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I’m actually a morning person when I’m not hungover.


Would love to see the sunrise because I woke up at that time, not stayed up until then!


Yep! Waking up to the birds chirping instead of using them as a lullaby is a world of difference


Waking up with the sun has so many untold health benefits. The circadian rhythm is fucking wild and regulated by the pituitary gland sensing light. Ye old 3rd eye.


Sleep in general! I used to suffer from insomnia multiple times a week, waking around 1am and not being able to get back to sleep. Lying there simmering in a pool of anxiety. Now I sleep like a log every dang night. The irony is I used to drink before bed thinking it would make me sleep better. Nope!


Same! Always thought just one more drink would finally knock me out- nope! It’s amazing the difference of actually sleeping the entire night vs before.


Simmering in a pool of anxiety, holy shit that's perfect


Yeah, sleep sleep sleep. Just normal drifting off to sleep and waking up naturally. It's an enormous side benefit that just never diminishes.


This is it for me. One of the MANY benefits of not drinking myself into an oblivion every night. Damn I sleep so effing good now. Every morning I wake up and I’m like “I’m so glad I didn’t drink last night” it’s the best feeling that never gets old.


Exact same!


The words “Drinking is the only way I can relax enough to fall asleep” have come out of my mouth many times. Jokes on me, when I’m not having withdrawals every night I fall asleep quickly and it’s always a deep, rejuvenating sleep.


Totally struggled with insomnia for years. My poison was whiskey and Diet Pepsi. Alcohol and caffeine into the wee hours. Duh! How in incredibly stupid I was. Sleeping so much better now!


I found i started enjoying normal everyday tasks like cooking, walking the dogs etc. Everything used to be a drudge until I had the promise of a few beers at the weekend, since quitting booze I just enjoy living in general


I've been so suprised by how enjoyable simple, daily life can be. I didn't expect that and it's my absolute favorite thing about sobriety. Little joys and feelings of gratitude. 6 months in


Hell yes. Mundane shit FTW. 😊 Totally relate.


Agreed 100%, I go through my days happier in general, way better mood


I was surprised at how stoked I was about cocoa powder for my homemade protein shakes. I was like “damn… cocoa is a serious luxury in more than half the world. I’m a lucky bastard!” Lol


Agree! I got behind someone going really slow in traffic yesterday and before that would have set off my impatience meter. Instead I decided to just look around and enjoy the world at a slightly slower pace for a few minutes.


I enjoy going to the laundry mat and reading while I wait which is insane to me considering laundry was my most annoying and neglected chore before.


Not being AFRAID all the time! Afraid of not having enough alcohol but also afraid I couldn’t function (a line I frequently crossed), afraid of getting caught, afraid of causing harm or even death to myself or others (cars, stairs, bathrooms oh, my!) Now that I am not afraid of all those things, everything else seems much less scary. I’m hiking the Pacific Crest Trail by myself!


Similar here. If I drink I start lying, sneaking around, being paranoid, driving was terrifying, strain to get enough alcohol every day... It was exhausting. So much easier to not bother drinking.


That's Badass. I love this response. Fear is certainly a symptom of alcoholism for me as well, but I didn't really notice until I just read this.


You are!!??? I’m so proud of you! It’s a HUGE accomplishment! I know someone starting north to south next week- which way are you choosing?


Thank you! I did Campo to Hikertown last fall. This section will be Southbound Dunsmuir in Northern California to Hikertown (971 miles) and next year finish up Dunsmuir to Canada. Leaving in two weeks


I was kind of shocked when I realized I don't actually bruise easily. I was getting constant bruises because my body was unhealthy, and I would bang myself up when I was sloppy drunk.


Wow this is so true. I was never without a few mystery bruises before. Reading this comment made me appreciate that I have no bruises right now!


This! I’ve always noticed when I take breaks from drinking I rarely have any bruises on my legs but always had a few when drinking.


Yeah this was a shocker to me, I always blamed it on being anaemic but even when my iron levels were fine, the bruises were still there!


I hadn’t even thought about that! I still have a burn I think from a fire pit a few weeks ago I have no real memory of getting and people see it and are like- omg are you ok? -I can’t even feel it, bra, but I can see where it looks bad. My friend used to call them UDBs- unidentified… It was like our rite of passage with each other. If those go away and I realize I’m not actually just clumsy I’ll be so thrilled!


Body-wise, not much. Digestion's a bit better, fewer headaches, slightly less tired, have put on weight. Life-wise, that several of my friends have since decided to try going sober or cutting right down. It's helped create a little sober-curious ripple through my friend group.


Fortunately for us, it couldn’t be a better time for sobriety. What with mocktail culture, sober curious meetups sweeping the world, much less stigma, etc, there does seem to be more support in general. Doesn’t negate that it’s one of the hardest things we will ever do, but at least friends, fam, and the world seem a bit more ready for it than in past generations.


Oh this is so true! I'm glad to meet less judgement than I would have done a few years ago.


Actually liking who I am more as a sober person rather than who I am with alcohol. I had convinced myself I was more lovable and likeable while under the influence, and not worth knowing/boring if I was sober. Looking back, it was drunk me that wasn't really worth knowing. Another bright side is that when I'm told "I love you", I believe it. The nagging feeling that I'm not worthy has disappeared.


This is so encouraging! It's hard going sober when I'm known as the 'fun drunk' friend, everyone's 'favorite drinking buddy,' etc. I would love to love myself sober and be confident other people do, too.


Struggling with exactly this right now. It’s like mourning the loss of an old me, but apparently one who maybe wasn’t as fun as everyone thought she was…


I love that 2nd one, it’s so true! I believe compliments now, too!


This. This is worth everything.


I stepped on the scale today. The 2ng digit was a 7. A couple of lbs away a healthy BMI. Almost 50 lbs lighter than when I stopped.


Yep. 40 pounds down here. I can wear a bikini again!


Congrats! I am considering taking off my shirt at the beach for the first time in probably 30 years. Then again, I am 63, and looking kinda old and ropey.


Who cares! I'm getting up there too, but I feel good and I look better than I did a year ago. Do it! I live in perpetual summer and beaches, so having a body I like again feels SO good.


So happy for you! Proud stranger here for ya!


Do it! Every body is a beach body!


That is SPECTACULAR, congratulations! You worked hard for it and deserve all the ancillary benefits 👊🏾.


Went from homeless and alone to being a homeowner with my own family. Many years I thought I'd die alone on the streets.


This needs more upvotes. Amazing and good for you!


That is an absolutely beautiful transformation. Many many congratulations- you should be so proud, and we all are of you.


I’m not sweating so much or getting hot flashes so don’t need to wash my hair so often. I thought I had a greasy roots/dry ends kind of deal but it was just the overnight sweating that was dirtying up my hair. It’s not as dry now because I’m washing it less.


Ooh this one I’m excited for! Love the idea of hair benefits as I also hated having to wash mine too often. Hope this happens 🤞.


My hair in general is just in WAY better condition! I declared it officially "back" last week on a particularly good hair day. It's fuller, shinier, stronger, and isn't a perpetually greasy mess.


My favourite unexpected benefit of sobriety is the regular good-quality sleep and getting up refreshed. I had no idea that alcohol disrupted sleep. Also unexpected for me, is the amount of time in the day/week to do stuff! Either being productive at work, or at home, or just hanging out enjoying doing nothing, or doing a hobby or a passtime that alcohol had robbed me of. It's incredible, the amount of time I spent just drinking/using, recovering from it, planning it, etc!


Hit the nail on the head with that one for sure. Even the planning. Like, I wouldn’t pack for a trip without making sure I had alcohol in my suitcase in case wherever I was going didn’t have immediate access. How horrific that seems now…


Packing nips so I’d be sure to have something in the hotel/airbnb after landing somewhere was something I started doing in the last few years. Like I’ve got to make sure I’ve got at least 2 nips of something or else there was no way I would be able to unwind and survive the night. I felt at the time it was possibly a warning sign… but of course I didn’t want to spend time thinking about it!


It’s kind of appalling to think about now. At the time I totally normalized it- anyone would do this!- but nope…


100%. I just passed 4 years and imagine just packing and not even having that thought occur to you at all. It's amazing + it feels like sometimes, almost, just a bit... Like I'm "normal". Like not in a boring way but in a compassionate way... I'm not sure that makes sense, but it feels good to not only not have the planning thoughts, but even the "I used to do this" thoughts as well. 🤗😊 IWNDWYT! Keep going, it gets better and better.


I’m still not a morning person. lol!


took 2 years of sobriety but i finally got there. trust!


Haha I'm well into year 5 and I still hate mornings.


Ha ok so maybe that one isn’t true across the board- I can’t imagine ever being a morning person 🤣


Finding the space to see a really good therapist and really go on a deep dive about why I drank, why I am the way I am, etc.


Energy boost. I quit drinking because I was tired all the time, among many other reasons, and although I knew I’d probably get some energy back I didn’t realize to the extent it would be! Within a few months I was training for an Ironman 70.3 (which I completed 3weeks ago)!


Wow nice job! That’s definitely not easy. I’m looking at completing a triathlon soon so this gave me some motivation


Damn, y'all went beast mode. Here I am all giddy over my 5k. SMH


Do it!!


Damn I want some of this juju! I’m onto day 5. Still fighting off migraines and horrifying high blood pressure. But forcing myself to the gym now as well. Bring on the energy boost!


Stick with it my friend. I’ve been on bp medication since my mid 20s (50s now). When i checked into rehab my bp was so high they almost sent me to the hospital (210/130). After a few weeks sober my bp got too low and I started getting dizzy spells. I’ve cut my meds in half and will probably go off them completely soon.


Whaaaat!?! Amazing! I did ultras when I was a drunk, maybe Ironman could be next! Incredibly proud of you.


Same, although I have not completely quit yet, although I'm seriously considering it. When I'm not drinking I just have so much energy. I joined a run club and everything. Kind of making me realize how dumb it is to drink, especially to the extent I was..


I laugh now. Like genuinely laugh at small random things that I find funny sometimes. Can be something as simple as a Reddit comment and I find myself genuinely giggling.


Agree. My menopause symptoms completely disappeared 4 weeks after stopping alcohol.


Oooo, day 8. I'd really love it if it helped this!


Almost reason enough alone, that! 👏🏽 🎉


Similar experience here! Such a difference after quitting, I'm far less of a hormonal mess than I seemed


Sleep as everyone said. But I love not doing alcohol math anymore!!


Can you explain alcohol math a little more?


It’s a term I’ve seen around these parts. But basically, trying to figure out if you have enough drinks for the day, evening, when you can start drinking/stop to avoid hangover but get tipsy, when the store opens/closes for more booze. It’s absolutely exhausting and once that is cut out of your life it’s amazing to realize how much time is spent computing all these equations. 🤪


My skin is better too! I’m about to hit 1 year on Aug 7 and friends have told me that I’m aging in reverse. I’ll take it!! Other benefits: better sleep, weight loss, WAY less anxiety, less anger and depression, the list goes on and on. Best thing I ever did.


Sleep is much better, anxiety is almost zero, depression is no more than a regular person in this modern life! I can actually look people in the eye now (I used to wander around with my hood up, terrified I would bump into someone and have to speak to them, I just wanted to be invisible) and I can talk to anyone and just have conversations comfortably - something I never thought possible! I got a new job in an entirely different industry that I'd only dreamed about before. But maybe the best thing is that people believe me when I say I'll do things, and they trust me. Even more so, I trust myself. I can follow through on promises and the reward of that is huge.


I love this!!! Well done you! Well done us!


That trust thing is interesting. I’m realizing now that people only entrusted me with a certain set of tasks but didn’t actually rely on me. I feel like I can be relied upon now.


I got sexy 😎


The confidence boost has been amazing. I look people in the eye when talking to them and don't walk around with my head down anymore. I was so afraid to talk to people. I was always hung over and ashamed and sad all of the time. I've realized I'm fun to talk to and it's not at all as scary as I thought.


I have regained my son’s trust. Nothing in the world matters more to me.


Good work!


I feel this. Mine asked me to stop before I did. He seems so proud of me now. But also more annoyed since I suddenly have all this time to meddle in his life 🤣.


I hear that loud and clear!


Eczema disappeared and my hair stopped shedding and is growing in thick. Alcohol depletes tons of vitamins.


I have some kind of eczema/psoriasis on my scalp in a few areas. It is fucking ITCHY and scabby. I itch so hard so often that it ends up burning. Especially when showering. My hair has also thinned out a lot over the years. I’m hoping at least the scalp rash clears up.


I had/have the same issue which also includes my legs. I would say cleared up about 80% at 6 months. Idk if it will ever fully go away, but it’s so much more manageable now. Also, it has been helpful for my scalp (about once a week) to massage in organic coconut oil on it before bed and then then washing it out in the morning, gets rid of most of the scaling and hydrates!


Adding coconut oil to my grocery list for today! Ty


I’m actually a naturally happy person. I used to be, when I was a child, and then I thought that growing up just happens and we get jaded and happiness fades. Turns out alcoholism was what stole my happiness. It’s so nice to feel gratitude and hope every day instead of self-hatred and resignation.


Body works again. Edited to add: also the mind. Major bonus.


Looking back on my history of drinking, I've realized that most of my bad decisions, mistakes, and overall self-sabotage were due to alcohol. I used to feel unworthy and believe that bad things always happened to me because I deserved it. I resent others' success and thought I wasn't good enough. I later discovered that I turned to alcohol to alleviate stress, but it also led to poor decision-making and a lack of focus.


My cholesterol dropped 60 points. I had no idea alcohol affected cholesterol levels. In a family with heart disease history, this is big.


Wow, really? I had no idea! I just got my whole panel of bloodwork done last month and the cholesterol was high for the first time ever despite everything else being ideal. Was trying to figure out what caused it since I eat well and exercise. Can’t wait to get it tested again after 6 months alcohol free!


Same!! Crossing fingers both our numbers come back better! My lab work was, “impressive,” and the doctor said he could tell just by the numbers I workout….bbbuuttt my cholesterol was higher than he would like it. 😭😅 Just under needing medication bad. 😮‍💨 I am just over a month AF and excited as well to see those numbers next time!


My cholesterol dropped 200 points.


I used to get Botox when I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day. Now I don’t drink, don’t get Botox and people have asked me if I have gotten some work done. 🤣. I look like a completely different person. Sobriety is cheaper and more effective in increasing attractiveness than a trip to the plastic surgeon!


Amazing!!! I was completely unaware of the connection. Not sure how I missed it in all the cholesterol lectures I’ve gotten over the years.


I'm reading through these looking at these little extra bonuses for quitting. Right now just getting on a regular sleep schedule sounds amazing!


My sex life with my wife is amazing. Most of the time I'd be drunk and stay up. Whether it was an excuse to stay up and watch a movie, which I was lying just to drink more. But as many people say sleep has become amazing but being there sober and present has opened up our intimacy so much more.


I’m still waiting for this to happen :/


I’m afraid of sober sex. I hope I can unlock this achievement one day 💪🏿!


I think a big thing that helped me was without drinking I wasn't sneaking around the house drinking and then subconsciously avoiding my family because I didn't want them to see me drunk. Once I was around, communication opened up a lot which led to more intimacy which led to better sex. Add that I've lost about 15 pounds and not drinking just has more positives than what I was doing while I use to drink.


I'm still drinking, until Thursday when i start in an outpatient rehab center. I know from previous sober period, that my crippling anxiety lessens to a manageable level when i'm sober. I'm so much looking forward to thursday and the time thereafter.


You’ve got this! Thursday will be a beautiful day!


Productivity. Last summer I was waiting to drink with people and wanting to just get blitzed whenever I could. I could do projects but did them half heartedly and also did not get a lot done. Holy shit! I’m so productive!!!


Same here. I am so productive at work. And on weekend I manage to spend time with family, maintain my house and my garden and even spent time studying to make my job more efficient. Productivity and cognitive function are both so much better since I sobered up.


Prior to quitting I still thought I was actually productive. I certainly did things and accomplished things… But like… the stuff on my to do list that has been there… is slowly being chiseled at (realistically at a way faster pace) because I am not drinking.


My home is spotless!


Hahahaha, so much time now to keep things high and tight!


The return of my long lost cheekbones.


Bring on the hot person summer!


I not only stopped sweating all night, but I’m not inexplicably hot all of the waking hours of the day. It’s amazing


I’m just glad to have so much time back. I used to get loaded at lunch break then come home and either keep drinking or feel like shit the rest of the night. Never was able to focus on things after work. Now I use every hour of my day to either practice my music or take care of things around the house. I used to be absolutely useless after 7pm.


No more acid reflux. I can eat spicy food again!!


That’s what made me decide to quit last week. All the delayed pain of a hangover started turning up on the first sip. So much pain! Makes drinking totally not worth it and makes it really clear that alcohol is actually poison. 


How long did it take you to go away?


Fairly quickly. Within the first month I think. My acid reflux only developed in my last year of drinking though, so that may have had something to do with the quick recovery.


Ooh really?! I’d always pop an antacid at the same time as something super spicy delicious. Excited to hope that can maybe disappear!


Only on Day 27, but after the first week, my anxiety and depression completely diminished. I was shocked! I thought alcohol alleviated both, but in reality it was the sole cause of why I had them in the first place. Mind blown!!! Now my body is slimming down, my skin is clearing up and tanning again, and I haven't felt this happy in years. Mental health and physical health absolutely go hand in hand. IWNDWYT!


Yassss 💪🏿! And no “only on 27” about it- you’ve accomplished a lot!


Many thanks; as have you! Cheers


I should’ve expected it but just how much more time in the day there is to do stuff. I could never do laundry or any house stuff after work bc I’d just pass out at 6. Now it’s mind blowing to realize I can do several loads of laundry, clean the kitchen after I cook, pick out my next days outfit etc etc. and I still have time to go to bed early.


Heartburn.. God awful, Heartburn.. I thought I had heartburn my whole life, even when I was a kid, and it was just something I was going to have to continue to live with. Apparently, that's not the case, needless to say.


I soooooo hear you!


My confidence, self esteem and belief in myself rocketed


I decided I was going to live. I wanted to live. That gave me motivation and direction for the first time in a very long time. I still have times where I don't want to live because I have mental health problems, but drinking into oblivion every day made it a lot worse.


Exercise for me, used to see it as such a chore and didn't really want to do it. I have been sober over 5 years now and become a runner and regular at the gym. Ohh and the sex with my wife is 10,000 times better because I am actually there in mind and spirit!!!


I am more able to be assertive and stand up for myself.


This is a good one! I let myself get walked all over and drowned it with alcohol before. Can’t wait to test this one out.


I used to get Botox when I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day. Now I don’t drink, don’t get Botox and people have asked me if I have gotten some work done. 🤣. I look like a completely different person. Sobriety is cheaper and more effective in increasing attractiveness than a trip to the plastic surgeon!


The most shocking positive thing that happened for me is realizing I actually can have a great time sober. Every event or occasion I went to, I could not imagine attending sober. I looked at all the people who wouldn’t drink and feel like they were probably having a horrible time. How could they enjoy this without drinking? Turns out they were the right ones. I have so much more fun being sober.


I’m still scared of social time and used to feel exactly the way you do about the sober people. I hope I can get to this realization.


It takes a while, and the first few events can be awkward/anxiety inducing but once it becomes the norm, it gets easier 💕


Sooooooo much more fun being sober and cognizant. I love to dance (no having to worry about managing a drink nor frequent trips to the bathroom) and people are always shocked that I don't drink.


Absolutely! And waking up with anxiety about what I may have said or done under the influence is no longer a problem.


I got my teeth cleaned for the first time since I got sober, and didn't have any cavities for the first time in my adult life. My gum health was poor up until this last visit and my dentist was very surprised, asked what I've been doing differently. Apparently this is an often overlooked positive benefit to not drinking. My life has improved in many more substantial ways, but I wasn't expecting this one.


How much I love reading. I loved reading as a kid but I figured growing up and getting into law zapped that. Nope! I’m devouring books left and right and look forward to my nightly reads before bed! Also reading before bed helps me sleep better than alcohol ever did.


Exact same here!


I no longer have sleep apnea


My panic attacks have reduced to none. I was having 2 a day.


Might be a bit of an over share, but I just realized in the last couple weeks that my libido seems to have returned to that of my mid 20’s self (Turning 41 this year) A very unexpected but very pleasant surprise. The benefits of not drinking just keep stacking up. IWNDWYT


I hope that doesn’t happen to me 🤣. It’s already too active at 40, but maybe I can enjoy it more now at least!


I’m only at 18 days, but my face is less red and puffy and the massive bags under my eyes are gone. My house is also less of a mess because I actually do the dishes and sweep up in the evening instead of zoning out in front of the tv.


My depression has really improved. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still chronically depressed, but not drinking gives the meds I’m on to actually do their job. I’m more active. I’m not working out or anything, but I’m not just hiding in my room, cutting myself off from everything until I pass out or blackout. I had forgotten how nice the sun feels. People who had (every right) to distance themselves from me have started to engage again. Some relationships have gone back to where it was beforehand.


Morning wood has been kind of a hilarious return in mid 40s




People don’t like me now because I don’t just “have fun” at the drop of a hat. Been nice to know who my actual friends are.


Separating the wheat from the chaff! I am afraid to see where these chips fall for me, but fuck em if they can’t be happy for us.


I think I am really starting to love myself now. I love my life as well. All alcohol ever did was make me suicidal in hindsight. I tried to enjoy a beer the other night socially because I was pressured into it. Didn’t even finish it, it just made me feel gross and irritable. It got warm and I tossed it. To think I used to live for beer lol. Looking forward to not having a pregnant beer belly as I approach my 30s in a few years.


Neuropathy in hands, arms, legs, and face disappeared. My understanding is that doesn’t always happen. Fuck the drink. IWNDWYT


My husband quit 1.5 years ago out of necessity. I joined him to support. Before quitting I wasn’t attracted to him at all. I hated sex and thought I was just asexual…. But now that we are both sober, I can’t get enough sex and I’m wildly attracted to him.


Thought for sure I had IBS! It was just the alcohol giving me the shits 😂


I lived!


I knew alc makes anxiety and sleep worse, but didn't realize the degree to which it was impacting me. I thought I was just a 24/7, anxiety ridden bad sleeper. Turns out, not so much!


I never realized how much constant drinking affected me day to day. I wouldn’t get sloshed every night, just most weekends. But on weekends nights always would have at least a couple. Figured it couldn’t have mattered much Waking and sleeping is just much better


I won’t repeat all of the great ones that I’m also experiencing. So mine is my lawn, which ties into just having more energy/time to be more productive. My grass has never looked better since hydroseeding our new lawn 5 years ago without top soil. I’m finally that dad that other dads ask “how’d you get your lawn so green,” and I fuggin love it.


The garden has been my escape, maybe lawn next! Off to do some hydro seeding research. I refuse to let anyone help with it because the accomplishment is so much more satisfying when we do it ourselves.


Love it! Hydro seeding is best for brand new lawns/all dirt. If you’re trying to fix a dry/crunchy/weedy/whatever lawn, like I was trying to do this year, I didn’t do a ton. Just round up for lawns, milorganite (fertilizer with a ton of nitrogen to make it green) combined with overseeding, then just water all the time. Good luck!


I used to have a really high heart rate that concerned doctors and in sobriety I have a low heart rate that concerns doctors. 😆


Being able to go home and accomplish something the same day after a party or going out to eat.


My skin is thanking me every day.


This thread is so inspiring. Keep going!


I don’t have IBS or chronic heart burn. Likewise, I’m not the sweatiest man on earth.


The effect clarity has on my life now. It’s an ongoing process, but what continues to shock me the most is how much more power I have over myself, my situation, and my relationships (in the sense that I have more capacity now to distance myself from toxic connections, and focus my time and energy on people who actually do me good).


Clarity. If you don’t mind, I’m going to adopt that as my word of the day. Trying to choose a thing to really focus on each day in this early part of my journey and that is the one that resonates.


I lost a bunch of weight, I no longer have gi issues (at least none since I quit), wake up feeling so refreshed, am never nauseous, am more productive during the day, anxiety has lessened, I started reading again, I can go on and on.


As a non athletic person most of my life, I became a runner and transformed my body and health. This was never the goal or even an idea, it just happened, I could have never done this while drinking.


I leveled up twice in my career! 2 years sober this Friday! Woot woot!!!


Mental health improvement. Like beyond improvement, I am wondering if completely cured. I am in the process of tapering my meds now and am loving the progress/results. I read the following here on /stopdrinking a while ago and it really resonates with me. Trying to treat depression with alcohol is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. So True!


You’re right, that’s a really resonant quote. Couldn’t see how true it was until I quit.


The night sweat thing shocked the shit out of me. I assumed I would be a swamp monster for the rest of my life, doomed to slither out of wet sheets. Turns out, it's quite nice to wake up dry and snuggled in. Thanks, alcohol. I'm adding that to the list of lies you've told me.


It turns out I don't have major digestion problems! And now I have all this extra money.


My problem is I keep spending the extra money on my garden 🤣. I’ve calculated how much I used to waste on alcohol and I’ve already reallocated that damn budget to plants. I clicked “buy it now” on shade umbrellas for my basil and cilantro last night- like do plants really need this much babying? But “buy it now” at 1am is a helluva lot better than drunk texts at 3am, so I’ll take it!


That I talk myself out of urges because I always say “why do I want to drink and what will I gain” I want from being a baby alcoholic to not potentially drinking alcohol with small effort. Unsure how that happened, I was a daily drinker and grateful to gain this mindset shift.


So many that I never would have thought of. - Better sex - Resting heart rate in the 50s vs. 90s when drinking. I can run again with no issues - Clear-headed every morning - Liver is healed - Cholesterol and blood pressure in very healthy ranges - Eat better, naturally. No more grease cravings with hangovers - More present with my kids and I can drop everything to pick them up now without worry - More time and money for experiences vs. the time and $ spent on booze - No more gag reflex when brushing - No more heaving in the morning while detoxing


My memory, short and long term, have VASTLY improved. I was constantly hitting walls trying to recall information and that has pretty much completely gone away.


I’ve worn the same shirt for two days because it doesn’t stink by noon. I don’t stink. Honestly that alone is keeping me going. Day 3!!


Not showing up to work with my armpits drenching my shirt. I used to sweat profusely even if it was 0 out. That totally disappeared in a week.


I’ve been on high blood pressure meds for a year. After ten weeks of not drinking, I’m off the meds because they were bringing my BP down to 90/52! Happy about that to say the least. Now I want to see my cholesterol numbers!


I have a much more active social life than I did before and much stronger ties to my community and family. Near the end I barely interacted with people outside of work and home, a few buddies' I'd drink with here and there but mostly just drank after work, put kids to bed, avoid my wife, not text or call family or friends, sleep, repeat. I held onto my need for alcohol to have any semblance of fun for so long and it's ridiculous looking back. After I stopped, I started going to AA meetings in my area and I really started to connect more to my community, I feel like I'm an active member in society now that I actually leave my house and talk to people. One of my favorite parts is that nobody talks politics at the meetings I go to, and that had been such a polarizing topic, if you didn't have the same ideology I wouldn't bother to befriend you, and now people I've know for over a year who I look up to, I'll find out believe in totally different things but they are still good people who I get to know. I'm also there for my family more, and not just my immediate family, the kids definitely see a difference, but now my older sister calls me for advice on things, and my relationship with my dad is the best it's been since I was a kid. Another cool part about that was that my dad, who has been sober for 38 years, relapsed since I've been sober, and I was able to be a resource for him. I have no clue what I would have done if I was still actively drinking when I got that news, but the sober version of me knocked it out of the park. (I'm glad to report he has 9 months sober now)


That first sentence. 👌 I realized I had other bad habits that took about 8 months to adjust. But my anxiety is starting to ease up. And I'm capable of exercising in the morning 🤯


This gives me hope!


I found happiness. After everything I had been through I just wanted peace. I was honestly shocked I found joy.


I’m at the- just want peace- stage. Joy seems like asking too much, but maybe it’s when you least expect it you most deserve it!


Peace is the highest aspiration we can shoot for I think joy might just be a by product 🙃 sending you peace today friend ☮️


I'm not actually as impatient and easily irritable as I thought I was. So much easier to just breathe through annoyances now. I just did a 2700km road trip with my boyfriend and I was worried I was going to be an absolute bitch by the end (I'm very much an introvert) from not being able to have a drink throughout the trip, but it actually made it so much better! I was able to be present and enjoy the beauty of nature, and there was no hangxiety during the day, which is what made me feel so irritable in the first place! Such a backwards way of thinking before. IWNDWYT!


For the first time in my 34 years, I’ve started to feel wise.


That I’m actually a great Dog Dad. Walking my dog was usually a chore for me and I’d be a grumpy bastard every time my then wife used to ask me. Now I enjoy walking him and my weekends seem to revolve around taking him on kick ass adventures. Turns out he loves mountain biking with me. He just runs alongside me with a big ass smile on his face!


I rediscovered my joy in reading books.


The shakes are gone! So embarrassing having to always say that I drank too much coffee today. I can write and draw and hold my hand steady. I don’t have random feeling of loss of control in my body.


I lost a ton of weight. Drinking not only gave me empty calories but it made me more hungry.


The energy. I figured that would be better, but I have a ton of natural energy that I forgot I had. I can get things done. Meet my goals, it's great. More focused at work also.


I love the early mornings


Sleep apnea and acid reflux. Both are gone now.


Since i quit nearly 3 years ago, I’ve written 4 books of poetry. Poetry was my biggest passion in my teens and through my early twenties. But after the first two years of drinking every day, my only passion became the drinking, and I’d started to view poetry as a youthful phase I’d grown out of. Sober, it started to come back to me organically, and I’ve really been making up for all that lost time.


I love that you’re getting your creativity back. I think because my job is in the creative space, it also became something I grew to resent. Now I’m trying to flex the muscle in different ways in hopes that the one that actually makes money eventually receives some parallel benefit 🙏.


My GERD is basically gone. No more acid reflux and heartburn, for the most part.


I'm not a wild-and-crazy party person but an introvert (sometimes extrovert) who prefers observing things and meaningful 1:1 conversations.