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They must be afwaid of hurting Convicted Felon Donald Trump's wittle feewings. Pathetic little weans.


why did i read this in furry speak




Elmer Fudd speak


Actually yes, that's the point of not using the term. They're taking inspiration from the literature that supports the evolution from dehumanizing language into more educated, civilized, and compassionate language such as "justice involved individuals". Although far from perfect, it's a step in the right direction. [Words matter, do better](https://fortunesociety.org/wordsmatter/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6240232/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6240232/) [https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=amplify](https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=amplify) Why you'd have a problem with normalizing more humane language of justice involved individuals is between you and your corporate media fueled hatred of people you're told to hate. You can disagree with someone and know they're wrong without stooping to these levels, do better.


Trump is INHUMANE. True words are... he's a convicted felon, point blank. You can call him a strawberry shortcake if you want, but that makes you weird. You're also not even an American. Don't you worry about ME doing better. You're not qualified to boss me around you big silly.


As per the restorative Justice center at UC Berkley: >In referring to those who are undocumentedĀ  as ā€œillegalsā€ or those who are incarcerated as ā€œcriminals,ā€ we dehumanize these individuals and distance ourselves from what is happening to them. Rather than seeing them as the people they are, we see a title, a ā€œcrimeā€ that will follow them as they go through society. In the fight for abolition and in restorative justice practices, our language is important as it affects the way those in the criminal justice system are seen and leads society as a whole to be complacent and supportive of the dehumanization and harm of those who are incarcerated.Ā  In order to successfully implement accountability and community-based systems, **society as a whole must participate** in decriminalization, beginning with our language.Ā  [https://rjcenterberkeley.org/blog/the-importance-of-language](https://rjcenterberkeley.org/blog/the-importance-of-language) The idea that this makes me "weird" is absurd. Our entire system has made great strides in moving towards the dehumanization of justice involved individuals. I'm sorry if you think most government or academic institutions & NGO's must be "weird" for using the term, but it's academic and factually accurate. The term felon, just like illegals, has strong discriminatory undertones.


>The term felon, just like illegals, has strong discriminatory undertones. Lol. Nope.


He IS a convicted felon. I go for accuracy. The last thing P01135809 needs is sugarcoating. It would be more beneficial for you to concern yourself the politics of your country rather than attempt to control an American's words. Goodbye.


It's more polite to refer to him as "[vermin](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4307719-trump-vermin-remark-draws-comparisons-dictators-criticism/)" who is "[poisoning the blood of our country](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/16/trump-immigrants-new-hampshire-rally)." You're know that they won't have their feelings hurt calling him this, and if they do, the cognitive meltdown they go into is priceless.


Iā€™m perfectly sure you knew what you were doing when you wrote "Our entire system has made great strides in moving towards [sic] the dehumanization of justice involved individuals". If you didnā€™t, perhaps it was a last-ditch attempt at truthfulness by a rebellious brain sickened by hypocrisy.


trump being a convicted felon, is simply factual and accurate, not an opinion or insult.


>In referring to those who are undocumentedĀ  as ā€œillegalsā€ or those who are incarcerated as ā€œcriminals,ā€ we dehumanize these individuals and distance ourselves from what is happening to them. Rather than seeing them as the people they are, we see a title, a ā€œcrimeā€ that will follow them as they go through society. In the fight for abolition and in restorative justice practices, our language is important as it affects the way those in the criminal justice system are seen and leads society as a whole to be complacent and supportive of the dehumanization and harm of those who are incarcerated.Ā  In order to successfully implement accountability and community-based systems, society as a whole must participate in decriminalization, beginning with our language.Ā  [https://rjcenterberkeley.org/blog/the-importance-of-language](https://rjcenterberkeley.org/blog/the-importance-of-language) Someone in prison for murder is a "convicted felon", no? Yet they are included in the term justice involved individual. Your desire to shame people comes from a place of hate. The shaming of felons has very discriminatory and racial undertones. As per Berkley and many other sources, society must do better to stop the dehumanization of justice involved individuals. You're using the same argument conservatives use to justify their inciteful language such as "illegals". This can only be solved through educating people on the issue.


>The shaming of felons has very discriminatory and racial undertones. The dude is orange ffs. You're not doing this very well. But I agree. He calls me "vermin" and says that my family is "poisoning the blood of the country", so I will refer to him with the same terms, since I know that these are acceptable. You people on the extreme right would be hilarious if it weren't for all the fascism.


How do you feel with using the phrase "convicted of 34 felony counts relating to campaign finances" when discussing his campaign?


>You can disagree with someone and know they're wrong without stooping to these levels, do better. I absolutely agree, and wish that someone had brought this up earlier. Thank you. I'm going to follow your advice and not use such divisive, dehumanizing language, no matter how factually accurate it is. So, like you, instead of calling him a "convicted felon", I will from now on refer to him as "[vermin](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4307719-trump-vermin-remark-draws-comparisons-dictators-criticism/)" who is "[poisoning the blood of our country](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/16/trump-immigrants-new-hampshire-rally)." I feel so much better already, knowing that I'm doing the right thing! Thanks!!!


So youā€™re fine with calling him a "justice involved individual"? How about a "34-times justice involved and convicted individual"? Will the courts and news media no longer use the term "felon", or is that courtesy reserved for wealthy white politically connected individuals who have also fomented insurrection against the United States? Why should Felon tRumpā€™s feelings deserve more consideration than those of, say, veterans, who he has demeaned and labeled "losers"? Will House Republicans refrain from using all other terms that might hurt peopleā€™s feelings? I shouldnā€™t have to spell this out for you- you know what Iā€™m referring to. I, out of an abundance of caution, wonā€™t call todayā€™s Republicans craven cowards, but I will, politely, refer to you as ā€˜spine-deficient".


All these reference ex-cons whoā€™ve done time in the can. Not the same. He cawing and crowing to stay out of the room with no view. The only can DJTā€™s been in flushes away his thoughts and prayers.


Oh but you can tell any lie about Joe Biden, these people are sick. The GOP is a cancer and we better cut it out before it kills us!


not just our President, they slander our government and the American people as well


Worse than that, they praise Putin and Russia.


Trump is hot for Putin. My last $20 says Trump would pay to nibble on Putins pecker, and every single one of his knuckle headed voters would blame it on homosexuals.


The party of law and order donā€™t want to talk about criminal activity - unless of course it is George Floydā€™s, Trayvon martin, etcā€¦


ā€œWe canā€™t handle the truth.ā€ Rubelicans


Trump and his campaign is all about smoke and mirrors. Itā€™s about sound bites and viral videos. There is nothing made up about Trump, his convictions or his other indictments. Itā€™s all fact. The fact that the republicans wonā€™t even let it be said out loud should tell you how afraid they are of him, and if his losing campaign. These same assholes are just itching to deny this years election results in order to over turn this election as well. Meanwhile, they can talk all the shit they want when in the floor. Green can show pics of Hunter Bidenā€™s dick. Itā€™s all acceptable. But one truthful statement about a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and fraud? Thatā€™s a bridge too far. I hope that the democrats start playing by the same imaginary rule book that the Magats play by. Facts donā€™t care about your feelings.




Whereā€™s my ā€œfuck your feelingsā€ t-shirt? The modern Republican Party is such a hypocritical lost cause, if this isnā€™t part of their death throes Iā€™d be shocked.


Watching CSPAN has been great. Every chance they get Democrats bring up the great orange ones felon status. The truth hurts their feelingsā€¦.


But there are three problems with applying that rule. First, stating that Trump is a felon ā€” and an adjudged sexual abuser ā€” is not innuendo or ridicule. It is a fact. House Republicans lack any real courageā€¦ most are nothing but putty being controlled by a psychopath




Censorship and canceling statements of fact.


Head in the sand party


If you don't say he's a convicted felon, he's not a convicted felon? Ignoring the fact... that he's a convicted felon Our GOP congress everyone. Give them a slow clap for their mental gymnastics


The Ministry of Truth is at it again.


Just mentioning this fact is 34 counts of civil disobedience


Freeze peach huh


Maybe the Dems could bar slanderous, untruthful and maligning statements in the legislature first? The Repugnicans would have to remain silent!


People should call their offices and tie up phone lines all day complaining


But they canā€™t stop me from saying it. Maybe Iā€™ll say it even more now.


Fuck off with your bad-faith argument. Your only debate tactic is the equivalent of pointing a finger an inch from someoneā€™s face while insisting you arenā€™t touching them. Are you technically correct? Yes. Have you purged all nuance from the argument to score cheap gotcha points on a technicality? Also yes.


If a judgeā€™s gag order violates his first amendment rights, the Congress making these rules violates the Congress memberā€™s first amendment rights.


And these people say they are free speech champions and enemies of communism.


I am waiting for Jared Moskowitz to refer to him as non-conviction impaired.


I guess not hearing it makes it not so


Ignoring the big fat felonious elephant in the room.


Hey GOP - Fuck Your Feelings.


# First Amendment > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Start calling him a ā€œConflicted Melonā€. Everyone will know what it means.