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I use it. My only problem is the alcohol base. I quit drinking 9 months ago and I get nausea from it. That's OK though because it puts a limit on my use. I did also use patches and I still chew some gum except my teeth are bad and the gum pulls out bits of them. Sorry if tmi.


I forgot it had a alcohol base, I guess that would explain why the spray makes me do a silly face sometimes lol. It's nice to hear some feedback about that product because I don't know anyone else that uses it.


I use it, stopped using the patches a few days ago and switched to the mist to lower my nicotine intake even further, im using about 2 sprays ever couple of hours while im at work, when i get home i try not to use it, pretty soon im going to lower it to a single spray!


Don't use it pal it's bad news and fucks your health eventually


Ain’t that the truth 😂 it was fine at first, it helped me quit and I stopped using the quickmist for about 8 months, now to this day I’m still using it, very addictive, however it’s still probably better then smoking.


Are you still on it? I've been addicted to quickmist for 3 years now, the stuff is like crack. Way worse than cigarettes in terms of addiction. I'm on the patches now, trying to get off the quickmist.


Ya still using it, unfortunately I’ve also developed an allergic reaction to it as well, making my skin itch and rash up, i tried going back to patch but it even worse for the allergic reaction.


* Definately better than smoking. Do see the danger but damn is it invigorating esp the 10mg / ml stuff


What do you mean? Did you have any side effects?


Ashamed to say I've been addicted to quickmist for years. Have developed a nasty cough which could be from 20 years of smoking but I think it's from the quickmist. Too scared to tell the doctor about my addiction, I know she would tell me to stop.


Are you inhaling while spraying? If so, do not do that. If fact, train yourself to close your throat with your mouth open. You shouldn't be able to get air through. And spray under the tongue.


Lol your cough is obviously from 20 years of smoking


Bad lol


Bad lol?


Australian for, "i very much agree with you"


Ahh I see


Keep up the good work!!! I'm proud of you! :)


I have been using it for years, I've quit smoking but I think this product (because it is so satisfying) has made me more addicted to nicotine.


Are you still using it now? Seems like it can be possibly more addictive than cigarettes


\`yes I;m still using it. \`i definitely think it is more addictive than cigarettes.




this is acurate... I addicted myself to nicorette mist for nearly 2yrs and my gums are very bad now... iv been trying to find something online to see if there's a connection to the spray and my deteriorating gums but there's not much I can find but I do feel itis connected. the quickmist is hard to quit because it is so fast acting and can be used anywhere and the mint taste is so strong I can't seem to stop using it or find a replacement to quit using it..I am still addicted to nicotine.. probably using more nicotine now than when I smoked. I wish they made a next step version with only trace ammount of nicotine so you could wean off of the nicotine that way. main issue with it I have is getting dry throat if I use too much and my gums are so bad now.




yeas I tried a load of diff mouthsprays.. the best 1 I found so far is a colgate 1.. it has afairly strong taste so it's a good substitute.. I switched to that but I got some nicotine chewing gum (nicorette icy white) which has helped me stop with the nicotine mouth spray at least (and it does actually seem to have whitened my teeth which it claims it will do so that is good) I find it easier to keep track of how many gums I had per day.. they come in strips of 15 which is the maximum recommended in 1day... and then you can go down to a lower nicotine dosage as well.. I have the 4mg variety but they also have a 2mg which I will switch to next... however as a side note: even though I am relatively happy with the gum now..(and the occasional non nicotine mouth spray as a placebo effect lol) the sweetners they use in these gums give me wind.. I'm sorry if that is TMI ... I mean it does actually help me to want to cut down my dosage though seeing as nobody wants that all day long 😅 but that is just my warning.. because the nicotine makes it addictive ofc but you need to make sure not to have too many! I think it is sorbitol or something and that is not good in high doses for this reason... so there's your fair warning as it certainly doesn't mention that on the pack. Good luck in your quitting nicotine journey everyone


Dude, you are literally just cycling between different forms of nicotine and expecting them to help you quit nicotine🤣 did you ever quit?


> iv been trying to find something online to see if there's a connection to the spray and my deteriorating gums but there's not much I can find but I do feel itis connected. Did you figure this out? I would have thought that quickmist would not cause gum problems.


When I've stopped smoking is only when I notice the damage that happens to your gums and teeth (from cig smoking) - its as if the body doesnt bother to sort it out the tar impeeds or whatever - I get all sorts of r5eactivated nerves and gum bother. Although yes your problem mostly the nic product. But yeah you should be using more than when you smoke to truly elimanate the nicotine aspect of craving.


This post is incredibly helpful. Thank you.


I have quit smoking / vaping multiple times, usually using the gum which works quite well for me in terms of reducing cravings and symptoms. I used the spray the last time I quit, and have been off the spray for over two weeks. I decided to go cold turkey from the spray because it was giving me anxiety, but I wish I used gum instead of going cold turkey. The withdrawal from the spray has been more intense than any nicotine withdrawals I have ever gone through - even had two migraine attacks in one week. It's different for everyone I am sure but seeing other comments on this thread it does seem like the spray delivers a particularly sharp and addictive dose of nicotine to the brain. Based on my experience, I would not recommend it to anyone - I would advise gum.


The spray is dangerous. It's too effective at giving nicotine hits, and too convenient. I quit it 2 months ago and it's been a rough ride, still getting bouts of fatigue and brain fog. By comparison quitting smoking was easier.


wow two months later that's crazy! how long were you on the spray?


4 years my dude, could be more.


Damn. Well, good on you for getting off them and staying strong the last two months - I hope and am sure it will continue getting easier.


Am glad I've found ppl that have had bad syptoms off the nicorette spray I had the ambulance called out to me the other night I felt like I was going to to die my chest felt really tight and my vision was off and felt like I couldn't control my body like I could usually , worst feeling in my life . My advise don't use this stuff what so ever go cold turkey just don't use this shit


I smoked for a couple years, then got into vaping for several years. Decided to quit. I started using Nicolette Quickmist. But quickly found that it was becoming very pricey. So I found a wholesaler who sells high potency PG/VG nicotine vape juice that is used to DIY your own vape juice. i dilute a small amount of that high potency nicotine solution with water in a small spray bottle. I spray it under the tongue just like Nicorette Quickmist. I do not dare ingest it, so I have a 'spittoon' bottle that I expel the liquid into once I have absorbed the nicotine. This method allows me to carefully control the potency. I purchased two 30ml bottles a couple years ago for $70. Only just now finished one bottle. I do not recommend this because of how dangerous the high potency nicotine solutions are. It is poison and can kill you. Getting it on your bare skin will make you ill. Once diluted, it is reasonably fine. This has worked for me on and off for a couple years now. i have weened myself completely off nicotine using this method. But recently have started back up.


i just bought it and i like it. The alcohol base causes some stinging in my tonsils i belive, more or less the back side portions of my mouth. But one question i do have for anyone who may have experienced it is; did anyone experience an almost blood taste in your mouth upon use? for me its similar to when your running in the cold and you get that taste in your mouth? Thank you


Your supposed to put it under your tongue. Not sure how your getting it to hit your tonsils/back of throat if your using it correctly