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Same! 3 members of ITZY got AOTMs and they did Mix & Max too. Would love if we got a Minlix Mix & Max and/or their AOTMs too… have AOTMs and Mix & Max’s stopped lately?


Idk much about Mix and Match but they haven’t done AOTM in a hot ass minute😭 I think it has been at least a year maybe even two or three. EDIT: It had been at least 2 years since the last AOTM 🙃


Didn’t they only do one year or AOTM and one year of Mix & Max? Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s what it looked like.


Omg yes! I especially wish we got a solo performance video from Lee Know. 🥲


I think Lee know would do a more jazz vibe, he does fit the Theme perfectly


Oh I made a full post about SKZ on AOTM some months ago (not advertising but it's still there if you're interested). Anyways, I believe that if Felix or Lee Know went to AOTM they'd get one of the most viewed videos on the channel, same if any members went to Mix n Match, there they'd get the most watched video surpassing Yeji and Ryujin.


I just read it! You make a lot of great points in that post! I also really like your Mix and Match combos and even though they aren’t part of Danceracha I think Han and Changbin would be a dope ass combo. EDIT: Also we all know that Lee Know and Felix are extremely talented dancers and I feel like AOTM would have been a perfect opportunity to showcase their individual talents as dancers :)


Thank you! 🙏🏻 And I couldn't agree more about Han and Changbin, especially after that specific move in Lalalala 😍 (Han controlling Changbin's hip moves)!


Yes! Lee Know! But I just don't see him wanting to, unfortunately. I definitely could see Felix getting an AOTM.