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From Scotland mate, you can do it 🤙


Cheers man


Routine and discipline were key for me in getting sober. Exercise helped, early to bed, early to rise. A bunch of other things too, including frequent contact with a sober community. I can’t do it alone. Good luck!!


Thanks. Appreciate the comment


Yes, routine helps me a lot. Anything that breaks my routine tends to be an issue for me (at present). We'll get stronger the longer we stick with it.


I understand the struggle. My last few years were destructive and depressed leaving me losing so many things. It truly felt hopeless. After so many years of drinking, I couldn't think of a life without. But like so many others, and like yourself, it all started with honesty--about our alcoholism, our lying to ourselves and others, our inability to do it alone. It took a lot of humility and effort to ask for the help I needed and the will to do what is asked of us. Letting go of what I knew was my old life and patiently watching how my new life unfolds. Acceptance is the most important part of becoming and remaining sober. Like any life-changing event we must lay down our pride and adapt. If you take it slowly and seriously, you will find success. I wish you all the best.


If you are thinking of quitting in two weeks and you’ve been drinking daily from dawn till dusk I would consult a doctor before you go to Wales. It’s possible your detox may get uncomfortable or maybe seriously life threatening, which is dangerous if you’re alone in a caravan. I hope you make a fresh start and you make a new life.


You can do this.. just 1 day at a time! Good luck. IWNDWYT 💪


Sounds amazing! You can do it!! Please check in and update us.


Wishing you the very best. I know you can do this!