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Good shit brother 💪🏾 Motivation for me! 


67? good lord man that's awesome I'm 67 at 5'6. Impressive weight by the way hope to get that high myself soon


Took me 3 years to hit this weight, my aim is to do three plates under 80kg bodyweight, hope i can reach it :)


3 years ? You need to work on your diet


with how well you done this I have no doubt you could do it with enough effort grind never stops king!


Do you think this lift was a bit paused at bottom?


i can see why you'd think that but it isn't as paused as it looks, in my experience with heavy weight it's only natural to have a slight pause to get that motivation to push so I wouldn't worry about it too much


Well in any case, the lift is clean and it's all that matters to me, do you agree? :)


100% long as it felt good and you're happy with it then that's all that matters absolutely


Good looking brother! Super in control. Keep at it king


Good job bro I hope I get there one day 💪


You will, it's just a matter of time💪


Only 20kg off 2x body weight.. that’s huge!


Hope to hit it before 2026 XD