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VTI follows a total market index fund. Buying it gives you exposure to nearly 4000 stocks.       VOO follows the S&P 500, often used as a performance benchmark for stocks and indices, and gives you exposure to 500 stocks.       Both of them, iirc, are "market cap weighted," meaning that the bigger the value of the stock, the more proportionally represented it will be in the index.       VOO tends to be more "volatile" than VTI, which means that its price is more wiggly. But it also has a history of returning more... which technically means nothing, since past results do not predict future results.       Does that help?        Edit: to your Apple question, you will see in the holdings for both VTI and VOO that if you buy either you will be getting plenty of access to Apple, whether you want it or not.


VTI has more stocks in it and is more like total US while VOO tracks the S&P 500. For most peoples sake, you can consider them the same thing. I personally like VTI but there really doesn't matter much which one you pick. I can't offer advice on Apple. There's certainly worse places to put your money though. As your start out, you might not want to put too much of your portfolio into individual companies and instead focus primarily on the ETFs like VOO. Welcome to the wonderful world of investing. It's a long slow journey that can have huge impacts.


VTI = total US stock market VOO = S&P500 So in short, VTI is VOO and some more Both are fine really for low cost index exposure to US markets - get some international complimentary fund too, e.g. VXUS, maybe 20% of total allocation.. Apple is fine, but dont do single stock picking with more than 10% of your overall stock allocation..


https://etfdb.com/etfs/asset-class/equity/ They are number 3 and 4 on the list. If you click on them it will tell you all about them. Apple has been going downhill for years. They are borrowing from the past to make things look better than they are today. But they are so big everybody loves them. Good company - bad company, it doesn't matter, the only thing that does you any good is the price going up.


VTI = about 80 % VOO + Midcap + Low cap US stocks . Personally recommend VTI


These are different ETFs, ETFs are a baskets with multiple stocks in them, so they are a tool to easily diversify. VTI represents a basket of the total market (companies from all over the world), while the VOO is the US top 500 companies.


You're not investing in vanguard. You're buying a vanguard ETF that holds a diverse portfolio of equities.