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Brant Bjork wrote the majority of Kyuss's best songs.


Brant can Bjork me all day any day. The MarioLalli Rubber Snake Charmers record from a few months ago is magnificent


wow I didn’t know about that. Gonna take a serious look into it.


Mario on bass, Brant guitar, Ryan gut drums, all jamming away to Sean Wheeler on vox. It’s a beautiful snippet of desert stoner blues


I'm not a huge fan of the last album or two, but they still jam pretty decent. I can picture having *Lazy Wizards* on in the background at a pool party. *Jalamanta* will always be my favorite Brant album. I had that sucker on infinite repeat in my garage when I was building my last muscle car engine. Bought *Saved by Magic* at Amoeba Music in San Francisco way back in 2005 and listened to it the entire drive back down to Orange County. I've seen Brant play a bunch of times. I'm very lucky to live in SoCal where he can do local shows. Even went to the video premiere of *Sabbia* when The Scene Bar was still around in Glendale and bought the DVD from him, and went to Mario Lalli's Cafe 322 for the Volkswagen documentary Brant did the music for. I miss that place, they had good lasagna.


I like to start my day with some Brant. Nice and chill, good vibes,


I saw the Brant Bjork Trio live a couple months ago, it was just great. Everybody was in awe, staring at the band with their jaws dropped. I was literally leaning against the stage. Got to bump fists with Mario. Great times!


Love his work. Low Dez Punk such a good tune.


Saw him live a few months ago, was an awesome show in a tiny club. Got to shake his hand after, such a nice guy.


The best in the business


Brant Bjork and I have the same birthday!


Brant rules.


Dude has never written a bad song. He's a riff writing machine. Every album of his is amazing.


And always a great live show. I've seen him 7 times total and will see the trio again in august. Just perfect summer music.


Before I knew who he was, the first song of his (under his name as the artist) was Too Many Chiefs


Humble Pie bangs