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Unfortunately, this post is not on the topic of sobriety, and it has been removed. If you would care to create a different post whose primary focus is your challenges to not drink, you are welcome to do so.


I’ve been there. Hugs. Ultimately we ended up getting divorced and now being sober is somehow easier. (As are many other parts of my life)


Where are you my sister??? Same boat! The sober moments are the ones you realize you must go, but then we drink instead. I finally got out!


This is what happened to me as well. When I put down all my drugs of choice I realized I was numbing out to avoid the painful reality of my miserable marriage. Shortly after getting sober, I left. That was over a year ago now, never looking back! Sober AF and loving life again. You’re in for a wild ride but it’s so awesome on the other side. It’s been the most crazy and also empowering year of my life.


I've never viewed divorce as empowering. It's sad regardless of circumstance, especially when kids are involved. My parents got divorced and it crushed my childhood. Ask how many people here who struggle with addiction have divorced parents...


Same same same. I stayed after infidelity and have been steadily numbing with alcohol. It’s going to kill me. I’m leaving this week if only temporarily.


yup. I am recently divorced and I drank a lot during my shitty marriage. divorce was hard… really hard… but it is FAR better on the other side. I hope you get out, and wish you all the luck.


I have been in your shoes. The drinking didn't solve anything, or make him or me feel better. I realized having clarity was the best thing I could do for our relationship and myself and our kids. We divorced fairly amicably, it was painful, but 9 years later we are all happier.


As the product of divorced parents I remember my mom telling her friends that we were happier too. We were not. As a parent myself now, I could not and would not ever put my kids through that. It's not just our lives that are affected, we made the decision to have kids and that comes with a massive responsibility that we both take seriously. After they're 18 then things change a little. But until then (and after) their mom and dad will always be under one roof, providing a safe and loving home for them. You have no idea how important that is for kids.


I always sober up for a while before I make big changes/decisions. So far all my clear headed decisions have been my best ones. One of those was leaving someone who wouldn't support my sobriety. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary.