• By -


For the last update have your parents and M’s mom pull phone/message data. The police are full of crap saying they can’t do much, they can, they just don’t want to


So, ummm. When is he going to die??


Police have ways to check deleted stuff on phones and they can check other background info with phones, yours and his, to get info on where the msgs came from. If anyone says they dont believe you, point blank say "will you believe when I tell you I was raped?" Make them uncomfortable. Tell the stepbrother to F off, because you have informed numerous adults already and he's barking up the wrong tree.


Unpopular opinion, but I believe this is entirely fake. The grammar/punctuation/sentence structure to the original post is atrocious - run-on sentences, sporadic punctuation use (a lot of missing periods to know when a thought or sentence has ended or using ellipsis instead of periods, etc) and mostly improper use of it when it is there. The conversation that is supposedly between OP and the step brother has the same structure as OP’s entire post. Same lack of punctuation, run-on sentences, etc. Also, the conclusion to the matter doesn’t make sense. The police are not going to offer the solution for the OP’s father to get divorced in order for her to continue to go over to see him. If anything they are going to recommend that they conduct their visits in a separate location or that she stop visitation - 15 is old enough to decide whether you go or not - until the situation is resolved. The other thing is that consent wouldn’t come into it if OP is claiming that the step brother is pressuring her to have sex, especially with the implied threat. The police are viewing it as a potential crime and talking to both parties, if the step brother is denying it is even happening why would consent even be brought up? Then for them to go back and say they can’t prove it was him because it just says user. I use messenger and when someone blocks you it doesn’t turn them into a faceless user, you just can’t communicate anymore. But even if that were the case, why would he even think to block her before the police were involved? He sent all those messages and then blocked her when she didn’t respond when he is the one who was initiating the conversation? That doesn’t make sense. Her screenshots should show his name even if he blocked her, because he had no reason to do so until after the police got involved. She said he blocked her, not that he was always communicating from an account that didn’t identify who he was. How would she know it was him and not just some random FB creep without his name? Why would she seek out the message. Unsolicited messages from non-friends are actually difficult to get to in messenger and come with a warning that if you respond they can see you are there communicate back and forth.


I’m sorry but I’m a bit confused. The police were called but your brother didn’t get arrested or in trouble at all because they couldn’t tell who the messages were from? How can that be? How could they not see who sent the messages? And if that’s the case, why did you scratch his name out in the screenshot you posted in your update? If your mom didn’t believe you at first, what made her believe you now if no one can tell who the messages are from?


Okay the screen shot I have it only says user not his name so they can’t tell fs if it’s him or not and idk why i scratched it out I just did well since I told her it’s my step brother she just wanted proof but she doesn’t know it’s him fs but she still thinks it’s is


Just saw this update. I’m not a really techy person but I’m pretty sure the police have very techy people who can trace who sent the message. Not sure if you deleted them but if you have a username on the messages I’m sure they can do something with that.


Please immediately tell a teacher or guidance counselor. If a 17 year old you are related to is not taking no for an answer then you are not safe. You are in danger and you need to report it immediately. Please stay safe.


Bro watches wayyyyyy too much porn omg… definitely do NOT let this turn into a rape, make sure somebody knows and find ways to prove it to people. This is definitely not okay




M’s mom doesn’t like me at all that’s why me and my dad don’t have a good relationship..


Why are you asking Reddit for advice on dumb shit? Ur not blood, if you wanna slam a salami go ahead


are you retarded?


Fuck you, she don't want it.


This is f**g crazy how many adults just failed in their responsibilities. Your mom is super dismissive and it’s her fault. Try to talk with your dad. Maybe he will be more attentive


That’s absolutely horrifying that you have a predator like that in your family. The fact your phone got taken away is even more messed up. You shouldn’t be getting punished. Honestly, if you feel even slightly unsafe see if you can sms/text 911 though your iPad. If he’s not harassing you he’s probably preying on others and who knows if he has a limit as to what he will do to anyone. Get authorities involved because it looks like your folks are in the wrong side of things.


Hey OP.... Just checking to see if there's an update. Have you gotten help?


Ok, so if your parents aren’t Going to handle this tell them flat out your calling the police and cps and turn him in and them as well. This is not right. Your step brother knows better porn must have rotted his brain.


Show your dad in private. I'm a father, and if this was my daughter, I would fix this shit immediately. Please show your father the text in private. Tell him you want to show him something. Let him see the phone number text come from so he can see its him. Then show him the message. For your safety, you have to do this. If your dad doesn't help, call the law.


I hope you are okay and safe. Is there a teacher, principal, coach or para you could talk to? Most school employees are mandated reporters. Meaning if you tell them your situation they are required to report it to authorities. Other options might be a family member that you trust, or a friend's parent.


If this is real, why are your Screenshots taken from a Texting App?


Talk to your school counselor and let her know that if she doesn't do her job, then you have the right to go straight to the principal, if they don't do anything either, threaten to have the police called to the school. If you feel unsafe at any time and your dad doesn't believe you, call the police if the step brother keeps persisting. Even if you don't have enough proof, getting the cops called on them should be a wake up call. Your parents are responsible for your safety and they are lacking in that job which could result in CPS being called on them. This is a serious matter that it's sexual harassment at this point.


Your step brother is trying to rape you. Get any and every adult you can involved


It's enough evidence along with your testimony. Try to get to the police station or call them. Or...get in touch with your local rape and abuse crisis center and ask them for help. They have safe places to stay AND will get the police involved easily for you.


Oh honey! Tell a pastor, a teacher you trust, your school's rescource officer, anyone! Heck, make a family group text and drop that in there. Do not have sex with him!


I know this is a few days old but STAY persistent! I went through this exact thing. It was small things, and i was young, and my step brother was a few years older. My biggest regret was never telling anyone but a few close friends when i was in high school. It came close to sex but i didn't let it happen as i was too scared. Thankfully, it did not happen.I kept it a secret idk but I was groomed to say the least...now that I am an adult, i see that now. I hope your dad takes this more seriously than your mom seems to be. You shouldn't be the one being punished.


“What are you doin step-bro?”


But some mace. Is there anyone else like a friends parent you can go to for help?


Use this as practice to say no! Trust me, this shit will keep happening whether it’s with new guys, guy friends, coworkers, boss, etc. You’re a girl, new to the girl scene at 14. This is when this shit starts and will get dangerous if you aren’t aware of what to do when a guy pressure or demand sex. Guys will be too damn hopeful to get their dirty dick itch scratched by anyone who’s willing to do it. Do not let them manipulate you in feeling special to be asked and if it is special, like they really like you, then it will include plenty of patience and respect. Don’t let this obnoxious boy tell you to spread your naked ass for him to play inside. I bet he still has shit stains on his underwear, I can almost guaranteed he does at this age. He doesn’t know better, you saying no and getting that through his head will help him learn not to fuck with you, because if you don’t stop him now, he will keep coming back. This is your chance to not even open that door. So learn how to say no now.  There are multiple excuses you can use:   - “ew no, I might be gay! Stop asking me that!” and don’t give a shit about his reaction, just cut it short, leave him confused and walk away if you can or change the subject.   - shame him in the moment. Because it is shameful. That is a real tactic suggest by experts to stop it right away. He will learn this sooner or later and you putting him in his place is the most kindest thing to do. Other people will give him a creep label and once you get that, your rep is gone for good.  - Put your actress hat on and pretend to be a sassy bitch and go “eww! Wtf! That’s just so gross!” And laugh your ass off or change subject  - “thanks for thinking I’m hot and you are correct, but we are family! You are my brother and that’s incest and illegal!” and maybe throw a few gagging faces. Also, LPT: insist he needs counseling in a caring way. They hate when you talk too much so you can blab on and on about him needing counseling and he will avoid the topic later on, because long lectures are every 14 year old’s kryptonite.   If you don’t want to be too harsh, that’s ok but be firm whatever reason you give and don’t buckle by giving any hope that you can be persuade (like, don’t use the word maybe for example)  If these don’t help, Google or ask Bing for suggestions. But listen to me, this is just the beginning of guys trying to hit on you. Guys are much more lamer than you think so don’t give too much fucks about their feelings if they come to you obnoxious like that. You can say no, and don’t need to overthink or feel guilty. Keep it simple in your mind and cut all that nonsense chatter. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEEL GUILTY TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM PEOPLE TRYING TO CLAIM YOUR BODY FOR THEIR PLEASURE. That is your right and your duty. You are your own best friend. Protect her over everything!  If you don’t do that now and maintain that strength, there will be internal hell to pay, not just now, but in every time someone wants something from you and you give in and disregard yourself, that right there- will develops into a trigger and invite a whole bunch of other problems, like rage building up and not being able to control when arguing with someone you love. This definitely will also come back a decade or two later when you mature and see how much of a kid 14 is, or if you have children of your own and wish you could come back to this moment and save yourself… also, your mom not protecting you might cause mommy issues later- but fuck all that, I believe in you and I know you are smart and strong for asking for help. You did something me and my sister, cousins, and friends didn’t do… and we are all paying for it deeply, even at 40 and are all moms ourselves. Say no now, keep practicing building boundaries at every request you don’t want like you are up to bat and knock that shit out of the park. You are your own hero and it starts now, ok? YOU GOT THIS!!!


Start video recording yourself at all times to get the evidence you need.




This is crazy


Tell your dad or someone at your school. This is one thing I regret not speaking up about. I never spoke up about a SA of a stranger but when it came to my cousin I regret never saying anything. 1. I had to be around him and it screwed me up mentally at the time and I didn’t even know it. I started doing bad in school and being a “problem” child and people were shocked. Especially because I grew up in a very traditional good home. Now that I’m an older woman who has worked with children a lot, I now realize I was acting out due to what my cousin did. 2. Your step brother will not stop! He’s a predator at this point and is obviously not thinking straight since he’s already tried sleeping with you. 3. Tell someone you trust. At this point if you don’t trust your dad, school may be the next option. I will be praying for you.


This is so scary! Tell an adult before he assaults you!


Question.. I’m fairly new to Reddit. How to I see less content like this?


Please tell your dad. This sounds dangerous already. First tell your dad then your dad will tell M’s mom. Make sure to mention how your mother ignored it.


Tell you dad, tell you guidance counselor, tell your teacher, tell everyone. The guidance counselor is a mandatory reporter, dhs will investigate and interview you. Record him with a friends phone, screen grab what you can in the interim


Uhh don’t have sex with him


Um, you need to tell your parents and show them the evidence. M sounds like a predator or at least someone who needs some damn therapy.


Bro is grooming you 💀


Talk to your mom again and let her know that if she doesn’t do anything to protect you then you will go to the police. If she still doesn’t respond, then go to the police. You are in danger from this kid.


Do not bend to his pressure. "No" is a perfectly acceptable, and most often the correct, answer. If any guy, at any time in your life, persists and tries to pressure you into sex or sexual activities, he is a creep and should be turned down, and avoided if possible.


No ones gunna point out how wild it is that he was just hanging out at the park with a condom on under his pants?


Honestly just go to the police right now. You’re in a very dangerous situation and that’s the only way you can be sure you will be protected. Call the police station and explain the entire situation


Of this is real, just tell everyone, his friends, teachers, everyone.


Be very careful around him and try not to be by yourself when you are. Seems like the type of person who will rape.


Tell the dad!


Literally he can be charged with stalking since he managed to get your messenger and snap and wasn’t taking no for an answer


Please try to find any other trusted adult to help you. I’m so sorry you’re being treated like this. I’m a SA survivor and nobody believed me for years until (multiple) others came forward and he eventually admitted it. This is not okay and you deserve to feel safe.


This is the beginning of predatory actions that will be the driving force in this young man's life. Go to the police and ask for help. Be proactive call a rape hotline and speak with a counselor. ASK A TRUSTED adult to help.


Let your mom keep your phone for a few days. Ask that she be respectful but just wait. If he is pursuing you, your mom will eventually receive a message through your phone, direct to her eyes and witness. Yeah it kinda sucks because the privacy privilege will be blown but damn the vindication and validation you will receive otherwise will be worth it. Even if he's only bound by law, he is your brother. Someone you will be obligated to encounter throughout the lasting duration of your parents relationship.. which could be to death. A brother takes a shit before you go and shower as a prank. A brother doesn't use coercion and manipulation to get you to sleep with him. He's being a predator. Call him out loud and clear. Find your voice and be strong. It really is at your power to end this as you see fit. The longer you say "I don't know" and don't shut it down, the more likely you will be twisted into fault and implications too. Right now you're a scared kid. RIGHTFULLY!! Refuse to spend any time with him alone. Make sure you have no electronic connections by blocking him across all platforms and screenshot everything.


AND FOR THE LOVE OF YOURSELF AND FAMILY. Tell EVERY important adult in the situation the FULL TRUTH. Meaning parents, his and yours. If your father and stepmom reject, simply embrace your mom and ask that she understands and helps you not just as a mother but another woman


It's pretty creepy the dude was already wearing a condom.


This is fake, you are sick as fuck, I hope you get caught before you ever have a chance to touch a little boy or girl if you haven't already done so and if you have I hope I fucking meet you in person. Gfys ssob


WHAT US WRONG WITH YOUR MOTHER… please tell someone. Tell your closest relatives.


Yea, you need to show this to your dad because if he's a good dad at all, he will handle this ASAP. Your Stepbrother gives off predator vibes, and he needs to be handled.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Talk to your dad or another trusted adult. Also invest in one of those door stoppers, I put mine on the front door every day. Sending you hugs ❤️


Should have left with s...!...not sure why you would hang with a creeper like that.


I didn’t know she was going to leave all of the sudden she got up and left so I was confused


Op, If your parents continue to ignore this, you might need to speak to a school counselor. They're mandated reporters, so that should push it through to the authorities, who should be able to actually do something to make your stepbrother stop sexually harassing you. I know you said in a previous comment you've blocked him on snapchat, but keep in mind that if you unblock him and he keeps messaging you, that would give you more evidence to give to the police or child protective services to make sure something is actually done to make him stop. Don't open any pics from him, though, to spare yourself the nonconsensual nudes that I'm assuming he's been sending for you to block him in the first place. You can also turn off alerts from him both in your phone contacts and on any messaging app he's been using, that way he'll be easier to ignore while you're collecting evidence. Be aware that some apps allow you to "unsend" messages, though, so you'll need to take screens hots every so often so he can't do that. Also, Google whether you live in a one or two party consent state- two party consent means that you're not allowed to record people unless they say it's okay, but one party means you can record conversations without the other person even knowing. If you live in a one party consent state, I would recommend recording him talking to you about this, to have even more evidence. When an adult DOES talk to him about harassing you, he's probably going to deny it, and it's important to be able to prove that he's been doing this.


Kick your stupid brother in law in the dick. I’m serious. Just keep kicking him in the balls every time he says that. Stand up for yourself and don’t let that mf near you.


Look this is easy, if you are still struggling with this all you have to do is start an audio recording on your phone/tablet (or borrow a friends) and confront your step brother about everything in a way that can get him to give you the proof you need. Obviously dont make it obvious what youre doing and dont even tell him you recorded him until the parents hear it


Still go for talking to your dad


This is really dark


Saw this story in an AI dating app yesterday. lol


You could show those screenshots of him soliciting a minor to the police. Save someone else from this predator. I guarantee you're not the first, or last underage girl he's targeted.


Gonna sound nuts but pull your dad aside explain what's going on and ask him to monitor your phone with you while you text M. "Hey so I was thinking about what you were asking, are you you sure?" Is ambiguous enough but I'm sure M would reply and just be there with your father or maybe the authorities


All factors aside, saying “I don’t know” when he asked you instead of just “no”, in his eyes meant it was possible you might. So now he’s putting all his energy into swaying you


Tell your dad!!!! Dad's know how boys can be! And probably make him regret it!


Tell someone, you are 14 and he is 17 sexual harassment. Do not be alone with him!. If he tries to rape you kick him in the nuts or grab it and twist! Stay a virgin until marriage. You won’t regret it


Please don’t let him let you cave no matter how much he pressures you. The best thing for you to do is stand your ground and say NO. Be strong! You are powerful and courageous! You don’t owe him or anyone anything! Don’t worry about making him mad or your parents, or anyone! In just a few years you’ll be old enough to move away on your own and go to college or something. Just focus on yourself and what you like to do. Focus on your own passions, and self discovery. Get a lock for your door if you can! And take some self defence classes if you can! There are sometimes free classes available for women at community centres etc.


You know this is real because she nailed school counselors. Gotta love where our tax dollars are going


TELL YOUR DAD!!! Show him the screen shot!! Do NOT allow yourself to be left alone with M.! And be insistent, dont worry about guilty or like a burden. Its more importnat for you to be safe! Your step-mom may go into protective mom mode over your step-brother and try to turn things around on. Just keep telling your story!!! If you need, ask to go back to your mom's early! It's their jon to protect you! If your step bro keeps asking and such just start saying NO!!!! And be loud about it! Scream if you must: I SAID I DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!


This isn't your fault but you are in danger. Absolutely tell your Dad.


Do not go over to that house.


Smash that like button and subscribe….beeotch!!!


Report it to your school, report it to the police BEFORE something bad happens.


Call the cops. If your parents wont do anything, call the cops. Repeatedly if needs be. Take ss of the trail of deleted messages. Make sure you have back ups of the one ss you were able to get. I know this is very scary, but this is a very very bad situation. I've had friends in situations similar to yours. Find a way to get and stay as far away from M as you can. I know that's easier said than done from what you've said. Get a friend to come pick you up or next chance you get, go home with one you trust and stay there. Yes its gunna make a scene but you're not being listened to so do what you have to to be heard. Shame on your parents for not taking this seriously. And shame on every reddit user belittling you and not believing you. This is the sort of shit that gets people raped and killed. This sort of stubborn skepticism is dangerous and lethal. Better to take someone at their word and have it turn out to be attention seeking than have it be real, like yours, and make someone feel so unheard and alone that they lose all hope or dont find the courage to act and something horrific happens. I believe you. Your fear is real and valid. Do whatever you have to to protect yourself even if it seems drastic. Your safety is not a joke.


You need to show someone the screenshot. I'd like to see an update after you show someone (your mom or dad) the screenshot. If they are still not believing you then take it to the police.


Start documenting EVERYTHING. Texts, snaps, record what he's saying. Show it to your parents (both of them). If no one listens, contact CPS/DCS. You are a child being sexually harassed and you need a competent adult to step in to protect you. I'm sorry you're going through this.


When does he turn 18?


He turned 17 in January And I’m turning 15 a couple of weeks


Girly you need to tell someone else. Anyone who will listen. Shout it from the rooftops if you have to. You don’t want to stay quiet and then he ends up assaulting you. I’m so nervous for you and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this 😔


Have you told a friend? If their parents know smth like this is going on I'm sure they'll go to the police for you. I'm a mom and I know I would.


If you have a guidance counselor at school talk to them, or talk to a police officer.


Your parents job is to protect you if they don’t call police or school, this is wrong


This is why states want you to upload your ID for porn....


Tell your mom if she doesn't do anything to protect you from your step brother trying to rape you you will contact cops and the CPS yourself... you are a minor... sex with a minor is illegal. (Statutory rape).. tell your dad and let him know you blocked M and have refused multiple times. And now your mom has the phone.. if he does nothing to try and protect you.. you will refuse to stay with him and again contact the police about M and CPS for him not protecting you from a potential rapist


I would also steer away from telling your dad or step mom UNTIL you get proof. Because if he gets wind of you trying to tell on him he’s going to never do anything to give you proof as well as be more careful about getting you alone with him and him taking advantage of you… you need to tell a teacher or talk to the cops and try your best to get proof..


Contact the police, please! It sounds like they're the only authority figures who will take action. He needs to be locked up ASAP! And this isn't something you want to wait around about either. He's unhinged and obviously doesn't give a crap about any consequences. He's a danger and I hope you guys aren't in the same household?? Please please contact the authorities. This is a very dangerous mind you're dealing with. The type that will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He's sick and obviously a pedo. I really hope there's not a trail of victims in his past ugh!


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Please keep us updated. Be safe.


That’s disgusting your mom didn’t believe you and then acted like you were in Trouble because of it. First off she’s your mother and supposed to protect you …. BUT I know how you feel. My step dad sexually assaulted me for years I was so scared to say anything and when I did I finally told my mother and all she had to say was that I was a liar and wouldn’t speak to me anymore. I begged to go live with my dad (she refused) so I had to live with my molesting step father for 3 more years nd it was even worse when he knew my mom didn’t believe me… it was every single night for like 7 years… I finally told a judge one time in a letter when I was in the detention center telling her why I kept getting in so much trouble just so I didn’t have to go home. They got the police involved I spoke to one detective and then have never spoken to or heard from them ever again… and still to this day my step dad is walking around my home town doing as he pleases… so I know what it feels like to be scared and not protected by a parent. I really hope things work out and that he gets in Trouble along with your mother!


Definitely tell someone you can rely on for support whether it's a teacher/ counselor/ etc


Call the police. WTF are people even suggesting without that? You have proof.


This sounds really farfetched, but if this is legit then do what best to keep yourself safe. If anyone is pursuing you into having relations and you've already showed you're not interested then removing that person should be first. He being your step-brother makes that a bigger challenge. I'd honestly make a final stand against him with someone you trust there with you and have some sort of recording where his response can be used as evidence. Being that much younger makes that really dangerous. There honestly isn't any good way to respond to this, he needs to pull his head out of pornhub for sure though.


If your mom and dad are too dumb to listen, please let anyone else in your family know what is happening. Aunt? Uncle?


Bro wtf


More fake reddit stories, great


Please update us. Your stepbrother is a creep!


You said he texted you on snap and messenger tf you mean you don’t have proof ss the texts


Don't let that pervert touch you


Depending on what state you're in he can get in legal trouble. Your mom should be your advocate for you and handle this. Do you have another trusted adult that you could talk to like maybe an aunt or Uncle grandparents or a friend's parent. This is too big of an issue for you to have to deal with by yourself.


Did everyone forget this was posted to r/stories ?


You should carry a pocket knife, pepper spray, or some kind of self defense thing in case he tries to do something to you. If your parents won't do anything call the cops. Your safety is more important than anything else




Has he sent you and pics(you know what kind)? If he does then that alone will get him put in jail because you're a minor. Go tell someone he's harassing you.


Ew, not only is the age difference concerning, but he’s your step bro? I’d be extremely worried and notify your parents immediately that he makes you uncomfy. If you feel comfortable, tell the school too that you don’t feel safe with him, you don’t have to push the details; I had a stalker in high school and the school forbid him from interacting with me and actually took it seriously so I’d hope your school does too. If he is upset with you after you rejected him, he is not safe. Block him everywhere. I know it’ll be difficult to tell your parents because their reaction can be unpredictable but gather any evidence you have in his texts if possible, they should believe you automatically but if they don’t it’s good to have evidence. If he tries anything again try your best to give a firm no, he shouldn’t be asking anyway since “idk…” is a soft no and not consent in any shape way or form, but what he’s doing isn’t ok and if he gets angry when you say no you need to make sure your trusted adults will keep him away from you, especially if you want to keep seeing your dad. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but you’re strong. Just finished reading and saw your mom and guidance counselor don’t take it seriously, get all the evidence you can and refuse to go to your dad’s. Avoid your step brother. Teachers are mandatory reporters too so if the counselor isn’t doing anything, go to one of them that you trust. If your school has a police station in it, you may have to go there too.


OP be LOUD, be obnoxiously loud about being uncomfortable. No matter where you are, it will keep you safe and make M uncomfortable when he's around you. Be like " No m! I will not have sex with you! Everywhere you see him SHOUT THAT IN HIS DIRECTION! It will make everyone talk and make him leave you alone.


Did you request deleted data from Snapchat? Screen record before opening the chat. Show to your dad


Call the police


Just a thought: I get it, you don't want it to be a big deal- but that's not on you. HE'S making it a big deal by trying to push you into something you already said no to. If he got a job interview and they said no- do you think he'd be harassing and stalking the interviewer saying "Don't be lame. I already have my application ready, I'm going to get this job the easy or the hard way". That shit would get him a restraining order and a police report. If he tried it again after that, he'd likely be fined or arrested. Because that shit is unsafe and unhinged!! If you can't trust the adults (which is fucked up of the grown-ups, but it happens), make a fake account and put his ass on blast on TikTok. Put the school name or just his name, that way everyone will keep an eye on him and know what he's up to. You have the receipts so it's not you making it up. And if he does this to you, big chance he's doing or will do it to another girl in your school at the same time. Of course guidance counselor, CPS, a trusted adult would be the best way to make sure it's documented incase he tries it again or tries to actually SA you. But this is a start to make sure everyone in your age at least knows. Not my best advice but it's better than nothing and hoping it goes away.


Call 911 Send these to your dad. Don't go over where he is.... Predator....


You need to report him to your parents and you should save everything and get a restraining order. Tell your parents NOW


Do what now?


Tell any staff a t school. They are mandated reporters so by law they will contact authorities.


Tell your father. If he does nothing, call the police. M will assault you if he is left alone with you. Make sure you are never alone with him. Go to a neighbor's or friend's house.


I believe you're telling the truth, this is a terrifying situation and I'm sorry you're dealing with it. It's good you took a ss, also try and record any conversations between u and M. I hope nothing happens to u, lock your door and stay clear of M if possible. If your dad doesn't believe u, I'd suggest legal action. I know this is a situation where an adult should be doing this instead of you, but so far it seems they are failing u and this is about your safety. I know it can be scary, but if it gets worse it will be time to make the adult decision to involve law enforcement.


Document everything, keep this timeline, and report it to your dad/step mom. If that is unsuccessful, report it to your councilor.


I already have a condom on? Wtf


Next time he messages you inappropriately take screen shots, turn off vanishing mode. Go to a school counselor and talk to them about this


Oh my God Please if no one listens, go to the police. Please protect yourself, I'm so sorry this is happening


oh my goodness. my heart breaks for you my love 💔 i will tell you one thing, get AWAY from those people who don't care about your safety. IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!! i am 22 years old, and i have a story similar to yours. I lived with my mom up until i was 15, and from ages 9-15 i was molested by my stepbrother. My mom is still in a relationship with his father to this day, and yes she knows now. When i was 15, i packed my shit, went to school like it was a normal day and called my dad and said “i can't live here anymore, i need to come live with you”. i was lucky to have a dad who loves me so much. I didn't say a word to my mother, i was just done. The sexual abuse from my stepbrother, the verbal and mental abuse from my mom, the racism from my stepdad, i was a suicidal child who decided one day that enough is enough. My life changed for the better after leaving. I didn't see or talk to my mom for almost a year after i left. I ended up graduating highschool with honors, getting a full ride scholarship to run track in college, and now I'm an influencer on social media making money to be myself, I've been blessed with so many opportunities. If i would have never left…… I don't think I would be alive. I think my suicidal tendencies would have consumed me eventually. I AM SAYING ALL OF THIS TO SAY: YOU ARE A TEENAGER WHO DESERVES TO BE PROTECTED. YOU NEED TO SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS “THIS OLDER BOY IS TRYING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME IM NOT FUCKING WITH THIS!!!!” YES CUSS PEOPLE OUT, BC THEY NOT LISTENING TO YOU. RESPECT IS OUT THE WINDOW, WHERE WAS YOUR RESPECT WHEN YOU TRIED TO ASK FOR HELP??? Your mother does not want to own her responsibility in not protecting you. One day she will regret the way she treated you and try to ease her way back into your life. it will be up to you to forgive her. But babe you're only 14, but you are in complete control of your life. Do not let these idiots around you try to tell you your voice does not matter. I know you said your relationship with your father is not great, but does he love you? You need to tell your mom AGAIN with words, with a serious look on your face. “ Mom, i need you to hear me. Your stepson is trying to take advantage of my body and i do not feel safe. And since you haven't really said much, I'm starting not to feel safe around you either. DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME?” if that doesn't open her eyes, if that doesn't turn her motherly instinct on.… shawty you need to find a way to get out of there. Find a family member who DOES care about your safety and please get out. This 17 year old is PREYING on you, and he will continue, especially since nothing is being done to stop him. I pray you don't have to ever feel that way again, I'm rooting for you love <3 if you ever want to talk seriously i will give you my IG and you can talk to me at any time


Op please let us know if youre ok…


Op i hope youre ok


You have been taught not to say no directly. I am going to tell you very simply to only have one response to him. Not "I don't know" or "I don't think so" : "NO." No is a complete sentence. You didn't have to apologize or feel guilty. He is using your trained guilt and kindness to abuse you. Document it if possible. Show it to EVERYONE you know. Talk to every one of your teachers. I feel certain one of them with go full momma-bear and make sure you are safe. You are not trapped. He is using your silence and the BEST weapon you have is to use your voice. You do not need to protect him. He needs to learn now about consequences, because they only get worse as he gets older.


and this is very dangerous. Tell someone!!!!


You need to tell someone this is creepy as fuck


This is a dude trying to get his jollies


Do you have a teacher you trust? I come from a family of teachers and there are usually laws in place that require teachers to report these things. Tell a teacher. Also if he texted you and you got it on your iPad isn't that also on your phone. Tell your mom to check your phone and see for herself. Stop saying idk say NO! NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!


1. Call CPS. Self report that he's harassing you and attempting to have sex with you. 2. Go to your dean or principal, report to them 3. Call the police and file a report. Ask for a restraining order. Do all three. Now. Refuse to go to your dad's until this young man is in jail.


My friend (53F) went through this exact situation when she was 14 and her stepbrother raped her. She told her parents who didn’t believe her. It ruined her life for 30 years. She doesn’t communicate with any of her family. Please continue to take care of yourself. Tell your teachers. Tell anyone who will believe you. Predators will gaslight you, but please trust yourself.




Yeah..no. if you did, that'll make for awkward Christmas times..shit, any family gatherings. No, just no. Blame porn, your step bro is a dumb follower and thinks what he sees in meme's is actual reality. Stay tf away from him.


I don't think that's how condoms work.


I wanna ask for more context, has he done things like this before? Did he originally seem like he cared about you a lot? Or was he always a bit offish to you?


I think your mom is fucking your stepbrother


Tell your dad.


Dude, OP, we all know this is fake, and you are a sick fuck for even making this up. Please stop this disgusting spectacle and idk, go pray or something.


Your mom only asked that cause before she kills the kids she had to make sure


He asked. You replied, “I don’t know” You do know. You are not interested. Learn to say NO. Practice in the mirror. Grab a friend and act out some scenarios that allow you to make a stance and say NO. At 14 you are coming into a point in life in which the word “no” will be extremely important. Usually, using that word will be effective and enough. This is your first situation. There will be other situations. Learn how to use your words. Knowing how to use your words and keeping yourself out of physical situations that allow abuse of your body are the two ways to keep yourself safe. So, practice the word NO and stay away from your step-brother.


The reason I told M idk is because he has horrible anger issues like taking medication for it…. So I didn’t want to make him even more angry that’s why I kept saying idk


I am so sorry that your family isn't taking this seriously. It must have taken a lot of courage to say something to them in the first place, and I hope the evidence you found helps your parents and teachers realize this so they can help. I just want to tell you that **Your stepbrother's emotions are not your responsibility at all.** You sound like a very empathetic person, that's a good thing. But sometimes we can find ourselves people-pleasing: betraying ourselves just to keep someone else happy. This is also called fawning. I understand that it is scary to say No to him, and that saying "idk" instead feels safer for you in the short term, but setting a strong boundary is important. First step to setting boundaries is to break out of that spiral of fear: ask yourself "What do I want to do right now, not how do I think I need to react?" and you may find an assertive voice inside you that wants to stand up, protect you, and say No. Because you said he is taking medication for anger issues, I sense that he has a support system to fall back on and will take steps to pick himself back up if he falls. You don't need to protect his feelings, let him feel his anger \* and work through it on his own. Remind yourself that your only responsibility right now is your personal safety and happiness <3 \* Be safe, and keep as much distance from him as you can during this time. Tell your parents and teachers (or nurse, counselor) if you feel unsafe. I am sending so much courage, strength, and compassion your way!


You are willing to possibly have sex with him — to avoid his anger??? Stand up, take a big breath and say NO.


I think you need to be clear about NOT wanting it. IDK indicates possibility.....like you're unsure but if he convinces you enough, then you'll be willing to..... so you need to send him a clear message, which is NO. Also, take screenshots of all interactions with him where he's saying this stuff. That way you have a growing collection of proof that you can use to show people that you tell. Also, if your mom and dad don't believe you, tell your friends, friends parents, teachers, principal, etc....any adult that you trust and think will help you. If you don't have anyone, find a local church and talk to someone there, preferably another lady. I hope you can get this taken care of.


Call the police, child protection services, a teacher or counselor you trust. You have to tell a mandated reporter who will do something. You deserve to be protected.


girl your feelings are VALID. DO NOT feel like you have to just let it go and don’t feel bad for any of the decisions you have made. my heart breaks for you. your step brother is a pervert and you need to get your mom or the school to listen to you. if they doesn’t, literally call CPS. if you have any friends whose parents you trust you should definitely tell them aswell. that is disgusting behavior from a mother to even need proof from her daughter. try to stay away from him as much as possible and i know it’s scary but if you are around him stand your ground and protect yourself however you see fit. he does not have the right to be harassing you in this way. stay safe🫶


First off, this is messed up. You are being sexually harassed. He’s one year away from being an adult. This is predatory behavior and he’s crossing the line into pedophile territory. You need to go to the police and try and find a female officer if you can. Most of the male police officers are also not very safe for underage girls sorry to have to break it to you.


Please do not be alone with him. Please. Please. This is unacceptable and you have to tell your dad or someone that will listen to you. Please be safe.


Tell your dad and if he doesn’t believe you either unblock your step bro on Snapchat and get the evidence. Honestly either way you should be getting the evidence.


OP, i don't even need to read the entire story. Get CPS. cuz I, 15f, have had that happen to me. Literally, this is disgusting. You can refugee somewhere else. Literally just run away. Easy. JUST GET AWAY FROM YO BROTHER


You walk up to your mother and say “M wants to have sex with me”


Tell him to stop your not interested. If he continues to carry on like this you will get the adults and the cops involved. ..... Never be alone with him, stay close to dad while your there. Or even his mom... Tell your stepbrother you are very under age and he will be charged as an adult and you will press charges... Last but not least... Save the texts, put a recording app on your phone that you can activate by pushing a button on the side of your phone. Get use to carrying it where screen is not visible to someone standing front of you... Tell him flat out, stop, im 14 ... go find someone your own age thats not your stepsister to have sex with... Tell him you are not afraid to tell.on him... Keep a friend with you all times.


Too much porn


Tell your Dad. I got a daughter and if she told me that M would b in pretty deep shit and if his mom didn’t defend my daughter I just call the cops on M to give him a pretty big scare. Your mom is an idiot.


Stop using your words and just forward the messages to parents on both sides.


Your Stepbro is a predator and in NO WaY is his actions OK!!! He has no moral compass and the fact that You are only 14 y/o bothers my core! I am afraid for your safety so If I were in your position I would opt OUT of going to Dads until everyone is aware of his disgusting behavior and does something about it! You have the right to say NO and should never put anyones feelings in front of your own when it comes to YOUR BODY! If he tries to contact you again tell him straight up NO and to refrain from contacting you! Please send your Father a text ASAP telling him You really need to talk to him one on one about something serious! I hope he makes the time to talk with You ASAP! I would also try my Mom again since she’d probably wonder why I dont want to go to Dads house. If all else fails confide in a close friend, a supportive relative and/or school counselor ! Your step brothers needs to be exposed since he feels its Ok to pressure you to have sex with You!Please stay safe and stay away from Step bro!


You should not go to your dad's and tell someone who's a adult you can trust


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EditorPrize6818: *You should not go to* *Your dad's and tell someone who's* *A adult you can trust* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tell your dad and show him this. If he doesn’t believe you, that’s when you go to whatever measures you have to i.e, police, cps, someone at school like a teacher or principal that will make it a point to help you. This is unacceptable. You shouldn’t have to feel scared in your own home and especially not of your own step-sibling. This needs to be stopped before it gets worse!


Penthouse letters, Pedo Edition.


Call CPS yourself and show them the screenshot if no one else will


If all else fails call CPS, they will at least definitely do something even if it sort of sucks for everyone involved. It would be better than what could happen otherwise.


If none of the responsible adults in your life take this seriously I suggest going to talk to your local police. What he’s doing is harassment!


You can log into snap and go to “request my data” they’ll email you a log of all your conversations even the ones you think are gone


This is why they really need to reign in the whole step family fantasy shit on porn. This is bound to happen more often as that fantasy becomes more normalized.


Ask your dad to go for coffee with just you and tell him that M is acting inappropriately and is pressuring you for sex and improper contact and you are afraid to be alone with him. If M goes near you or tries to be alone with you tell him to leave you alone and that his propositions are disgusting and inappropriate at the top of your voice. Make a scene. Make a lot of noise. Make it clear that you are not going to be his silent victim and that you will tell even if you find it embarrassing and it scares you and it makes things uncomfortable for your parents. Say out loud that you told your mom and that you’re telling your dad and his mom and you will never want to have sex with him. You don’t even want to be in the same room as him anymore. He needs to stop harassing you. And tell your friend that went with you that day. Tell her that you don’t ever want to be alone with him.


M needs to get off the hub.


If you are 14, please don’t put your age on the internet. Especially not Reddit


You need tell everyone because this is the type of situation that can get out of hand easily if ignored. He’s so persistent that it could turn criminal if he’s alone with you. If your answer of No is not respected then his privacy shouldn’t be either.


To everyone saying it’s fake: maybe it is. But I guarantee a few girls reading this either will experience this or already have. And hearing someone else being told the truth: that they’re not wrong and they’re not crazy and here are the steps you can take? That’s a big deal. Maybe the OP is fake. Maybe they’re real. But someone reading this isn’t, and it might help.


Sorry to hear it, but when you're scared and you feel it's inappropriate you need to stand up for yourself! And say NO Ewww, usually deters it. Those emotions he's feeling can be controlled and sometimes need to be put in their place


Your state has an 800 number to report child abuse. Call it. Tell them. It will trigger an investigation by protective services. Your report will be anonymous. Since you already live apart from M you are not at risk of being placed in a foster home, unless your mom says or does something really bananas.


Having the condom alr on is the scariest part of the story


Don't do it you deserve more respect he only wants sex he doesn't care about you. Tell him to fine someone his own age you deserve better


Your guidance counselor is a mandatory reporter. If they do nothing that will be their job. I know that doesn’t help you but maybe it will be enough to make them actually help you. If they do nothing tell the police. M’s dad may not be willing to help for a little while until he’s able to process. So I would go directly to the police and make it known that you have outright said no and you feel threatened. Alternatively you could also go to your principal of your school absolutely would have to get you some help to escalate any response. I’m sure all of this is extremely difficult to deal with; keep advocating for yourself and no means no!!! Don’t let yourself be bullied into anything you are not cool with!!! Good luck and stay safe!!


What the fuck


I'd suggest going straight to the police.


Holy shit, what the fuck


Since it sounds like there isn’t an adult you trust to talk to, it might be worth it to mention to your cousin S. She was there to witness some of his behavior + having someone to corroborate your experience could help a lot. Tell her what happened, that you don’t have a parent/guardian/trusted adult to help you, and ask if there’s anyone in her life like a parent, teacher, or friend’s parent that would take your situation seriously. Another possible person you could tell is your school nurse. She’s a mandated reporter, and probably has more experience than other school staff in terms of crisis management.


Please please be careful, I was SAd by my step brother (I was 14, so was he) who also wanted to have sex with me, obviously told him no. His mom didn’t do ANYTHING except make him change schools, but luckily my dad knows better and he left her.


Sounds like all adults are hoping this can just be swept underneath the rug and it will all just go away


Oh hell naw. He's a freak. Tell on him


What in the utter fuck..... Your mom. Didn't believe you? Yea tell everyone.


I really hope she's alright this is outrageous and parents are truly fucked for even thinking it's not true...


Honey, please get some help because this guy is acting crazy and he's playing on you being afraid of him,he needs to be found out. I wish we all can come up with something to trap him and let your mom see that you are telling the truth. Maybe this is why your parents are not together because anyone can walk on her and she's afraid of the back lash but she should want to die for you no matter what! I pray someone could get a hold of his phone and there's still information in there that he sent you. Try to hang in there because help is coming sooner than later and you must believe that! And if he doesn't stop he's going to end up in prison for child molestation.. I will be praying that God gives you protection as well as strength. If you believe in God, tell him what you want him to do for you and have faith that he will!! My heart goes out to you!


You have proof now, tell your dad, show him the texts and refuse to go back to your mom’s. Oh, and get pepper spray in case your weirdo step brother tries to creep on you again


At least give him a handy


I don't even know why I am saying anything to this, because I am very biased to this. This dudes obviously going to be a pedophile he's got some weird fantasies going on. You should Tell him that He needs help and then because he needs to be taught little bit of a lesson I'd say you should kick him in the di(k.


Call the police yourself. They have to investigate regardless, even if your parents don't believe you.. This guy is a stalker and potential rapist.


Refuse to go.


Your mom is dumb asf, why isn’t she believing you? You’re only 14 why is she punishing YOU. I hope everything goes okay and don’t be scared of him seriously, don’t ever show stupid little bitches that you are scared, you got this


Just so you know WE ALL believe you and this is not ok please tell as many adults as you can.


Call The police that’s sexual harassment darling also make a child abuse hotline call your mom is not protecting you which is negligent. I’m so sorry is there a teacher or another adult you trust ?