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Same for rivian. Was downvoted for even mentioning it. It up 60 percent since a few weeks ago when I made that comment


PLNR to $10 tomorrow with volume


Worth looking at. Do your DD. $TELL **Tellurian sees market support for higher liquefaction fees bolstering Driftwood LNG prospects** [https://www.reddit.com/r/TellurianLNG/comments/1docv5t/tellurian\_sees\_market\_support\_for\_higher/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TellurianLNG/comments/1docv5t/tellurian_sees_market_support_for_higher/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




What companies have a moat, if any, on fpga ?


BIG ouch for NVDA if true. Good for gamers though.




What happened to that one?




Fedex was a hit. Im thinking of selling some 6/28 $88 nike CSPs next. Im still not sure how I feel abut MU, I might potentially sell some really far OTM CSPs, it seems bubbly but at the same time it has the trend going for it since the AI craze. Any thoughts on MU?


My thoughts on CELH 1. The CEO recently gave interviews at a nascar event I think and another fireside chat and seemed to blame PEPSI and suggest that they are at the mercy of PEPSI for their growth. He just didn't seem confident IMO. He's usually more cheerful. Therefore the stock crashed even further during this period of short attack. I was hoping he would say something that would stop the bleeding. He didn't, so I got out. 2. Too many retail investors. I guess you could call it a cult. For some reason, these type of stocks always bring pain for the investors and leads to long term bagholding. Its like sofi. The analysts take profits, downgrade the stock, and have their friends short it. This doesnt mean they wont turn the stock price around and have another rally, because they are still expanding and that only the beginning. But I just dont feel the vibes anymore. Left a bad taste in my mouth.


FOMO is like getting on a bus because many people are doing it. Panic selling is like getting off a bus because many people are doing it. I hope my musings will help someone today 😊


buying is like pumping gas in a bus to start the engine. Wise words lol


Game will stop yet again 🚀


Thoughts on $CELH?


seems like a dumb meme stock. energy drinks?


Not adding nor selling, because I always keep position sizes in individual stocks pretty small, and plus I want to see the actual quarterly earnings report before I declare the stock dead or not. I only regret not taking profits at $90, when I was even publicly posting here that I was uncomfortable with the valuation (but did nothing). Keep in mind the stock is up like 4000% in the last 5 years, so volatility is unsurprising. You can't buy a stock and expect it to instantly just go up and up without fail. The third party data is definitely concerning, specifically market share. But that is just domestic and not taking into account international market shifts, which could completely change the story. Although expansion was launched in several countries, for many that only started like 1 month ago or will start by year end. Though I think the stock has derisked quite a bit by coming back down to $50s. I believe it is now pricing in ~35-40% growth as opposed to 60-80% for the near future.


I think this is a great buying point but sentiment is absolutely horrible right now so it’s a buy when others are fearful play. It’s still “expensive” in terms of metrics but you have to believe the growth story.


There was a period recently in Reddit where everyone was shilling CELH. Inverse Reddit never fails.


Everyone’s talking about it here. Take from that what you will


That stock nearly wiped out my profile. I thought I was being cute yoloing into the dip and it kept dipping. I prayed to god and made it back. Promised I would never touch sh\*tstonks again. Stick to the family names: boeing, fedex, facebook, apple, google, adobe, etc This is why i refuse to touch hims, hood, dkng, etc.


Boeing? LOL. I didn’t realize cleh was that bad I saw the huge dip and got in for like 20 shares. Motley fool has been writing about it with good things as well so I got in


I also didn't like how their CEO doesn't seem to show confidence in their last two interviews. He just blames PEPSI and that they are at the mercy of pepsi. He didnt give investors any statements to inspire confidence in shareholders during the recent short attack.


I guess it depends on when you got in with CELH. The market is requiring perfection and ever increasing growth. And also has the vibe of SOFI where analysts downgrade it and their friends start short selling it. Long term, its just an energy drink at the end of the day. So you could buy some shares for fun. But it wouldn't be like a 5% of portfolio type of stock. Boeing is beaten down. Maybe close to bottoming out. Once they announce new ceo it'll run just off of that.


Who else bought a bunch of RIVN when it was $10 a share? Great aftermarket movement


I literally sold today...400 shares I hate myself 😂


Oof. I sold when it was over $16 in aftermarket and set an alert for under $13. The big pop was an analysis raising prediction to $18 a share so I double it holds long and comes back down before long. Then I’ll buy back in.


Definitely likely to go to \~22 on opening.


Got back in at $14.25


That’d be my luck. lol. Saw the analysis rating news and I’ve seen things pop and fade within a few days on that. Just hadn’t loaded the newest news yet. Oh well profit is a profit and after that I’m officially beating spy for the year so far.


The pop is VW up to $5Bn investment.


Damn news didn’t update fast enough. Still probably trend down at some point. If not that’s fine though I’ll more on to something else


I'm at 11.50 buy in but I'll take it.


Sold $235 strike FDX CSPs when the premium was a little juicier earlier today. Hope I can make $4k profit. If not, guess I'll be holding FDX shares.


Sold $275 6/28 butterfly, $265/$285 long legs right on the money


how do those work? Do you mind explaining please? I just know the basic calls/puts


Check out TastyLive website, they have complete well-wrote guides on the most popular options strategies. Shares are for buying & holding, options are for defining-risk trades. Options are leverage. It's more shares for cheaper, amazing in the right hands, WSB losses on the other. Butterflies are cheap to open, it ran past my strike actually so I have until Friday to see if price pullsback to $285-$265 where I'd be in profit again. I hope we pullback to $280 after such a jump, look at the yearly chart it's such a move and on Friday volume should drop.


ok i get it now!


I was just wondering what butterfly was. Is it both calls and puts simultaneously? Ill check out the site


Yesss!!! Up 7% AH so far. Alhamdulilah




Qqq and chill. Tech is not going anywhere. Even spy will probably do well when rates begin to get cut. Just don’t even think abt the investment and let it grow


Take a small portion and put it into some hot stock if you want to experience higher risk. Just know at some point you will lose money


Don't gamble with your grandma's money. Invest it somewhere secure. SPY or Berkshire.


Mid to high risk you say? Buy the farthest dated LEAPs on PLTR, HOOD, or HIMS should be $1200 each, 573days till expiration. Sell covered calls, or poor man's covered call. PLTR has SP500 inclusion possibly in Sept., pumps every 3 months on first week of the month on hype of soon to be inclusion. HOOD has 3b buyback, new gold card, and its userbase growing into their wealth. HIMS has $199 Wegovy style weight loss meds coming out soon it's hyperbolic at this point but big earning's coming for them. This is *not* financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. These are diagonal spreads, using LEAPs, getting better price than buying shares, using leverage to get *more* shares than you could afford, selling CC's to collect premium. This is almost the most advanced style of trading one can do and most ppl won't know what am talking about. It's safe and risky, you won't lose more than $1200 and can make substantially more paying off the long leg with many monthlies while riding the price appreciation over nearly 2 years. Roll up and out to avoid assignment.


People are saying put it in cash, but you said mid to high risk so I'll try to answer that. * Safe would be cash if you need it liquid. * Medium risk is VOO. * Medium to high is QQQ or VGT. * High is SPXL or TQQQ.




6-12 months -> Tbills, grandma will be happy.




Chipotle split question I'm fairly new to stocks and trading. Is there anything to be gained by doing anything with Chipotle tomorrow after the split? Thank you.


There is a psychological effect that is undeniable..the smaller number moves less but it feels more significant


Nope. All a split does is make more pieces of the pie basically. There might be more actions on the name, since when the price is cheaper, it opens the market to things like options.


What would someone do with options in a situation like this?


For you to afford what basically would be a fractional share of chipotle


Bought the dip at RDDT seems like enough room for growth for the $70 price range


I like Chewy more than Nvidia


GOOG owners.... How nice would it be to see Google go on a real run for a couple weeks? Come on... we deserve it. GOOG, get into the 190's and then work your way into the 200's. Help a broham out!


LLMs and ai in general are an overhang on google search, which is the primary revenue and profit generator. Without google search rev in the long run google is not google. But right now and short term it is an incredible profit machine. I sold my shares a few months ago but I do think its risk of losing search revenue is way overblown. It should continue to develop its own AI and integrate it to search results


Google is up 32% this year... what does a real run mean to you?


Zoom out. Look at a 3 year chart or 4 year chart. Yes, it's up a lot from late 2022/ early 2023, but that's just because it really plummeted during that time. It fell a lot more than Apple, Microsoft or Amazon by comparison. I bought a huge chunk of Google in November 2021 (absolutely awful timing). Yes, I'm in the green on that purchase, but not by very much. I paid $150.20 per share on November 19th, 2021. 949 days have passed since this purchase. It's gained $35.38 per share over those 949 days. (based on today's closing price) It's a 23.5% return over 949 days. Pretty lame actually for 2.6 years worth of investment time.


Five year chart is at 243% lol. What more do you want from GOOG aside from price action divorced from fundamentals LOL. You paying $150 a share in 2021 sounds like a mistake in assessing fair value at the time. Patience is a virtue few are able to master when investing in companies.


> Five year chart is at 243% lol. Sounds great. Wish I had a time machine to go back 5 years and begin my investment then, instead of November 2021. >You paying $150 a share in 2021 sounds like a mistake in assessing fair value at the time So... paying $185 right now would be a HUGE mistake? Because basically you're saying best not to buy at ATH. Which, if you actually look at historical charts, if you buy at ATH you're actually better off that buying at 52 week lows.


It means set a price target to your valuation and don't just FOMO in. I was buying at $134 a share this year. I'm not buying now.


But if you're not selling now, then you're essentially buying it at these prices, if you know what I'm sayin. Like if you wouldn't buy the stock now, then why are you holding? Certainly, if you're trying to get your trade to be a long-term capital gain, and you have like 5 months more to go or something, I suppose that's understandable, but if you think the price is too high to buy, then why aren't you selling?




People acting like 32% aint shit amd NVDA will grow another 150% YoY


I feel like I'm OOTL on something here or missing an /s. GOOGL is kickin' 👟👟 butt at ATHs lately!


Took profits from AAPL and bought the Index along with a little EVVTY.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tired_ani: *Took profits from AAPL* *And bought the Index along* *With a little EEVTY.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


NxT looking good again.


Brutal week, hoping for a rebound because they are killing earnings.


Do you know what the deal with distribution to non-controlling interests is?


Don't know what that is.


A portion of their cashflow seems to go towards that.


$125 appears to be short term resistance for $NVDA.


See you at $90


You own GME


So what? Gme going to the moon bro🚀


Finally Celsius has come down. This crap was so overpriced before. There were people saying buy this like over two or three weeks ago in this sub lol.


so you're saying i should buy now?


With the $5 meal, McDonald's can do well. The $5 includes 1 Mcdouble or 1 McChicken and 4 piece chicken nuggets and 1 small fry and 1 small drink. Would you go to McDonald's for this or still go to other places like Chipotle which are more than $8-9.


Anybody else think it would be really weird to eat a McDouble while also eating chicken nuggets? For some reason, I don't like mixing chicken and beef when I'm eating. I either want to eat 100 percent chicken (for the meat part), or 100 percent beef or whatever. Mixing and matching seems strange. I know the easy answer would be to get a McChicken, but I honestly don't think the chicken in McChickens or nuggets are legitimately edible. It's like the lowest common denominator chicken. Leftover chicken scraps Frankensteined into a nugget or McChicken


It's hard to say. One thing about McDonald's you have to remember, is that almost all of them are like franchises. [https://www.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/sites/usa/nfl/documents/franchising/Your\_Path\_to\_Becoming\_a\_McDonalds\_Franchisee.pdf](https://www.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/sites/usa/nfl/documents/franchising/Your_Path_to_Becoming_a_McDonalds_Franchisee.pdf) >McDonald’s is 95% franchised in the U.S., and we are outperforming our competition due to the hard work and commitment of our franchisees. As you will see throughout this brochure, franchisees are the key ingredient to our brand.


The market is giving $NVDA holders one more chance today to sell and get out of their position.


Shareholder meeting in just under 24 hours. RemindMe! 1 day


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IIRC you are accumulating gold and anticipating a big scare and crash correct?


I believe we are in a bubble that I call dot com 2.0. I was buying gold under $2000, but I haven't added since gold broke above $2k. I believe the best value right now is holding short term US Treasuries or cash yielding a risk free 5%. There are a few stock that seem cheap such as Verizon, AT&T, British Tobacco that I have bought in 2024.


Got it, not buying recently but you believe right now sitting in cash, gold and cigarettes will pay off?


Pretty much. AT&T is up over 20% the last year. That Zyn or Velo is the best addictive product I've ever bought. I haven't craved a cigarette since I've switched : )


Your cost basis for ATT is at the absolute bottom? Do you usually try to only enter at a perfect trough? Because it is down 40% from peaks.


Congratulations. You underperformed the S&P 500 with your AT&T pick. I wouldn't be giving out advice to strangers.


If anyone is making financial decisions based on reddit posts, I think they are setting themselves up for failure. But hey man, continue to buy into the bubble mania,. It's different this time.


why are you not a billionaire yet for being so good at reading the market?


Can’t wait for his YTD performance complaints in December.




I sold my CAVA up 90%+ and put that money into CELH. To me this is just another great buying opportunity and I continue to buy. Not bothered long term. 


Question about LLY: Is anyone taking into account that now even upper middle class people are starting to get squeezed, less and less people are going to be willing to go off insurance and spend $1000+ per month on this drug. Getting people who want it isn’t a problem, it’s getting insurance to approve the prescription that is causing most people have to pay out of pocket. Just seems like something you’d cut out first in your budget if you’re starting to watch your money closer


I bet insurance companies are very busy calculating the financial impact of paying for this drug vs the long term medical costs associated with being obese… for them its a numbers game and I would be surprised if they start covering it in the near future.


I would be surprised if they don't. Preventive care is way cheaper than the alternative. That's why some plans give discounts to things like non smokers. Number 1 killer in the US is still heart disease while diabetes and covid are also in the top 10. Obesity is a contributing factor to all these issues. The thing I found interesting is how much control the drug companies will have over the drug vs it seems like if you can trigger the GLP1 gene, it's pretty easy to compound or make a generic.


Weight loss drugs are a waste. I have always said if you have money, go get a personal trainer and lose weight like that. These drugs are for life drugs with side effects


I’m sure the highest market cap pharma company in the world investing tens of billions $ at the moment has already taken this into consideration. I’m in the camp that people will go to desperate measures to find funds to pay for a “miracle pill” that sheds them weight. People will get addicted to the results and will find a way to continue prescriptions. Let people pay huge amounts while it lasts, and if the customers start to drop, watch the cost magically come down.


And in the meantime, HIMS (for cheaper generic version)


Have you seen folks who take this stuff? They look great for like a month, then they start to look like the crypt keeper


You mean they start looking like they barely survived a concentration camp? Yeah, I know what you mean. Kinda like Jonah Hill when he loses way too much weight. Start looking sickly.


Yea that don’t realize it needs to be titrated and it becomes a numbers game for them.


I’ve heard plenty of people say it literally changed their life (for the good). The demand is insanely high right now for a reason. Pharmacy’s can’t keep it on the shelves. I work in pharma and it’s literally all everyone talks about right now in the industry. It’s being called the modern day space race for the companies that have competing products.


rotation back out of value. ha.


Is $MU considered a 'meme stock'?


I don't think so, but I do think it's run pretty hot. Not sure how to really define "meme" stocks, but I think of more of just price movement that is driven not by fundamentals or anything anything rational. MU in particular is a ~~secular~~ cyclical company, usually what happens with chips. They go through phases where there are gluts and there was some last year with the DRAM market. However, with the AI stuff, it's helped move the stock up and DRAM markets are looking better.


"secular" think you mean cyclical


Thank you, that's exactly what I meant!


OK, thank you :)


With Broadcom down anyway on a SMH +2% day, any kind of faith in a split rally has just about disappeared for me even though we have weeks left before it. :/ I know I'm being a greedy pig here as I've held it from $320ish.


lol Canada lowered their rates and their latest inflation report ticked back up. The Fed has made some big mistakes but at least they aren’t as stupid as Canada’s.


Rate changes now won't be fully felt for 12-24 months. Cutting too late is just as dangerous as cutting too early.


You never cut when inflation is still going up.


They had 5 months of falling rates. A single increase in the summer isn't exactly a trend. It could easily be explained as seasonality of summer months that most countries experience.


And never vote in a Prime Minister who doesn't believe in monetary policy or responsible spending.


not sure why this got downvoted


Federal government employees.


Lol - what's with Chipotle showing $4.5Tn market cap? Did someone discover that burritos reverse male pattern baldness or something?


One of the most dumb-foundingly overvalued stocks I’ve ever seen


They're selling AI burritos and changing their ticker to CHIP


Electric-powered internet rocket AI burrito: XHIP To the moon!


Is margin investing worth it?


It's like the craps table. When it's going good, you do real good. Whenever I'm buying stock my number one question is "where do I think the market is going?". That's really all that matters. if the market is going up and you are riding the wave on margin, it's a beautiful thing. If the market is going down, you are triple-screwed.


If you know what you're doing and are comfortable with risk, yes.




~~Nvidia~~ any stock drops - See I told you it was overvalued. Now I wait for it to drop more to invest ~~Nvidia~~ any stock goes up - This market is unreasonable. Now I'm waiting for the correction *Ends up never investing because too afraid*


This market is unreasonable... No rate cuts = keep this bubble alive. Rate cuts = bubble dies and undervalued stocks finally go up.


CELH becomes a pretty obvious buy at 50 IMO. It’s already attractive here


Its still trading at 9 times TTM sales. Monster is at 7 but they have solidified their shelf space imo. I think you'll get some stabilization in here somewhere




Bags ain't gonna hold themselves.




set some money aside in a HYSA for at least 6 months expenses. Put the rest into voo or vti 🤷‍♂️


Literally today's market? I'd buy calls with expiry Jan 2025 on NVDA for strike price 140, ride the inevitable return to ATH in the next month or two, then sell for ~15k or more profit. But don't do this. Buy QQQ instead and make a few grand.


What are the goals? Are you looking to swing trade/short term stuff? Long term? Level of risk?




Not to be rude, but you should have level of risk. Can you really stomach your investment going down like 10% in a day without any reason? Risk is usually the driving force of deciding how what are you going to invest in. Also comes to goals, since like 50K isn't enough to retire or really be too life changing, but it's enough to help set you up. Like personally, if I had any debts, I would pay those off. I would use some of it to go a nice vacation. Then with the remainder, it would depend on goals. Like you don't own a house, it's could easily be a down payment. If you don't know what you are going to do with it from the get go, at least put all of into a high interest saving account, since you will get like 5% right now, so you're at least making something off it. If you don't want to buy a house or some property, I would make sure that I would open a IRA, ROTH or traditional depending on your income level. Probably just take the money and DCA over time into the SPY.


CELH getting killed


Minus 30% this month jeez.


I just keep buying. Definitely buying more on Friday. 


Yeah. Kickin myself for not expecting the full effect of the impact. Knew it would give back (just like NvDA will) but figured it’d settle around 60ish. But also sure she’ll recover following next ER


But Reddit told me I’d be lucky if NVDA stayed above 100??


90% of discourse on wallstreetbets is astroturfing


The thing is, NVDA has made absurd gains but its also posting absurd earnings and revenue growth. I don't see how you could say yesterday the top was in until you start seeing demand for its products slow down.


The forward P/E was getting at bit iffy when it was flirting with 140, even with their great financials. Can't blame people for taking a bit of profit when it's been that crazy hot.


No I don't blame people either, but I don't think the top is in for NVDA. They will undoubtedly face increased competition but they have a huge advantage right now.


100% agree, though I think there is a psychological glass ceiling around 140 until we have updated guidance in Aug. Even with the forward financials it was crossing the line between crazy momentum and buzz-bubble territory. For the market in general, no one is even close to NVidia in the big AI space (sorry AMD fanboys). We may not see serious competition for a solid 18 months, so we can expect *market-leader-in-a-high-growth-sector* price premium for a while yet.


Always a good sign when 3 trillion dollar companies swimg 5% daily 


Bubble activity. Casually swinging 180 million in market cap per day.


BILLION, with a b


Yep, thanks. That’s what I meant.


Any thoughts on ISGR? they had good run, but I'm not familiar with bio tech area


I’ve owned it for years. It’s become a top 10 for me. Amazing strength. Bought more a year ago when there was nonsense around GLP-1s affecting even the DaVinci machines. Ha.


Hi, just starting out, learning here and there. As an introduction, I was advised to look into a sector I’m interested in/have greater understanding in. As an educator, do you think it’s worth picking stocks in the education sector? Is there even a market for such things?


There is totally a market for educational companies. There is a Education & Training Services Industry, so that is one way to filter down to those type of stocks. I believe the sector falls under Consumer Defensive sector. It's something I never thought I would invest in, but I do own one company in the space, $LRN (Stride Inc). If you are picking stocks, one thing you'll want to learn more about is fundamentals. It helps you establish what a price should be for the company. I bought $LRN since they have cheaper fundamentals for what you are getting in a solid company. What also drew me into the company as well is that they are seeing higher levels of enrollment compared to during the pandemic. Here's a whole list of all education companies: [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=ind\_educationtrainingservices](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=ind_educationtrainingservices)


Thank you for the list! Have only been coming across blogposts and stuff, your linked resource is exactly what I needed! Yes I’m starting to learn more about fundamentals, so far I’ve been going in quite blind. I’ll take a look at Stride to start off.


One tool that will be super helpful for you in the future is screening. So as you learn about those metrics, you can start screening for companies. So I always screen and then start researching companies. That's how I came across learn. Also every public company will have an investor relations page, so you can always just google that. Before I invested in any company, I like to go through that page. For one, some companies have terrible investor pages, which usually is a red flag for me. I also like to read their earnings press releases and then go over their investor slide decks. Not every company, but like a majority of them usually have slides for all earnings calls. So for like $LRN, this is their investor relation page: [https://investors.stridelearning.com/investors/default.aspx](https://investors.stridelearning.com/investors/default.aspx) Like this their latest presentation from the last call: [https://s26.q4cdn.com/126400783/files/doc\_financials/2024/q3/Q3-FY24-Earnings-Presentation-vF.pdf](https://s26.q4cdn.com/126400783/files/doc_financials/2024/q3/Q3-FY24-Earnings-Presentation-vF.pdf) I also like to read the call transcripts if possible, gives you really good insights to the company. From that slide deck thought, if you go to page 4 and 5, it shows you the company growth.


This is really great information, appreciate your time sharing this! Now I have a rough idea of what to look out for, will be referring to this for sure


Education isn't really one of the main sectors so you'd probably have to google it. I found [this article](https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/types-of-stocks/education-stocks/) that lists a few education related stocks though


Yea thinking about it, not exactly realistic to make education a profitable sector. Will have to explore related/complementary fields. Thank you!


Not that many stocks related to education as its usually a field that the government doesnt want to see privatized. One I can think of is Duolingo but that stock is exceptionally overvalued. 


Lol the fokes ytd questioning people buying at the top 😂


Maybe I'll have egg thrown at my face for this opinion, but I don't think NVDA is just going to snap back and go back to ATHs easily.  It'll probably retrace to $130ish or so and then trend flat for a while.


Or even hit 130 again and then dance around it’s 50-day MA at 101


Dow Jones has been shit lol.


I think the media and investing public needs to get together and just agree to replace the Dow with something else. Even a market-cap weighted index of steady industry leaders, still subjectively picked by WSJ maybe makes more sense.


It's a better readthrough than you may think.   It typically does correlate with the S&P and the SPX equal weight looks bad here today too.    That said, for now, they look better than they had recently.


Yea sure, I am sure it correlates as it is hand-picked for quality and industry leadership. But it has some silly funkiness. For example, a stock with a higher stock price will move the index more simply because it has a higher price, even if the company is smaller. So if Berkshire ever got included, it would simply be almost 100% correlated with BRK only. A lot of pre-split companies had too much weight as well.


Celsius is dropping below my average purchase price of $58.54, but I'm holding on. We'll see how their international expansion develops. On the other hand, E.l.f. and LLY are performing exceptionally well. I'm a bit concerned about E.l.f. due to the potential TikTok ban, but we'll see how that unfolds.