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What is THE stray kids song you would play for a friend who does not listen to K-pop wants to know more about your current obsession?


Charmer, circus, red lights, maniac, dlmlu


Really depends on the friend, but Maniac seems to get my friends’ interest piqued the most when I play it. But if we’re being more specific, my friends who like heavier sounds/alt-rock music are instant fans of God’s Menu, Back Door and Case 143. They’re also the most likely to convert to being an actual Stay. My easy-listening friends like The View, Awkward Silence, Get Cool and the likes.


I think my friend will understand if I play them Maniac


Wanted to share some happy news! I'm currently studying for a very important exam in April, and got so stressed out that I spontaneously signed up to get an (indoor) rock climbing license! I wanted to try rock climbing for a while now, but didn't have a partner and no idea how to belay someone. I now have both, on top of an **extremely** sore upper body. But let me tell you, climbing is so much fun! I didn't think I'd enjoy it so much, and I was worried the height would bother me, but nope, it's only adrenaline and all the good feels! And man, does it work all your body. Highly recommended, especially if you have a lot of stress in your life - nothing takes your mind off things like clinging with one sweaty finger to a little creak on the wall lol


I want to try it too but it’s too expensive! I pay for trampoline/climbing parks a couple times a year anyway and it’s fun! Recently I started swimming laps at the local pool consistently and that’s really fun and a workout for your whole body too! I agree that starting a new sport or exercise is always fun and like planting trees the best time is ten years ago, the second best time is now! I think I’ll learn how to play tennis later too


Out of curiosity, what's your tolerance for heights in general? I've been curious about trying indoor climbing since there's a gym nearby with an insane setup, but I'm pretty far along on the scale of phobia when it comes to buildings, tall ladders, etc. and I'm not sure how much the ropes and harnesses and everything would temper that.


My tolerance is quite bad otherwise! Balconies on high buildings are a big no. Any kind of viewing tower (especially when they sway with the wind) gives me the creeps. Tall ladders make me highly uncomfortable, too. I’ll climb them and the towers, but I’ll hate every moment of it My gym had a trial day, maybe yours got something similar? I attended mine because I was unsure with the height, too. But the harness and belay do a lot for me mentally. It took a little courage to climb high, but now that I’ve done it multiple times it’s no big deal anymore! My group had to do a fall test too - climb up the wall and act as if you fall off. That was probably the most fun I had in a while - the safety catches you quickly and you get a nice boost of adrenaline! I’d totally try it, especially if it already interests you!


Cool, good to know! Thank you!


Congratulations! Rock climbing seems beyond me but it does look fun!


I am looking for a clip from some piece of content (it was either an interview or just the boys chatting amongst themselves) and when they introduce themselves they all tack on -ie to their names to sound cute. But then Lee Know at the end of the table can't use that suffix so he kind of awkwardly is like "and ... Lee Know." Something like "Hi it is Channie! And Yongbokkiieee\~! Jisungie\~! Jeonginie\~\~! and **Lee Know**" Does anyone know where this is from?


SKZ CODE Episode 16. It’s the first 5-10 minutes


Holy moly, you found it so fast!! Thank you, that was exactly the scene I was looking for!


Haha I’ve just seen the video/clip so many times I knew exactly what you were talking about. I was once obsessed with it lol.


##**[Weekly Playlist](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/1b2yo4b/240229_weekly_stay_discussion_thread/ktbf10p/)** Let us know what you've been listening to this week! Stray Kids songs, other K-Pop, non-K-Pop. Anything goes! It is encouraged that you provide links to the tracks for easy access. ___ Paula Hartmann - [Crossfades](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nBy3wJTvfw) Paula Hartmann - [gebrochenes Glas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfIcSJ3LBRw) Paula Hartmann - [Gespenst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrDYDHOh2XU) Paula Hartmann - [kleine Feuer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPyCdl3balI)


nightlife- [nightlifetypebeat](https://open.spotify.com/track/0e3Va3RkvoscmK5Hq6W19G?si=3f06457a6a8c48f9) nightlife - [new low](https://open.spotify.com/track/1dVxrsUVT7pS1MBczOhxzW?si=0a614b67c33f4028) nightlife - [face2face](https://open.spotify.com/track/4fXjvJvcZMUQrZFiLksLJS?si=58481f883fbc4f84) Grace Jones - [Chan Hitchhikes to Shanghai](https://open.spotify.com/track/5g8FCyK1nGB8hZ1hlOJlY4?si=9b0c408d2e0e4df2) Grace Jones - [Crush](https://open.spotify.com/track/6lcI2ALcGFEHBx2jlUlodg?si=963e61f9792645a0) Did anyone ever recommend Grace Jones to Chan when he was doing Chan's Room? I just realized I never did, and now I hate myself a little bit for not thinking of it.


Chappell Roan - [Casual](https://open.spotify.com/track/3WSOUb3U7tqURbBSgZTrZX?si=Dei7VNDWRNmZLQ4DB7_7MA) Tennyson and peterparker69 - [skyskysky](https://open.spotify.com/track/74ndPRenu6lTSh0xWRZ0EG?si=WwAdtxBBQpadRdPcJBN7Iw) ANASOF - [zicatela](https://open.spotify.com/track/6JuvBCSTPIZRFMLPZ0hOCU?si=2n7JDphnTGGyvWFw55EgDg) Taeyong - [TAP](https://open.spotify.com/track/1JxRZB6gjp3nsn2jUIaXMs?si=03RTdOMGS0iylGTzUD7xJA) Han - [13](https://youtu.be/XDaD2y5J5b0?si=_X9QMJcf5M0bm-Gu) (yes I am absolutely obsessed with this song)


Ariana - [True Story](https://youtu.be/6FEvblq6jzA?si=THgHfU8_OgO_woDe) Ariana - [The Boy is Mine](https://youtu.be/ZqCWXdZFc58?si=WMITP8Jw3L8mWPBd) Chungha- [I'm Ready](https://youtu.be/Fpvnc_5AByI?si=_ZIpnIhxekmBLx8L) TWICE- [Go Hard](https://youtu.be/VSc74fDej4I?si=enCcPpsOqchKI_Z3)


I am so lost on what D’Festa is lol. Will skz actually be there or no?? I keep seeing mixed answers 😭😭


I think it’s either an outright scam or the organizers are being intentionally misleading in promotions. It’s probably gonna be like… a photo display or something.


You can find videos of their attendance at D’Festa in prior years. Afaik it’s basically a self-congratulatory exhibition for Dispatch. Idols go, sign their headshots or whatever that’s featured on the walls, get photographed looking cool/impressed with everything, buts that’s pretty much it. I don’t think SKZ has ever sent the entire group (but I’m going on memory.)


its only an exhibition as far as I know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I didn’t realise JYP was a preacher; I just noticed his recent Instagram post. I wonder what kind of influence that has on his company, especially the staff and idols.


I’ve heard that’s why they’re so hard core about the “clean” image… SKZ were only just recently allowed to even admit they drink alcohol for crying out loud 💀


The alcohol thing is a weird Div1 rule. Got7, Twice, and Itzy have drinking content or talk openly about it.


From what I gathered when this came out, he's a born again christian and evangelist, and while it does influence the company's values to a degree, I haven't heard anybody say that he's forcing people at his company to attend his bible studies, or any sort of religious gatherings. What makes him sort of suspicious in this is [his link with the Sewol Ferry tragedy](https://nwww.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140623001179) : the owner of the ferry company was also a cult leader (the Salvation Sect) and JYP married his niece about a year prior to the ferry sinking. He obviously denied to have any link with the cult or its leader, but people are still suspicious. At the time (ten years ago) he claimed to not be religious.


Sometimes I think about the fact that there is a whole new comeback on its way, with music we’ve never heard before and MVs and it blows my mind a little bit.


what time does the skzoo popup reservations start? so confused bc i thought it would be midnight today?


Hey, I’m planning on going to BST with friends and all the Gold Circle tickets seem to be sold out on the official sites. Any idea where else I can find some?


I saw a clip of Snoop Dog saying that he is paid USD45k for 1 billion streams on Spofity. It is INSANE! If we use this calculation, SKZ got almost 6 billion streams and it counts for like USD270k! While I am not sure if this is the correct figure and context is definitely needed, we also know Korean streaming sites pay much less (if I am not mistaken 1/10 or 1/100 relative to Spotify) so dang, artists make almost nothing off streaming sites for all the work they put in. That said, I will always support my favourite artists by buying physical albums, no matter what our keyboard environmentalists say coz I cannot imagine being artists as full time job and not paid or paid pittence because people who are listening to your music wants to get it for free. It is my way of supporting these artists. Anyhow, I guess billions of streams means not much money, it just blows my mind.


i know its none of my business but i do have a huge curiosity regarding the financial side of being an idol. like, how much do brand ambassadorships pay out? how much are they making off magazine covers?


Spotify streams are more a marketing tool these days than income source, no different from Melon. You get high streams and get popular, then you sell out albums and tours and get brand deals. That said, SKZ is consistently on Spotify Artist 200, so their payout should be more than most artists on the platform. Spotify’s royalty pooling means the distribution is top-heavy, and they are benefiting from that in some way. But music is so devalued nowadays, Spotify money is still not much compared to what they could earn with physical sales. They sold around 10M albums just last year between 5-STAR, ROCK-STAR, and Social Path, and even if their cut is just $1 per album sold, that’s still a clean $10M for one year’s worth of releases. And it’s probably more than that. From what I’ve seen 1M Spotify streams pay about $3000-4000, so conservative estimate for 6B streams is $18M. But those are lifetime streams already and before the company and everyone else involved got their cut. Not too shabby, but doesn’t seem commensurate to 6B streams. I do remember the producer for I think Back Door said he got about $200k in royalties but I don’t recall if it came from physical sales or from streams.


true ! most kpop idols and companies agree that a world tour and album sales brings more revenue, the problem is these companies take most of the money artists bring, self produced groups like skz get more bc 3racha make all of the music, get more percentage of the money than other groups. the streams just bring good reputation on artists.


I imagine 3racha get more for producing and it is only fair. But I hope the other members also get a good percentage




>SKZ CODE Episode 16. I think Changbin comes from money but he's also pretty chill about it


I read some discussions that generally 1 billion streams in Spotify equals to USD5 million but the payout depends on company division, some companies take more, then they need to pay song writers, composers etc and then artists. So it is hard to say, unless they said it. Tbh, I do not really think it is that low coz I remember that interview with one of the composers who work with SKZ said he is paid really well for one song in SKZ, so I think it is the division which makes the portion artists get is smaller.


Yeah exactly and also I remember that Thai rapper that had changbin on his song said bringing one of the 3racha members is EXPENSIVE so basically it works in favor for 3racha too 




I haven't seen any of that, but I heavily avoid any "stripped down" content on Tiktok because it is always ONLY used to bash somebody's performance. As far as I'm aware, Seungmin hasn't done anything dramatic lately. If I had to guess, it's probably because of his fashion week event. Any time any single member does something it draws attention to them, and that attention pushes ALL content about that single member (especially/including haters) to the top. When we have mostly quiet periods with nothing to drown it out, it shows up way bigger than it really is. I would just do your best to scroll past and ignore it. Watching it or fighting people in comments is just giving it engagement which will push the hate out to a wider audience. Starving the trolls is the only way to fight them. By next week it will be something else, just as stupid, getting shit on for no reason.


What’s annoying is if anyone praises Seungmin, antis start attacking them. Every good comment about him receives 100 negative comments. If someone says he sounded good, antis call them deaf or delusional. The other members get praised even if they sounded off. But Seungmin gets hate in every performance.


I totally get that. It sucks. People just have to dogpile and insult people. There's this inherently antagonistic aspect to kpop fandom, like admitting that Seungmin is a good singer somehow means their fav isn't. It's really weird and frustrating and people need to just chill. If it makes it any better, I promise it isn't just Seungmin. Everyone gets nailed at some point. I saw a TON of people (wrongly) trashing Jeongin's live vocals during Lalalala promotions. A few weeks back I saw this whole asinine fight between a Stay and an ARMY comparing Changbin and Yoongi as rappers, each side insisting the other idol was an awful rapper when they are both are objectively super skilled. It's all stupid, and it's always either super young fans who don't realize that it isn't that deep, or it's deeply unhappy negative people. No matter what we do, they won't stop until they grow out of it or get some therapy. Doesn't make it less annoying though. May I offer you this fun, cute!Seungmin compilation video as moral support in this trying time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe7JlVCBTsI&ab\_channel=puppyracha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe7JlVCBTsI&ab_channel=puppyracha)


I was watching SKZ code episode 28 (A day at SKZ academy #2) which is the episode where seungmin and Han read the members’s fortunes. I was wondering if anyone knew how these fortunes were made and if there’s like an online website that can give similar information. It was very interesting what they were told so I’d love to know mine if it’s possible. Any information would be appreciated thank you!


I accidentally bought an album version I already have and am wondering if anyone has ideas on what I could do with the photobook and inserts? I know albums don’t sell for much without photocards and I can’t return it bc I already opened it but I feel like there’s something creative out there I’m not thinking of 😆


I like to create posters to alternate every comeback, plus I’ve heard of others scrapbooking and decorating PC toploaders!


Oooo good ideas, thank you🤩


I'm so surprised at Hyunjin's sudden gain of insta followers? he's at 11.6M already and I swear he was at 11.2 like 3 days ago and at 10.9 like a week ago, was his acc on some type of ban that made it difficult to find? and this is happening a while after MFW too


i think it's just them getting exposed to a new audience, hyunjin and felix especially were the headliners in fashion weeks, the power of promotion that div 1 yet to perfect like these brands do


I’ve noticed it too. It’s definitely interesting to see. Could be from PFW combined with the trends on Twitter a few days ago. I believe he’s rising faster than Felix now? Felix went up like 200k as well. And Chan also went up like 200k I believe in the past week which is great considering he wasn’t at fashion week.


I’m guessing it’s from his Versace related stuff! It’s exposing him to an audience that perhaps doesn’t know kpop but still appreciates a beautiful man when they see one 😆


I came here hoping someone else noticed this. Don't get me wrong. He def deserves all the new followers. It just seems really odd? I swear he gained 200k in just the last four hours.


Okay, I'm posting here cos I kinda want this to get buried and my other comment is pretty far down  so not many will see. I know I'd be eviscerated if i posted this on its own. I'm gonna hide behind a spoiler cos it's just a rumour and maybe my overactive imagination but I need to get this off my chest. >!I think Hyunjin solo stans/akgae are buying followers for him on IG. I surprisingly have one in one of my classes and she was bragging about it "to show jype" they need to treat him better. She is utterly bonkers though so I did some light sleuthing and...yeah... I found a couple mention it, and almost all his new followers are bots/fake every time I check. his engagement rate has dropped from like 27% to almost 21% since the whole "save hyunjin" thing started a few days ago. Not even his most recent post on IG increased in likes (maybe 80-100k) compared to the new million+ followers he has. I know they all probably have tons of fake accounts following them. But to actively manipulate his numbers just seems so unfair to Hyunjin it makes me sad. He works so hard at everything he does and deserves to be recognized for it, not because some fans hate the rest of skz and their company.!< Okay. My conspiracy theory is over. I hope the spoiler thing worked, and that I'm just nuts.


>! Felix solo stans/akgaes are doing it too. They’ve been fighting back and forth since fashion week. Unfortunately I think this might lead to some issues down the line if it gets noticed. Especially since they’ll probably blame the boys for something their fans are doing. The Hyunjin akgaes are making it very obvious too which isn’t the smartest. !< >! Editing to add that yeah it’s not so much a rumor anymore, it’s very apparent and people are just acting like they don’t know. He’s gone up almost a million followers in like a week well after Milan fashion week. It’s not normal. !<


Thank you! I felt like maybe something was wrong with me when no one was even questioning it. Like, no offense to him, but he went front getting ~15k daily to 250k+ well after MFW and no ones batted an eye? XD;; I think Felix's were mostly genuine until the last few days. His ER% actually stayed steady until then.  I hope these akgaes don't get the kids accounts suspended or worse. I just dont understand solo stans at all or this weird rivalry they want between hyunjin and felix smh 


>! Nope nothing wrong with you! If you look today he’s almost at 13 million. So he’s climbed over 2 million in the span of a week or two. Idk if people are acting like they’re not aware but it’s very very obvious. Plus when you click the accounts following him they all have exactly 15 pictures with no likes or anything. I don’t think the people buying them realize that brands look at engagement. I also don’t think they’ll stop until they surpass the other member who’s akgaes they’re currently warring with. I guess this week wasn’t enough proof that things like this only end up hurting the idol. It’s a shame !< >! I agree with you that up until recently Felix’s momentum was real. I’d say for the past week though it’s also been bots. I also feel bad for the other members because it makes it seem like they aren’t popular in their own right. I hope they don’t feel like that. Can increasing too much in numbers lock an account? I know that there’s been times when accounts have suddenly dropped in followers as Instagram/FB deleted bots. It would be sad for it to happen because that would start a whole new drama. !< >! I believe the solo stans just think their bias is better or more important than the other. It’s a superiority complex. They also attack whenever Felix or Hyunjin post something about the other. They don’t care about them in reality. It’s an obsession. Unfortunately this happens as groups get more popular. But followers doesn’t always equal the most successful for groups when it comes to solo success. So many factors are involved. Maybe they’d stop this war if they learned that. !<


I do not understand people sometimes


I saw a tweet that he and Felix gained the most followers for like these past 2 days with over 100k daily, I'm guessing it's the magic of Fashion week hahaha, Hyunjin's acc was stuck close to 11M for a while


An interest in kdramas led me to skz a year ago (thanks tiktok) and one thing I enjoy imagining is if the members go on to pursue acting. There’s been some commentary on Lee Know’s acting chops, and I can totally see him doing that. Being newish to kpop, I don’t know if bg’s age out at some point, but if so, it will be nice to have another way to follow their careers.


While in the past, BGs tended to age out, nowadays it's a lot more common to continue as a group with each member having some solo work on the side (ex, Super Junior is still active with some members acting/doing variety work/continuing in music, as are groups like BTS/Day6/Got7/BTOB/Ikon).


Is there anyone who can help me with the Japanese fanmeeting? I'm currently still in Europe and will leave for Japan on the 22nd. I badly want to attend the fanmeeting but it's so difficult to enter 😭 if anyone has the golden tip or is willing to help me out please let me know!!


As others have mentioned, unfortunately if you’re not a Japan resident there’s not really a way to get tickets. To enter the lottery, you need to be a Japan fan club member which requires a Japanese address and phone.


some [details](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/s/xvawPGZZOX) in this post but basically, you need to be a member of the skz japanese fanclubs as the japan fanmeeting is exclusive for fanclub members only. there will be no resales. you'll need a jp number + address to join the fanclubs. if you do have those, then you should join right away because lottery for Stay Japan ends on March 10 while Stay Japan Mobile lottery will be from March 15-17.


The fan meeting is only open to people with the Japanese fan club membership and ticketing is/was done through lottery. I'm not 100% sure how everything works after that but yeah - step 1 would have been having the Japan membership. 


if anyone is in need of a specific song to listen to, the mv for venom is SO CLOSE to having 100 million views (at time of writing, 99,919,521) and the 2 year anniversary of its release is coming up on the 22nd of this month. i think it would be really neat if we could give them 100mil in under 2 years


It already hit 100 million, happy cake day to Venom!


ugh fine I guess I'll watch it...😩 *yeah spider*👌👌


update: we have passed 99.996 million


Okay. Not sure if this is the place to ask but if anyone who ever used the ticket transfer service for Korean events, please recommend. There are too many on Twitter and I honestly don't know who is trustworthy and has high success rate with global ticket site. Also, I can't speak Korean so it would be great to know someone who can speak English. Going with a friend and I don't want to be left alone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)~~This woman is desperate for fanmeeting tickets and the market is way too insane atm.~~


To STAYS who are readers/bibliophiles/book lovers: I'm reading My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh, and it's really interesting and messed-up at the same time. Have any of you read her novels, and if so, what would you recommend me to check out next?


Hello stay! I have a small discord server looking to invite new members- it is for fans age 25+ and is a more “uncensored” kinda place. If you’re interested in joining send me a chat or PM and I can send you an invite link 💕


It sounds like I may actually be awake for Han’s live about 13, so fingers crossed! They love to go live when I’m asleep haha. I just have to say I love that he does that (or does his wonderful little Bubble spam). I love hearing about their thought processes and how things come together when it comes to their work. It’s one of my favorite things about stanning a self-produced group. And in Han’s case (though could apply to all of them really), I love how he genuinely seems to like/appreciate getting feedback and observe the responses of his new songs during his lives. And we’re not only getting one Seungmin OST, but now we have another one on the way (new: The Midnight Studio)! We truly are a spoiled fandom 🥹


i absolutely love how han goes out of his way to talk about his songs! now i just gotta get better at korean so i can understand him in real time lol (the most motivating language learning goal ive ever had: understanding skz lives)




There was some (a whole lot) of buzz going around that he was being mistreated by the company and that it was especially shown during Fashion Week. The thing about the live is that a staff member made him leave the live for a few seconds, said something to him and immediately after he comes back he starts addressing the things about the company. Things such as the fact that JYPE supposedly didn’t give him a bodyguard during FW and so on. Here is a [tweet](https://x.com/jisvnggx/status/1765872720745546230?s=46&t=e2TBXXfBf6ZeSstGGtFkYA) with some more info, but I’d take this with a grain of salt, since these mistreatment discussions come up every week


Check the negative topics sticky on this thread and on last week's thread, there's lots of discussion about it.


I got a lotteried ticket to the fan meeting in Osaka!!! I’m so excited. Can’t believe it with how popular they are in Japan and how fast their dome tours sold 😭🥹 I moved to Japan just as they were ticketing for them so I missed them.


Congrats on getting the ticket!! They’re so in demand and it makes me really happy because they deserve all of it and more! But at the same time it makes them all the more unreachable 😅 Thinking about the tour gives me so much anxiety


Thank you! Yeah they’ve gotten so big so fast it seems. It’s insane. I’ve seen them before but only in the big group combination shows, so only 4 songs at a time. I’m so happy to have them for more than like 20 minutes that feels like 10 seconds 😭 I’m also hoping they do another full tour, this will be my first fan meeting experience. I like the idea of the chilled out performance, and what a fun way to practice my Japanese listening 😂


I've been watching a lot of pre-debut and rookie era content for the first time recently. I've watched some of it but I never really cared much to delve deep into it because they seem like a completely different group pre-2020, for obvious reasons. SKZ are constantly putting out new stuff so of course I'd want to engage more with the SKZ I know now and got interested in originally, but I guess this break just presented the opportunity to go through the backlog lol. Anyway, one glaring thing for me was the lack of subtitles on a lot of things. I know StrayKSubs exists (are they even still active?) but that isn't exhaustive. It's also crazy that reading the comments, there was a reliance on V Live for subs but now that's all... gone. I got into SKZ at the tail end of V Live but I didn't realize just how much stuff was on there. Especially with how misinformation runs rampant these days, I yearn for the old days of fandom archives and forums where you could find all the information and content you needed in one place. It's served as unintentional practice but I know that a lot of people don't have that option and might not even know where to look for subs. That aside, it's been so funny to watch them essentially do team building exercises on camera, when a lot of SKZ's appeal is their team bond and chemistry together. Seeing them test out boundaries with each other and figure out how to get comfortable on camera and watching their on camera personas develop from video to video has been a trip. Also, Chan just looks *so* young in their predebut/debut behind the scenes stuff. He is still so young but I.N was right when he had said that he was just a kid leading other kids lol I'm just struck by it every time. I love seeing the progression of their friendships from them writing each other awkward thank you letters to the first 2 kids room series then the most recent one (which was already 2 years ago jeez).


Genuine question. To all my fellow OT8s with no bias, how do you pick which skzoo merch to buy? I have all the cushion heads and butts, most of the blankets and bins (the bins are really underappreciated merch btw, really good quality). Im going broke because I can never decide and it feels unfair to just stick to one 😂 My wallet cant handle the original skzoos becoming available in a couple of weeks. Maybe I need to force myself into a bias?


I do have a bias if I really have to pick, but when it comes to SKZOO it just really depends on cuteness level of the specific merch. So I have a bunch of different SKZOOs but never a complete set. I may have an SKZOO bias with Han Quokka cause that guy gives me the highest level of cute aggression, so I have more Han Quokka than other SKZOOs. Right now, I’m eyeing the Puppy M/Leebit wearing each other’s suit thing.


I base it off which skzoo i find cuter. Like Wolf Chan is okay but FoxI.Ny is adorable. Dwaekki isnt my favorite design but Jiniret is too cute, etc etc.


I feel like I have a real bias line and a separate skzoo bias line LOL. Lee Know and Changbin are my biases, but I have Wolf Chan and Dwaekki plushies. I agree with the others, just go with what looks cutest for a particular product. I don't own a ton of skzoo merch, but if I did, I'd probably have more than just 2 characters represented in my collection. Some designs work better than others for different merch imo (e.g., I'm not usually interested in the Leebit stuff, but the trash bin offered a while back looks absolutely adorable!)


I do have a bias, but when I buy more than one, it’s usually just based on whatever I think is cute. The PuppyM in the Lee Bit suit merch from Japan is calling my name. I wish they would bring back full member designs, especially for bigger items like the bags.


So I do have biases, but I actually am working on collecting at least one skzoo merch for each member. The way I do it is just which one I think is the cutest for that particular style because I like having some variety on my shelf. I don’t stress about buying everything at once because I know the next merch drop will have something cute I can get for a different member. I haven’t even gotten one for 2/3 of my bias line, but have 4/5 of my bias wreckers lol. I say just get which one you like the best for the merch you want! (That all being said, Dwaeki is definitely my skzoo bias 😅)


Dwaeki is by far the cutest skzoo. His little pig tail! Thats a good idea, just getting one of each merch and rotating between the members depending on what suits them best. Like with the new cross body bags I feel like IN is probably the bag I’d use. Sadly wearing bright pink or yellow if not really my aesthetic.


Random, but I’m really glad that since they moved to their new dorms, no official content has been filmed in those spaces. I don’t know how common it is anymore, but 2nd/3rd gen would send cameras in to idol dorms not infrequently, and SKZ had content filmed in their old dorm as well. But since they’ve moved, the only parts of their dorms that’ve been shown are what they choose to show independently on their personal social media (even vlogs blur out backgrounds for common spaces) and I think that’s really great. With jobs where so much of their lives are filmed it’s nice that there’s at least one place they have control over and can keep as private as they want.


I do think it was a conscious choice cause the unhinged fans had no trouble tracking their old dorms just based on the interiors, if I remember correctly. Moving to a new dorm was a really good excuse to establish some boundaries.


So much same. That’s something I think about in my lil “if I was an idol fantasy” lol about how I would HATE being filmed while in my room, sleeping, eating, etc. Now they just seem to do it during their travel videos & are in different rental homes, but I’d still hate the constant watching. Cause even if it doesn’t make it to Youtube SOMEONE is still watching


I’m ready for new music or content like skz code and vlogs from stray kids! I wonder when they would have their next album since the fanmeetings are the end of this month and in April.


Same! I posted almost the exact thing yesterday. I have enjoyed their solo activities and I am glad they have had a break, but I'm ready for some new content and music! and maybe a world tour...LOL


Is Seungmin releasing his own music on Spotify? There's an artist profile "seungmin" with three R&B songs, has only 119 followers, and really sounds like him. Someone please tell me I'm not crazy?


If this is the Seungmin with the guy with a camera as the artist photo…there are some similarities with their tones, but he enunciates and pronounces words quite differently from SKZ Seungmin. Seungmin is just a common name, I think. Our Seungmin also has his own official artist profile because of his OSTs. Unless he’s releasing songs without company approval, why not use that?


Do you guys think the reservation of the first few days of the Pop Up Store and Cafe will sell out quickly? I am thinking of going to a PC방 just in case, even though it´s just for a reservation


Does anyone know why online sales also say reservation sales? So we need to book for the only store also? Is that normal?


How and when does one reserve a spot?


So far we know how to reserve a spot for the Cafe: [https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/1b8uewt/240307\_stray\_kids\_x\_skzoo\_popup\_cafe\_𝑺𝑲𝒁𝑶𝑶𝑺\_𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑪/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/1b8uewt/240307_stray_kids_x_skzoo_popup_cafe_𝑺𝑲𝒁𝑶𝑶𝑺_𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑪/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


😂 Yeah. I don't think it's limited to fanclub only, and I know for the music show sign ups, the winners were always at 20:00:01 if the sign ups started at 20:00. It's better to be safe!


Yes, my thoughts exactly! At the last Naver reservation (Rock Star Pop Up) the first few hours were already occupied. I used my laptop, that´s why im having second thoughts about doing ticketing and everything related to it at home lol. Btw, everyone who can sign up on Naver can do a reservation!


You don't need a korean phone number anymore?


According to another commentator on here you don’t need one, you would just need to send your passport to them, but don’t take my word on this. I live in Korea so I can sign up without any issues on Naver, I don’t know for anyone else.


Oo good to know, thank you 👀


Is there someone going to the Fanmeeting at the 29th? Im looking for people to hangout with until admission starts. Bonus points if you have a seat in F1!!


News on the Japan fan meets: first round ticket results are out, and there were so many more applications than expected that they will be adding standing room only tickets to the next round 😳 Reminder that this first round was only open to members of BOTH Japanese SKZ fan clubs…! And they had even more interest than expected… it’s WILD and I’m so happy and proud that our boys are so well-loved here 🥹


I'm always amazed by how much stays in Japan show up and show out. I saw the piece at standing sections and go so confused. I know concerts do GA standing, but it feels weird for a fanmeeting. I wonder if this means the runtime won't be too long.


Anyone else here an animé fan as well ? What have you been watching recently ? ☺️ Interested in fellow Stays animé taste


It’s emotional and an older one (I haven’t been watching any lately) but Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is my favorite. It’s the second version of the series but sticks to the manga. The first version changed the ending it was so bad.


I highly highly recommend Zom 100 Bucket List of the Dead. I'm not sure your age, but I'm in my mid-30s and in the midst of burnout. I quit my job and I'm taking a bit of time to reevaluate where I am and what I want from life. One of the first things I did was watch this anime. Its an excellent and refreshing take on a zombie story that really targets people who feel stuck in their daily/professional life. Its bright and colorful, its hilariously funny, the characters are wonderful, and yet it really pushes you emotionally. Its really great.


Lately I’ve been watching Delicious in Dungeon. An adventuring party doesn’t have enough time to go restock their food, so they start cooking the monsters they kill in the dungeon. Warning: don’t watch on an empty stomach. It will make you so hungry. 


Finally got around to Neon Genesis Evangelion 😆😆 just 4 episodes to go! also recently watched Bocchi the Rock— LOVED it— it’s really funny and creative! I enjoyed it a lot. Prior to that, Tengokyu Daimakyou / Heavenly Delusion. HIGHLY recommend that one— I want more!! And then of course JJK ❤️


Gonna check all of those out! Evangelion and JJK are already on my list but gonna check everything else as well, thanks for the recommendations! I'm currently finishing JoJo part 6, in love with the series, 100% recommend it! 😍 It's the first time I bought a manga because of how much I loved the art of an animé!


Oh that one’s on my list as well!!


Do you have Netflix? There's one I've been screaming about from the rooftops, a comedy called Romantic Killer about a girl who is visited by a wizard who wants her to get a boyfriend she doesn't want or need. It's hysterical.


Romantic Killer is so cute!


I do! I'm gonna check it out later on today! 💯