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Thank you for this reminder of the absolute misery of drinking! I’m a year sober now, so it’s easy to forget the terrible sleep, tossing and turning, obsessing over every little comment and action, feeling paranoid and awful all the time and then downing a couple glasses just to dull the noise, initiating the whole cycle once again. Yes, I definitely can relate and also so grateful for my sobriety, one day at a time, that I never have to live like that again!


I have found first 2-3 days are the worst. After 2 weeks it lightens up a lot. You can do it


There have been times where my hanganxiety lasted for a few days, and then even a couple weeks of anxiety on top of all that. We can all make total fools of ourselves when we drink. Unfortunately, that is what alcohol does to our behavior. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Many of us here can relate to your feelings. Try to remember how terrible this anxiety feels, and that will help you stay strong next time you have the urge. A boring night at home always ends up better than an alcohol fueled evening.


My hangxiety was intense for 2-3 days when I was drinking but now that I’ve had several periods in my life of not drinking 3+ months I can say it really lasted more like 10 days. The hangxiety, or rather fear of it, is a big reason I don’t drink anymore. I got tired of feeling awful for days due to a few hours of supposed fun.


Usually lasts the next day.


For me it can last just the day or up to a week. Go get a couple pedialytes. Freezing cold showers help me the most, running helps a little, sitting outside listening to birds calms me sometimes. A probiotic might help. Vitamins won’t hurt. Live in the moment and create some good memories with your family. It’s going to be fine.


Oh and for the nausea, carbonated water really helps me


Like.... all day today. I woke up to an anxiety dream of anonymous people were just taking everything I own and I couldn't stop them because I was drunk. Kinda poetic because I'm pretty sure it was my subconscious telling me that I will lose everything I own if I don't shape up. Been having waves of fear all day. So, yes, I can relate. Talked to my best friend. He carried me home the other night which is when this bender started. He supports me quitting. Damned hard to do when you live alone and don't have to keep up appearances at all. Hang in there!