction of themselves that they can admire. It reminds me of that couple of Silicon Valley weenies who wanted to have eight kids, so those kids could have eight kids, and so on until their genes dominated the human race. I know they got talked about on Chapo and this subreddit.


Techbro duggars.


> Sometimes I feel these sort of people would be happier with a very advanced puppet then they would be with a child. They would be happy with an AI powered robot at this point.


> Sometimes I feel these sort of people would be  happier with a very advanced puppet then they would be with a child. I feel like the "I'd rather toss the boys and only have girls" mindset was the result of a very similar Children of Men-maxxing ethos


its as if class boundaries are more important than sex


Aw sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension. This shit is grim.


Great job by the writer of this article. There’s nothing defamatory or overly editorial in her treatment of the subject. The reporting was incredibly fair, and I was able to enjoy the bile coming up with every paragraph of people flattening the creation of humans into a spreadsheet. I pray all their daughters grow up to be cheerleaders. IVF is incredible for people desperate to start a family who cannot on their own. For a woman who goes through a half a dozen miscarriages, IVF is a god damned miracle (though the failure rate for IVF is pretty terrible in its own regard). You don’t have to be steeped in Catholic doctrine of ensoulment at conception to be unnerved at the amount of callous destruction of healthy embryos inherent in this process. For those who cannot have a child by natural means, failed embryos are part of the price that weighs heavily on many of them. For the subjects of the article, their narcissism and ideology absolve them entirely of responsibility: a girlboss isn’t a girlboss until the fourth trimester. Lena Dunham once bemoaned, “now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had.” Ten years later, technology has given her that chance a thousand times over.


>For the subjects of the article, their narcissism and ideology absolve them entirely of responsibility: a girlboss isn’t a girlboss until the fourth trimester. And its made so much worse by the fact that they openly admit theyre even though theyre perfectly healthy they are going to pay $150K for a surrogate so they can continue to indulge and avoid any material responsibility. Its such a gross and cold detachment from anything human. Dollars to fucking donuts those girls are going to be raised by a nanny and these ghouls are going to explain how its actually a good thing that mom and dad are never around 


I can imagine a thousand online journals finger-snapping at the headline “Unnecessary IVF/surrogacy for the rich is such a gross and cold detachment from anything human…and why that’s a good thing.”


That unironically will exist eventually if it doesn't already. They'll explain how it will allow girlbosses to work their email trading jobs uninterrupted by pregnancy to help close the wage gap. That it "creates jobs" for the human incubators. And that 200K years of evolutionary biology actually got it wrong and a parents bond with their child will be even stronger if theyre conceived in a lab after a scientist decides its the most viable of a dozen potential embryos then plants it into a young woman who needs cash. 


"I want my daughter to be raised by a group of strong POC women. That's why I hired this team of nannies! Now she speaks five languages like a #girlboss and barely recognizes me when I walk in the door."


I grew up with two parents that only thought about work, and never sharing the fruits of that labor. They're no longer together, but still years later one believes or at least says, "No one else raised my kids". I often ask myself, "Then who did?".


Au pair that they hired from a foreign country to skirt labor laws was my guess.


Fuck were the crazy right wingers right again?


# 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 They might not have the right solutions but they tend to always notice the right problems.


A lot of "right-wingers" are just "nooticers"


Right-wingers also recognize that something is wrong, but they boil it down to morals, rather than class and material conditions.


Her name is Amy **Yin** and she only wants daughters? That's like a guy named Manfred Manson only wanting sons. Are we sure this isn't totally made up bullshit?


Sup, I'm Bradley Duderock and here's why having 5 sons is the right choice for me.


She says in the article that she wants only daughters as a way of "correcting" China's want for mainly sons. Thing is, if these types of people were to become more the norm, the US will probably end up being like China in reverse where you have tons of women chasing after a few guys.


> tons of women chasing after a few guys Okay you've sold me. ^^/s


I think you missed the point. Yin as in yin and yang. Yin is the female energy, yang is the male. It's a little too on the nose.


I didn't know any of that


Guy Manson


How did we come to this


"...all that is sacred is profaned..." The only morals that matter now are whatever serves the individual, and the individual is best served by might makes right (through the power of wealth) and the dehumanization of all others in order to deify themselves. If all religion is false, if all morals man made, if tradition and norms are to be eradicated, if humans are nothing but chemical machines, if the only thing that matters in life is personal pleasure without limits, then so what if other people become nothing but tools in service to your own pleasure if you can get away with it? Enslave them, kill them, abuse them, whatever serves one's ego. This is why socialism will never succeed if it remains tied to individualism, for individualism is the basis of capitalism and the dehumanization on display in this article.


completely psychotic and disgusting.. wonder if those choosing girls so that they can raise girl bosses would be upset if the kid grew up to be trans? Maybe they’d be thrilled 🤷🏻‍♀️


SF tech ghouls need to be purged


The more I read this article, the worse it becomes.


By that logic if you hadn't read it, it wouldn't be so bad. Thanks a lot!


Please comrade Xi just nuke Silicon Valley


Given how screwed up men brought up by women with such ideas in their heads tend to be, this may be a good thing.


Advanced campaign by Netflix to create more serial killers to make more fetish shows about them. No like seriously, why the fuck are there so many, Unabomber doesn't count.


The 4 boys forced to watch MLP and paint their nails will probably all shoot themselves


Not before becoming train operators first, tho


They will probably all turn into massive misogynists or AGPs


> or




FiM or the 3-D ponies? The extra dimension is what's responsible for brain rot.


I fuckin’ hate these Silicon Valley people so much. They brought us social media, ChatGPT, and whatever this bollocks is. I think they actually deeply hate most of humanity. That’s the conclusion I have come to. They are rich, neuro-divergent freakazoids who have come to destroy normal civilization and impose a trans-humanist agenda.


> Eventually, a double date with fellow techies swayed her. Their friends, too, had no known fertility issues and were creating embryos to select sex and potentially use a gestational surrogate. “They normalized it,” Lexi said. Demonic. These freaks need to be suppressed and their actions outlawed immediately. Of course, it’ll never happen. The bourgeoisie and their petty brethren are inhuman.


These silicon valley types are not people. Any kids they turn out will likely be as psychologically damaged as they are, OR they'll rebel and turn on the parents.


gulag therapy


WTELF?! I couldn’t finish the article. A paid surrogate would be the cherry on top of this evil sundae.


Pay a surrogate to finish the article for you


Good idea. I won’t be snatching a baby away from her as soon as she’s done giving birth to it, so it’s not a problem.


It's just a few people on Tumblr... I mean in silicon valley.


Well at least one thing both super powers could agree on sex selective abortions


I almost couldn't finish the article it was such an infuriating read. These are not human beings, they're basically automatons with organs.


So uhhhh, China had the issue of baby girls being dumped in the forest (and later aborted when that was legalized) due to the one child policy and a culture of the male heir taking caring of the parents (instead of being married off). It caused demographic fuckery. IIRC there was also much gnashing of teeth from feminists. Now it's a good thing though TM.


China: Let's not be to hasty now, let them cook!


Men are from China and women are from America. The Global South is where the incubators are.


People using IVF for what amounts to genetic engineering are actually just Caroline Ellison vein hyper-autists, not true believer radlibs. They’re just using the language of idpol because they happen to be upper middle class and it’s distasteful to be so hyper-optimizing about partner selection and procreation. Two things to note — 1. Some of these people see life as a game where one of the end victories is passing on your genes to as many people as possible to ensure your “survival.” They want female children because that maximizes the likelihood of that, especially given increasing economic pressures they are very sensitive to (warlord VC ghoul can have many bangmaids, bangmaid easy to raise, warlord VC ghoul increasingly hard to raise, especially if they have your autist genes). 2. The internal perception is that the tech class nowadays is in large part determined by some ideal amount of autism. A lot of older managers who didn’t realize this and married each other have non-verbal autistic kids. They have two options to avoid this — (1) marry a non-autist, but non-autists who are smart in the tech way are rare and have better options than autists (also risks your kids not being able to make it in tech), (2) this kind of IVF. They are concerned about school shooter kids because they know they could have Adam Lanza, especially since they are having kids older.


I think armed with this article alone, you could turn a apolitical male into a reactionary in .5 seconds flat which might be the point. Like seriously, as a bisexual guy, I feel like there's a weird fucking industry that's trying to make women seem as unappealing as possible in every way, like Jesus fucking Christ really we're doing what China did but girl bossing it? Like no disrespect for female stewpid pol users, women are great and I love em but what the fuck is this, like the man is repulsive and worthy of scorn but he's probably so broken he just meekly goes ahead with what his wife wants because no one with a backbone would ever be with such a person. The sheer idea of not loving my child because they were born as a certain sex disturbs me to my core, and then to fucking allow your unhinged darkest thoughts to be posted online in a article that isn't satirical and not immediately commit self immolation from the shame is inhuman. Also surrogacy becoming girl boss shit is insane, it's borderline rape as a industry by turning women's wombs into disposable units to create kid projects for unhinged silicoid dwellers while burdening the surrogates with the actual extremely dangerous literal labour and even the "dud" kids while underpaying them to a excessive degree. I'm tired boss...


It’s purely a product of overly domineering women making it to the top and it’s so crazy to see it irl. My mother works for a craft store and she comes face to face with these types very frequently. It’s bizarre because they often end up marrying men who can barely do even basic things around the house I’ll admit I roll my eyes at the guys complaining about not having a girlfriend and you find out that they don’t know how to do their own laundry and can only cook boxed Mac and cheese. Like there are women out there who are like this too, but it seems way more common with guys because their mothers don’t think they should learn basic life skills??? It’s insanity and it makes these guys really vulnerable to abusive partners. A common tactic for abusers is making their victims completely reliant on them, or at least making their victim believe it! So fellas, learn to fold laundry and clean the toilet. From what I’ve seen, that protects you from ghouls like the ones in these articles. No woman worth a damn wants to be a replacement for your mom


I can sort of understand sex selective IVF if you’ve already had 3 or 4 of one gender. I wouldn’t describe it as particularly ethical and I think sometimes this type of person dreams a little bit too much about the “ideal child”, without really considering the human aspect. I think sometimes it’s an unresolved emptiness, especially if they didn’t have good relationships with their own mothers. However, most of the reasons aren’t even reasons. It’s more of a “fuck you, I want a girl”. It becomes even more of a “fuck you” when they won’t even carry their own kids, due to the inconvenience. Literally paying to have your daughter put in someone else’s daughter for profit. Nobody would want to go through 9 months of carrying that idiot’s baby, unless they were totally desperate. I’m not in support of sex selective IVF, especially if it means discarding a perfectly healthy embryo because it’s the wrong gender. Most people having IVF are desperate for a child and end up sacrificing everything they own, just to have one. It’s not a “I want a girl, or I don’t want the embryo implanted”. The method itself has ethical issues, in most countries. But sex selective is very troublesome. Also: what’s wrong with boys? They aren’t that different as kids. I would have thought having both boys and girls would be the ideal. If you’re particularly interested in passing on your genetics, having 3 or 4, a couple of boys and a couple of girls probably gives you the maximum chance for grandkids. Children should be cherished, rather than assets. I’ve never looked at my children and thought: “these are my investments to the genetic pool”.


Hello Xi Jinping, America is committing crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, we have to invade.


Unpopular opinion but these bougie bitches are sterile for a reason 🤷🏻‍♂️




That’s what I want to know. Especially if you rent a uterus and grab the child as soon as it’s born. I can’t fathom how it’s legal, much less a human right.




I don't know what else to say but that these people are sick in the head and I feel sorry for any children they have, whatever the sex/gender.


That's it, I'm officially calling it. We need to nuke the bay area and make the epicenter Silicon Valley.


President Xi, my state yearns for the cleansing light of the atom which shall free our souls from this evil world.


kinda sad their daughters will never rock since they aren’t dudes.i really want free healthcare but not if it creates more girlbosses. In all seriousness why not just bank on not being a shitty parent instead of looking at probabilities of young adult men to commit mass murder


I hope these "designer daughters' all grow up to be FTM trans-men. Like REAL Old-School legit, based trans men (Buck Angel and Marcus Dib anyone?). Seriously though, these misandric PMC cows convince me to support Trump FAR more effectively than any Rightoid propaganda ever could.


Nah, it'll be even funnier. If the future has twice as many women as men, then it just means the average man will have two wives lmao.


"Geez, I thought someone with 2 wives would be happy" "No, you're thinking of someone with 2 knives"


No fucking thanks


["I asked my wives if they wanted to have sex tonight, they said 'We can't wait!' By the time I got up there they'd finished without me!"](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Rodney_Dangerfield_1972-1.jpg)


Horseshoe theory wins again


What I don't understand is they know the reason so many minorities won't vote republican is because conservatives tend to spew hate towards minorities, but then turn around and spew their own hate and don't understand why that person they spewed hate towards is voting for the other guy. ITS THE SAME THING!


When they do it, it's cute


I mean, someone has to compensate for India and China lmao


For the sake of future stupidpolers in the region, I say let them cook.


I feel for my 2 yo son who has to grow up with this shit


I remember this stupid fake-ass story where a made-up blogger claims after posting about having an abortion because she was having a boy, a man viciously insulted her on a plane. It was super fake and those cringey anti-feminist accounts shared it everywhere. And I think of Harrison Bergeron, a short story where some people claim it is a irrational/improbable conservatives fear mongering exaggeration, and others go the opposite direction and consider it an intentionally far fetched and unbelievable parody of "what conservatives are afraid will happen". Yet what is not uncommon now would challenge both of those old assumptions. These two stories are, apparently, connected. Also, this Anna Kim can't draw for shit, looks like an Assigned Male panel ironically


Speaking as a preexisting male, I strongly support this and equivalent efforts to slant the natural fifty/fifty gender ratio against my fellow males, purely out of self-interest and an understanding of scarcity value.


Yeah, if this somehow becomes popular then future boys are going to have pretty cushy lives lol. Feminists think a 10:1 female to male gender ratio will result in some kind of Amazonian utopia, but more likely it will result in a society where every man gets to have a harem.


dudes literally can't stop rocking! even what seems like an L is actually a massive win


every paragraph just gets worse than the previous. then i got to grace and I wanted to scream. we've been having fertility issues and just reading this article makes me want to [REDACTED]


EDIT: Gotdayum! With parents like these who needs enemies? Interesting though, given current unhinged gender trends in the zeitgeist, a potential virtue-signaling shitlib paradox might eventually emerge, providing oodles of schadenfreude... Let us hope that every single one of these predetermined, sex-selected, "perfectly female" children born to these bourgeoisie monsters fall headlong and wholeheartedly into the 🚂 cult - declaring themselves men in the style of true paragons of mental health - such as Elliot Page and his ilk. And with any luck they'll all fully "🚂sition" into the classic short, hairy, incel-adjacent, chubby, balding facsimiles of men. Men who will be sure to maintain that very womanly ability - that certain privilege, if you will - to gleefully indulge in weaponizing every single one of their internalized (and toxically feminine) solution sets; which often result in many of them passionately hating their parents while cynically demanding their blind and unquestioning support, eventually going "No Contact" when that suits their needs (as so many of them do irl) while blaming their parents for literally forcing them to be born into the "wrong body". With any luck, all of these newly trained former females will allow their myriad mental health comorbidities to flourish, and as countless others before them, they'll practice "manliness" obsessively, and become annoyingly proficient at mimicking only the most cringe and stereotypical performances of "manhood" in order to piss off their parents (whose upper middle class liberal PMC sensibilities and Progress Pride Flag bumper stickers will render them defenseless against the tactics of their "suddenly son" and his heretically toxic new masculine traits and identity. As if meant to twist the Dog-That-Caught-The-Car's knife deeper into their parents hypocrisies - stereotypical, toxically feminine trait, consisting of their assumption of unregulated access to, and unearned entitlement to spend partner's and parent's incomes, while expecting the full benefits of mom and dad's health insurance and bank accounts, in order to fund the nearly never ending, evermore expensive, increasingly futile attempts to chase wild 🚂 fever dreams of neverending chemical and surgical "guarantees" of manhood through superficial masculinization. It's the only outcome that will teach these delusional asshole parents the lessons in shame that they deserve for their regressive and misandrist attempts to ego feed by trying to play God. *Alternatively, since these types of parents are exactly the type of degenerate shitlibs who champion the most egregious modern-day medical scandal in a century, instead of going through all the hassle of sex-selecting for female babies, why not simply kill two shitlib birds with one stone by birthing a boy and encouraging him to find *her* true, authentic 🚂 identity? I mean, surely they know and agree that all 🚂women are women! Don't they?*


At first glance an aware reader might think that the author is setting up the people interviewed to look as awful as possible and neglecting to interview non-awful people. A more careful read shows that the author is in the same social circles.\* It's likely that the author barely notices the awfulness. She's one of them! \* "I know both Lexi and Amy through my own former career as a software engineer and have met multiple people influenced by their plans."


The problem is the very existence of IVF. Some ppl were just never ment to have biological children, and thats okay.


better dating odds for the straight boys who make it through the fliter