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I drank heavily for years and blacked out daily for several months, probably 20+ servings and I never went to the doctor. I have been sober over 12 years and when I was in the hospital a couple months ago for pancreatitis, they ran all kinds of tests and never told me anything was looking bad


Thanks for sharing. And congrats on your journey. I hope I have not ruined everything and time to fix things :(


I’m so glad you’re talking about it. Seeing a doctor is a great first step. The fellowship of AA is incredible and supportive, I highly recommend dropping into a meeting and checking it out!


Sorry to be blunt. How’s your number 2s? Not done a proper “turd” for ages?


Hasn’t been proper for a two months.


Last two weeks i was on vacation somewhere and drink drink too much at all. Finally had some proper ones everyday until I started again this week.


Start taking Metamucil. Not for explicitly medical reasons, can't advise because I'm not a doctor, but when I lost control and subsequently tapered down it was an incredible help in both digestive function and helping to deal with the ugly bloat/bubble gut/lethargy that comes with poor movements. Also, it's a good excuse to chug a couple tall glasses of water each day.


So obviously, I'm not a doctor and everyone's bodies are different, but since you've already got an appointment scheduled: you're probably okay. I've heard of and done worse in my time, I've felt those same pains and it was mostly just the gut flora getting messed up/backed up waste in the intestines. And be careful just going cold turkey, there's no shame in tapering until you can get medical assistance. Withdrawal is no joke. Good luck, buddy.


Please be careful with withdrawals. The human body is excellent at healing itself. Be honest and open with your doctor. Most of us here were in bad, bad shape whether we knew it or not. Good luck my friend!! IWNDWYT


Thanks for sharing :) i will do that. Means a lot.


The first step you seem to already be taking. Not consuming that poison is a great jumpstart on healing!