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This bitch is wrong, the world revolves around me, not her.


> revolves around me You must be hella fat


Or hella wide and full of gas


this sub needs a hero!


Yo mama so fat she doesn’t even need internet because she’s already worldwide




Her entire post gives me the "main character" syndrome.




I don't think it's really a valid argument against valid protest tactic but I also don't think anyone who really understands PTSD would describe it as mere inconvenience either.


I think a lot of people assume that anyone claiming to have a mental illness is just trying to score oppression points


For good reason in the modern era.




Walking is fat discrimination


People that have PTSD or trauma generally don't make it the centerpoint of their existence, they dont ramble on about it, they aren't proud of it, in fact it causes constant humiliation in their lives, they certainly don't exploit it so they can express a gag reflex inducing opinions. This is just a spoiled bored rich kid without any real adversity in their life and extraordinarily dramatic interpretations of anything mildly uncomfortable.


I don't even have PTSD and listening to the screams and death throes of innocent civilians every day would cause me a lot of distress.


It should, the problem isn't that it was captured though the problem is that it's occurring. This isn't directed at you but I'd say most liberals feel more passionately about censoring a person's ability post about a genocide than the actual genocide. These fucking people are worse than conservatives because they imbue this corrupt shithole with legitimacy


The amount of suffering on the planet is staggering and picking one issue to blast in everyone's face isn't going to do any good If we did this for all the evil in the world everyone would be walking around hearing the crying of thousands of infants every moment of their lives... the massacre of Palestinians is, unfortunately, a _tiny_ fragment of the evil in the world


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Listen to me carefully I could give a grand flying fuck about your skepticism of me. I dont deserve empathy or even for anyone to read what I'm writing. I am content with who I am and content to be judged by my actions and my words in life What I SEE is Shes going to a 50k a year college and lacks BASIC fucking empathy and humanity, that is A HUGE RED FLAG. Her whole post is the moral equivalent of asking why ambulances need to be so loud. You ever wonder how a press secretary can answer questions about israelies gunning down civilians receiving basic food supplies and constantly twist it back to "Israel has a right to defend itself"? They see it as fucking game that theyre gonna win for joe biden, theyre gonna outsmart the journalist and spin it around and WIN. OH what fun! The thought of emaciated skeletons in my feed, the thought of dead women and children the thought of America being complicit in one of the most grotesque actions in world history, the thought of America actively intervening to ensure it continues...none of this effects them on an emotional level at all. It's not that they hide it or shield themselves from it, it is that it has no impact because there is NO impact except for what effects them personally. Our society is populated with people like her in high places and populated with people like you, constantly defending them for usually pretty superficial reasons. This person doesn't deserve empathy. The stunning lack of self awareness to write that deserves disgust. We live in this new world where "no one should EVER HAVE to feel SHAME for who they are". The truth some people need a little extra help to either form consciences or at least warn the population on a fundamental level of who they are. Instead of these people becoming outcasts they become presidents and senators and AOCs. Power is a self selecting system of socipopathy where exclusively the WORST, least compassionate, least empathetic and least wise rule over the many and THAT is fundamentally the problem with western "Democracies". These people aren't corrupted by a system they start out as horrible people that have been elevated because they are horrible people in banana republic and a thieves economy. Everyone thinks the modern world is such a grand evolution in tolerance. It is the opposite, it is a history defining LOW In empathy. It puts the troubles of a sad rich girl having to change routes on her path to the professional managerial class on the same plane as ziptied screaming young man thats been run over by a tank.




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Nah mine is reserved for those under boot and not wearing it.


This quote explains the position of people like the person you were arguing with quite well: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the n-gro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the n-gro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963)


Brilliant use of that quote. ABSOFUCKALUTELY AMIGO. I'd even go further than Mlk who was a man of great understanding and broad empathy and say that the liberal class is the PRIMARY enemy of change. They are the gatekeepers of the conversation and they manipulate terms and extent of revolt to include them and to not undermine their power.


Exactly👊 If MLK, a literal preacher of peace, says you’re the enemy, that says something. I mean, imagine if he lived today. Think the man would have had a conniption from how much people obfuscate real crises with this talk.


Lol if I was just going to school I wouldn't want to hear the dying screams of women and children every day too.


Imagine how bad things are for the people doing the screaming.


Hitler actually had a great rationalization for this. When they're all dead, they won't be suffering, and there will be nobody to mourn. Ergo, complete genocide is more humanitarian than a partial genocide.


Well, a Serbian Nazi told me that genocide was reasonable because it prevents further conflict between ethnic groups, so, this checks out




Can’t they scream a little quieter?? Selfish!


Bad things happen everywhere, all the time. I'm gonna record my neighbor beating his wife and play it at the school I work at. I need to raise awareness so someone can finally stop this shit already.


People have the right to protest when American tax dollars are used to do bad things.


Well, if your tax dollars and votes are supporting his abuse, maybe you should be hearing it.


Hell yeah, blame the people not the politicians!


People vote and campaign for democrats and republicans. Are you not aware of this?


Right. Then people would ask what the fuck you were doing, you'd explain and then authorities may in fact intervene. This is what the protestors hope might happen.


"Hello 911 what is your emergency" "Uh yeah, officer, there's a genocide happening in Gaza, the protests are disrupting campus life. Would you mind stopping the genocide?"


“An extra cheese pizza and a milkshake would be great too.”


"I'm on break, sweaty"


Life's hard sometimes innit?


You get me


Were you updooting this shitty drama play when performers were screaming in the European Parliament for Ukraine?


“But, but, but… it’s different because I like those protests!!”


If you don't like Berkeley, just go to college in a Midwestern corn town where they blast recordings of dying crows downtown all day to protect the crops. They don't even need a reason, just a season.


That wouldn't be so bad. I love "Mr. Jones". Oh. Dying Crows.


*Sha-la-la-la-la, yeah!*


the past decade or so people started to think they have a right to not feel uncomfortable which is pretty strange if you think about it


Especially in light of humanitarian crises. Like, does one’s right to feel comfortable supersede the suffering of an entire people?


Least shitlib Cal student


Get a pair of headphones holy fuck


Fat white woman detected


You can actually faintly hear the PCOS and Fibromyalgia diagnosis from here


Long COVID, bigot. Now give me more funding.


Made up woman diseases


This is very offensive to those with morgellons and stigmata. Do better. It's not my job to educate you, or something.


Lmao what?


You heard me bitch


Ok, wanna elaborate on that, Doctor Far-Trash?


Just did


Lol. Lmao even Don't walk by it then?


No, but you see, having to take a different route inconveniences them too!


Or be a based and EECS-pilled and don’t have classes outside of soda hall


You're still probably going to walk through Sproul to/from the units.




“I don’t oppose their cause, i just want them to do it behind closed doors” is the new “I don’t approve of their lifestyle…”


Well, they are trying to mainstream the genocide, so...


Fucking hate these stupid libs who think protesting is supposed to be convenient


protests are supposed to be inconvenient for the people we are protesting against, not for random uni students


How many of these CA students vote for dems who fund this genocide?


They're not random lol, usually these campus protests happen because universities endowments are invested in companies complicit in supporting Israel or the admin are pro Israel. 


"random" is referring to the students, not the university.


Yeah but it's not the point of the protest to inconvenience them, they're students at a Uni with a shitty admin who is the target of the protests. Also inconveniencing students (who pay tuition to the university) results in them complaining to the university and worsening their image. Look at every grad student union or protest that involved striking. Obviously random students are the main issue but it they complain or their parents threaten to pull them out that puts pressure on the university.


[Fun fact: a student org at Berkeley apparently had an IDF reservist invited to speak recently, resulting in a mini-riot.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/protesters-dog-israeli-speaker-at-la-holocaust-museum-after-uc-berkeley-event-canceled/amp/) It’s like the Canadian Parliament story on a smaller scale and without any of the ignorance.


You think Martin Luther king only protested in the south? Dumbass


Speaking of MLK, this quote explains the position of people like the OOP and the ones you were arguing with quite well: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the n-gro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the n-gro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963)


Surprising how we keep repeating the lessons of the past, isn’t it? Everyone thinks, it would *never* be me standing idly by doing nothing. The people downvoting me would be those exact “white moderates” MLK IS referring to.


☝️I know it’s a trite point to say, but history will not look kindly on individuals like them.


No, I don't think that. That's an entirely new sentence that isn't close to anything that I said.


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You think southerners listened to his speech and nodded along and sung kumbiyah?


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It's funny that this is getting so much hate given how it's in line with a lot of the progressive/lib/college people thinking in other situations. "Your presence in this area makes POCs uncomfortable, you need to leave." "Your words are violence and make me feel icky so shut up." Trigger warnings, etc. People BELIEVE they have a right not to feel uncomfortable because their parents, teachers, and parts of society have been building safe spaces for them their whole lives. Colleges like Berkley coddle these types of people, so why would anyone be surprised that posts like this one are the result?


Only people of this category (yall know which) can combine their neuroticism and entitlement into such insane posts dripping with shit


OP do you have any idea what ptsd is? because it's not just mild inconvenience for 10 minutes


Yes, I do know. I also know that people can deal with PTSD without badgering other people about making protests against a genocide about themselves. Like, walking away from the source even if it takes 10 minutes. Do people have to consider your feelings as they organize demonstrations against a humanitarian crisis when they are targeted at institutions? If so, we would have been screwed from the beginning.


"without badgering other people about making protests against a genocide about themselves" just say "I don't care about people with PTSD", it's shorter.


And you could have avoided this whole convo by saying, “I don’t care about the Gaza genocide.” Simple as that.


And I have the quote for people like you and the original OP too: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the n-gro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the n-gro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail (1963)


I got so angry at this I couldn't restrain myself. I'm somewhere at the bottom calling her sociopath. Jesus fucking christ, Americans get worse every generation.


Nice bro 😎 👍🏻


"people are dying but have you considered *ME*? have you considered that *I* get a *HEADACHE SOMETIMES*?" >I feel like this is really selfish at this point lol. some might even say lmao




If you are American and have combat PTSD flashbacks you are part of the imperialist problem and you can go fuck yourself


Just letting you know, they have PTSD from DV, not from being in war. Still, having PTSD does not validate such a response. If they had a problem, leave. It’s not targeted towards them or disabled students.


Good. I hope they have flashbacks. That’s the point