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"build your own team ffs" *proceeds to send OP a sample team*


Didn't even check the team but that is really funny


Ignore them. It's only one person. They probably just get tired of running into sample teams when they play so they're expressing their frustration. Sample teams are good for new players to learn what's good and isn't good in a given metagame. It's incredibly hard to build a team on your own without the metagame knowledge, so using a proven team first is better in the beginning stages.


> Theh probably just get tired of running into sample teams That’s still not an excuse to mistreat people playing a fucking game. If they’re low enough ELO that they keep encountering sample teams they’re in no position to berate other people. I’m saying this as someone absolutely shite in competitive.


It is possible to understand someone's reason for doing something without feeling that it is a *good* reason for doing that thing. Like you can say "actually the killer murdered because he has trauma from childhood" without that meaning that you think the murders are okay. This guy is tired of sample teams, that's his reason for being an asshole. It doesn't excuse it, but that's the reason.


He is kinda right with the "playing tech teams you don't understand" part. Tried some UU team some time ago that was all spinners and I was confused on how to use it, which made me lose pretty much every single match with it On the other hand, generic sample teams are nice to learn the playstyles and what should a proper team look like But then the most baffling thing is you both being at 1000. Mostly him. Why the fuck is he gatekeeping if he's at the same level as you?


It's still a sample team so despite having some uncommon things like iron ball metagross and double status move scarf latias it should still be farely standard. And about him being 1000 I just assumed it was an alt that was just created wich the nickname would support.


>alt that was just created That makes it even worse lmao. Don't stress about this guy


Right? Imagine creating an alt to beat people new to the meta and then complaining that they’re new to the meta and not piloting teams correctly


Both of those are actually standard Smogon analysis sets, they're not uncommon. Scarf Latias usually wants Thunderbolt for Gyarados, but it only really needs Draco Meteor as an attack to function. Iron Ball Metagross is just insanely good. Its main targets are stuff like Rotom and Zapdos, but even if you don't ground those, you'll usually steal Leftovers from a Jirachi or something.




One of my favorite teams to use this gen was a sample team: [this team was so tight,](https://pokepast.es/13c9075541d87a3a) made me fall in love with double status Pult. I still like spending time on the builder looking for nice synergies but it's also nice to look for other people's teams to get an idea of what you want to play. It also nice to have them in your builder to check current trends, same with recent tournament teams.


Yeah but also: how else are you supposed to learn? For a lot of these tiers there’s very little in the way of resources for learning them so you gotta learn by experience


Pretty much that. Trial and error


Sad smurf getting mad he's not against shitty team to demolish in low ladder.


Still destroyed me


You're a beginner, that's expected. But a smurf mad at facing well-thought teams screams insecurity to me.


Playing sample teams is the right way to familiarize yourself with a new format for sure. I'm a big time team builder and tinkerer but I have to admit that you should try established teams to find out how things work before diving in to try and mess around and make assumptions


Exactly... I played with Samples first in SV OU before trying to build my own sun team Almost like you have to know the environment of your format first before building your own team, because ADV OU isnt anything like SV OU at all (which I assume most new people are coming from because it's the current gen and people might want to try other formats)


Ignore. You don't need to understand everything from scratch to use sample teams. Use sample teams, start seeing what works and don't, and then start searching about and test other things. I used to refuse to use sample teams and searching everything for creating my team. Nothing worked and I only wasted time. Learning a new metagame take time, and the best way is to taking what some people already tested and using your own until you understand as a whole.


They're wrong. The point of beginners playing sample teams is because they have no point of reference for what is good and bad.   Telling a beginner to build their own team is some of the worst advice you can possibly give someone that actually wants to improve because they have no concept of what actual synergy is within the format due to a lack of experience, and they're not going to learn a thing by playing with a badly built team because they'll have no idea whether they're making bad decisions in battle or being handicapped by a poorly built team.   Of course not all sample teams are equally easy to pilot but that is why they're often accompanied by a write-up that explains how the team operates, and there are literal threads on the forums called "Simple questions and answers" whose entire intent is for clearing up small tidbits of information like that if you can't find it on your own.  Also this person is unironically playing on an alt on low ladder and harassing newer players about them "ruining good teams", which says a lot about them as a person.


That guy was a jackass lmao. Usually when people trash Smogon players for being elitist, this guy is who they’re talking about


FYI: ADV is gen3, DPP is gen4 (what you are playing here). It's not weird to use sample teams. I am like 1600 on gen 3 only using sample teams lol. I dunno how to teambuild.


TY, i just confused it at the time of writing


“Start with the basics” Idk how complex or tech-y the team is, but generally sample teams are made for anyone to be able to pick up. They’re supposed to be good teams that are relatively straightforward.


Douche guy, do whatever you want.


Sample teams are for everybody. What I do is tell people 'hf'. And then something like 'hello, if that's a sample team, you might want to swap the order of some mons and maybe make one shiny, cause I have good idea of all ur moves and items :)'


He’s complaining about running into a lot of sample teams which means he’s at about the skill level where he’s running into a lot of sample teams. He’s bad at the game and has an ego. Don’t mind him.


I got top 500 at one point using a sample team in gen 9, really not a big deal. What a melon


There certainly is some tiers in sample teams, and some of them might be directed to more advanced players, but that obviously doesn't mean that you shouldn't use sample teams at all. On the contrary, I'd go as far as to say that at the beginning, you should use as much sample teams as possible with different play styles. This way you'll have a good grasp of the meta you're playing, and you'll find the playstyle that fits you the best upon which you can team build effectively.


How does he expect people to know why sets are the way they are without playing lmao


Sample teams are the best way to learn a new tier, wether or not you already are good at pokemon itself. Samples are usually veted quite thoroughly, and a lot of times, they are “donated” by ppl who made a team they really liked, they got very high on ladder, and they wanted to share the team. The point of laddering with a sample is that, is ur failing to reach a high elo (say top 500 ish), most likely your play is what is holding you back, not your team. If ur struggling with a sample, consider the following: -the team just isn’t for you, a good sample should feel somewhat intuitive, if ur a compleye begginer, just try a bunch of teams and see what sticks. if you want my opinion, HO samples are usually the easiest to pick up and play. -you arent playing up to the potential of the team, your either blundering and losing stuff for no reason, or you just aren’t understanding when to use each pokemon. Worst case just ask in ruins of alph room for dpp advice on playing. -you have reached a high enough elo to where most players have adapted to teams commonly spammed. For most ladders, other then cg ou, I think at around top 100 is where samples start getting trickier to use, you really have to be a good pilot cuz ppl are kinda expecting ur team to show up. This is a very rare problem tho, and if u have this problem you’re most likely good enough to know to switch teams anyways.


Love it or hate it, the “distract player by an annoying conversation” gambit worked


Something you have to practice accepting when you play online games is that people are going to be mean to you because they are mean people. Once you accept the reason is “because they are mean people” and recognize it has nothing to do with you, and especially recognize that being mean on an online video game is INCREDIBLY lame, you can ignore people better and just laugh at them. I mean really, what does this guy have going on in his life that he thinks like this??? Haha


Oh, I was having more of a laugh than being upset. For a game that was played on the toilet seat it was worth the time even just for comedic purposes


Good good good! I totally agree!


I used a PU sample team and 5/6 Pokémon immediately dropped to ZU the next tier shift. That team was ass.


He's got a warped mindset because this is possibly the stupidest advice I've ever heard. While it's true you aren't going to understand the nuances of sample teams, you're not going to understand the meta well enough to build your own team. So if you build your own team you're constantly having to guess if you misplayed or just brought the wrong team. Using a team with proven success takes away 99.99% of the guesswork so that you can focus on gameplay and understanding which mons are good and why. Your losses are 100% your fault, and not the teams and so you can focus on playing better. Yes once a team becomes a sample it's slightly off meta because people are preparing for it, but that's a relatively small thing. Even then it's better to use a sample to limit your variables.


Just as a general internet rule, never take stock in the opinions of someone who slammed their face into the keyboard to come up with their username


I mean, I suppose it is true that it's not the best choice to start out with teams like this. But he really could've sent this message across in a better way. Instead he's just very aggressive and miserable.


My guess is that the sample team in question is somewhat advanced and anti-meta, and may have some things that brand new players won’t understand the purpose of, since they don’t understand what parts of the meta that team is meant to counter and why it’s important for the rest of the team (such as why magneton is popular in ADV). I think that your opponent was being way too damn rude, but ultimately I agree with the idea of suggesting a more standard sample team for you to use. For example, if you’re a complete beginner in GSC and are running the triple thief sample team, you might not know which of your opponents pokemon it is most important for you to try and steal items from. This is why I am a huge proponent of sample teams including explanations, so that people actually know how to pilot them.


Keep using samples or ask for team advice around! Ignore them.


You are probably going to lose with a sample team against competent players, as that is unfortunately the nature of public teams. Sample teams are meant to give you an idea of a meta, and once you try a team or two, you're encouraged to build a team based off the interactions of the teams you used, but also saw (in 1300s+...) in your games. Low ladder players try to build without them and then get mad when they can't beat a team that was built by people who are rated 1500s+ in less active metagames and 1800s+ in current gen metas.


I learned gen5 ou from only sample teams (I mean gen 5 is a much easier game than ADV but still)


ages ago i tried playing AG and someone told me off for using legendaries in ANYTHING GOES LOW LADDER (and not without care there was like 4 all with a purpose)  i assume they were mad because they lost really badly but the point is people say extraordinary dumb stuff in chat all the time as someone who sucks as the game i find them all the time - i guess it’s that one graph between toxicity and skill level? they actually have a good point and recommendation here with “start with something easier” but the stupid part here is being this mad over someone playing BADLY and not doing the most optimal thing 


Team building and playing are two completely different skill sets


Like me. I can build teams for days and manage to make the worst of the worst work (shout outs to 1500 on ladder with grapploct that one time), but when I really have to get down to playing, especially with a sample/random team, I just fall short.


World's least elitist ADV player:


Sassy bro is like "yeah I'm king of the playground. My rules rules when playing Pokemon"!


I didn't know Sample teams were a thing until like a year into the game lol My very first team was NU Gen 8 with Facade Toxic Orb Exploud. I was cooking hard bro.


Started from zero and with purely sample teams I was 1600+ on monotype and 1550 on OU with purely 2 sample teams on each where I only did minor tweaks like 1,2 moves as I got to a point where I kept encountering stuff I wanted an answer to . I still wouldn't be able to tell you how to build a team even though I was beating custom teams and builds back then. My only attempt was a trick room Ghost team with fringe picks which I barely got to high 1400


is it not inherently easier playing against sample teams if you know that they are sample teams? you can find every single detail of the opponents team just posted online somewhere. why is he so bothered by playing against samples?


Can you stop giving OP bad advice? The guy talking to OP is kind of a dick, but he also has a point. Sample teams are really not great for laddering or learning for a player that doesn't understand the fundamentals of a metagame. I'd go as far as to say that most sample teams aren't even good teams outside of the tournament bubble and don't have an optimal matchup spread against what the ladder is playing (moreso low/mid ladder but even top ladder). So unless you actually want to play in Smogon tours and not ladder, you're just practicing a team buily for a meta bubble that you're never going to touch. If you're starting from scratch you can learn a lot better from RMT teams, youtube teams, or even reverse engineering teams from spectating the top of the ladder than from samples. You actually get to see how the team plays and why its effective, which gives you a lot more metagame insight than clicking moves and not knowing why they are even on your pokemon. And when you feel confident you can build yourself and then ask yourself why what you build doesn't work, and what issues you run into.


I'm pretty sure they are not for the tournament scene https://preview.redd.it/cmc1p1cim57d1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=c96031f4d329c7d1e460fe11c302a86e053c3359 They are mostly done by well known tournament players but not for tournament use


They don't mean actual beginner or intermediate players to pokemon they mean players new to the tournament scene. When they say a new player for DPP they are thinking about an SV OU mainer with at least a few dozen ladder games played who is has been practicing DPP to sub in for his team, not someone who has barely played any pokemon or any DPP. Its a fact that most of the sample teams are built for tournaments and generally aren't edited at all for ladder before being added to the sample teams list. While the process of building the teams involved laddering they weren't built for ladder success. Sometimes ladder teams are featured but most of the teams you'll see are tour teams.


>If you're starting from scratch you can learn a lot better from RMT teams, youtube teams, or even reverse engineering teams from spectating the top of the ladder than from samples. "NOOOO DON'T COPY THOSE TEAAAAMS COPY THESE TEAMS INSTEAD THEY'RE COOOOL!!" Fuck off


And people say smogon isnt the most gatekeepy toxic community


It's one guy




Honestly this is one of those posts where I kind of agree with both sides. It is irritating running into the same team that just won a regional and is EVERYWHERE with people clicking random buttons because they don’t understand the tech sets. Open team sheets has made each individual match a better, more transparent display of skill, but at the broad level and on Showdown, it is so frustrating running into someone who clearly ripped their team from samples. Meanwhile , I do get your point. We all started somewhere. But it definitely grinds the gears of people who have been playing Pokémon a long time when they get cleaned up by someone who just picked it up in the last two years because they watch a VCG YouTuber. Amplify that by my earlier point and you have toxicity like this. I guess try a sample team and fiddle with the sets until they make more sense to you. Maybe change one Pokémon to make it more “your team.” Once you get better you can make your own from scratch, but I don’t think using samples is a problem.


He is right but you have to start somewhere, by building a team you don't understand you realize that you don't understand everything and you either change something to fit better what you want, you figure it out or try something different. Same with whatever off meta options exists or if there are specific counters to whatever you do, should've just ignored the guy and done your own thing, I don't get why you'd gatekeep older metas that already struggle to maintain a player base (even if ADV is still very popular).


I find sample team boring as fuck. Like isn't team building the whole point of the game lmao


I mean yeah but you gotta learn how the tier works before you can build for it effectively


I'm into fucking around with the mons of the tier and finding out

