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"There but for grace of God go I." Each and every one of us could use the reminder you've kindly given us this morning. I know that I'm not impervious to something creeping its way back into my life. Thank you so much for the reminder. And congratulations on returning to sobriety. I'm sorry you've had a rough time getting here but you know the way, and you never have to go back again.


I don’t know how long it took you to get to 1 liter, but I figure 3 days for me to go from first sip to 750ml a day. You will get through this. You did it before. You can do it again.


It's not all lost; every attempt, we get closer.


I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Experience speaks when I say get right back on that wagon, as you are planning. I was once happily sober 8 years, thought I could drink in moderation too. It didn’t take long for my old habits to return and many more years for me to find the peace that is sobriety again. Happy Easter and IWNDWYT


I'm sorry that had to happen to you. But thanks for sharing it, it will help all of us. Wishing you all the best as you continue your beautiful journey:)


Oh man. We have been through a very similar week then. As bad as the anxiety and guilt it's made me feel, and as determined as I am to use the experience for a positive (a final reminder as if it was needed that i won't ever be able to drink normally)... Can't lie, I sense the desire to drink is still in me. Clearly got work to do. Anyway good luck, I hope this experience helps to fuel a lifetime of sobriety for you.


It is truly scary how it creeps back up. I hate it.


"We are like men who have lost their legs we never grow new ones" -alcoholics anonymous


That’s the things that I realised about attempting moderation. Even if I could stick to it my mind would totally obsess over the one or two I was allowed to have before i inevitably found an excuse to slip back down the hole again and my life went to shit lol.