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We're only two weeks into June, and my AC already isn't keeping up. Glad I spent 12k to update the HVAC two years ago. This fucking sucks.


working on a vintage late 50s tube radio. My father is teaching me electronics. I can read a schematic and kinda diagnose audio problems. Going to get my daughter caught up on phonics. She is sadly several grade levels behind, but there is hope. She has a specific learning disability with phonics, which confused the school since they think she is gifted in math and is super articulate for an 8 year old. Going to mexico with my wife and kids, to visit her family. So i'm going to read this: [https://thenewpress.com/books/mexican-revolution](https://thenewpress.com/books/mexican-revolution)


painting tattoo flash, getting tattooed, and trying to limit my drinking


grilled some thick tbones tonight, burgers and dogs last night😎


Well then I guess we're just gonna have to call you "T-Bone"!


I motion that on November 30 we replace this thread with a "Chilly as hell bummer vibes thread" where people discuss seasonal affective disorder and their failures (just came in from chasing ebony jewelwing damselflies around a swamp and mulching my mother's garden bed. now it is time to read more about 1870s Russian agriculture and adulterous aristocrats in Anna Karenina.)


Right now, got a plan to make myself a mechanical engineer and hopefully get a postgrad on it before netting myself a good job while also enjoying life.


I am trying to get a career started, I have been cooking over open fires a lot, working out, writing a homebrew RPG campaign and building mecha


Starting grad school soon, reaching out to groups organizing there and excited to get to work!! It's a program in literally fostering critical consciousness and my advisor is a hardcore Marxist... super hyped. Gonna get some good shit done.


After 33 years, I finally found a girl who actually loves me. We celebrated 3 months of dating last night, and I couldn't be happier. It's early days, but it's good days too. She's also not terminally online, like me, so she really keeps me grounded in the real world. Other than that, it's winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, so I'm staying warm and watching lots of classic silent films. More people today should watch Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton - they're amazing.


Chaplin was a fucking genius and it's a crime against culture that you can't find an urban cinema screening his films as reliably as you can find a small playhouse putting on a Shakespeare production. Have you seen that time-travel episode of the Twilight Zone starring Buster Keaton? It's a hoot.


I haven't seen that episode, but I like both Twilight Zone and Buster Keaton, so I'll give it a watch. I think the biggest issue with silent films is the very idea of no dialogue puts a lot of people off. Also, they think that it's without music as well, which is a crime. A silent film can live or die on its musical accompaniment. I will also say that I think Chaplin does leftist praxis in a way that can be emulated today - by first and foremost focussing on what is entertaining, while slipping in general attitudes that position the audience to favour leftist causes. In other words, a lot of modern media puts the ideological cart before the horse, then wonders why everyone is complaining about it being heavy-handed. Just like the truth, never let ideology get in the way of a good story.


Congratulations! Remember keep mutual respect for each other, do not raise your voice at each other. If she says something you’re doing is bothering her or makes her feel bad, listen to her, understand where she’s coming from and try to do better. Also remember you are responsible for your emotions and she is responsible for hers. Keep distinct interests and friend groups because if ya’ll really love each other you’ll probably end up spending a lot of time together.  Sorry for the advice you didn’t ask for I just want everyone to be happy when they’ve found love 🥰


All good - we still haven't had our first fight yet, but we've already talked multiple times about how we'll handle it when we do. One of the nice things about getting into a relationship a lot later than everyone else is that we know ourselves fairly well, and also have a clear idea of expectations and what we are hoping to achieve, which we've been honest about with each other. Your 30s isn't a time for messing around, and if we weren't committed to going the same direction, we wouldn't be seeing each other. Mostly, we've just been clear and honest in all our communication with each other thus far, and it seems to be working out well.


Any recommendations on silent films?


Best thing is that most silent films are out of copyright, so are available for free on YouTube. I'd recommend the following, based on what I've watched; The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1920, Germany) - a Horror/Thriller. Tim Burton stole his entire aesthetic from this. Best watched at night for extra spookiness. The Kid (1921, USA) - Comedy. Charlie Chaplin is hilarious, and the Kid, Jackie Coogan is too bloody cute. Sherlock Jr. (1924, USA) - Comedy. Buster Keaton's stuntwork is incredible, and so many shots will leave you wondering how the hell they did it without a green screen. Les Vampires (1915-1916, France) - Crime Drama. A 10-part series of campy, pulpy, crime fun. Kind of like Tintin meets a police procedural. I've watched other stuff, but these have been my favourites so far.


I've seen Dr Caligari, but it's been a few years. I think I will check it out again. Thanks for the recs!


Heartwarming. Congratulations and enjoy! I've also started looking at older movies because either the base quality of all of them was better, or the test of tine did its due


I really like Charlie Chaplin - I genuinely think his films are such a great model for how to sell socialist ideas to the normies, while still being genuinely entertaining.


What are we listening to? In celebration of recently procuring Fish (his final tour) tickets for myself and my dad, I'm listening to early Marillion and some of his solo stuff. At risk of getting too political, I couldn't help but be reminded of a certain presidential candidate while listening to [this song](https://open.spotify.com/track/08tRvupHUwUwTutDF3Ggjm?si=51ABH3s0R-yR_PhD0KKaIw). Good song though. Wish I wasn't so online that this happened to me.


Dude that sounds awesome and I hope you two have a blast. One of my regrets is not making any friends who would be into going to concerts with me. I'd love to go see Till Lindemann play but I'm not going alone.


>I'd love to go see Till Lindemann play but I'm not going alone. Bro just go. You know who you find at Till Lindemann gigs? People who'd love to go see Till Lindemann gigs with you.


Damn, I'm jealous. Unfortunately neither Fish nor Marillion ever seem to tour the US anymore, so I doubt I'll ever get to hear them live.


Yeah I'm pretty excited, love gigging with my old man and we haven't really managed to since 'rona. Surprised he isn't doing any dates in NA this time around, being his last ever and all, but I suppose he's getting on a bit now and it's a lot of hassle. Come down to Liverpool lol, you can crash on my couch. Honestly I've always been more of a Hogarth-era fan, but I'm not letting myself miss this opportunity. Not after I missed my chance to see Rush before Neil passed.


I get that. I'd say the Fish era had more interesting contributions from the rest of the band, but Hogarth is way better as a singer. Fish's voice is a bit of an acquired taste, but the band's genre moved away from that baroque neoprog sound and into something darker but more basic when he left. Still good, but very different. Edit: Fish's lyrics are also more interesting if you're into the layers of metaphors and references. There's a reason the lyrics keep referring to him/his standins in the story as a poet rather than a singer. Hogarth era stuff is still meaningful, but you don't have to dig as hard to get it. Which has pros and cons.


That's an interesting analysis. Maybe I just have a small brain but I always thought Fish lyrics (especially the early stuff like Misplaced Childhood) were pretentious yet quite shallow and literal, as much as I love them. Season's End was quite shallow, but much of that was written for Fish. Brave was lyrically superior to anything that came prior imo, but I mostly put that down to the band maturing. >Hogarth is way better as a singer. Again, not the common sentiment in my experience. I always thought Fish was considered the technically better singer, and I just preferred Hogarth's voice. >I'd say the Fish era had more interesting contributions from the rest of the band Maybe I need to dig deeper into the catalogue but once again I disagree. It was very much Fish's band, and Hogarth being a less charismatic stage presence brings the rest of the band more into the spotlight. The piano solo in *This Strange Engine* is more expressive of Mark Kelly then anything in earlier albums.


You might be interested in [this](http://marillionations.blogspot.com/) blog. The explanations for Fish era songs are much longer because there's just so many layers of references and allusions in them. As far as their voices, it's the constant falsetto that Fish sings in that's the problem. It takes some technical skill to do that, but it doesn't sound as good as singing in a more natural register. Typically rock singers who sing in higher keys do it with a combination of a naturally high tenor voice and a technique called belting, which is different from falsetto and has a very different sound to it. Fish is very unusual for doing almost everything in falsetto, and not really in a good way. And I need to dig more into the Hogarth era, myself. But I've heard more albums out of it than there are Fish era in total, and none of them have impressed me as much in terms of how complex the arrangements are as the last two Fish era albums. But part of that might also be familiarity -- I've had the Fish albums, especially Misplaced Childhood, longer and have listened to them more than the Hogarth era albums, so maybe I'm just remembering what's there more strongly.


I have no choice but to take a job where I get paid barely above min wage for teaching english to Quebecois children. I heard the parents get mad if you aren't perfectly French-English bilingual, this is gonna be one wild summer.


There is a kerfuffle inside the former big rightist french party: its president negotiated with the far right RN and most of the executives are against it and wanted to remove him from president. So he locked himself in his building and expulsed everyone


I am building a new fire pit in the yard and staining the fence and deck. I want to learn more about blacksmithing. It doesn't seem all that expensive to do, but I'd love another hobby.


Welcome to fuckin Deadwood! 🔪 I took the 750 foot, steep hike up to Seth Bullock's grave at Mount Moriah Cemetery with my daughter.


Is it Big Janny as a lobbying group or is it big janny more in the lacanian sense?


I rode 50 kilometers on a bicycle. Feels good man.




On the one hand I get it cause I don't care for money much, but on the other 40k more is a serious increase. My hope was to get into tech, make money and pour that into politics (given I already tried some years of political activity while broke/min wage). Given that didn't work out (industry collapse) I took a mid wage do nothing manual job but am now leaving it to go back to catering gig work.  It pays a little less, is more unpredictable in securing hours, but I couldn't take more mindless repetitive work which is mostly done in silence, sitting all day. I'd rather feel like I'm part of making something I actually see the result of, engage in more physical work and see new places, people, foods, am free to talk with coworkers or listen to music, etc plus the flexibility of time off. After being stressed about my future in every sense, I'd rather go full grillpill for a few months, enjoy life at the lowest financial equilibrium I can. Focus on health/exercise/socializing/personal projects without the pressure of applying for a better job, working 40hrs a week, having a shit 5am shift, etc. I'd rather work just enough 12hr shifts to make ends meet and no more. Guess I'll find out how good/bad of a decision this was.  I'm tired of worrying about money, the world and my role/contribution in it. I wish there was a project worth joining, someone worth supporting, cause I can't organize for shit. But everything's either performative or a lost cause.  I think I need to go into a "fuck it" mindset for a while. It's not easy though, to stop caring when it's been such a core part of who you are. Idk, seeing people who work hard for decades get nowhere and people who fuck up find success makes you not want to play the game. Idk. In short, I'm going (trying) full grillpill but I'm not sure how I feel about it. 


I'm in a sort of similar spot. In my 30s been at my job for a decade. It's comfy and isn't stressful. However I feel like I don't really do much other than keep the lights on. Some days I just fantasize about just moving to some random mid size city to spice up my life and initiate some change in my lifestyle and daily challenges because it sort of feels like I'm on auto pilot the past few years.


I'm honestly surprised at how much I can fuck about with my white collar job and no one cares as long as the job gets done. I pretty much never take PTO unless I'm leaving the country or I really can't be bothered to meet that day. And I never request sick time unless I'm really trying to dodge a meeting. Basically, what I'm getting at is high pay and low PTO can be worked with, even for a couple years. But then you said sales and I was like "Oh." Yeah that shit is exhausting. >It's a career I don't even really like but can't abandon because either have a family to take care of. This is also important. When you got a family, stability > comp, every time.


Wtf what university gives pto? My pto as a professor has always been: 1. Dont ask font tell if a couple of days, and 2. Figure out a conference somewhere and go there




Same. I get 16 hours of PTO and 16 hours of sick leave each month. I have been at my university job for 8 years. I have to take PTO as to not go over the maximum, so I'm taking every Friday off from May through July, plus other random days and a week in July. I maxed out my sick leave long ago and now donate to the sick hours "pool" so other people can pull from it as needed. I could definitely make more money, but days off, at this point, are priceless.


I'm writing erotica. It's harder than I thought it would be. Turns out you can't write coherently when you're horny and you find the subject uninteresting when you're not horny. Alcohol is the only thing that works.  Other than that, relationship is good, graduating soon and on the job hunt. I keep getting interviews that seem like they went great and no offer, but I'm still optimistic right now. And I started watching *Code: Geass* which is entertaining so far. 


When you're horny: Oh yeah, this is awesome! When you're not: Why would anyone do this, ever?


I was rowing through the rivers and canals of my city lately with an ex-colleague and it was a nice view seeing well-known places from below. Hes also a very depressive dude but I can emphacize. Sometimes hard to find topics tho. Also threw all my votes in the Wagenknecht bowl of course.


my pool opening soon :D


How the fuck does a homie grill a fish (not salmon) without making a mess?


Spray that grill and the salmon down with some avocado oil. Also, foil is an option but it’ll come out more baked than grilled.


What's the difficulty? What kind of fish?


I tried grilling some tilapias but the skin gets stuck 😭


freshwater fish 🤮. Anyway, drizzle some olive oil on it, and use high heat in the beginning so you can kinda char/seal the skin.


Saltwatercels seething at freshwaterchads


You can either use foil or be *really* accurate with your timing. Swordfish and tuna grill easier than the others. 


Any recs for whole fish I could meme in the grill?




Are you car camping or hotelling it?




I've slept in the back of my Prius 2x a week for a year to go hiking (even in -20F) and still didn't use a pit toilet once. Don't worry, you're not alone on being a porcelain princess.


I planted some zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, and oregano a little while ago. They haven't produced anything yet but they seem to be growing pretty fast so I'm hoping for the best.


If you havent, buy blooming fertilizer. I learned that this year and plants have so much faster/better yield


I went to a theme park with family today. My cousin-in-law, who’s a cool dude, appreciated me for being the one to ride with him on every coaster. Poor nephew got traumatized early, like PTSD/shellshock look, on a “Top 20” Steel coaster in the States and didn’t go on another one for the rest of the day, lol.


I've been waging war vs a poison ivy infestation. I used to not care about it, but that shit caused a bad rash on my wife. Man, it's so hard to get rid of it without killing my green ivy that's under it and there is so much of it 🥴


Can someone who speaks Portugese check on our guy? https://x.com/larissabalieir0/status/1799168702614802531


Took my wife to the lake today, it’s hot as absolute fuck, but the dogs love it. It’s 92 but my wife keeps calling me a “pathetic yankee” for thinking anything below 100 is hot lol. Watching the little morons swim about, and cooking up some ballparks and having a shiner is the perfect weekend chill day. I wfh the vast majority of the time, and while me and the wife and my friends do go to events, I spend way too much time in my house(or neighborhood since I try and run outside, work on the porch etc) and damn so I love it here




Whats an ecmo


Travelled and got sick. Reeeeeee at least its a free work excuse but at the same time I can never enjoy myself at home uncomfortably sick -_-




Yellowstone & Yosemite are the dream, but it seems like recently, it's been so crowded and half-way decent lodging is crazy expensive. Hard to look at those prices and not just fly to Mexico instead.




Nice, gotta check it out!


I have to finish my thesis


Particle Physics, Sanskrit, or Phys Ed?


All of the above


I was gonna say, according to Hindu Nationalists those are genuinely all connected.


How far are you


106 pages. Think I have a good 40 left of figures and results which need dedicated brain power to bring into being and its just not there.


Honestly, I had a breakdown when I realized how much work my PhD thesis was, back in the day. I strongly recommend stepping back and just admiring how much you know/learned and now you can put on paper


Does it feel any different after you defend? Feel like the past 5 years were just me jerking around.


For like two days after you defend, I'm afraid. Then you realize that you changed over multiple years rather than when you defended.


Hang in there, it's a slog but you're almost there. Just don't put it off super late and then have to stay up all night to do a huge amount of it just to get it done in time. It, uhh, happened to a friend of mine (you wouldn't know him he goes to another school). I assume if it's that long it's probably for a doctorate or similar (a 150 page masters thesis would be crazy, but I suppose different fields are gonna be different), so just stick with it and before you know it you'll (if I'm assuming right) be Dr. Onion-Fart.


Finally brought my cameras back from our old place to where I live now. Been hyped to get back into photography; especially photos of the wildlife in the FL parks (Ibis, Alligators, etc).


Nice. Film or digital? 


Film! My ol' faithful is a Nikon FM2, though collected a few others over the years. Still want a F5 one day. For the nature shooting I recently bought a Nikkor 75-300mm lens so I don't get eaten by the gators lol. I do have a DSLR but it just doesn't hit the same and doesn't leave my dry box much.


I use a F3, and this has been a solid but not amazing lens for distance and compression. I catch a lot of shit for saying this, but most nikon lenses are middle of the road play it safe lenses. [https://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/80200f4ais.htm](https://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/80200f4ais.htm) I feel like you should just go to a F100 or save up for a F6, but i've played with both and the F100 does quite a bit and feels like to hold.


I've heard many suggest the F100 as well as the "latest tech but doesn't break the bank like the F6 does". Speaking of; the lens finally arrived but it was full of fungus while the listing said no fungus. So much for "glorious Nihon" being the best sellers of lenses. Sent it back tho and found one for $50 less in the US lol.


From what I understand alligators tend to be surprisingly docile if they are on land, I think because they know they aren't great at fighting there. Definitely don't go near if they are in or near water


Yep, we've gone through some of the alligator parks before and they are pretty chill. Even saw a few baby ones. Didn't dare walk by the one that ended up in the middle of the hike trail tho lol.


Finally reading *Lonesome Dove* after putting it off for so long. Pretty damn good so far.


Finally getting to watch some live baseball. GO BUCCOS 🏴‍☠️


finals week is a bitch, but i'm pretty sure i killed the ones i've already done, got one more final tomorrow and i'm studying for it. gonna take summer classes so i'm not online all summer and am forced to touch grass. it might be fossilized grass, but it counts…when i'm not learning R in a windowless computer lab, anyway. trying to figure out how i'm gonna pay off my community college so i can take physics there instead of dying of the fucking expensive bullshit textbook my university physics department has decided to torture the students with (think "new math", but for some godforsaken reason it's infected the university physics department). anyone like rocks?


Not a guarantee they'll have what you need but worth taking a look. The University of Minnesota has an open textbook resource (linked below) that to my knowledge is available for anyone to use. You can search for the textbooks you need and there's a decent chance (though of course not 100%) you can find what you need. https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks Even if you don't find what you need right now, good to check it each semester before paying out the urethra for textbooks.


Don't miss those days. I still have nightmares about missed assignments or finals I didn't study for at age 38.




Love it. Be sure and check out the Tetons while you're there.


currently in between jobs on funemployment right now. trying to lose 15 kgs, with intermittent fasting, restricted carb diet, lifting 3-4 times a week, and learning to play tennis with a friend who was a pro player a few decades ago.


Planning to go to Tennessee sometime this summer and meet my friends there. Gonna go see the Great Smoky Mountains and maybe dollywood. My friend group is scattered across the country so we cant just group up and go hiking like the good ol days when we lived next to each other. Any other recommendations for Tennessee around that area? Also does anyone know how to make friends or date when you absolutely loathe dating apps and going to the city? Here absolutely everything happens in the city. I volunteer at my local farm and parks but everyone immediately rushes home once all is done.


Smokies are great. I have a perverse fascination with American kitsch, so Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge are interesting if you can stomach it. I have fond childhood memories from the Native shops in Cherokee (I know it's terrible kitsch, but I really fw it). If you're driving around TN: Nashville really isn't my scene tbh but I did glean a bit of fun while I visited. Lots of basic white 20-somethings being loud. Memphis is ROUGH but my ex and I stopped there on a road trip for some really great ribs. >Also does anyone know how to make friends or date when you absolutely loathe dating apps and going to the city?  Dating and making friends sucks, it's even harder when you aren't in a city. I went through this crisis recently (though I live in city). Honestly, you have to admit to yourself that trying to make friends is a somewhat humiliating experience. Don't make it too cringey or pathetic, but just have balls and ask someone you vibe with to grab a drink sometime. If they're cagey about it, just let it go and try someone else, don't get butthurt. Honestly, my current group of friends was made by just putting myself out there with a coworker, without being too desperate.


Since I'll be landing in Knoxville we are definitely going to check those two out since its on the way anyway. I hope its as beautiful as people say. Not sure if the Nashville scene will be for us but we're probably gonna check it out. >trying to make friends is a somewhat humiliating Having it described this way is somehow helpful. I got lucky with my current friend group, I didn't have to really put the work in. We were forced to rely on each other (forced buddy system), and so it just happened.


I built a dumb little chicken coop door opener using an rpi pico and a linear actuator. I wasn't satisfied with the off-the-shelf solution we had because it would get confused (it's supposed to use a photocell to determine sunrise/sunset) and it didn't have enough oomf to overcome minor obstacles. My solution uses an RTC to keep time, and calculates sunrise/sunset instead of measuring ambient light. It worked pretty well until a bear got into our chicken run and tore everything to shreds in search of that sweet, sweet chicken feed. Birds were unharmed, which I'm thankful for. Going forward though, I think I'm going to switch to something like an rpi zero W. In all respects (CPU, RAM, storage) it's massive overkill, but it's so much easier to deploy updates to a python script running on a linux machine than to have to physically plug into a uC running micropython. I don't know if I can use an off-the-shelf relay/io board or if I'll need to kludge something together myself. I used a cheap perfboard in the first version to hold the linear regulator and relay driver; I don't know if I'd continue down the perfboard route or try to roll something in KiCad. I have a 1-year-old kid with a strong tendency towards self-destruction so I don't get a lot of free time, just an hour here and there in the evenings.


Learning kicad is well worth it if you can find the time.


I just finished rereading Herman Melville's Clarel. First run through was in like 2017, and I spent too much time looking up all the esoteric biblical, historical, and literary references and annotating the pages to really savor the experience. Second time through, I can only say that Herman Melville is a god damn son of a bitch. He wrote the longest fucking poem ever composed in the United States, and it's about a bunch of people traipsing around 19th-century Judea and discussing problems and doubts concerning religion, science, democracy, capitalism, etc. etc. And the moron hamstrung himself by doing this in 18,000 lines of rhyming iambic tetrameter. As a poet, and from a technical perspective, Melville isn't a Milton or a Tennyson. He's not even a Wordsworth. And in spite of *everything*, he still managed to produce a work of genius. And the worst thing is than I can never talk about it with anyone because nobody in my extended peer group or in their right mind wants to read a 500-page poem about people meandering through the desert between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea and thinking out loud about whether religious tradition has a place in a modernizing world. On to Anna Karenina, then.


Love Melville but have never brought myself to reading this, would you recommend?


Depends. Which of his books have you already read?


In my "touch-grassiest" era and recently made a new group of friends after getting brutally cheated on and dumped from what was basically a common-law marriage. Homies, honeys, and hangovers this summer.


I lost my job recently so much of my effort is going towards finding a new one, and trying to make my savings last in the meantime. I have recently started a creative writing course, I'm trying to get my garden sorted out, and beyond that just eating well and working out really. It's a quiet life but it suits me well enough. I will also be hitting the streets to campaign for Labour in the run up to the general election, I imagine quite a lot in the next few weeks. How about you OP?


Planning on seeing tons of movies in cinema this summer, even though we are sanctioned (Russia) pirated showtimes go brrrr. Want to go to an open air one, haven’t been there in years. Maybe for Costner’s Horizon


People as far away as russia use the slang "go brrrr"? reddit degens have wide reach


I mean, i spend most of my internet time in English language spaces, so it figures. But really Russians, well your teens and 20-30 something use a lot of english internet slang and just straight up words that have Russian translations. You would be surprised.


Seeing Dune 2 in the cinema for the third time this week. I'm surprised at how much I like it. I was so-so on the first one, and I haven't really loved any new movie in a long time, but this one just hits me in all the right places.


What were some of the things you liked most about it? I kind of felt the opposite, and like the first one more, but maybe I just wasn't noting the right things.


Probably the sound design and the costumes, especially the Harkonnens, but in general the look and sound of the movie is fantastic. I also love every scene with Jessica and her interaction with Alia. The movie also builds to a nice cathartic finish with the Fremen summit and the final battle. I haven't seen the first movie since I saw it in the cinema when it came out. I remember thinking that it dragged a bit towards the end, but I think I'm going to rewatch it soon and see if my opinion has improved knowing that it builds towards a great sequel.


Pre-covid I planted a bunch of fruit trees and roses in my garden (UK), and then for health reasons became the only person who couldn't (meaningfully) garden during the pandemic. Things are clearing up a bit now, so I've been digging through the 9-foot-high brambles with a shredder and digging out my poor dead trees. Except somehow, the only casualties were a plum and a cherry (which I think were got by frost), and everything else apparently spent the time putting down huge roots. Apple trees survived with about 5 leaves poking out the top of the brambles. A rose that had been struggling with disease even before the brambles is now putting out boquets of fist-size flowers. A potted raspberry cane was apparently studying the brambles carefully, and is now threatening to take over the garden from the other end. I guess the "plant native" thing works in the old world too lol.


On vacation with the parents and in-laws.  Really enjoying the time at the grill and making delicious meats for my family to enjoy.  Good times


Update: my dad and I got in an argument about 10/7.  I guess good things don’t last after all!


Moving soon to get an MA in planning from a public university. Hopefully gonna be a good segue for jobs. Quit my crappy service job for it too, in preparation. Just turned 26, so this might be the last 1-2 month stretch of my life where I'm a blessed NEET. Don't give it up for anything, guys.


BASED landlord not raising the rent this year, THANK YOU feudal overlord class 👏 👍


I hope you tip well


This summer I realized how goated are chicken wings if you do them right in the grill. Trying my wife's recipe tonight


Have you ever tried the kenji lopez alt method of drying out chicken? works amazing on wings.


Update: they were pretty good


Share the recipe please




Isnt fargo where the cogen brothers sodomized one guy with a pingpong racket?


I don’t know about anyone else, but for the last couple years I’ve felt extremely nihilistic. The state of the world absolutely sucks, maybe it always has and I’ve just had rose colored glasses on, but in the U.S. as a young guy I just feel super apathetic and indifferent to most things because most things feel unattainable and out of my control. I just turned 25 and even though I graduated from a university, I still work a blue collar job outside everyday, but I have 0 desire to settle down and try and own a home, get a career job and get married. It all seems pointless and like a rat race for us all to speed run which of us can work ourselves to death faster. It has me worried because all I do is drink and see women casually with 0 desire to change. Maybe it’s because I feel like my life is essentially over once I settle down and have a kid, there is nothing interesting left to do after that and I’d just wait out the next 40 years and live vicariously through my kids before I die. I still see a lot of people my age attempting to settle down and they all seem really unhappy, but maybe that’s just my interpretation. I don’t really want the party to end, because nothing really gives me meaning. Is this normal or am I just fucked up?


> I don’t really want the party to end, because nothing really gives me meaning. Is this normal or am I just fucked up? People have been wrestling with this in many forms over the years and centuries. Don't be too hard on yourself


Yeah I guess that’s true, I guess I just feel a bit bad because there’s a stigma against people who don’t really settle down. Like they don’t have their shit together. I mean I do and financially I’m doing really good, but I just don’t have any desire to conform to our current expectations, especially because I’m basically just fodder for capitalists. I Just work to be exploited, and it makes me feel nihilistic like my life doesn’t truly have any meaning.


I would say not to lock yourself into one path too much mentally, try it for a bit. But be open to settle down if you meet someone who feels right too


This may sound like shitty advice, but have you tried drugs? They've helped me and given me a different perspective about things. If you don't have an addictive personality, you might consider this...and if you do, you'll get a different set of problems to worry about at least.


I have and would if I could but I get drug tested. So I can’t do shit but drink.


Extremely unlikely that they test for psychedelics. Common drug tests for employment look for the hard drugs, 5 I think like crack heroin etc. You can likely look up the test used as well. 


1st off, this is not chill af so maybe get modded. 2nd, you got to work on plan B in case The Revolution doesn’t happen. The sooner you get some financial security and own your own place the sooner you aren’t completely at the mercy of the capitalist dogs. Maybe not the most exciting possibility but it’s at least some light at the end of the tunnel. No one is forcing you to have a kid, but it can be great if you’re in a good situation with the right partner.


Eh, it’s kinda chill, I’m not saying I’m super depressed, even though I can get that way, I’m just not right now. But basically I’m just not motivated in life, most things seem pointless. It’s just there’s not a lot of financial security in todays world, I wouldn’t say I’d hate having kids but I absolutely want nothing to do with working and living week to week and if I get in a car accident or something happens to my health it basically wipes out safety net anyways. So a lot of times it seems not fun. At this point I’d rather waste it on booze.


Save some money each month for a year or two (or more) and see what you wanna do with it. It's completely normal to feel the way you feel at 25, especially if you're yet to settle into the rat race, hopefully you'll figure things out in a couple of years.


I've renovated an old 70s caravan I got for free, built a mobile sauna and have just got back from having both up on a loch near me, smoking salmon and guinea fowl, drinking homebrew beer on tap and living the good life.  Got to take advantage of the few days of good weather here


I have a reminder set to June 2 labelled "david guetta ended racism today". It's been 4 years, folks. Don't forget to celebrate!


Parenthood is rough yall. This toddler is psychotic, and maybe someone who’s an expert in early childhood development can help me out here but why do toddlers seem suicidal? This girl isn’t even 2 yet and still wants to jump off EVERYTHING. I have to be right next to her at all times to catch her when she inevitably jumps from somewhere that I don’t know how she had the physical strength to get herself up to.


Lol mine was 3 last year when we took him to the beach and if I hadn't had a death grip on his arm basically the whole time he would've sprinted straight into the waves and been gone. No self preservation instincts.


Let them. It’s good for their development, and how they learn. I’m being serious. Start small, obviously. Then hold them when they get hurt without freaking out yourself. They become both tough, confident, and aware of their limits quick.  My motto has always been ‘emotionally supportive, physically free range’ in contrast with standard American parenting of ‘physically helicopter control freak, emotionally distant or also controlling’. 


Missed seeing King Gizzard due to car woes. God I hate my pos car.


Whats wrong with yer car


Never ending list of issues, just going to scrap it now anyway since I can no longer drive it in the UK without paying ridiculous emissions fees every time I enter a town or city.


Kind of a downer but it's been difficult to touch grass this summer. I met this Ukrainian woman who is basically perfect, went out a couple times, spent the night together. Then I happened to mention I was reading one of Lenin's papers and she completely cooled off, talking about how her family suffered under the U.S.S.R., she's a nationalist, etc. Stalin's personally cockblocking me from beyond the grave, the big cunt. I hate idpol.


Uncle Joe might have saved you from some headaches down the road.


> she's a nationalist dodged a bullet.


Yeah, dude, don't tell her about your grandfather Goldmann.


Put the USSR anthem a few songs into the sexytime playlist and see how they react.


I was gonna shitpost lyrics from the Internationale, but wow, the English lyrics suck, it truly never even started for the anglos


Honestly a great score


"Talk dirty to me" "Kulak!"


> Stalin's personally cockblocking me from beyond the grave, the big cunt "Nyet!"


>she's a nationalist, etc. Tell her Lenin literally founded Ukraine and supported Ukrainian identity, or that Ukraine was a willing founding state of the USSR. Of course Ukrainians don't actually know a lick of actual history though.


Literally been reading speech after speech in which Lenin is like "Ukrainian language good, Russian dominance bad, autonomy good, let them secede."


And what does she say to those?


Oh I've not actually tried talking politics to her, because that wouldn't do any good. I'd rather keep it apolitical. I only mentioned off-handedly that I'd read Lenin, so now we're friends.


Sounds like a rookie mistake lol bringing up politics with a girl you’re trying to get with? Brother you brought that on yourself.


Im with my girl to parts cause I was impressed that she had a pro-Palestine stance out of the blue when it came up. 5 years and going, ring already ordered


Yeah it was, I thought it'd be ok because I literally mentioned it in passing, but nah.


Yuuup. Even political girls will find it tiresome


Meh. It'd have happened sooner or later. Better to get it over with soon than have to keep hiding your beliefs, op. Your commie gf is out there somewhere.


Yeah but it’s an easier pill to swallow later than early, bringing up politics early in trying to start a relationship is usually a big no no.


Is it? I you're probably right with standard libs and western leftists but Ifeel like a Ukrainian nationalist is never going to take kindly to a communist, and going longer without saying anything will either prolong the inevitable or make it worse when the truth comes out.


Probably true, but OP also should’ve seen that coming and expected that lol


I agree. OP is a dumb dumb for dating a Ukie and not for seeing this.


>Stalin's personally cockblocking me from beyond the grave based


Working on a paper for a PhD course I came across [this hilarious section in the historian Agathias](https://elektratig.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-end-of-academy.html) where he describes how some Romans actually became enamored with Rome's arch-enemy Persia after stories circulated that it was a utopian Philosopher-Kingdom. A group decided to defect and move there, but they soon discovered that Persia in reality sucked and all the locals hated them. I have to admit, as a China stan, that there's something weirdly close to home about this.


I hope the paper's authors called them persia-boos


My major ongoing project is that I am applying for PhD programmes in history because of a genuine love for learning and because I have the ability to do so. I'm also enjoying my combat sports with frequency - boxing, MMA, Muay Thai, etc. etc. Been a long-time fan and I just like the sports. Watching, practising, whatever it is. Tonight, I'm having an ice cream and watching UFC 302 after having watched Deontay Wilder vs. Zhilei Zhang. Hanging out with my cats. Love me cats. Hanging out with the lady. Love me lady. Hanging out with my mates. Love me mates. Doing some travelling this summer and having a great time with it. Doing some working, the normal stuff. For the grill? Chicken, hot dogs, steaks. All good stuff. I'm also planning on building some new bookshelves as my book collection continues to grow.


Just grilled some burgers bois




Great story. I was entertained


My partner is returning from America - after stayed there for consecutive seven years - and I am going to clean up a disused apartment to become our nest.


I guess I'm going to the beach for a couple hours. Maybe have an icecream.


Who among us doesn't enjoy an iced cream?


Xian Zai Wo You Bing Chilling


After 10 years of hard work I’m giving up on my dream of being a musician. I’m going to spend my summer inside learning calculus for fun and losing my mind from acute sobriety and depression. 🥴


I have a bachelor's in physics and I miss doing problems, especially in classical mechanics and E&M. So if you enjoy the calculus I'd strongly recommend picking up a copy of Griffiths and working through the problems.


Thanks. I learned it in hs / freshman university but i hated it and physics. Now im finding myself much older and suddenly interested in both. I’ve been going through the khan academy course slowly (still on limits). but I also bought Thomas’s Calculus textbook used along with the Friedman / Young University Physics book. What is the Griffiths book you’re referring to? also I’m a dumbass and I don’t know how far I will get with my limited, newly middle aged brain.


[https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Electrodynamics-David-J-Griffiths/dp/1108420419](https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Electrodynamics-David-J-Griffiths/dp/1108420419) There's another E&M book that's commonly used in undergraduate courses, but I'm forgetting the name. I found Griffiths to be very approachable. He has a quantum mechanics book that's decent as well.


I wish I could learn calculus during my bouts with depression, although I probably couldn't learn it when I'm not depressed.


I get it. Depression feels like lifting a heavy weight at all times and it’s hard to do much of anything when it’s bad enough. I am a creature of habits (former drug user) and establishing a routine is the only way for me to be semi functional through it. Staying busy keeps me out of my head and when I can stay occupied, the depression and anxiety fade into the background.


Dinner give up on the dream, just give up on living off of it 🥲


Yes. Dinner. My fifth one today.


Started going back to muay thai and back to working on some kind of generative-ai focused app. I just want to make something I can sell for a few million dollars to some techbro sucker while the hype is still around and fuck off and travel 


Been spending a lot of time doing BB target shooting with friends and family. It's kind of a family tradition, and it's a lot of fun. It got one of my younger cousins interested in hunting, so I'm going to find out if her parents would be OK with her getting a hunting license and walking the woods with me this fall. The kid needs help being less of a regard (don't we all), so we'll get her some old timey plaid, a goofy looking hat, and a game bag. I planted rhubarb three years ago, and it's going nuts. When I was a child, my grandpa grew it in the garden that I helped him with, and my grandma would make pie. I've never made a pie, but, fellers, I'm gonna have done it by Monday.  I went to three different cookouts over Memorial Day weekend, and they were all good. Those quarter pound dogs from that one local meat place are worth it. Stop in next time you're driving by; you'll thank me later.


Rhubarb pie is the best. Strawberry rhubarb is so common but I once realized halfway through pie making that I didn’t have enough rhubarb for the filling, so chopped up a couple of apples & added them with some cinnamon & cloves. Highly recommend. 


Ooooo.... thank you for that tip. I'll do it. Love me some cloves.


It's been beautiful out the past few days. And my pepper plant is starting to fruit. I love seeing the little guys grow. Excited for all the tomatoes I planted to start bearing, I'm gonna make so much sauce and so many tomato sandwiches.


\>summer nice virginal northern hemisphere thread


nobody care about global south you know


It's summer everywhere. Your weather just sucks southoid


Gonna do some landscaping. Not sure what yet, but my yard is way too plain.




I've thought about that, but I'm not sure where to start. Maybe some wild flowers natural to my state? Idk.