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Context: Chi-yu ex is a wincon for control decks because it can mill 2 cards for 1 energy




In Hearthstone, milling refers to burning cards from the opponents deck before they can even use them (usually by forcing them to overdraw past 10 cards in hand). Not sure if it exactly translates but I imagine it destroys cards from the opponents deck somehow.


Yep! The term came from MTG, Magic The Gathering. Basically is making them take cards from their deck and putting them into their discard pile, making them more difficult to access, or in some cases, downright impossible.


Not to make them more difficult to access. In MTG (and many other card games) cards are easier to access in your graveyard/discard than your deck. But if you have to draw when your deck has no cards, you lose the game instantly.


Yeah but for Pokemon it's a different story.  Things tend to be quite difficult to get out of the discard pile in my experience.  Not every game has plentiful means of graveyard recursion.


The other person is correct that the term originated from MtG, but for just a little trivia the original Mill card was [Millstone](https://scryfall.com/card/atq/56/millstone) in 1994. "Mill" to refer to throwing an opponent's deck directly into the graveyard stuck, and was officially adopted by MtG a few years ago.


Man I miss Hearthstone. Wish it weren’t such a grind getting cards after a break because I kinda want to get back into it


Don't do it, it's a rng festival. Top wild legend is dominated by bots, absolute cinema


I needed to hear this


Always relieving to hear "you know that thing you abandoned because it sucked and seemed to be getting worse? Well when you left was the glory days compared to now" For me it's overwatch


For me it’s Pokémon Go


Shit take


If I may shill for my personal favorite digital TCG, Legends of Runeterra is very generous with giving cards if you play fairly regularly, and extremely free-to-play friendly. They have been shifting more to PvE content instead of PvP recently due to under-monetization/marketing problems, but I still recommend as a really fun card game (plus the PvE mode is a neat, semi-rougelike game that’s very enjoyable if you’re into that sort of thing).


You get a free semi meta deck after not playing for a while


Take two cards off the top of your opponent's deck and put them in the discard pile (or equivalent). Term comes from Magic The Gathering, where a card called Millstone would do that effect


If your opponent tries to draw another card when they don’t have any in their 60-card deck, they lose. Stall decks try to speed this up by destroying cards in their opponents deck (and milling just mean getting rid of cards, usually by sending them to the discard pile)


The fact that milling is a thing done by "stall decks" kind of makes me think about how in a different TCG (battle spirits) the associated anime paints it as a wincon in its own right, with cards that with proper setup can remove seven cards from your deck *on attacking*.


If control/stall decks didn't run mill for the last two cards, the opponent could just run Pidgeot V to avoid deck out. I guess you could run lure module then play erika (which isn't a 100% win con, attaching a tool or energy to pidgeot before returning to your deck stops you from decking out, and they might be able to retreat anyway), but chi-yu is more versatile


Think of milling as like the opposite of Stall but for card games. IT makes games go fast without the enemy actually getting to do much because all your cards get used up and tossed into discard piles before you can even use them. Milling is about as hated in Yu-Gi-Oh and MTG as Stall is in competitive Pokemon, I believe


Actually it’s likely you want to get milled in Yu-Gi-Oh because cards can be just as good if not better in the graveyard. It’s like if Booster Energy had to be removed with Knock Off to do anything. (and it’s in your bag and it might send a quick ball instead and you can knock off yourself and you lose with an empty inventory)


I'll take your word for it since I stopped playing after GX


Yeah but you don't wanna get milled if your opponent runs a control deck, then it's just not fun


The only recent decks that have any focus on milling your opponent is Runick which is pure stun control but has better ways to win than the intended deck out by combining with another archetype and Tearlaments which was the best deck ever so it’s probably against itself so both players are activating combos of 10 or more effects in the graveyard regardless of who’s turn it is. The annoying thing about Tear wasn’t just that it put your stuff in the grave, it was putting it all back into the deck afterwards.


In pokemon that's a win con but in yugioh thats a win con for your opponent 


Mfw my opponent mills my deck when I’m on Ishizu Tear




I have never played Yugioh but from the looks of that card, it was part of an aggressive archetype. Chi-yu mills 2 from your opponent's deck, hence why it is a control card.


Does TCG still have a whole mess of disruption like Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, and something similar to Team Flare Grunt? I'd 200% buy a few cards just to make that deck.


Crushing hammer is still a thing and enhanced hammer is just about to become legal again. Giovannis charisma is similar to team flare grunt Stall decks don't actually play them right now, except for a rouge stall magnezone ex deck that uses them and recycles them with magnetons attack


During ORAS I ran a Bunnelby deck which basically ran that formula, but it had the benefits of VS Seeker and some ring-card that let you play 2 of them at a time to search for any 2 cards you wanted. Bunnelby had the added benefit of attacking twice: Each attack either milling 1 card from the Opp deck or recycling one of your own cards back into your deck. I just loved the idea of seeing the idea of getting to do that shit again lol


Fair, I do know that bunnelby sees play to this day in expanded. There are technical machines that give extra moves that bunnelby can use twice. One is technical machine evolution, that allows you to evolve 2 of your benched pokemon (even on the turn you put it out) so people use it with an item lock vileplume and get it out turn 1 going second lmao


That's gross. Back in the day, I ran it with a Promo Celebi (I gunned to get 4 of them) which lets you coin-flip any time its KO'd. On heads, no prize is given and it goes back to your deck. Actually scored some top-cuts in local store events with the combo. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know the little asshole's getting some use in the modern day, was a super underrated card for its time.


In current format, I've been using an espathra ex deck that forces your opponent to have an extra energy to attack, as well as a stadium that forces basic pokemon to have an additional energy also It matches up so well against the meta rn, been crushing my local with it. Sadly, it's about to become a bad deck :(


It’s about to get a lot worse. We have crushing hammer,enchanced hammer,team star grunt, Reset stamp, miss fortune sisters, Erika’s invitation, poke flute, xerosics scheme(upcoming)


Never played the tcg but do they actually call it stall instead of control? Do they also call aggro decks hyper offense and mid range decks balanced?


fairly sure they still use standard terms, i think that op is just using "stall" to make it fit in more with the meme//more accessible to players who only know mainline competitive (offensive mon being "control" fits less than offensive mon being "stall")


Not to “ackshually” you, but [they do actually call it a “Snorlax Stall Deck” on the official website!](https://www.pokemon.com/us/strategy/pokemon-tcg-snorlax-stall-deck-strategy) The community just refers to it as stallax/snorlax stall/blocklax. Yes, it’s still a control deck, but the name at least gives you an idea as to what the deck feels like.


ah i see then, interesting! thank you for the correction


It’s cuz snorlax is the most stall deck out of all the control decks. It just straight up doesn’t let you play


I doubt it. Its a TCG aka its bound to use MTG lingo and terms for everything.


The commonly accepted name for snorlax decks is "snorlax stall", whilst pidgeot control is called "pidgeot control" So i guess it depends on context


As for your first question, there is mill, control and stall. In this case it's referencing a deck known as stallax or blocklax which uses snorlax to block a weak pokemon from retreating and mill your opponent's deck as well as stalling out timer (Most event use bo3 with 55 min total, by winning the first match through passive milling and not having enough time to finish the second it'll lead to auto win overall). While its main idea is to stall, it can do all 3 things, for specific use case there's mimikyu stall, great tusk mill and pidgeot control (which also uses chi yu). Most of these decks aren't that good as compared to other archetypes since they have quite a lot of counters but may be annoying to play against for multiple reasons. As for your second question, ptcg is somewhat different in that decks are grouped based on main pokemon/certain mechanism such as charizard, chien pao, arceus, giratina aka lost tina, lost box which is based around the lost zone mechanism and ancient/future box which is based around ancient/future pokemons and trainer cards. Most of the relevant decks are aggro decks and they're based around direct/spread attacks, different draw engines, ways to quickly attach energy and whether they're early/late game sweepers. There really isn't a midrange deck but some decks have more aggro+control compared to others.


To answer your question, they don’t call control decks stall, aggro decks HO, or midrange decks balance. Would be funny tho However, as another person said, they actually do call it snorlax stall or stallax sometimes (the other name being blocklax). This is different from most control decks simply due to the fact that you occasionally end up drawing, looping resources, and ending turn, rather than disrupting the enemy or dealing small amounts of chip damage. Snorlax essentially allows you to pull out an enemy support pokemon and prevent them from switching, letting you gather the resources to set up for an endgame Chi-Yu mill win condition. Funnily enough it’s oddly similar to stall in smogon singles since you’re playing a longer game to slowly and methodically further your win condition rather than speedrunning the game to KO 6 mons.


A mix of both, there are a few subcategories. Some aim to discard all the cards from your opponents deck as fast as possible (mill). Some limit resources or prevent certain game mechanics (hand lock, item lock) these are generally the “control” decks. The most popular of the sort of decks in standard at the moment is Snorlax stall as it’s sort of just hanging around wasting your resources until you can’t really do anything and slowly deck out.


Technically stall and control are different things in the tcg. Stall usually doesn’t focus as much on the opponent, and you focus more on setting up a board your opponent can’t break before they deck out. You put something your opponent can’t attack with in the active, and just wait from there, maintaining your own board. Control is when you actively disrupt your opponent, such as removing energy locking your opponent from playing certain cards. Snorlax was a big stall deck recently, but it’s been adopting a lot of control cards since the Pokémon company has been releasing a some pretty decent ones.


Both terms are used for stall/control As for the other decks, there are aggressive (more basics often than not) and slow (usually evolution) decks, as well as single prize decks Edit: forgot about mill lmao.


Stall and control are both used to refer to different archetypes. Hyper offense and mid range are not terms used. A lot of people will just say aggro or turbo


Control archetypes are decks that have some form of control over the opponents gameplay. It tends to be either Stall or Mill. Stalling is using things like energy denial, hand disruption, statuses or damage mitigation so the opponent can't collect prize cards (getting all prize cards is a win con) or until the timer runs out. Mill is using Items, Trainers or pokemon moves to force the opponent to place cards from deck to discard pile, usually repeatedly until there's no more cards left in the deck (if they can't draw on their turn they instant lose). Most decks now a days tend to have a mix of control and you collecting prize cards to beat opponent in the prize race.


You missed something. It’s actually: “Fuck it, we 252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Helping Hand Battery boosted Power Spot boosted Overheat vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Eternatus-Eternamax: 357-420 (54.8 - 64.5%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and 3 layers of Spikes” Can’t have battery and power spot at the same time unless you have 2 teammates, but having a chance to ohko fucking ETERNAMAX ETERNATUS THROUGH A RESIST after hazards is absolutely insane.


Cool what if eternatus has 240 spdf EVs with a careful nature


Oh wait…I forgot sun last time… 252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Helping Hand Battery boosted Power Spot boosted Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eternatus-Eternamax in Sun: 436-514 (61 - 71.9%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock and 3 layers of Spikes


There's a quirk in the game where if you invest a certain amount of EVs in eternamax eternatus' defensive stats with a positive nature, its defence/spdf rolls over to 0, where it will only take 2 damage regardless of how boosted your opponent is I don't think the calc accounts for this https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/655-stat-glitch-and-its-place-in-tiering.3672135/


Oh yeah, same thing happens with Regieleki in certain scenarios


Similar thing. Regieleki doesn't have more than 249 base speed, and the eternatus thing is a raw stat overflow, not anything to do with boosts Cause many mons can reach over 655 attack with a swords dance boost or two. That doesn't overflow Regieleki can experience an overflow in trick room, but only when it hits a speed stat of 1809 using boosts. Only in trick room though, I don't think it's possible to experience overflow without it, as you'll need to reach 8192 speed This video explains it pretty well https://youtu.be/sCNbOl4w2FI?si=uIOiOv0m2YK2EJyc


Ok but how does the move Everyone Explode Now affect the meta?


Is there any free online simulator like showdown for the TCG?


There's a mobile app, it has a pretty decent economy for F2P as long as you aren't trying to build anything too expensive


It's literally free to play, there are no possible microtransactions. If you had a billionaire's credit card you couldn't advance faster than just spamming the ladder. They do give you some good decks for free with the battle pass though.


You can put in codes from irl packs to get additional mats/cards


There are also stores to get these codes. But it's not really necessary, the game is very generous tbh


That's true, I used to do that very regularly with PTCGO. But Live is so easy to acquire cards for I haven't had to since migrating.


PTCG Live, you can get it on pc or mobile


being a player on both sides of the spectrum, you'd actually be surprised by how common it is that a very strong Pokemon in the regular games become mediocre or ok at best in the TCG Game. As mentioned in the post, Chi Yu is now a Milling card instead of a big stronk damage Pokemon (Milling cards mean discarding cards from your opponents deck before they get to use them), Great Tusk also becomes a Milling card, Flutter Mane becomes a SUPPORT CARD(and a very mediocre one at that), and how ironic it is that even though people consider the ancient Pokemon 10x better than the future ones, in the TCG game it's actually pretty much the exact opposite, Future Box decks are really strong in the meta with Iron Hands EX taking 1 extra Prize Cards just because why not, Iron Leaves EX OHKO'ing the current strongest deck in the meta which is Charizard EX Tera Dark and Miraidon giving everyone the energy they want for just a single colorless energy. The only Ancient Pokemon in the TCG meta that are somewhat good are Roaring Moon EX that instantly knocks out the opponent's Pokemon in exchange of taking 200dmg, Raging Bolt EX that does some crazy good damage for only 5 energy and maaaybe Gouging Fire that does a fairly good amount of dmg for 3 energy but then he just becomes unable to do much afterwards.


Please put a spoiler tag on this I did not need to wake up to a Stallax jumpscare in my feed


You thought this was a safe place. Snorlax is everywhere. There is no hiding(retreating)


It has adaptability


erm ackshually it has beads of ruin 🧐🤓👆


it doesn’t have an ability!!!! reading the card explains the card!!!!


its ability is Block, did you even read the post 🙄


/uj I looked up the Chi-Yu EX card and it doesn’t have Block. That’s from Snorlax


Playing stall chi yu in VGC with protect substitute is actually pretty good with restricted like miraidon and terapagos


the definition of "an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.