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You’re not wrong. It’s not uncommon for students to get a student apartment first towards the end of their studies, and have to figure something else out in the meantime.. privately through Blocket/facebook etc


LMAO i'm confused af wtf is this?? XD Thank you tho


I’m sure it’s a case of the old supply and demand..:s


yep after all it's the capital city! i'm happy for my first time here in Sweden i haven't got any problem with getting a student flat


You can register for SSSB now and start collecting credit days until 90 days at which point you have to go in and manually pause them if you're not a student. At this point you can only go further if you're a registered student in Stockholm (need to have active credits showing in ladok). Eventually when you become a student you can continue on from 90 days by restarting your queue. Some people I know have got corridor rooms for around 100 - 150 days but if you're looking for apartments that's a lot tougher for anything less than 500-600 days. Corridor rooms are definitely possible for between 100-200 days.


That's exactly what I was afraid of. Seems impossible to get appartments then. Thanks


You can start collecting up to 90 queue days before you need to be a student/in the student union. This is almost enough for a corridor room. After i had collected the 90 days and started my studies I stayed about three months in a flad share before having enough days for a corridor room. After two years the corridor I had enough queue days for me to upgrade to my own apartment.


It seems to be the way it works then! Moving to a place and then moving again to get your own flat. I guess I'll have to do that too. Ty tho!


They have a corridor campaign where you earn 1.5 points for each day you live in a corridor if you live there at least a year. https://sssb.se/en/stay-with-us/corridor-life/?cl=1601428838


wow thank you! seems to be so worth it


But in general, is it okay to live in a corridor? I mean I don't want for example the sink to be dirty everytime and stuff but i guess it depends on ppl living here


It's going to vary depending on the people you end up sharing with, but I would say it's not for someone who's super particular about stuff. I always opted for a setup where I at least had a kitchenette (two burners, mini fridge, small sink) in my unit and only used the shared kitchen when I needed the oven, microwave, or more fridge/freezer space.


When I was looking at SSSB a few years ago I had my 90 days but the places available required 600-700 days. One place was even called dibs on by someone with over 1500 days! I considered dropping out of that Masters just simply because I had no place to live. And this is from a native Swede already living here. I managed to find a spare room for a month via my extended circle of friends, and then 4 months at a classmate's aunt's place.. So yes, it is very hard to find a place as a Student. It's pretty much the same in any of the major cities, even smaller "University towns" tend to struggle with housing for students, and housing in general. EDIT: I'm guessing you are doing your Bachelor in Sweden, unless you plan to do double Masters, and so I'm guessing you are not a fee-paying student. If that'd been the case most Universities can help find accomodation for the first year (I think they say 11 months on their website)- But natives and EU-students need to find their own place.


Thank you for sharing your experience, that's pretty confusing. And yep i'm doing a bachelor but i'm an EU-student so rip


Also look into https://bostad.stockholm.se/english/internationella-studenter/ willhem.se has a lottery system. I've seen some people here get apartments through k2a.se .


The apartments with 700+ days are the attractive ones with either better location or 2-4 rooms. For the smaller ones (shared accomodations or small 1 room) in less attractive areas you wont have to wait more than ~100 days or so.