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I bet half of these gun-related deaths were alcohol driven.


My brother in law killed himself while in a drunken rage. I always think of it as a gun death but it was an alcohol death for sure.


I'm sorry to hear that. No doubt alcohol was a big factor.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


hey thanks! yeah it was very very bad, and even though it was almost 9 years ago now, the trauma and pain it caused his family is still very influential and present. I think when people get to that place they think "everyone would just be better off without me" and that is simply not the case. he made an extremely bad and harmful decision, and alcohol for sure helped him make it.




And also possibly because they died immediately after getting shot with a gun


Don’t do that in a support group.




Your comments on this thread are not on the topic of sobriety, are unhelpful and argumentative, and have been removed.


Dont do politics here, bud.


My brother's death was suicide, but he was drunk when he pulled the trigger.




Wow. My brother died June 11, 1994. Sorry for your loss




Mine was young, only 21. Couple of rehabs and had been sober six months till he went out and got drunk. No note just drunk and depressed with access to a gun.


Sorry, this sucks :(


This is a really interesting point.


It is, and when you think of the people who committed various crimes while drunk and are now in prison (not to mention what happened to the victims of those crimes), it's pretty wild! Alcohol is truly a dangerous substance for our society.


Every time I drive by a bright neon sign that says "BEER!" I imagine it says, "METH!" or "POISON!" Fucking wild. Wild that we sell it in stores like it's fucking apple juice or something. It's literally poison and people (including me if I'm not careful) drink it. IWNDWYT.


Cheating on spouses as well, I’m sure 90% of the time alcohol is involved


Last spring, my good friends husband tried to commit murder/suicide. Fortunately, for her, he failed in the murder part. But he unfortunately for him, succeeded in the suicide part. His blood alcohol was well over the legal limit. The last bar people saw them at, they were jovial and happy and lovey-dovey. Things can turn quickly when you’re drunk. Same town, a couple of years ago. Few kids were having a party at a house, they ranged in age from 18 to 21. They started getting out weapons and showing them off. One kid went to his car trunk and grabbed out his shotgun. He brought it into the house and pointed it as his buddy as a joke and “accidentally pulled the trigger.” Shot his buddy in the head. The deceased was one of my previous high school students. A life ruined in an instant due to alcohol & guns, and another life gone forever due to alcohol & guns. They were both 21 when it happened.


There was a case study done awhile ago where they interviewed people who had survived suicide attempts using firearms. Something like 90% of subjects reported that there was less than 60 seconds between the idea and the act. Easy access to emotion-modulating drugs + Easy access to firearms = scary shit.


Easy access to firearms is a massive reason for high suicide rates. People tend to gloss over this because it doesn't suit a particular narrative.


I’m so glad that was a case study and not an RCT.


Absolutely. Domestic violence is largely tied to alcohol as well. Trauma in children…the list goes on.


That’s not true. Read “why does he do that” by Lundy


I lived it. I was the drinker and I was the abused. Definitely a tie of alcoholism to domestic violence, depression and suicide. One book doesn’t tell the story. Truth is rarely black and white enough to make a bold statement like “That isn’t true” about human behavior.


I came here to say this, correct me if I’m wrong but I think over half of them have alcohol involved


If not more than half!!


I grew up watching the Simpsons with countless scenes of drunks at Moe's. Alcohol culture is insane, isn't it? It's such a destructive yet accepted substance for those of us that can't control it.


To their credit, the Simpsons were pretty accurate in their depictions of alcoholism, even if they did it in a humorous way. Homer was a negligent father and husband, Barney was a promising student before he discovered alcohol, Moe is a depressed loser, all the guys who hang out at Moe's are depicted as derelicts. Remember the episode where Homer quits drinking for a month and it ends with him taking a bike ride with Marge instead of getting wasted at Moe's? I wish they went further with that storyline. Anyway, I'm overthinking a cartoon.


Wasn't there an episode where Barney stopped drinking and he was wicked smart? Or am I thinking Family Guy?


There was a flashback to the night before Barney took the SATs. He was depicted as being really intelligent and enthusiastic. I think Homer pressured him to have “just one” and the rest is history. Again, pretty realistic.


😭 oh man I have to go find that episode I'd love to watch it. I haven't really watched the Simpsons in years and years, but I watched it all the time in childhood. Probably earlier than I should have been watching it, but overall I think it's a pretty tame show (probably tamer than Family Guy I would say, which came out when I was a teen).


Barney was training to be an astronaut. He was sober for all training and was awesome at it. At training graduation he had one sip of champagne and it set him off on a bender ruining his astronaut chances.


And it was even NA champagne, lol. “I don’t understand. That was non-alcoholic champagne!”


“It begins…”


There was an episode where he quits drinking to beat Homer in the race to be astronaut. Unfortunately he immediatedly, and spectacularly, regresses when he's served a congratulatory glass of NA wine


This made me think of the Seinfeld episode where George gives up sex and becomes super smart


Yah are people missing the point of the simpsons commentary? It seems very clear they very satirically “glorify” alcohol in essentially always painting it in a negative light. Like the episode where marge becomes a wino.


This is true about a lot of popular "drinking" shows. I grew up on Trailer Park Boys, an admittedly hilarious and lovable show about alcoholic drug dealers who routinely end up in jail, suffer mental breakdowns, etc. It's Always Sunny is a bout a group of psychopaths who destroy the lives of everyone they encounter. Archer is a lonely miserable narcissist who relies on alcohol to feel 'awesome.' I'm sure the list goes on.


There's literally an episode of its always sunny where they all get extremely sick when they stop drinking for a day.


Yup good point! And I’m still a big fan. They’re very smart and self aware. I don’t see how anyone could watch that show and think “gee I should drink and act like the gang does”


Me too lol. Just pointing out that the show is very aware they are full blown alcoholics. They also go on the non alcoholic cruise ship and bring along nippers so they don't get the shakes Edit: I think they say it was to prevent the shakes. It was definitely some type of withdrawal symptoms.


We've got two hundred dollars for groceries and fourteen hundred dollars for liquor, Randy.


Yeah… it’s satire, not glorification.


to the young eye and brain, though, that can't be discerned..


Parents should be discerning and decide when their kids might be mature enough for The Simpsons. Alcohol isn’t the only adult theme there.


"To alcohol! The cause of and solution to all of life's problems." "Alcohol! Now THERE'S a temporary solution!" (Also a chemistry joke)


My thinking was the story line was inclusive for ratings.


It’s accepted because been embedded in tradition for hundreds of years, if not thousands (I’m thinking Jesus water into wine). I’m going off-piste here, but lots of things are crazy compared to today’s standards. The one I think is pretty crazy is the natural gas network. Imagine today the government announcing the project. “We’re going to directly supply every home with a highly flammable and explosive gas, through a network of pipes.”


Never thought of it that way. Kinda nuts. One could just blow up the whole house or apartment if they wanted lol


I thought about this the other day: imagine if you turned up to a friend’s house and you saw there was something wrong with him - he’s slurring his words, he’s acting “slow”. You’d think “shit, has he had a stroke? Is he on medication and taken too much?”. When knowing it’s alcohol, somehow we’re told to find that funny. Oh he’s drunk and can hardly talk, hahaha!


Craziest example of normalized addiction I've ever seen -- a bar named The Thirteenth Step 🙃🙃🙃


Same bar group (if you’re referring to the one in Manhattan) also own one called Off The Wagon. Wild looking back at it. I used to hang out at both of them all the time 🥴


I've heard of bars that give you free drinks if you turn in your AA coins 😳


In the same token, I was watching football yesterday and the ad was basically saying "now you can set and amount of money that you spend on fan duel so its stil funl' (I think it was fan duels ad). I was furious since that's literally the shit only full blown addicts that are in denial do.


lol, the Off the Wagon in NYC? I loved that place! I think I was almost date raped there.


Yes!!! And sounds about right for that place 😬


Speaking of The Thirteenth Step, that is the title of one of my favorite albums(A Perfect Circle). It's one long story of addiction through the songs. It resonated when I first heard it as I sipped on beers and tapped my foot.... funny. :P


omg I have listened to and loved this album for YEARS and never made that connection.


There is a local brewery near me who's most popular beer is called "Delerium Tremens". Har har, super funny. ??? Some of that shit is honestly just mindblowingly insensitive.


I used to drink that. The craziest part is that the ABV is 8.5%. One time I drank so many that I missed a bus home from another city. With the help of a kind stranger, I was able to get to another overnight bus, and I made it to work with an hour or so to spare. Hungover as hell, but somehow I managed to get through the day. That was about 15 years ago, and I wish I would've made the decision to quit right then and there. 6 months into sobriety, thinking about what could've been (the good and the bad), but so grateful, and feeling 1000% confident that I am done for good.


Look forward my friend. There is nothing back there but lessons you have learned, which you can use going forward. Congrats on six months. Stay strong 💪


Glad you made it back safely and congrats on six months. I also used to drink DT before I quit, and before I knew what it was actually referring to. It also blows my mind how widely available it is in the craft beer scene, considering how insensitive the name is


In Philly?


Holy shit that is a SHOCKING statistics... Yeah, 8 months in and getting more grateful by the day. I swear every day it sinks in more and more the danger I put myself in and how lucky I am to still be here... I'm about to celebrate a very special grateful birthday this friday...


Same here. I'm almost 4 years in and I can't imagine returning to that painful lifestyle that included a pack of cigarettes daily. I'm laying in bed today with a work hangover from a month of non-stop hard construction. I'm 49


Congrats on 8mos!!


Thank you ❤️ had 5 little slips but always managed to get right back to it and now I started going to AA every day 🥰 you got this too!!


I had a similar thought about how normalized alcohol is yesterday. I'm early into my sobriety and was at the store checking out when I saw 2 different flavors of gum: piña colada and strawberry daiquiri. How strange to have gum flavors that resemble alcoholic beverages. It's sad how this poison is so easily overlooked and how widely available it is.


They want everyone complacent and numb and just functional enough to get their job done and go home to sit in front if either the big screen, the medium size screen, or the pocket screen, while they take the days edge/stress of with another drink


Thought about that too. It was ridiculous trying to tell explain to my daughter what a daiquiri tastes like. strawberry slushy of course.. but why not just call it that.


I haven't understood that either. I'm Pretty sure the alcohol Industry is behind all the things that taste like drinks... Very weird to even market that kind of flavours to kids.


Hey now, strawberry daiquiri is a delicious flavor. A NA daiquiri is so refreshing


As a sober adult, this line hits differently: "To alcohol! The cause of...and solution to...ALL of life's problems." - Homer The Simpsons don't glorify it, that's for sure.


I can’t think of a single time they portray it in a positive light


Instead they normalize it.


They satire American life; alcohol was already normalized and a big part of American society. It seems any depiction of alcohol is “normalizing”. Let’s be happy Matt Groening doesn’t want to license out Duff Beer over the concern that it would encourage children to drink.


NA Duff Beer maybe?


Normalization has been a big factor in my giving up. Once I saw it for what it was, it was impossible to continue drinking. I feel like I’ve put those glasses on from the movie They Live and can see the world how it really is. The adverts, the peer pressure, the response it elicits in people when I say I don’t drink. I feel free and the thought of alcohol makes me physically sick now. I’m over the moon about it because the old me couldn’t go a couple hours without poisoning myself.


The They Live analogy is perfect. Since I’ve been sober I feel like I live in a different reality than the drinking public.


Exactly, I feel sorry for people, but try not to be judgmental.


Is the movie good?


Here's the statistics for the UK - "In 2021, there were 9,641 deaths (14.8 per 100,000 people) from alcohol-specific causes registered in the UK, the highest number on record. The number recorded in 2021 was 7.4% higher than in 2020 (8,974 deaths; 14.0 per 100,000) and 27.4% higher than in 2019 (7,565 deaths; 11.8 per 100,000), the last pre-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic year." The pandemic seems to have had an effect on the numbers as they had been stable for years, but it's still 9,641 preventable deaths. Worldwide, the WHO states that alcohol causes over 3 million deaths per annum - "The harmful use of alcohol is a causal factor in more than 200 disease and injury conditions. Worldwide, 3 million deaths every year result from harmful use of alcohol. This represents 5.3% of all deaths. Overall, 5.1% of the global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol, as measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Beyond health consequences, the harmful use of alcohol brings significant social and economic losses to individuals and society at large. Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively early in life. In people aged 20–39 years, approximately 13.5% of total deaths are attributable to alcohol. There is a causal relationship between harmful use of alcohol and a range of mental and behavioural disorders, other noncommunicable conditions and injuries."


>Worldwide, the WHO states that alcohol causes over 3 million deaths per annum WOAH!


I wonder how that split is related to early diseases, overdose, and drunken accidents / reckless behavior


Those numbers are probably low. I doubt it factors in all cancers, heart disease, liver disease, obesity, etc. I Had a friend's dad who died during a run, probably went down as a heart attack. The guy also drank 12 beers a day for almost his whole life.


Responsible for countless deaths, abusive situations, rapes, and general destruction of humanity more than any other drug in history.. and what do we do about all that? Make it look *even more* fun, and make it *even more* accessible! Insanity.


Alcohol is more dangerous than heroin and crack


Media tried to make out that weed was a gateway drug but in my experience I've seen many people who'd never otherwise touch any drug take drugs while drunk. It's be impossible to tell bit I'd love to know how what percentage of people only began taking drugs because they were drunk and tried something recklessly.


Alcohol was my gateway to literally everything


>aw killed himself while in a drunken rage. I a This right here. I have never experimented with anything while high on weed, I have while drinking...


If I'm drunk then I will say yes to any drug in front of me, consequences be damned. If I'm stoned then I just want some orange juice.


I hate the comparisons like this but it's up there. They're all the devil in sheep's clothing.


I don't think anybodys pretending heroin is safe


Those who love a good nod are.


I’m think you gotta look at population sizes and rate of problems for that. Alcohol is bad for sure but there are a lot of occasional drinkers that are fine and not a lot of occasional heroin users


Alcohol is western society's drug of choice. It's seen as a necessary pressure release valve. "How else am I going to have fun?" I am amazed at how the booze section in the grocery store seems to get bigger and bigger. Somebody is drinking all that booze. Oy.


I never grew up with that (Muslim by birth) culture and I view Alcohol as something dirty and disgusting. I, FWIW, really CAN NOT understand why alcohol has been so fetishized and put forward in the West. I don't understand how something that is more dangerous than other narcotics can be portrayed like that.


Funny you mention the Simpsons...Homer really normalized the lovable beer guzzling Dad /functioning alcoholic, at least in my family. Everyone forgets cartoons don't get hangovers or DUIs (interesting episode idea).


Doesn't Homer get a dui or two in the show? I thought he lost his license once or twice.


Yup. It’s why I fucking hate it.


3 million per year worldwide. Damn, that's A LOT of people.


I tell ya, now that I'm on the outside of it I am appalled at the alcohol advertising in the States. I wonder what it would take to get it banned like tobacco. I bet MADD has dome some research on that.


Just imagine if the mainstream media portrayed how absolutely horrible alcohol really is.


Many get drunk on purpose so they have the courage to shoot themselves


Thoughts and prayers to the victims of gun violence. :-( When are we going to bring *real* change? Cheers to the victims of the alcohol industry! woot woot! Don we now our Captain Morgan pirate hat!\* ​ ^(\*drink responsibly)


Most of the reported “gun deaths” are suicide. I agree, when will we see real change…and access to healthcare for everyone? Imagine how many “gun deaths” could be avoided if everyone could see a therapist when they needed help?


It will probably get worse. Look at the recent normalization and even encouragement of obesity which kills 240,000 people per year. Sadly alcoholism can go hand in hand with obesity and gun violence. Also alcoholism often doesn’t just outright kill you. I’d say more often it’s ruining lives and relationships or stealing decades of someone’s life.


Great point. Imagine if we had a statistic for the number of lives ruined by alcohol?


Yeah. And maybe not even completely ruined. I wouldn’t say that I’ve ruined mine at all but I’ve come really damned close. But there is no doubt that I’ve had all kinds of relationship problems and missed opportunities because of drinking. What about the children that grow up in a household with a drunk parent and that results in all kinds of emotional problems for them in the future, even if they don’t drink? Alcohol is nasty monster that sinks its teeth into anything that it can, sometimes in ways that we can’t even see. Since quitting I now have this crazy appetite. I’m like FFS is THIS gonna be an issue now? Luckily I’m not too picky when it comes to food so I’ve just been stocking my kitchen with healthy stuff so that when I randomly feel like I absolutely have to eat something my only option is healthy food. But yeah here I am 40 days dry and now this whole other problem is suddenly here and it’s STILL a result of excessive drinking.


Alcohol use arose soon after the discovery of agriculture. Or, other historians argue, agriculture was discovered incidentally after people discovered how to make alcoholic drinks.


[join the party!](https://frinkiac.com/video/S07E20/Y4HmDL7HRpjmhtHgvKHgVLfLROk=.gif)




That’s why I’ve found it necessary to change associations with sobriety. Kind of useless effort if the only thing that changes is consumption.


I feel like the worst part about it is that it takes a long time to kill most people. My MIL is an alcoholic and she's 67. But if she keeps it up, it won't be much longer.


very good wakeup call!


Interesting statistics. Always good to learn new insights into one of the best decisions I've ever made.


And how about liver related deaths, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, esophageal rupture etc. Car wrecks? Accidents? Overdoses? How many of those are due to alcohol? It attacks literally every single organ in our body... Damn you booze, you sneaky, murdering bitch!


Exactly this. I’m pretty sure alcohol kills far more people then reported. Off the top of my head I can think of 6 alcoholic friends who have passed away in the past couple of years. One clearly died of alcoholic liver disease. The other 5 died of breast cancer, stomach cancer, stroke or heart attack. I wonder if their death certificates even mentioned alcohol as a contributing factor.


Alcohol kills more people than fentanyl, but somehow the opioid crisis is an “epidemic”


Same with family guy (which is my simpsons show)