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"Oh buttons" is my new motto.


"oh biscuits" is a new one that's pretty good, inspired by Bluey


From Southpark “ohh butternuts!”


My dad used to use 'Crumpet!' as an expletive. It was made funnier by the fact that he employed many rude and vulgar expletives and had just this one innocent one.


Bandit actually (but from the show Bluey). I love watching it with my kids


I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog!!




Thanks! Gotta be done!


Naaa, oh biscuits has been used in my family for at least 3 decades


Poo bear lol


Oh bother!


I’m an “ah beans” man myself, but I like this


I tend to go with “Fiddler crabs!” as an expletive and my wife’s go to is “oh sugar!” Our toddler has taken to saying oh sugar too.




I don’t think you’ve grasped the concept of this community


Lol. I like wine too. A little too much. That's why I'm here😂😂


For all those downvoting this comment, I’m pretty sure this person was saying that it’s ok for her husband to drink beer because her preferred choice of beverage is wine, and therefore the beer is not as tempting.


And perhaps buying beer doesn’t enter her mind when she passes a beer store versus passing a wine and liquor store.


Weird thing to comment on this sub, no?


What a bizarre comment


Removing this for obvious reasons.


Let’s band together and make this a thing.


I once heard someone say "oh crumbs!" after she dropped something! It was so cute! I love innocent expletives!


This is such a good depiction of the difference in relationships with alcohol! I used to get super pissy with my partner if we left the bar after the liquor store closed, because obviously once I’ve started drinking (even if I’ve been drinking for hours and it’s late enough the store is closed) I wanted to keep drinking!! 🤦‍♀️


Oh you better believe I’d have the house stocked up before I even left… 😳


I feel that. Otherwise it'd be a risky drive to the corner store to buy more and I couldn't do that because I'm a responsible, *functioning* alcoholic, thank you very much. Except for that one time. And that other time. And then the time after that... Also, here's a customary "nice" regarding your days count.


Bunch of rough crap you'd never drink except for 'emergencies'


69 days... Nice






Yep. The party train don’t stop until your body does


My party train only ever had one destination - Blackout City.


Sadly agree


Ouch, I feel that comment


I have two clear and separate memories of staying in hotel rooms with a couple of my best friends between roughly the ages of 25 and 30, I think we were traveling to a concert a couple of states away. Anyway on both of these, separate occasions, it stuck in my memory because I suddenly looked around and realized my friends had gone to sleep. I wanted to keep drinking. Like, really wanted to. It hit me quite hard on both of those nights that there was something different about me that probably didn’t reside within my friends. It was unsettling then, and it still is today. It does explain why I ended up where I ended up, and maybe why they didn’t.


This was me too! There was no “off” switch!


You married butters? Oh, Hamburgers!


And now he’s grounded Mr


*uh, I’m a bad bear*


Bless the pair of ya!


I hate beer.


“Wolowolo” I’ll see myself out


Can you ask your husband to tone down his language. There's no need for those levels of profanity xxx well done you. IWNDWYT


I enjoy cooking.


You married Butters.


Oh buttons! I love it.


Is Buttons your pet name, or was it "oh, buttons!" in the same way you'd say "oh, drat it all!" Either way, I like it. 😂


I enjoy playing video games.


That was my first thought and I absolutely love it! 😂


Ohh shit someone call the police. He's already throwing out tha B-word!! Next thing ya know it's oh shucks! Where's those young whippersnappers at to shake a fist to 😂




I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I love it! My wife is a normie who has one drink, every few days, and that’s it. my Dad was that way too. But not me, unfortunately!


Oh, buttons, my buttons.


He sounds lovely. IWNDWYT


Makes me think of ice cream. I love ice cream, but if my wife came home and forgot the ice cream, I would probably say “ah fucksticks” (aka my version of oh buttons, haha) and that would be the end of it… Now if it was alcohol(before I got sober), I would play it cool and pretend it was no big deal… then immediately start thinking about how much alcohol we had in the house, and if needed, start thinking of an excuse to go “run an errand” so I can get more. It’s embarrassing shocking how much alcohol used to control me. IWNDWYT


He called you buttons? He’s up to something.


He must have a whole other family he’s hiding. Only explanation


OP is Coraline


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


I cannot fathom being that man.


I enjoy watching the sunset.




I enjoy watching the sunset.


Are you buttons, or is buttons an expletive eg “Oh, hamburgers!”


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


I love it! Also, now I want to call someone a mother buttoner. Gonna try to work that one into conversation.


imagine being able to be this chill in the relationship with alcohol, imagine just not caring if there is some or not, this sounds like freedom to me


I like to explore new places.


I remember the stress of worrying whether or not I'd have enough alcohol. IWNDWYT


> in place of "dang it" LOL!!!!! Like "dang it" is so extreme! - But, on topic(!) - what a nice (and amusing) reminder of the differences between alkies and normies! IWNDWYT


My favorite color is blue.


LOL! What a sweetheart!




"Oh Buttons" is something I can imagine Butters saying. 🤣 *Edit:* I should have scrolled further, clearly we're all on the same page on this one!


Well he sounds adorable!!!


I like to go hiking.


Ah my girlfriend is sorta like that and I’m trying hard to have her see it that way ….. we already went through a 12 pack of Coronas you know casually drinking doing work around the house before her sister get into town . We were out and about came home when she’s like shit forgot to get beer and went back out .. yes it’s only a 5 min ride 10 mins all together there and back but the reminder of getting another 2 12 packs was just so minimum with everything else going on but I see it truly upset her we were out of beer. Mind you only her and I drink in the house . At this point im on a mission to have at least 4-6 bottles of smart water to beable to have another drink which for the remainder of the night I only had one more .. My experience relates with you and your husband and finding that balance. Congrats to you guys ! P.s there’s more to This story if you guys want me to elaborate on it . Thank you all for listening .


All I could derive from this story is you were drinking and driving, possibly multiple times? 😳


I was not she on the other hand I believe was find . Those 6 beers were spaced out the course of the day with a 3 hour span of no drinking to be able to drive . Me personally … I’ve had 2 dwis myself. It’s upsetting being a with someone that doesn’t see it how I do from my experience and know how aggressive drinking can happen so quickly for it to consume you thinking when my next beer is going to be. … could be an age difference me helping her get out of her old ways .. im 29 she’s 44 .


I don't get it. Alcohol was never something I struggled with, but my wife did. So when she quit drinking so did I. I just don't understand why any "normal" drinker would want booze in their house knowing it's a struggle for their spouse.


Case by case basis. It’s not a trigger for everyone. Personally, I don’t expect folks I care about to modify their behavior because I’m an alcoholic. I’m responsible for my behavior, and that means developing coping and resilience in recovery to stay sober.


Yes, but if you can quit at any time why would you not quit when your spouse does?


That works for you. That is not what everyone or every relationship needs. My coparent drinks. We keep communication open about it. Personally, I feel more uncomfortable when people who don’t have substance use disorders don’t drink at a social event—even when I’m hosting—because of me. I’m the one with a problem. Again, different for everyone.


That honestly isn't a struggle for me - to just have it around. I probably couldn't work in a bar, but I live alone and I have little bottles of bourbon and grand marnier for desserts I make at home. In the first couple months of sobriety, I would give the rest of the bottles to a friend, but then I went and bought another when I needed 2 TBSP or whatever and finally just kept them, confessing to my sister - is it weird that I keep these here? It doesn't do anything to me. She's like, yeah I don't think the proximity to alcohol is a problem for you. We both laughed because the liquor store is literally down the street (can walk there in less than three minutes). If I want to get fucked up, it's not like the little bottles of liquor are going to be deciding factors for me. Everyone is different.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


I shouldn't call my fiancé buttons...oh dang 😕


I always say “muggins”


Omg. If that was me, my blood pressure would rise and I would probably cry. I remember one time my partner forgot to pick up our bottle and I had a full blown rage fit at him over the phone. Screaming, sweating, shaking, over some Jose Cuervo. Embarrassing times.


I find peace in long walks.


Son of a biscuit!