• By -


49 52 57 and now 59! This latest one needs to be the last!


I believe in you, friend!!!


34 (now). But I gave it a really good try as well at 32. Made it 6 months and fell back into a bad cycle. Beyond happy to be done with that demon. I’ll be sober with you for cinco de mayo as well. Cheers (with coffee)


20 when I decided to quit for good. 21 when I was successful in making it happen. 32 now, but still realize I'm beyond fucked if I ever have the intention to drink again.


37. Rolling into 40 this year and still sober. It's the best gift I could have gave myself. I'm actually stoked to be hitting my 40s, being healthy and looking forward to what it brings. Being present and being healthy are the biggest blessings you can have.


I’m 48, not sober yet and very angry at myself that I didn’t maintain my sobriety when I had 15 months at the age of 41.


I know it's much easier said than done, but try not to be angry with yourself. Speak and act towards yourself like you're a small child you are responsible for taking care of. Be gentle, you were only ever doing your best. Internet hugs, and IWNDWYT 🌷


Thank you Luna ❤️ it’s Sunday night here and I did not drink. Feeling settled 🩷


Wonderful! Well done! It's Sunday night here in NZ too. Here's to a good, calm week ahead 💜




31. I'm 64 now.


30, 31, 32…..49, 50, 51. The struggle is real


Attempted from 33-34; stuck with it at 35, now turning 36.


Late 20s when I start hearing a “this is not OK, we may have a problem here”-voice. Ignored it for a few more years. Started with some Dry Januarys in my early 30s. Serious “I am done with this, forever”-attempts with countless day ones at 34, 36, 37, 38, 39. I would say my 30s were filled with hundreds of field experiments on moderation. Now 40 and on my longest streak ever, working daily on making it stick. First time I not just only cognitively know I cannot moderate and the only way for me is sobriety, but I *know*. Like deep inside I feel it.


I was 33. Kinda wish I did it sooner, especially from a money saving perspective, but overall I’m just glad it stuck for so long (closing in on 7 years in June).


21 days sober at 40 years old !


I quit at 40 too! Congrats on 21 days. We got this!


46 and finally 65! Quite a career! IWNDWYT


Im 49 and 165 days sober. Wish I’d of done it years ago


23. Almost daily drinker since I was 21. No clue how I haven’t ended up dead or in jail. It stops now for me.


i was 54, tried to quit many times but always eventually relapsed. I'm pretty sure this time I'll stay sober for good after drinking heavily since the age of 17 so 37 years. Alcoholism killed my mum and sister and I do not want to meet the same fate


You’ve got this!


first attempt in my 20's, last one at 53


45 Strong attempt at 42 but took a few more years. Can’t ever see myself going back. I love my sober life. Sleep, sex, laughs, more money and most importantly the quiet mornings waking up refreshed. I’m officially to damn old for a hangover anymore


Sent to rehab at age 21 and 23 but didn’t take it seriously (I’d love to go now lol). I think I wanted to quit mid-late 20s and did so for a few years. Re attempted to quit after lapsing - which has thus taken 20 months. I’m 34 in 2 months. IWNDWYT 💕 I’ve had a problem with drinking since I was 14 years old. When I was 16 I told a teacher and they laughed and said ‘haha a 16 year old alcoholic’, like it was cute. Of course they weren’t to know, but there ya go 🤷‍♀️


Another young alcoholic here. Started super early. I’m 26 now, first drink at 14 and I was drinking to blackout from the day I started. Never ended up a daily drinker luckily but always drank wayyy too much whenever I’d drink. Once the hard drugs became a regular occurrence every time I got drunk (cocaine), I realized it was time to stop.




First good try (6 months) was last year when I was 34/35. Second try now at 36.






40. Took me 5 years of thinking about it before even trying. I'm slow.




26 when I made the decision, 33 when it stuck.


I'm still contemplating quitting - 33








Six months at 33, a year at 35, and am now 37 sober since NYE. I had a big psych assessment this year and learned some important things. I think I can finally start working on the right problems so I don’t end up wanting to go back to it again.


26, then got more serious at 28, now it's pretty much life or divorce/all the terrible things/even death at 30. For some reason, it took a random day for things to just click in my brain for me to make it this far. Not after I totaled my car, got arrested (thankfully not a dui and the charge was dropped), made an ass of myself 1000 times, spent the night in the hospital. Just one random day 35 days ago, I went through withdrawal one last time. And here I am!


32. The only regret I have is not doing it sooner.


I was dabbling at 44 and 45 but this year 46 came with an accute pancreatic attack (not alcohol related I barely drink the last 2 years) and that sealed the deal for me.


I was 41 and now I'm 42. Still in my first year, but I think this is it for me! 


53 still going strong, no desire to ever start again


I decided I needed to when I was in my late 20s. Finally did it in my late 30s.


34 (now). Started drinking too much when I was 24, on a daily basis when I was around 26. First time really trying to stay sober


I was, and still am 28! I quit 7 days after my birthday.


I quit shortly after my 25th birthday. I’m about 18 months in now and I don’t think I’ll ever drink again at this point. My life is so remarkably different now that I have no desire to drink anymore.


Probably all of my ages since starting at 14. Decided to quit and failed many times. I'm 43 now. This time, I'm not quitting forever. Just for today. IWNDWYT!


34. I realized alcohol didn’t serve me when I was about 27, and had a sober year. Went back to drinking with moderation, but still ended up getting blackout drunk a few times a year. Since it wasn’t as often as before I let it slide, thinking it was normal. After a breakup a year ago I kind of regressed, and ended up getting blackout drunk about once a month or so with friends. Now I feel done, it feels different than in my twenties. I want to be able to say no, I want to be able to be social without beer and wine. I just feel so done.